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Mariam Baouardy is to the left while Alphonsine Ghattas is to the right |
Today, May 17th, in a canonization laden with significance both religious and political, Pope Francis declared Marie Alphonsine Ghattas and Mariam Baouardy the first two Palestinian saints of modern times. About 2,000 Palestinians gathered in the Vatican's St. Peter's Square to sing and pray and celebrate their saints. There, they heard the Pope pay tribute to the way in which the two new saints experienced the love of God.
He said: Sister Mariam Baouardy experienced this in an outstanding way. Poor and uneducated, she was able to counsel others and provide theological explanations with extreme clarity, the fruit of her constant converse with the Holy Spirit. Her docility to the Spirit also made her a means of encounter and fellowship with the Muslim world,"
"So, too, Sister Marie Alphonsine Danil Ghattas came to understand clearly what it means to radiate the love of God ... and to be a witness to meekness and unity. She shows us the importance of becoming responsible for one another, of living lives of service one to another," he said.
Ghattas was born in Jerusalem in the 1840s to a devout Christian family. She became a nun, dedicating herself to a life of quiet servitude.
In Bethlehem, she said she began to receive visions of the Virgin Mary telling her to start a new congregation for Arab girls, called Sisters of the Rosary.
Ghattas' hard work and her profound devotion led to the founding of the Rosary Sisters Convent. It was Ghattas' home, which she donated to the convent to spread education and culture to those in need.
While Baouardy was born in Ibillin, a small village in Galilee, also in the 1840s. She was the 13th child in her family, and the only one to survive past infancy.
Her parents died when she was 3 years old, and her uncle raised her.
In Alexandria, Egypt, one of her uncle's servants told her to convert to Islam. When she refused, the servant slit her throat.
It was then that Baouardy's miracle began.
"Mariam became a martyr, and she went to heaven," said Sister Fireal of the Carmelite Monastery in Bethlehem. "She saw the crown of grace, saw her mother and father. But she heard a voice saying that your life is not yet over and you should return to Earth."
According to Baouardy's account, a young nun dressed in blue healed her, cared for her, and led her to the church. It was, she believed, the Virgin Mary.
Baouardy led a life of service to the poor and to the church.
This clergies should remember our iwene tansi na
ohhhhh ...... sumdoroboooo shimdarabaaaa we pray oh god
Nice one.. lindaobserve
All d best pope-F
It is a new day in Palestine. Didn't know there were Christians there, let alone Catholics.
Glory be to God. I will miss the grammar sha. Otouke get ready to receive your son and wife. Welcome to Aso rock GMB. God Bless the FRN.
I don't understand
I'm no catholic but you cant help but respect some of these nuns, they give stuff up not for 2 days or a week or a year, some do it for a life time!!!!! and just dedicate their entire life to serving God, the church and humanity
I believe in the holy catholic and apostolic church,the communion of saints,the forgiveness of sins the resurrection of the body and live everlasting amen..
Okay heard
Happy for this news.
Just love this catholic pope.
No time for discrimination & sentiments.
Cool ooh looking forward Fr thansi's
Cool, and dis is great. Thumbs up to him, and more power to his elbows.
Sth is missing, and I must say dis is wht we Catholic's use to deceive oursef which is no man on planet earth gives sainthood except God which comes after death dat is if u make Heaven.
Awwww... How sweet!
Very good may God almighty give the power to carry on the good work
Wow! I'm so happy for the people of Palestine.
Et unam sanctam Catholicam.
Dis words "confers sainthood " should b changed to another significannt words bcos its only d true, and living God dat can confers sainthood on souls dat makes Heaven.
No living creatures on planet earth has d authority to confers sainthood. Wht abt if d soul doesn't make Heaven do u stil call d person saint, and hw do u knw d person made Heaven or not.
I think its high time we humans should stop judging or concluding dat we r entitled to Heaven bcos of our positions in church or good works on earth.
D bible is clear abt d criteria's for sainthood which is given solely to those dat makes Heaven by Christ or d true, and living God.
Dis words "confers sainthood " should b changed to another significant words bcos its only d true, and living God dat can confers sainthood on souls dat makes Heaven.
No living creatures on planet earth has d authority to confers sainthood. Wht abt if d soul doesn't make Heaven do u stil call d person saint, and hw do u knw d person made Heaven or not.
I think its high time we humans should stop judging or concluding dat we r entitled to Heaven bcos of our positions in church or good works on earth.
D bible is clear abt d criteria's for sainthood which is given solely to those dat makes Heaven by Christ or d true, and living God.
I really don't get it. I guess only the catholics will understand better. Hope its a good thing.
Congratulations to the palestinians.
Busy Fingers.
hmm.. das gud for the Palestinians and thumbs up for pope francis. missing those days of being a catholic.
Long live d Pope!
Cool but I Wana be a saint 2...lol
How nice,its indeed worth it
I tried not to, but I love this pope! There were so many horrible things said about him before his installation. I thought he was the wrong choice. Boy was I wrong. He's a healer and peacemaker who speaks truth to power.
Strategic canonization
Ike wilheminna a nara na m uche m
Thank God for them
Dis words "confers sainthood " should b changed to another significant words bcos its only d true, and living God dat can confers sainthood on souls dat makes Heaven.
No living creatures on planet earth has d authority to confers sainthood. Wht abt if d soul doesn't make Heaven do u stil call d person saint, and hw do u knw d person made Heaven or not.
I think its high time we humans should stop judging or concluding dat we r entitled to Heaven bcos of our positions in church or good works on earth.
D bible is clear abt d criteria's for sainthood which is given solely to those dat makes Heaven by Christ or d true, and living God.
Shut up...ur are a talkative. What do you know....nd Ur nt a catholic...if u were n u had any misconceptions about a doctrine, u'l take it up with a priest not come here and denounce it. Do u av any idea what you have just done?Idiot.
Royal priest or babalawo u are a big fool,yes a bigg 1 ode!mumu go n read ur bible very well b4 coming here to blab....trying to feel among which kind we catholic?which we?faggot
You must be ******. Think before you hump on that keypad of yours.
Praise God
Same people that destroyed israelite and kicked out blacks igbos and the rest is doing it again, all lies upon lies Pop go and seat down my friend. Stop this propaganda lies.
The bible is clear that only born-again Christians are saints not dead people.
A born-again christian is a saint! Not dead people.
Nice comments by everyone and may the God through the Holy Spirit continue to guide the Catholic Church , the pope and the entire Christians and Christian leaders on making the right decisions. And may the gates of hell never prevail against the Christian fold and for people like @royalpriest hood when you post the same discriminatory statement two or three times i wonder what your purpose is? Must you drag people into arguing about what they do not understand ? Or you think your the only person who knows the bible? Going by the various comments av seen you post I wonder how many of them are backed by the bible ? In case you don't know unity is different from uniformity , Jesus prayed for us to be united in purpose.it doesn't mean every churche"s form of worship must be the same. The church is becoming one. People don't have time to castigate or bother about people's mode of worship .people are getting more concerned about their personal salvation and personal relationship with God as you can see on this page no one has time to argue whether this church is right or wrong , focus on your personal salvation and God bless us all. As a bible scholar dat you are trying to portray, you should be aware of the word REVELATION through the Holy Spirit hence many decisions, you may not understand are led by the spirit . God bless us all
@ROYAL PRIESTHOOD It is not the first time someone has remarked on your ignorance and your lack of understanding of issues before you write things. Just a little education... The Catholic Church confirms what God has done. God makes saints and the Church only confirms the work of God through verifiable signs she requests from God to proof that the lives of these people was exceptionally holy. For your info holiness of life filled with love is what qualifies one for sainthood which fruits are miracles that can be proven. If you are ignorant about something it is best to ask for education than to criticize what you don't know.
The power to confirm God's deed on earth is given to the Church (Matt: 16:18-19)
Tnx 2 chukwuebuka ogbonna.well said n as 4 anon 7.55am n royal priesthood I read dis blog evryday n dnt comment bt bcos of u both I'm forced 2 say dis,if u r not a catholic n u dnt undstd d doctrines or d bible kindly shut d fuck up.simple
Glory be to God. + Always remember that God standard is holiness.
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