According to her, she was so ill to the extent that she will engage in political campaigns for her husband during the day and fly out to Germany for treatment at night. She said she was sneaked out of the country to Germany for surgery in January 2015. She said she was miraculously healed immediately after the elections.
"I went through four different hospitals in Germany for the test and they returned a verdict that it was no longer necessary to do the surgery,” she saidThis will be the last service president Jonathan and his wife will be attending at Aso Rock villa.
Get well soon
Wee You Keep Qwiet
Awww I thought is a crime getting a medical attention wen ill???? Yeye dey smell!
Ok.we don hear
ooooo Mama Peace,thank God for keeping her...#BetaDaysAhead4Nigeria
Eyaaaa kpele o, sorryyy
Ehya..no wonder she has been quiet for a long time. I hope you'r much better now. I still love you no matter what! ;)
Farewell mama peace
Aisha Buhari,please learn to be humble like this woman.Stop talking anyhow.
The bottom line is u r okay now, thank God.
Wat an irony, tot it was the same person that said GMB was sick during campaign? Besides, if ur husband has paid more attention on the health sector, there wouldn't have been any need for u visiting Germany.
Thank God for her live, and we bless God for dis healing. Stay strong alwaz, and we r happy dat ur hubby didn't lose u while he was in office.
That's very good. After 16yrs of your husband and his criminal party in power, you had to go to Germany for medical care.
Lol. Pre-election sickness. Thank God she's fine now atleast no post election sickness lol #onelovefromsnow#
Hope u don well now? I go miss dis woman oooooo.
Ehn ehn.God really loves u.always healing u! Strong woman! Everyman need a woman like her that can support her husband dream with everything she got!
oh really? but u kept saying buhari is sick and would soon die ma'am... so reverse was the case?
Story story!
Too much money!!!
Hmmmmmmmmmmmm was expecting this excuse. Mama dont worry u will rest in otuoke with palm wine n bush meat
Thank God she is finally healed.
Thought you were busy campaigning for GEJ and una party dey busy dey look 4 GMB result which I thank God that he gave you guys result. Surgery, you said GMB had a fish brain that his brain is dead how come you're the one who's sick and need surgery? Anyway let me comment my reserve.
Lol... scream it!
Kikikiki they are all falling ill while GMB getting healthier, wetin come happen na, shey na Buhari bin dey sick???
Ur a big fool
Oh it's actually u and not Buhari. Why didn't u visit general hospital gqwagwalada?
I thank God for her live dat we didn't loss her, and we wil never loss her. I wish her all d best of good health.
Definitely goin' to miss her.
Anita kai! Wishing ur entire family long life $ prosperity.
Anita kai! Wishing ur entire family long life $ prosperity.
Glad she's fine now.
Sorry ma. Health is urs ijn
Royal gbagaun!what is it?Your grammatical errors can kill.
U mean d other way right? MamA peace humble? That's d funniest thing said today
You are definitely joking.humble?dame patience?
Get we'll mama peace
What an irony of life....but you guys were telling people GMB was ill....You see how God dey catch people. ..? You can manipulate human being but you can't manipulate God the creator of heaven and earth
They are a disgrace to themselves..Imagine coming openly telling us u went to Germany for Medical attention..That means the hospitals in Nigeria is not worth it and anybody who does not have money to travel should die here..Please Youths let's revolt in this country..its not fair on how tis government have treated us
I'm very sure it was mental illness. Pack your shit and get the fuck outta AR!!!!!
Pashee humble are u a Nigerian @ all.
Pashee humble are u a Nigerian @ all
She could have fooled me, with the way she was running her mouth during the campaign.
How these people shamelessly own up to the fact that they travel abroad for treatment as if they see nothing wrong with that is beyond me. Isn't there gonna be a law that criminalises such acts. Die in Nigeria if there can be no good hospital to treat you there
Kpele..........dis story nids a title
Huh?U must've insanity runnin thru ur family tree
well we thank God for her life..
Genevieve Nnaji in banging,sexy bikini body while holidaying in Mexico|CREEBHILLS BLOG REVIEW
Wait so Fayose was making noise about Buhari supposedly getting medical treatment in London when first lady was sneaking into Germany every night for treatment too?
Mama p, GOD is ur Strength, u re totally healed
I'm very happy for u mama peace. I will definitely miss u.
I meant "life" not live".
I meant "life" not live".
Sneaked out of the country??you should get an English teacher Ikeji.
It is "Snuck out of the country".. Learn!!
In life, one need to be careful when using ill words people.
Germany hospital bah? They never trust d system they built for Nigeria cuz they all know is inferior or not even existing.
Thank God for her life tho cuz some others couldn't even survive the illness despites visiting some of the bests clinics in the world.
@Anita,please shut up ur toto.u talk 2 much.
She will campaign during the day and travel to Germany for ttreatment at night!!!!! eh eh....really???
Moye says so via BB Passport...Courtesy LIB....
Sneak. Out 4rm Africa 2 Europe. Lies
Lose her @Royal Priesthood. No one is above mistakes, but I hope u'll open this page again and read. So u kud correct that mistake for life, cuz u repeated it twice in a "comment "
Lolz, y Germany hospital n nt fct general hospital or Bayelsa state general hospital? Anyway, thank God u r much better now
Wen she no go keep her rotten mouth shut, she need mouth surgery
Humble? Did i hear you say humble? Dame Patience Jonathan humble? This is the meanest joke of the year, humility doesn't exist in her dictionary. If you really know her, you would understand better.
Well said! She's not even ashamed to say she had to fly all the way to Germany for treatment! Can you imagine, I'm sure it was Nigerians money that was used to pay the heavy medical bills.
Ds must be a case of mistaken identity!
Are you okay? Patience? Humble? Fumble.
Smile................ yeye woman, Election tension.
See her hard face for the first picture. Like man wey wear ear ring, head scarf, necklace and lip stick.
@royal priesthood: pls easy on dose shots. I don't av a vest on. Kai. Even ur shot can put her back on sick bed
Shioooor shoro niyen?
This is super story!...gonna miss ya anyway.
...NA ZO
U never start, u will so go brain dead, when u where busy speaking ill of GMB u didn't know u where referring to urself, when u asked supporters to stone any1 who chants change u didn't know dat by ur words and acts u will b ones to b stoned out of office with our votes. Useless woman, u just started shepopotamus,trying to attract sympathy and avoid public condemnation and bashing for ur uncultured manner during d elections u where sick but u where not sick enough to go and cause trouble in Rivers and Bayelsa,,u will regret ever insulting GMB useless pig of a woman
You must be sniffing glue. Don't post if you've got nothing intelligent to say.
Glad mama peace is healthy now.
Do we have a Mosque in the Villa ?
I wish u all De best mama peace
One wud xpect it now, she cudn't take it wen her husband failed d election. I fink her bp went high...so she went for proper check up. She's back to now to ansa all y'a all.
Tnk heavens u r ok now maam.
E reach to sick o, after dey loose
as long as she is well now.
So you were ill and your mouth was still causing mass destruction??
Eyaaa...My 'Continuu' woman...lol...thanks to God 4 everythn
Can u pls stop comparing apples and oranges? Aisha Buhari can never be anything like this illiterate.
Lool they were giving her super elections campaigning power at night in Germany everyday loooool
Stress was over. Stress can kill. Be thankful that you handover a nation of ingrates to someone else to handle. I pray for Buhari and Osibanjo. FIrst line of action is to not allow 2000 people like I read about coming to Aso Rock to visit them. When will you have time to implement your plan? Hian!
Thought it was her mouth that needed surgery....
Who cares!
Ehya sorry mama peace
Why she no die sef? It would av been better.
soo wait she was ill an she started shouting like mad woman in campaign rallies. Diaris God O.
@anonymous 3:9pm the reverse should be the case. Patience humble indeed
Lmao@gen hospital gwags....flying to germany at nyt n salaries avnt been paid....it is well
Royal Priesthood, ya English sef sick o
@ Arkiss....how does it feel to finally see one of your kind?
Text Fortune to 33020.
Tnk God o
The comments here are hilarious!
The people here are very funny with their comments!
Thank GOD she can go to prison now
Thank GOD she can go to prison now
Thank God she's hale and hearty now.
U guyz replying him or her didn't do irony in ur secondary schl???? Urgh
Seeking sympathy?
Return stolen loot and then seek consideration.
Sorry ooo mama peace lolz
Election illness
Mama p you are the one shouting sickness, so u have seen it
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