Now the question is…with regard to professionalism and the Hippocratic oath sworn by medical doctors, can the doctors action be justified? The photo he posted below...
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Only quacks
Prolly with permission from the patient that's if the patient is the relative/spouse. Lindaobserve
That's a mean spirited joke.
Don't think its right.
is totally BAD.
Totally wrong wat if d patient has HIV or some kind of disease nd doesn't want pple 2 find out, tinz lyk ds can flUsh d patient out, if its mi I will sue d doctor its do unethical.
It's totally unprofessional for crying out loud.
Well, I Think it's ok so long as the name or personal details of his patient is not disclosed. And that's where confidentiality comes in.
i'm a doctor and this is VERY UNETHICAL! unless he explicitly got permission from the patient to post this pic on social media (which i highly doubt), this doctor needs to go and refresh his memory. he'd be fired or at the very least face the ethics committee if he worked in my hospital (in the US).
Oh my goodness. All i see is d extremely wounded patient. What happened to his hands and face? Chai
The social media is blurred the line between ethics and morality. Anything goes these days.
Not really ideal. Things like that shouldn't be encouraged for any reason. Courtesy demands you show respect in every situation. James 4:17
This doctor.. Hmmm I think he's a northerner
This Doctor is so proving Albert Einstein right. What a generation of id...,selfie madness. This is so unprofessional,the so called "doctor and his likes" deserve what ever lash they have got so far and more.
Wrong,, its very wrong for the doctor
Is best he showed it, so that our useless fools can see it
Is best he showed it, so that our useless fools can see it
Wrong on ALL levels except with the approval of the patient.The NMA should suspend or revoke his license.
He shouldn't have. Hope the right people take up this case to deter others
He is wrong and more wrong for trying to justify d act
Use grammar defend ya sef doc.
It's very wrong. The pix even emphasized the patients more than himself. I am a medical doctor and I assert that this doctor be called to order.
This is unprofessional.....and he shud stop justifying his actions...........The medical/dental board shud look into dis case
Moye says so via BB Passport...Courtesy LIB....
smh lobatan selfie in ER
He is nt suppose to without d consent of d patient
Patients are treated with confidentiality!
Mind you, they are patients n not criminals. #ethics of the health proffession......Registered nurse.
That doctor shud be queried
Everything is wrong about it. The patients have right to their privacy, The doctor is meant to be more interested in their treatment and quick recovery. Why the selfie in the first instance? just few months ago in China, some doctors lost their license to this same offence.
Wot the bloody fuck?!! Stupid animal! Dis is jst wrong on every level
I think it is wrong of the Doctor to post the selfie with a patient in the background.
I also think it wrong that he challenges the commentator for asking.
If he did not want comments, he should have kept his post private!
As a foreign trained medical graduate based in the US, he is wrong and his over inflated egoistic response is wrong. Health care workers over here have been fired for same offense. Posting that pic with the patients behind is equal to bridging patient's privacy and confidentiality rights. I can triple assure you he didn't get the permission from those two before taking that pic and before posting it. Thats a warrant for getting him laid off if not prosecuted. He should either have taken it down or found a better response. Attacking the writer and bragging about his knowledge of medical ethics is horrible. I dont know where this happened but over here, he will be fired asap and if he is not, someone would do amebo to the state licensing officials who will conduct investigation. ...end result? He will still be fired for bridging patients rights and confidentiality if not prosecuted. I have seen people fired for posting pics which patients gladly took but no proof that they approved your posting it. Even if they approved you taking the pic, did they approve your posting it to the public? If not, its infringement on patient's confidentiality.
very unprofessional common among young doctors
Oga we no dey drag ethics with you, na question we ask. Where is the selfie you took with an Ebola patient? Dokta!
We all know this is unprofessional.
He should know that it is very wrong. What is he even doing with his phone when he is meant to be attending to the patients that need so much attention?
Having the guts to post it on fb makes no sense.
He needs to be penalized by the medical guild association.
What is he trying to display to people?
I don't get.................
Haba this is highly unprofessional abeg. Dis is meant to be confidential doc.
Those patients doesn't even look alive seems they are corps but its a very bad one from u doc
Haba, this is highly unprofessional abeg. What d hell is he trying to create. Things like dis re meant 2b confidential young Doc. Its obvious d@ he is new in d profession. Smh
Haba, this is highly unprofessional abeg. What d hell is he trying to create. Things like dis re meant 2b confidential young Doc. Its obvious d@ he is new in d profession. Smh
Absolutely WRONG !
Haba, this is highly unprofessional abeg. What d hell is he trying to create. Things like dis re meant 2b confidential young Doc. Its obvious d@ he is new in d profession. Smh
Don't get me started on him using bible reference to support his wrong. I am a Christian and people who use bible to support doing wrong get on my nerves. Dude, you are wrong. Accept it and move on. Accept it and make a joke. The earth wont stop cos you admitted being wrong. Your ignorance in defending your action makes me wonder what other aspect of medicine you are ignorant about and what effects it would have on mankind or your patients. Borrow a page from same Paul you wrote about and be humble. #humbleyourself#.
With regards to his boast about medical ethics, he was wrong. With regards to pauline ethics, he was wrong. I am not insinuating like he told the commenter, I am telling him "dude, you are wrong". You are VERY IGNORANT of your ethics.
Funny he ended with smh. Another ignorance on his part.
Mr. Hauwa E OTeri MD, I shake my head vigorously on your behalf for your ignorance
no no no!!!! this is very wrong
Haba, this is highly unprofessional abeg. What d hell is he trying to create. Things like dis re meant 2b confidential young Doc. Its obvious d@ he is new in d profession. Smh
Haba, this is highly unprofessional abeg. What d hell is he trying to create. Things like dis re meant 2b confidential young Doc. Its obvious d@ he is new in d profession. Smh
Haba, this is highly unprofessional abeg. What d hell is he trying to create. Things like dis re meant 2b confidential young Doc. Its obvious d@ he is new in d profession. Smh
Haba, this is highly unprofessional abeg. What d hell is he trying to create. Things like dis re meant 2b confidential young Doc. Its obvious d@ he is new in d profession. Smh
Haba, this is highly unprofessional abeg. What d hell is he trying to create. Things like dis re meant 2b confidential young Doc. Its obvious d@ he is new in d profession. Smh
Am not a doctor and don't know anything about the ethics of being a doctor.
But I think its wrong.
He is supposed to be sanctioned because he infringed on d patient's privacy. He is wrong for trying to justify his action
Dat doctor must b sick, and unprofessional. He should b admitted or go for check up. Dis is nonsense, and d height of unprofessional conduct.
It is totally wrong.
He epitomises everything wrong with Nigeria or better still the zoo called Nigeria.
YOU PEOPLE can like to judge and critic just anything and anyone. ABSOLUTELY NOTHING wrong with the pics. He is educating people mostly and not merely taking a selfie!
Now what brought region in this discussion???
Now what brought region in this discussion???
Now what brought region in this discussion???
It's un ethical.
Btw the fact that he's putting on aa theatre cloak doesn't make him a doctor.
He might as well be a theatre attendant.
In theatres, u could take pictures bt bout a procedure but without d face of the patient,so i wonder y he would take pictures not of a procedure but of the patient and post online.
We'v got what we call consent with which we abide by and i doubt the above RTA looking patient,wouldn't have had d will nor strength to utter a consent,
So yea...its unacceptable
Lmao Christie ooooo I see uve been doing a lot of research on vocabulary lately,ure nt dere yet,u hv miles to cover bt u'll get dere someday,keep it up
I might not be a medical doctor, but dis is soo WRONG!!!!
Save your breath...i doubt he's a doctor.
I'm pretty sure he's a theatre attendant.
When did we start pushing theatre trollies huh?
Thanks Linda. Now he's gonna get the boot.
He ain't a doctor...such a high and prestigious tittle shouldn't be given to a mere theatre attendant dt chose to be unprofessional,not that it exist in their dictionary anyways.
A doctor can't act as such cos he'd know better
Over wrong dey worry am set, what rubbish! Linda take note!
Over wrong dey worry am set, what rubbish! Linda take note!
Over wrong dey worry am set, what rubbish! Linda take note!
Over wrong dey worry am set, what rubbish! Linda take note!
His response is "I'm a doctor and you are not?" Weak. He's obviously a loser.
Wrong of him to do dis.
I'm a doctor. A young one at that and this is very wrong. At this point if he had apologized and taken down the pics he would still have some sympathy. But he still went ahead. To defend his folly in the most conceited way. And in this era of social media, he only has himself to blame if this whole thing blows up in his face. I wish him the best
It is absolutely wrong because it's a gross violation of patient's rights under the laws of medical ethics and patient consent.
It's very unfortunate my colleagues get away with a lot of ills taking advantage of our banana republic:-(
I'm a doctor and it's totally unacceptable unless d patient gave him consent to do so!!! Can't believe he was even trying to defend himself rather than take it down!!! Anyways in Naija patients don't know their rights as such if not he shld get his ass sued!!
Grammar wey no make sense. He's an idiot!
no big deal,as far as the patients faces ain showing...nothing wrong wit takin a selfie in the ER
Hauwa Oteri was the person who did the right thing and called him out. Doc's name is Rishante Ugyarah.
Very unethical!
Americans call this HIPAA violation. You go smell your yansh if na US.
Nope. This is not a one atall
This is uncalled for. He should be sanctioned immediately
Very very wrong of U gramatical oversabi doctor.
1 million likes
Oruwe, what as being a northerner got to do with this. Now, I know that not all that comment on socia-media a mentally sane.
Unethical his license should be revoked. It's an infringe on the patients privacy. This act cannot be justified unless the patient gave consent, and in this case they clearly couldn't have
I am very sure he is a 300L over sabi medical student. A licensed , responsible, Medical Doctor won't do that.See him rapping Shakespearean grammar . After,he will say he's been on Call.#Selfie call.odiegwu.If I were the patient's relatives, I will sue him asap.Mtcheew
It's ethically, morally and every shade of wrong. Wat was he trying to do? Lose his license?
He should have just uploaded the victims picture without his own
He should have just uploaded the victims picture without his own
Why are you such an idiot?You are such an empty barrel
Such silliness!
It's not by speaking English Dr. Rishante. Take down the pictures and apologise. Simple. ----C21
Is he an IT student or wat,he shud b sanctioned.
Its not against our medical ethics so whats not ok about it. Pls next the talk
He should be stripped off his PIN number and struck off the register of medical doctors. What a shame. Taking selfie in an emergency situation. Patients image included in the selfie without their consent!!
I am a medical doctor and it is outrightly unprofessional. The administration will definitely take action.
He is ignorant of his hippocratic oath
I am a medical doctor and it is outrightly unprofessional. The administration will definitely take action.
He is ignorant of his hippocratic oath
Most youths and nigerians re. Educated illiterates! U pple can get a simple message all u do is act like deaf and dumb,imagine a comment talking abt if d patient have HIV!! Abah this doctor was only saying pple shld take it easy with the election victory jubilation and those patients in this doctor's selfie is an explanation that they are victims of the victory jubilation hence is hash tag #someonestopthismadness. Pls consult ur brains digest and read well.
US trained naija doc and nope it isn't right. I am not sure what the purpose of this was. Here we go by HIPAA, regarding patient confidentiality and he just broke it.
he must be an aboki doctor
Absolutely wrong!Extremely unethical!I remember being taught in medskul never to take d pics of ma patient while on admission,or durin routine check up.
Is not right @all, is very bad of him to do such thing.
Emmm, oga anon 2:45 Hauwa is the commenter and not the doc, read again
So unprofessional nd unethical.....nd he has d guts to blab?? He shud be checked..
God bless u 4 dis lil piece....i hope he reads it nd rights his wrongs instead of trying to justify his action# my guy u ae wrong..shikena.
I'm a doctor and I can confidently say that this is extremely wrong. Even pictures that are taken for treatment purposes to monitor the course of an infection are taken with permission of the patient. He can be sued for this. He even showed his face and dug his own hole. Very wrong.
AH AH see Rishante O!! Bro Not sure that's pure tho, hehe my Sis got some Linda Ikeji Buzz today...niceeee!!
The patient on the left has probably died. Foam is still in his mouth. The one on the right seems to be unconscious or sleeping. This aboki is an attendant for sure. Even a mad doctor will not post these kind of pics. However he should be seriously penalised and fired too by his employers. Stupid and foolish scum bag
Not cool nah..imagine some1 is liein dia helpless n ur takin a selfie wit him...thats bad already nt to talk of been a doc on dutie
this is absolutely unethical and wrong, but only in Nigeria will it be overlooked and i pray this changes soon. A friend of mine was suspended for 6 months without pay when she took a picture of a patient's leg (no face o) here in the uk and she even had good reason to do it but since she had no permission, she got in big soup. the doctor needs to learn about ethics
Thank you. I was going to say, I'm sure there must be a law that parallels HIPAA in Nigeria brcause this is wrong on so many levels. Doc or attendant or whatever you are. Admit it! You messed up!
Lol. Edirin.
I am a doctor..and I am 90% certain that man is not a dr.....
Could be a cleaner or a porter. ...
No dr would post such and come out ro defend it.....see em yeye face...dr wannabe
Absolutely wrong Dr...truth is, d hippocratic oath should b introduced as a brush-through course for all final year medical student for deeper appreciation.dis is d only way to cut down on such
to me, is not right
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