"Lane and I had found out we were having a baby at the beginning of 2014, and boy let me tell ya we were beyond excited. I think the thought of having a kid made Lane the happiest person in the world. We were scared as any new parents would be but ready for the adventure together. But in July last year tragedy struck. After a holiday away to see family, Lane fell and hit his head and was later pronounced dead in hospital."
"The father of my unborn child. And since that day I have felt so empty inside. A part of me will forever be missing. I loved that man more than life itself."Months later, with her baby boy Taos now a toddler, she went for a photoshoot so she could have some mother and son photos.
Kayli, the friend who took the photos, was so moved by her tragic story that she went the extra mile.
Using old photos of Lane, she retrofitted him into the snap to give the heartbroken mother the family photo she has always wanted but thought was never possible.

She added: "Thanks to Kayli I now have a picture of my little family. It brought me to tears as I know it will many of y'all. This is how I picture us. Taos and I living our lives the best we can with Lane ALWAYS watching over our shoulder.
He is watching out for his little boy better than anyone and I know he's got to be so proud.
"I love my little family so much and I'm proud to be the mother to Lane's little boy."
Source: Mirror UK/Kayli Rene
I find this disturbing
Looks legit. Eya I feel her pain! Lindaobserve
Hai! Some people sha!
Looks legit. Eya I feel her pain! Lindaobserve
Awww!....So touching
What a tragedy! Sorry dear...I pray we all live to a good old age to see our children children!
Awww! So heart rendering, may God give her the fortitude to bear the loss.
Eyah.Dis world sha!! *Tears
Awwwwwww, so touching.....I was really moved 2 tears, it would have been a perfect family!!! So sad
So touching a story.
Eya....so sad
Osinbajo will envy this fotoshop. He was caught red handed when he attempted it.
So sad.
God give you the fortitude to bear your loss.
Makes me want to cry. Really touching
Awwwh, couldn't hold my tears.
Awww! The magic of photoshop. Good for her :) Its the easter season; Think His Love or Sink in Sin. Kindly click www.thepinkjournalng.blogspot.com.
This actually made me cry....
Wow! Dis is true love in display. God bless her abundantly, and see her baby thru IJN. RIP 2d hubby, and I hope he knew Christ b4 his death.
Hoops nice one
Awwwww. So sad,but God will heal ur hrt. #Hajia Mufliat
Smh... So touching...
may his soul rest in peace...
So sad.
Awwwwww, I'm moved to tears as well. May God heal her pains. Linda take note!
That's not looking good its scary
Awwwww so touchy.
Sad story
E ya, heart broken story, RIP man. May God take care of d baby 4 r IJN
E ya, heart broken story, RIP man. May God take care of d baby 4 r IJN
There are men whose babies a woman would love to have. Very cute family. RIP Lane.. you have people that'll miss you forever. ----C21
Damn, that baby is too cute.......the lady is too beautiful to be a widow.........
Awwww so sad.
Woo dz is touching
Wow! So touching...and they look so good together
Touching! Now,thats what I call creativity.
So sad
Awww so touching... take heart dear
Driver what do you know??!sharrap dia!trying to speak English?Mbanuuuu!
Nice job by d fotografa
me too o driver
almost cried looking at d first pix
so hrt breaking
Awwwwww,I cried a lil
Awwwwww,I cried a lil
This is real nice! I would have loved this very much.
Awww *teary eyes* it's so sad to loose a loved one
Aww.dats so touching
So touching.....
Its well. He misses his family.
Me too...
Sad...RIP to d dead
Oh! This is so heartbreaking! D first pix got me teary.
Buhahahahahahahaha, Anon 2.02,av died.lwkmd kai u don finish driver ooo.lol
So sad
tears* tears* tears. i lack words.
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