Singer Dencia is one of the few people who does not approve of the US-Africa Summit currently going on in Washington D.C, which is focusing on trade and investment in Africa. GEJ, other African Heads of State and plenty Nigerian celebs are in D.C for the summit but Dencia thinks it's useless and of no benefit to Africa. Continue to read her thoughts on the matter and tell us if you agree with her...
Read from bottom to top...
Cos you both weren't invited! I bet you'd differ if you Linda had been invited! Ntoin.
totally Agree.......
Makes no sense!
I agree.
I was going to say she was angry at not being invited to the party, but she made perfect sense. you go girl.
Y are you calling it useless madam!! One must watch you very closely..1 tim 2:1-3. BishopDammy#.
For the first time; i agree with Dencia....
I share her view too but in a different light.Sensible presidents from african countries refused attending the meeting coz their country is threatened by Ebola.Our own president who obviously doesn't care about fresh air in Nigeria flew to US to attend the meeting with all the inherent expenses.Ebola & BH are threatening Africa and Nigeria,why can't the summit be about them?
She's just bitter cos she wasn't invited nd she wants to show us that She's not completely dumb
Okay....heard that..
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Or add up on 22F5D187 for one on one conversation. yu guys noticed her?Does the Name ring a BELL?
i completely agree with her, One man summons you all, and you all run there, no shame. nonsense people. Mandarin hotel alone is charging almost $1000 per night for a standard room, becos of the summit, imagine how much the hotels will make this period. Dumbass so called leaders.
She actually does make an awful lot of sense.Who exactly does the summit benefit? Serum to treat ebola materialised for Americans but no one else. Raises a lot of valid questions.
For once whitencious Dencia made sense. I quite agree with her !!
Well said Denica. Although the Americans will definately have good intentions for the summit, the Africans won't they are all just there for personal reasons and to show off. SMH for their summit.
I agree with her, we all know GEJ isn't going to implement anything useful for the average Nigerian youth to benefit from. Most businesses don't thrive in Nigeria due to the instability in all the sectors, GEJ should fix that first before going to another continent to talk about trade and investment
I agree with her on this one. We Africans still have the problem of mental slavery, and that is why we keep running to these foreign countries cos we think they are better than us and that we need them. But the truth is, they are the ones that need us.
We are the one with the Gold and Diamonds...we are the ones with the crude oil, the cash crops, and rich agriculture. They wouldn't survive a month without trading with Africa. Of cos we need them too for their technological advancements and all that, but we shouldn't belittle ourselves in their eyes. We can become great without running to them for advise all the time.
This is why Americans hated Ghadafi. He was a visionary, and a self reliant African leader who believed Africa could grow to greatness with unity. He hardly bowed to the western world the way other African countries do, and the white men saw him as a threat.
Check this out...List Of Famous Failures
Don't really lyk dis chick, buh she just made a whole lots of brains....
This is the first time she is making a sense. I think these ppl sud come to Africa. As mata of fact america has not been helpin africa.they r jst fightin for their selfish interest.
I agree with you sister,
true talk buh... datz none of ma business
She has a point.
Swear down Dencia!!!! YOU SABI my dear, the day africans will understand THIS FACT, THEY WILL BE GREAT! you need to see look at what our nigerian artists are doing in DC right now, going to perform for electricians, gatemans, and hair dressers, staffs all the name of "Nigeria: our heritage ", even our Don Jazzy don go disgrace himself there, performing back stgaes and taking pisshures there! We need young en trepeumeurs, african ones with new ideas and god knows we have them in african, no need to blame government, there is money in africa and people become billionnaires right here in africa, Dangos can testity to this!!! We are rich, agriculture is the future of africa, not so many countries can boast of that! We can build from scratches, let me remind all of una that Dubai 30 years ago was dust so please and yet we have more riches than them! but slowly and surely we are getting there! Investors are coming, Watch out Africa, rise up and be bold, this is my message for you! "#Meforpresident lol! But seriously though i promise to change the change africa for the best! Na me talk am!! kisses to all LIB READERS! first time commenting!
Dencia, have you invested in your cuntry? need shooting bullets, we are all aware that most African leaders dont have the interest of their people or their nations at heart but still. if you choose to be an advocate of proper "rules of engagement/leadership" kindly pick up the mantle and run for public office. You cant be in the States benefiting from the the basic ammenities. Have you tried opening a "whitenicious" factory back home or something of the sort, charity they say begins at home. Yes our leaders are messed up, but its high time we stop talking and start acting. if not for us for the generations after us
I agree with her 100 percent
I so much agree with her
So true! I admire this babe's bluntness.
I so agree with her
This whore again! This bitch again! How does your bleaching cream benefit Africa?
to be honest...she is not lying...a whole continent going to white house...all the shopping sprees, whose economy are we now developing?...its not fair.......@doe
She has some points
Darned right you are Dance. If you ignore everything else around this lady, she does speak a lot of sense often times. Yes, yes, even on the channel news interview.
Sadly D'Banj has joined the selfish bandwagon. I'm alright Jack mentality. Now basically a government
(GEJ)spokesman. May the good Lord deliver us from the evil men and women who rule this country.
Pusillanimous attitude toward BH, indexed reduction in investment in education and health, 25% of our income spent on 600+ people in the House of assembly and we spend millions investing in the American tourist industry by holding a stupid pointless summit in the US.
The Yoruba say 'Iwa apa''. The actions of a hapless fool.
I agree with her 100%
For once she's talking sense...I agree totally with Dencia
She shud shut dah latrine she calls a mouth up! Why she no use d money she spent on buying cars 4 investment??? Asshole her!
Hmmmm..she dey vex she, but small true talk dey dey matter oo
First time I'll agree with her.
Even though I don't really like her, she's got a point
I totally a gree with Dencia she's ryt
Just dis one time, I go alongside dis lady. She has som very gud points
Come to think of it.. she got some point...
Of course i agree with her.all what she said is exact truth.African rulers are so corrupted that they can't give up anything for good leadership
What does this one know about investment, because she was able to see bleaching cream, we we won't hear word again. My dear bleaching cream production is not a long term investment. Until your cream last ten years in the market, then you are free to rant.
#standing ovation ..
I've always and will never stop loving Dencia..
god bless u on dis
Come to think of it.. she got some point...take it or leave it.. she has points.... and another thing is she is really envying the Naija celebs too.. but you got point Dencia.
Africans need to wake up. This Ebola thing and the way the Americans just treated dir own. We should wake up and solve our problems ourselves cos nobody will solve it for us. America has got only americans interest. The summit is a bloody waste of time. Nigerians should wake up.
I totally agree with her
4 d very 1st tym I so much agree wit Dencia on ds 1.d worst part of it is dt its even a minister dts addressin all d african president in d summit.nt even. D US president.I pity all of dem
for once dencialicious is right.Sad to admit it tho
Yes,I totally agree wit her!wise words from dencia 4 d 1st time.Jonathan is so dumb,the dumbest president ever.Ebola and boko haram has taken over but u av d gut 2 go 4 summit!
the very first time in history of my knowing this girl her write-up would make so much sense. Seriously she's making sense, what kind of investment are they going for when Ebola is consuming your people and you believe anybody can come to your country to invest with Ebola everywhere. And when you truly estimated the cost of all the presidents together with their entourages (is in the record that Africa presidents fly with the highest numbers of entourage e.g. our president GEJ)you will realised that they have massively invest in US economy just withing a week. #thereisgodoooo
God bless u! Gadaffi was a great man and a self reliant. He never get intimidated by d America but our own jonathan na mumu!
am following dencia on twitter jore i totally agree with her and the shit is real, look at all the celeb doing it for the gram dc things even agbalagba d bang that's talking about agriculture is there too how many more will die for this freaking west to pay us attention, All of them out there are like monkey they gave banana, i pray we realize our purpose soon and know that they never had our best interest and never will,
I am now following her on Twitter. I like people that speak truth to power.
i agree with her....the summit is for who ? so they could treat the two american...but the people sick with the disease here can't be treated...thats bad of you american...all the bad things happening in this world..american have hand in everything....solomon
Because if they give you africans an expiremental drug and the person dies,u guys will say they are using africans for experiment. The americans they gave it to, it worked for the man and nt the woman so far
She hasn't bleached out her brain afterall.....she's right.
Really???Lol Dencia pretty please,don't try the intelligience apron on cox it kinda look hilarious on you..........#cheEzyjayne
Senseful Dencia. She try for this, I like forthis piece.
Well said nd i agree wif u...still on modern slavery.
Come to think of it...she is making some good sense right there.
I seriously agree with her...Nice one Dencia
Life without CHRIST is an empty life ***********************************The world is nearing its expiring date,because of its abuse by people. Sin has become d order of the day. People don't see anything wrong in doing evil, lot of heart of men are stony. The Gospel of JESUS CHRIST is the power of GOD to save. lib readers please u guys need to be born again. Am enjoying success in CHRIST JESUS, am reigning in life. Wow!what a glorious life I have, I can't fail in life, I have power over the circumstances of life. I have heaven inside of me,am an ambassador of God here on earth. Greater is HE that is in me than he that is in the world. My dear people,U need to have a relationship with CHRIST to enjoy what am enjoying, I can't be sick,I can't fail,I can't be broke,I can't be afraid. dear lib people including linda, JESUS loves u all and HE wants to give u guys eternal life, just confess HIM as ur LORD and SAVIOUR, believe in your heart that HE died for ur sins, ask him to come into ur life and be d LORD of your life, say from to day I am born again, I have eternal life in me,I am saved. If u pray this prayer with all ur heart congratulation u are saved. Get a bible,study it daily and pray. Attend a living church and participated in the church activities. From Evangelist Dan #Christ embassy church
Life without CHRIST is an empty life ***********************************The world is nearing its expiring date,because of its abuse by people. Sin has become d order of the day. People don't see anything wrong in doing evil, lot of heart of men are stony. The Gospel of JESUS CHRIST is the power of GOD to save. lib readers please u guys need to be born again. Am enjoying success in CHRIST JESUS, am reigning in life. Wow!what a glorious life I have, I can't fail in life, I have power over the circumstances of life. I have heaven inside of me,am an ambassador of God here on earth. Greater is HE that is in me than he that is in the world. My dear people,U need to have a relationship with CHRIST to enjoy what am enjoying, I can't be sick,I can't fail,I can't be broke,I can't be afraid. dear lib people including linda, JESUS loves u all and HE wants to give u guys eternal life, just confess HIM as ur LORD and SAVIOUR, believe in your heart that HE died for ur sins, ask him to come into ur life and be d LORD of your life, say from to day I am born again, I have eternal life in me,I am saved. If u pray this prayer with all ur heart congratulation u are saved. Get a bible,study it daily and pray. Attend a living church and participated in the church activities. From Evangelist Dan #Christ embassy church
SURE are right Dencia.
Thank you anon 22:25, the point about the serum was totally pointless, if only people take there time to educate themselves. She trying to score point with that only ended up sounding ignorant. The serum was a chance the us could only take with there own citizen. What would v happened if it was tested on an African and he or she dies,she would be screaming they used an Africa for experiment
She has a point. African 'leaders' my foot. They are just slaves with 0 mentality. I am so disgusted as to why africa must remain backward after all these years.
I see some brain at work here.... This our people sef na wa
She's So right! Senseless Leaders
Gbam, at your last comment yet Africans continue you worship those that are responsible for the reason why Africa is in its shitty position. The western world benefits from the poor state of Africa, facts!!
She has made her point. LIB Princess!
GBAM!!!!!! So all Nigerians are not asleep? I'm so happy with this comment cause its 100% real!
Pele, dammy. Its not by force to comment. If you have nothing intelligent to say, continue quoting scriptures. Elenu bonku
You nailed it dencia.! This is so on point. The trip to USA is a monumental waste of resources and an opportunity for American hotels, restaurants etc to make good money. What a shame.
truth is bitter. she nailed this one
You nailed it dencia.! This is so on point. The trip to USA is a monumental waste of resources and an opportunity for American hotels, restaurants etc to make good money. What a shame.
You nailed it dencia.! This is so on point. The trip to USA is a monumental waste of resources and an opportunity for American hotels, restaurants etc to make good money. What a shame.
This is the 1st statement I have seen out of dancia.. She is 100per right. I wish I have the opportunity to transform African.
Duttyman !!!!
The problem with some of us (Nigerians),
Selfishness! If I like Mr X, I don't want hear any criticism against him. We need to wakeup and face d reality.
Currently Nigeria is the biggest economy on African soil yet we've d highest population of Almajiris, people living with hunger and starvation and moreover BH (Man-made disaster).We've the most talented people and yet not More than 10% of our population are enjoying. The talent of our young ones (our future generations) being misused in Abuja. Nigerians, pls keep TRIBALISM AND RELIGION aside. We're not like that.
Politicians have really disappointed us.
it seems Dencia is uneducated...that's all I can say
President Obama would agree that Dencia is 100% right on this.
Your opinion
Obama would not even visit Nigeria yet he invites you to DC for trade and investment.... Fools paradise.
I bet u live in Africa.wait till go to the western world and you will understand what Dencia is saying.Or better still read the book 'how Europe under developed Africa'
This white folks equates blacks to animals.
This lady has shown how ignorant and uneducated she is. There's nothing wrong with African heads of states going to the US for an investment summit. African heads of states wouldn't be the first to have undertaken such trips in the past. Heads of governments from south America and Asia have all gone for such trips in the past. Even the US presidents and business leaders in the country have visited some of these African countries in the past for investments. Besides, he who plays the piper dictates the tune. African leaders needs investments in their various economies by business leaders that have the money. And where are those business leaders? They are in the western world. If you need them, you go to them and explain why they need to invest in your country. That's the way it works and not the other way round. I believe this lay is so naive to understand the fact that these African leaders are not just meeting Obama, that they're going to meet American business leaders as well. Furthermore, many of these African countries depends on aids from the western world to survive. America, for example, do budget a lot of money every year for aids to impoverished countries. Now tell me what is wrong with the heads of these countries government going on a summit for investment in the US?
Her take on the serum that the cdc sent to Africa for the American doctors, is a classic case of ignorance. It is a shame that this lady that lives in the US doesn't even know the processes drugs undergo before being certified by fda for commercial purposes. Had she taken out a little bit of her time to read the story by Dr Gupta on cnn, she would have found out that the serum has not even undergone clinical trials and that it is still a long way from being approved for public consumption. It was just a leap of faith by the doctors in agreeing to be administered with the drugs that had only been tested on monkeys. I thought that the efforts by the company in the US should have elicited commendation from all men and women of good will. Instead, the ignorants are having a field day criticizing another nation for trying to find a cure to a disease that is so far away from the US. Had it been that the US tried these serum of Africans and something went wrong, this lady and her inks would be the ones criticizing them for using Africans as guinea pigs.
I believe that all these ignorant vituperations on tweeter stems from the fact that she was ignored as being relevant to the progress of africa, hence, was not invited to the summit, while many of her colleagues were invited. In essense, she's jealous!
City: Unknown.
for the first time,i finally agree with dencia.
Naija I hail thee. So this is how the Chibok girls diappeared ehn!!! Jonathan has completely forgotten. Mama peace don waka go. Nobody is asking questions again. Boko Haram just bombing as they like. #ok na
itiboribo Dencia, they cant give the medication to other people cus they need to check with FDA first to ensure that its safe n has no bad side effect b4 they can give to a large number of people. that's d process.
The serum is a good point! Whether it worked or not, it shows how much effort America is putting into taking care of their citizens. In that little time they have gone as far as creating a serum that "might" work and the fact that they channeled their resources to "fly" the serum to Africa for those doctors show that the people are number 1 to them. They didn't spend the money flying for a summit in Africa when they have dying citizens
With all the crisis going on in Nigeria and Africa as a whole. A wise president would have stepped back and helped his people. The people come first. Networking comes later.
She's got a lot of points not some Jonathan is just a fool no direction president.i pity my country 9ja as for and my young fam we are all carrying Canadian passport so na onpe
Thumbs up Dencia. Love your openness and factual observations. Say it as it is. so all the youth summit delegates, over to you, what did you come with apart from the pictures and selfies we have already seen.
Two points here:
What annoys me most is when Africans living in Diaspora feel the need to scream & shout on social media. Dencia have you invested in Africa?! I remember you screamed that the health minister can't arrest you for your bleaching cream because you don't sell it here. Abeg park one side. You cannot be benefitting from America and be criticizing it like you just did. Pack your stuff and move to Africa where you can make all the changes and stop flexing muscle over internet.
Second point which others have touched on. African's are bunch of hypocrites! If the Americans test it on an African and he/she dies that is wahala o! So abeg let the PATRIOTIC Americans who can die for their country in a heat beat test it on their own. All of you screaming which one of you can die for an African county eh? Abeg park well!
I'm not a fan of Dencia but she's quite right. Come to think of it, I don't see this Ebola as a natural virus other than a well cultured virus that was release to the African populace so that we can run back to them for antidote. Why do you think OS have patches? Is it not for us to be buying everytime. Nonsense!
For the ignorant fool tweeting against the summit, read this:
WASHINGTON — President Barack Obama is announcing $14 billion in commitments by U.S. businesses to invest in the continent of Africa.
Obama plans to make the announcement Tuesday at the U.S.-Africa Business Forum in Washington. The forum is bringing together African heads of state and American business leaders to find ways to boost economic ties. It comes on the second day of a U.S.-Africa summit involving nearly 50 African heads of state.
The White House says the investments include industries like construction, banking, information technology and energy.
Former New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg and Commerce Secretary Penny Pritzker are also participating in the forum, along with companies like Chevron, IBM and Mastercard.
Obama plans to host the heads of state for dinner on the South Lawn of the White House Tuesday evening.
Read more:
Thank you my sister, while they are indirectly investing in america. i totally agree. now a days these thing they do surprises me. so dey cant even do d summit even in calabar sef. mscheww.
i do agree with her 100 percent. but we Africans and Nigerians can help our selves too, because waiting for the federal govt, is like waiting forever.there are little things we forget, agriculture is very helpful but we neglect it. A whole Nigeria imports food, look at all the grassland. Nigerians are saying no work no work, i guess we can pick up a cutlass to farm, i dnt mind doing it. evry body wants to become doctor , lawyer at the end which food we go chop. I dont want to digress but if Nigerians put hands together to cultivate our society will get better.
pls can we Nigerians come together and do some protests? like seriously what the heck is this. see ehhn sometimes i blame we nigerians, if all of us can come together and protest, the federal government will listen, because without us nigeria is nothing, but i guess this is very impossible as all of us they fear too much. pls let start this protest, i'm in if anyone is. #saveNigeria. this not the same girl bleaching the same Africa? Oga ju.
She's got a point though. ~ da dude
Dencia i love you on this.
she makes a lot of sense really
the day we africans begin to see our selfs as also first class citizens of the world dat era we will grow,the white so trick our minds to believing they are gods which is lie we must liberate our selfs from this modern slavery before we loss it all in affairs of the world we are great dont let anybody decieve u
Now, everybody said she made sense in her short notes. She lives in the US and not in Africa. If she could be that useful what is she doing in the US? After vomitting shit last week she wants to redeem herself. Come back to African soil and feel the pains we feel so that when next you talk we would know you feel what we feel and even though we know it wouldn't be in the same manner.
I completely agree wit her in this case. I was watching president Obama make promises that favoured investors not african because when they come into africa like they did before they will take over every resource and leave only 10% if we are lucky for us to share. If they truely av d interest of africa at hand they shld av first done d submit in an african country. Then dey would state clearly the investment of interests and how they plan to recycle the dividends to develop africa and its people. Fellow africans all this submit reminds me is the repeatation of history. The british did theirs n succeeded nw america wants to tow d same path. Africans should learn from asians particularly d chinese. I pray we wake up before we drown.
@anon 2:19 I wish I cud like ur comment a million times, intelligence is priceless
Wow. For the very first time in history this girl has said something sensible. This is what I have been saying since! Africa is a continent that every country in the world takes as fools.. But then again, that's non of my business.
I was about supporting her but when I read your piece I believe u make more sense
I am pleasantly surprised by Dencia. She said it all; I have nothing to add.
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