According to her, Fezal a Saudi Arabian is responsible for her son's death and up till now, her son has not gotten justice. She said Fezal's father is a rich man who has a lot of investment in Dubai and the police there are doing everything to cover him up. Watch the video after the cut...
God is a JUST JUDGE and VEGEANCE IS GOD'S. He will surely fight for u.
Jesus is coming soon....REPENT NOW.
Ndi police and aru! Even in dubai! Okay oh! Glad its nt only in nija! Corrupt fool!
God is a JUST JUDGE and VEGEANCE IS GOD'S. He will surely fight for u.
Jesus is coming soon....REPENT NOW.
Omg... Feel sooo bad,es a year older dan me,lord...
Aisha, you'd definitely have to take Solace in the fact that God is the ultimate Judge. No matter how long he runs away from the legal system, he can't run from the hands of the Almighty God who has given him breathe. Be comforted ma.
Madam dont worry God will fight for u....*Amarachi*
I feel for her, by naw she wud av said to herself “why didn't I send him to Uniben or the likes" let go madam nd let God
This is heartbreaking. RIP sweet boy! you deserve justice!!
And the so called naija celebs still patronize the stupid country.
Calm yourself woman and tell God how much your heart hurts,he's not asleep.
omgg i feel for this woman, let justice be done
Oga oo,corruptn dey everywhere..may God fight for u
Arabs are very racist so I'm not surprised.
RIP dude
I pray for your strength Ma. I pray for justice for your son IJN.
Justice must be done! *tears* feeling so bitterd nd angry nw!
what is the worth of a nigerian's life????
Of course, Muslims will always cover up for each other. A lesson to Nigerian Christians not to send their children to Arab countries to study unless they are Muslims (and I am assuming Aisha Falode is not)- if anything happens, Muslims will always cover up for each other. And don't forget either that skin color is a factor too!
Aisha our prayers are with you ..The God of Justice will answer on your behalf..we wish you peace
No mother should go thru this. May God console you and may your son's killer never have peace.
No mother should go thru this. May God console you and may your son's killer never have peace.
Hmm! Nah wao! Really a sad story. Madam sorry about your loss. May your son's soul rest in peace…You see the rich in Nigeria should be concerned about the problems in Nigeria, the education system, they should stop thinking it is none of their business because they can afford to send their kids Abroad. Arabs are the most wicked people on this earth!!! Nigeria is our own, let's come together and make it a better place. ARABS ARE WICKED!
God is your strength mummy. I cant imagine what you are passing through right now but one thing for sure is that you are a strong woman, very very strong!God would help you get over this, you will come out of it by His Grace because I know it is the most difficult thing any mother can pass through on this earth as for your son's murderers God would sort them out, evil has never and would never go unpunished.You are blessed mummy tyler. God is your strenght.
God is your strength mummy. I cant imagine what you are passing through right now but one thing for sure is that you are a strong woman, very very strong!God would help you get over this, you will come out of it by His Grace because I know it is the most difficult thing any mother can pass through on this earth as for your son's murderers God would sort them out, evil has never and would never go unpunished.You are blessed mummy tyler. God is your strenght.
God is your strength mummy. I cant imagine what you are passing through right now but one thing for sure is that you are a strong woman, very very strong!God would help you get over this, you will come out of it by His Grace because I know it is the most difficult thing any mother can pass through on this earth as for your son's murderers God would sort them out, evil has never and would never go unpunished.You are blessed mummy tyler. God is your strenght.
@Richesofsolomon say::Sori....If der is any Justice in d world..we would v gotten d 200+ girls n ur son's murderer would b brought 2book...It takes tym 4 karma bt its sure
A very strong woman
may d soul of ur son continue to rest in peace mdam. justice my take awhile bt i believe u wil get it
You r a strong woman...may God comfort you, God in heaven who does now sleep will surly fight for you and your son. God will recompense you IJN
This story breaks my heart,this country is so not safe and can't help any body ...Aisha take heart GOD is in charge fazal and Olivia will pay some day true justice is from GOD
But madam, hw did u knw for sure dat it was dat Fazel u mentiond dat kild ur son? Did he confess it to u himslf or did ur son who is dead tell u he ws d one? Dnt get me wrong, he might be, but if he isnt, d real killer would b so happy dat no one is lookin towards his direction. Let d Police do thr work ma. And if dey dont, God who sees and knows it all will judge dem
This story breaks my heart,this country is so not safe and can't help any body ...Aisha take heart GOD is in charge fazal and Olivia will pay some day true justice is from GOD
Daz 2 bad of Dubai police. Why wld dey cover up a murder case like dis? We demand justice ooo! Poor woman
What a shame!!! Aisha keep staying strong...may God comfort you and the entire family....#SeunLondon
What a shame!!! Aisha keep staying strong...may God comfort you and the entire family....#SeunLondon
so its everywhere tot was onli in naija, police na wa o #thinking out loud#BaDdest#
This video broke me…I pray God…inshort i don't know what to say…too sad
Hmmmn. I'm lost for words. parents please let's be careful before we send our children to other countries to school all by themselves. I went to a private university - Babcock University here in Nigeria and I got fantastic education.The revelations from her interview about Dubai is shocking and its not safe to send a hound adult all alone to such country. Just my bit.
Tins r happening ooooh.Rip toba.
What a pity!!!God will fight for u just hold your peace.
I can only imagine her pain! So sorry for your loss.
Very painful...More painful when a mother is found investigating the death of her son, herself. Here's a tribute Aisha wrote for her son after his burial: AISHA'S TRIBUTE READS....
''I held you in my arms and my heart burst into a million pieces of joy. It was an indescribable moment. You were adorable as I touched every bit of you. Giddy with joy, I counted your toes, your fingers, tiny and wriggly; a tough bundle of joy.
Your innocent gaze upon my face, those two adorable eyes, wide and searching as only a child’s would. All the gems in Arabia would fade into insignificance at the emergence of your presence.
My son had come into the world, whole and complete you were. I had looked forward to having my own son. I carried you with pride and honour in my womb for 9 good months. Knowing that you will eventually be born made the discomforts of 9months seem like chewing a candy bar. Here at last you were.
As you grew up into a most interesting young star, you were my joy. In all of my trying moments, knowing that you trusted me and believed in me spurred me through even the roughest terrain.
Your childhood was joyful. Your sister and you were my life. You still are my life. Nothing can erase your memory, not a thousand winds or a million rainfalls can replace those memories, not even a fearsome volcano can wipe you from me. You are me, I am you.
I am devastated, I am pained, I am inconsolable, I am a mother shattered. Who can console me but God? He knows best and did they not say those HE loves HE calls home early? My son, the curtain fell too early for you, for us. I am in the audience; I cannot jump on the stage where you are. Even if I could, the curtain is drawn already. I cannot reach you.
I am tempted to say, why me, but why not me? God loves us. HE took you my bundle of joy, even now I lean on HIM. I can see you, stretching out those strong arms, I see you trying to console me, I see you saying: “Mum, it was meant to be, it is not your fault”, I see you. I see you everywhere.
Together, we walked for 19 years, you brought me joy. You excelled in your academics, you made me a proud mother as you grew into a handsome, responsible, caring, humane, disciplined man.
I will forever remember you my son. Those fun times, the times you held me when I was down, like the man of the house, which you became so early in life…I am consoled because I know for sure that you are in the bosom of the LORD. I know for sure that we will meet again.
You have not died, you are only asleep. This thought will keep me going until I behold your delightful presence again. I know you are here for I am you and you are me.''
*I feel nothing but pain, for I know how hurtful it feels losing a loved one.
My heart goes out to you Ma. I knew Toba Falode as a calm, respectful and intelligent junior during my days at Atlantic Hall. It brought tears to my eyes to hear such evil was done to your lovely son. It is much more heart breaking that the boy who killed Toba is out there freely walking and going about his day to day life unpunished. Please Nigerians I am pleading with you to come together and assist the Falode family in ensuring that their son's murderer doesn't go unpunished. This case needs to be taken to court so that justice can be achieved. May his gentle soul rest in Peace, Amen.
And I love dis woman so much whatever happened 2 her son our govt sld try as much as possible 2 help her 4 her son justice *take heart dear!
I wish we Nigerians were united, it's for all to stop going 2 Dubai and also our politicians to stop investing and buying properties there. I know that's not going 2 happen. Sorry ma for your loss! Until you have kids and watch them grow while investing in them and nurturing them, you won't understand the pain she feels.
.....But y ppl kill ppl. I can feel ur pain Aisha like d siamese twins connected by d brain.#Bringbackourgirls#Rocaloves#
Lord have mercy.
But Black people must know by now that when they go to certain places they will not have equal rights, most of all Arab countries. Arabs still keep slaves even to this day, and the very word for slave in Arabic also means Black. That is why when I see these idiots running off to spend the little money they have in these places I really have to scratch my head.
What man wont do, God will do dear mother, and the tears of a mother will reach to every angel and to God's ear. Don't stop praying and crying to God and shedding your tear my dear, you will live to see the right kind of justice delivered for the murder of your son.
May his soul continue to rest in peace. So sad.
The lord will be ur strength
this is a very painful tribute, ma heart bleeds
Hmmmmmm. This is sad!!!!
@badoo of Toronto !!! Is the country not far better than nigeria? you opened that dirty mouth to call it stupid country. Meanwhile they kidnap people everyday in Nigeria,they kill people everyday##just saying## all is well#BRING BACK OUR GIRLS###
Anonymous 9.57
Do you know something about this case? Do you know the boy? Are you sure drugs were involved?
Are you sure he wasn't killed?
If you aren't sure then please SHUT THE FUCK UP.
Wow! so i just went on facebook to look at the page created for toba after his death. then i see this comment left by the Olivia Aisha mentioned in the video
Olivia Richard Evans:
"Tyler.. I still can't grasp the reality of what happened... you're on my mind and in my heart All the time.. I miss you and the way you made everything seem better and brighter.. I'm so sorry I couldn't do anything. . I'll miss u forever and keep you in my heart always
My heart goes out to the family. God Bless"
The guy's name is actually "Faisal Aldakmary Al-Nasser" . Just checked it on facebook as well
May God comfort you, his soul will continue to rest in peace. As for the faizal he will rot in hell wen his time comes. .
Until you are a mother you won't understand d kind of pain dis woman is passing through, God Pls help her.
The pain in her eyes is heartbreaking. Her words-"I've been destroyed for life" brought tears to my eyes. Ma, May God comfort you. May He reach into that part of your heart where no human being can reach and comfort you. From one mother to another, I'm deeply sorry for your loss.
Very emotional... what a way to loose a son! I share in your pain. I pray that Nigerian embassy and Nigerian government will do something about this to forestall future occurrence.
My heart goes out to you Aisha, one hopes that the Nigerian govt and Nigerian embassy in UAE will do something about this.
Dubai, Malaysia, Russia and some other countries are all racist countries. We need to share information to parents who intend to send their offspring to those countries. Every single day Nigerians are being killed and the embassies in those countries are not concerned about investigating the cause of death. Our government is very bad, they make people run abroad because they refuse to provide for us, no job, no stable electricity, no good roads, no security. So what are we saying? Nigerians stand up today and fight for your right.
Fool !! Practically u are telling d whole world your age! No wonder.. Kiddies time is coming...
Naija is a fuckin country I swear.... i'm so scared to come back home after 5years abroad:( The killers name on facebook is Olivia Ogboru and Faisal Alyami. Linda please put up dz 2 Devil pics.
Aiya.... I feel very sorry!
Steve u a big asshole, u out of younger ones @ home to bully xo u turned in2 a cyber bully, get a life even if it a tiny one jst manage it, half bread is better dan none...
Madam may God console you... I can feel ur pain.... But let's leave everything to almighty God to judge!
Madame, make haste to contact a private investigator and, most importantly, a forensic biologist. Please, also make haste to perform an autopsy. God-willing, the true cause of your son's death will be known to you in no distant time. My sincere condolences. I wish you all the best and God bless you exceedingly, in Jesus' name. Amen!
Amaka the Lawyer
Madame, make haste to contact a private investigator and, most importantly, a forensic biologist. Please, also make haste to perform an autopsy. God-willing, the true cause of your son's death will be known to you in no distant time. My sincere condolences. I wish you all the best and God bless you exceedingly, in Jesus' name. Amen!
Na wa ooo mr anonymous what does religion gat to do with this? Your IQ is very low,have u forgotten this could happen to anybody Be it christian,muslim or jews?is people like u that cause religious crisis in this country.ignorance is a disease.
When I first read this story about the young man falling off a building,I recalled how a close friend, studying in Dubai had died in a similar scenario...but listening to this has helped me understand differently. Nigerians need be more informed and aware. May his soul rest in peace and God almighty grant his family the strength to carry on, amen.
As for those guilty of these murders..Justice will locate them.
I am surprise that Nigerians dont know the dark sides of the Arab nations.
The british will tell you.....if you are not Arab,then you ate nothing in those countries.
British mums have lost children to partners,accused of rape(falsely).
Muslims will be muslims anywhere.
It is disappointing wen even the so called learned ones like u say/type stupid stuffs like dis. Why dnt u jst study in ur bedroom/ live a hermit life?
All we have to say is that let God fight for the innocent, no matter their status, or background. May God comfort his mother n other members of the family. May his soul rest in peace.
Oh steve u didn't know? Onynx na correct ot akara! He still bedwets sef...wen elders are talking onynx u go open mouth abi?
How e de do u baboo? Envy!
Oh steve u didn't know? Onynx na correct ot akara! He still bedwets sef...wen elders are talking onynx u go open mouth abi?
Dubai is not a racist state, what actually happen that valentine day. U know when devil want to work, achohol and woman was involve.. .we blacks supposed to be careful anywhere we are in any part of the world not to involve ourselves in heat up arguments especially with the locals. Peace to the dead little angel...
May God comfort you Aisha. A mother's pain for her child's death knows no measure. As for the killer if it is true he was murdered, he will not go free, that is for sure. May Tyler's soul rest in eternal peace with the Lord.
My fellow Nigerians, its like you people don't know the power you have! Why allow such countries take advantage of you? Do yoy lot know how many of these Arabic country economies we help with our spending?
Its simple: Boycott them.
I know some people will read this and ignore, I also know some people will read this and see sense in it.
We are only strong together not apart.
Badoo how many nigerians lost their lives in America last year alone, dubai is a nice state in uae.
Hmmmm very sad!!!
This filled my eyes with tears...I am Tanzanian; But from this, I hate Dubai, I hate Arabs! No one is above Lord; Faisal or whatever his name is will face the real Judge our Lord who will not care of his family's wealth, and he will face the maximum sentence, not 25 years but fire...
God is watching...take heart mama...dubai is known for looking down on foreigners esp blacks...for lack of a better word..pliz dont roast me alive guys for using that word...tafadhalini
Madam pls remain strong as u ve been ,tho its not eaasy knowing dt d murderer is out there walking freely and plice are covering 4 him ,God will not cover him ,he will sure be exposed and be paid back in dsame coin.
She is very right, information is power! ... Dubai just like many other places has a dark side, especially when you are a foreigner and have foreign skin... please everybody take care of yourselves - she is a strong lady, Ma you have done loads by speaking out
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