FFK accuses some 'key individuals' of sponsoring Boko Haram in new article | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog





Sunday 4 May 2014

FFK accuses some 'key individuals' of sponsoring Boko Haram in new article

"Nigerian's don't want to accept the ugly fact that there are some key individuals, who some of them still literally worship and rever, that are the ones actually encouraging, fueling and funding Boko Haram and that are waging war against our people" Femi Fani Kayode writes in a new article titled 'The Haramites of Boko'. Quite an interesting read. Find it below...
"My worst fears have been confirmed and sadly the Haramites of Boko have struck again. Another terrible bomb blast has taken place in Abuja and many innocent people have been butchered, slaughtered and maimed. At the last count the number of those killed is no less than 39 despite attempts by the international and local media to play the number of casualties down. This damning display of primordial and pure savagery by Boko Haram comes barely two weeks after over 100 innocent people, including women and children, were killed by another bomb, on the same spot and by the same people. This is surely too much for us to bear. 

Worst still the country, and indeed the international community, is still grappling with the Chibok affair in which no less than 234 young school girls were abducted from their schools and turned into sex slaves by Boko Haram. 
At this juncture one is compelled to ask the following question: how much more can we take before the centre fails to hold and everything falls apart? How much more can we take before some madman in uniform gets up, takes advantage of the situation, does the unacceptable and unthinkable, seizes the broadcasting stations and subjects us to a familiar yet unwelcome early morning speech which is preceded  by ''fellow Nigerians'' and which ends with the announcement of a ''dawn to dusk curfew''? 
May God forbid that this should ever happen in our country again as it would be a tragedy of monuemental proportions and it would set us back by at least 50 years. Worst still Nigeria may not even survive it and it may well result in another civil war. I have no doubt that despite our monuemental security challenges, the preservation of our fast-evolving democratic culture and structures remains the only way forward and that we must do all that we can to protect this dispensation.  
The best that we can do is to continue to speak out, to protest, to write, to demonstrate, to create awareness, to march, to pray and to demand that our Government and security forces do a better job by fighting Boko Haram with an equal and commiserate amount of viciousness and savagery that the islamist terrorists are fighting us. 
I feel a deep sense of outrage and shame and I utterly deplore the fact that the Federal Government has once again failed to protect the lives of the Nigerian people. Yet it is not just the Federal Government that has failed but all the the governments at all levels, including our State Governors and Local Government Area Chairmen. 

As a matter of fact every single one of us that is in the ruling class of this country or that is a member of it's political elite has failed woefully. We must all carry a share of the blame in varying degrees. Every single one of us has a little blood on our hands as a consequence of our sheer indifference to the collective plight of our people and our inability to act at the appropiate time when we saw all this coming. 

I hereby join millions of Nigerians in condemning this latest beastly attack on Nyanya and I have nothing but contempt and disgust for the Haramites and those that secretly support them. 
May God deliver our country from the grip of these Boko demons that feed fat on human flesh and blood and that seek to terrorise us into submission and may the souls of those that have been killed rest in peace.
Yet let us get past the rather obvious and simplistic statements and submissions and let us look at this whole matter from a deeper perspective and in a more refreshing, meaningful and holistic manner. Let us stop merely scratching at the surface and let us get to the root of the problem. It is time for us to get real and to speak some hard truths. Consider the following. 
When some people are so hell bent on taking power that they begin to bomb their citizens in order to achieve it one has to begin to question the continued viability of our much flaunted unity.
When some people believe that it is their right to rule in perpetuity and that if they do not get their way they must make the country ungovernable and kill as many people as possible, one must decide whether or not we are really one nation. 
When some people are prepared to use religion as a political tool, shed as much innocent blood as possible and pervert the very tenets of the faith that they claim to espouse, one must decide whether those of us that do not share their world view are prepared to remain in the same cage as those that are clearly nothing but ravenous beasts. 
There is far more to the Boko Haram phenomenon than meets the eye and Nigerians just don't get it yet. They are not prepared to hear the truth let alone accept it and, sadly, perhaps they never will. This is a nation that has an identity crisis and that still does not want to accept the fact that it is at war with itself. 
They do not want to accept the ugly fact that there are some key individuals, who some of them still literally worship and rever, that are the ones actually encouraging, fuelling and funding Boko Haram and that are waging war against our people. 
They do not want to accept that there is an international dimension to this matter which is beyond their knowledge, understanding or comprehension. May God open their eyes and help them to recognise what they are up against before it is too late. 
Until that happens and each and every Nigerian is prepared to take up arms against Boko Haram and those that are secretly behind it our people will continue to be terrorised, slaughtered, abducted and enslaved.
And whether anyone likes to accept it or not there are quite a number of people who fall into the category of Boko Haram sympathisers even though they remain in the shadows. For example there is a very combative, visible and vocal individual from the north-western part of our country who has been accused of covertly funding and supporting the islamist cause and terrorism for many years. 
That same individual was described to the FBI as a ‘’trusted mentor’’ by Umar Faruk Mutallab, the Nigerian ‘’underwear bomber’’, who attempted to blow up a plane filled with passengers as it was about to land in the United States of America a few years ago.
Again that same individual has been accused of having a hand in one of the most heinous and brutal sectarian murders in the history of our country when a young man by the name of Gideon Akaluka, from Benue state, was cold-bloodedly beheaded by a rampaging mob in Kano for supposedly ‘’desecrating the koran’’.  Akaluka’s severed head was paraded on a long pole all over the streets of the city before a cheering and roaring crowd for many hours and the whole gory event was actually video-taped by the perpetrators themselves. Such barbarity has rarely been seen in the history of our country.
Yet this individual has not been brought to justice or even questioned about these matters. Is it any wonder that Boko Haram appears to be going from strength to strength? The truth is that they have many friends in high places and President Goodluck Jonathan himself once alluded to this. Another individual, who was a former Head of State, was quoted as saying the following in 2001- 
''I will continue to show openly and inside me the total commitment to the sharia movement that is sweeping all over Nigeria. God-willing, we will not stop the agitation for the total implementation of the sharia in the country. Muslims should vote at the next Presidential election only for someone who will defend their faith''. 
This former Head of State may not have any link with today's terrorism or Boko Haram but has the words that he uttered on sharia in 2001 not made matters worse? Were the seeds of Boko Haram not planted at that time by such comments and such contributions? Yet another former Head of State did not help matters when he treated what he described as ''political sharia'' with kid gloves when he was in power. He failed to deal decisively with it at the time and he said that it would eventually ''fizzle out''. 
This did not happen and today we are witnessing the results of his complacence and his inability to crush the beast at an early stage before it grew fangs. Now that vampiric beast is biting us with those fangs day and night and it is eating our flesh and drinkng our blood. 
For those that fail to see the nexus between political sharia and Boko Haram and that fail to appreciate the connection between the two permit me to put the following questions. Was the movement for political sharia not the precursor to Boko Haram? When you tolerate a monster and give room for extreme philosophies to take root are you not asking for trouble? When you give an inch will the beast not take a mile? When you compromise on fundamental issues such as the secularity of the state and allow islamist ideology to flourish in the name of political expediency and compromise are you not asking for trouble? 
When you run away from fighting a righteous war that must be fought sooner or later are you not postponing it for another day? Over ten years later we are reaping the consequences and rewards of our cowardice, indifference and indolence when faced with political sharia. The truth is that all our leaders have failed to solve this problem over the years and their lack of firm resolve to do so has simply caused it to spread and to become more virulent. 
Worst still some have completely capitulated and bowed in shame and helplessness before the evil scourge. As a glaring example of this, just a few months ago, an elder statesman that was at the time no less a personality than the National Chairman of the ruling party described the Haramites of Boko as ''freedom fighters''. Is there anything more shameful than that?
I really do wonder whose freedom they seek to secure and who they are fighting for? Is it the freedom to kill our people and to abduct and enslave our children? Such sentiments and expressions of sympathy for the enemies of our people are a national disgrace and those that express them ought to be called out and held to account.
Sadly the next few months and years are very bleak for our nation. As a matter of fact we may not even have a nation left in the next few months and years if things continue this way. I just hope and pray that we all appreciate the fact that we are in for the long haul and that whether we like it or not Boko Haram is here to stay. 
It is either that we succumb to them, accept their demands, bow to them and allow them to change our way of life or we fight them into the ground, eliminate every single one of them, flush them out, burn the Sambisi forest to the ground, avenge our people, preserve our way of life and restore our self-respect and dignity. 
It is either that we accept their evil, conceede to the establishment of a Taliban-style islamic fundamentalist state in the whole of our country and espouse it wholeheartedly or we fight a brutal, bloody, long and righteous war to preserve the unity of our nation, to protect the secularity of our state and to enthrone righteousness and justice. The choice is ours. 
The Haramites of Boko have already made their choice and they made it long ago. And that choice is to subject the Nigerian people to terror, murder, humiliation, carnage and bondage and bring us to servitude and to our knees. They will continue to effect this satanic  agenda unless and until we get off our knees, stand up like men and say ''enough is enough''. They will continue to do so unless and until we are ready to say that Nigeria is worth dying for and that we are ready to fight back . May God deliver Nigeria.


Alloy Chikezie said...

I am not doubting his accusations considering the way they operate

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Anonymous said...

Pls,who has talazole for this man's mouth diarrhea? I learn a lot from some of your articles,but enough of this plenty talk. Do something to help! Actions!

Anonymous said...

Too long! NEXT! Shocking photo of a politician caught doing it

Unknown said...

Hmmm! Worsening evryday......pray it doesn't result to war.....

dhobiz said...

We all know this for a fact coz those retched bh members can't even afford to feed themselves talk more of buying guns and bullets before the bomb sef but I knw that one day God will fulfill his words in exodus 14vs14 and they all will be put to shame.

Anonymous said...

Nd he expects me to read all dis.....u r just seeking for attention cos dats really what u r good at...you've been to aso rock severally, invited or not invited,so I'm sure u know where to find dem leaders and tell dem dis directly instead of constituting nuisance here.....ozu okuko

Angie said...

This man and theory. ..didn't read all that; as my head deh spin so?
Ofcourse we know some top politicians are behind BH.... They are APC bosses!!!!


* My R1.50c comment *

Unknown said...

I'll Quote You: The Haramites of Boko have already made their choice and they made it long ago. And that choice is to subject the Nigerian people to terror, murder, humiliation, carnage and bondage and bring us to servitude and to our knees. They will continue to effect this satanic agenda unless and until we get off our knees, stand up like men and say ''enough is enough''. They will continue to do so unless and until we are ready to say that Nigeria is worth dying for and that we are ready to fight back . May God deliver Nigeria..

Quite Lenghty But Insightful.. For the 1st time, i must commend this man for his Openness.. Thanks Sir..


Anonymous said...

I Concur, he made so much sense.

Cute G said...

Martin Luther King Junior in the making.A very emphatic write up . In history, religion has been used to perpetrate lots of evil.
Soon and very soon, corrupt religious. organisations will be done away with. Get out of her my people. (Rev, 18:4).

Unknown said...

we know. tnk u

Anonymous said...

He should better watch he says #bright bravo#

Unknown said...

Hian? Cudnt finish reading it biko... Toooooo long..

steveair49 said...

Mr FFK are u just waking up to this fact now,u are really behind


The masses of this country are continually pushed to the elastic limit,and when they bounce back the consequences will be very catastrophic.
I wish our govt can come up with better proof of this boko haram sponsors and watch us lynch them to death


Amarachukwu. said...

God will see us thro...amen.

Unknown said...

One thing I'm sure of, the day, minute or moment the Nigeria Govt decide to stop this ugly phase, this sacrilege, it will come to an end because "they" know the forces and personalities behind this madness. It is a shame because a day will come, they will all sit back and regret the fact that they all had a chance to better the lives of their own people but they refused to add values to the very existence of their fellow citizens. We will not curse or pray for them, but the works of their hands will speak forth and judge them. Amen.

Anonymous said...

One thing i dont really understand is :Why cant the president resign and lets see whats going to happen,am happy the international communities are aware of everything going on..

Unknown said...

One thing I'm sure of, the day, minute or moment the Nigeria Govt decide to stop this ugly phase, this sacrilege, it will come to an end because "they" know the forces and personalities behind this madness. It is a shame because a day will come, they will all sit back and regret the fact that they all had a chance to better the lives of their own people but they refused to add values to the very existence of their fellow citizens. We will not curse or pray for them, but the works of their hands will speak forth and judge them. Amen.

Unknown said...

I believe u FFK and for the first I agree with ur points. Me am on my way to cotonou, I dey relocate, will consider coming back wen d haramites have stopped bokoing. #bringourgirlsback

Anonymous said...

Hmm...thought provoking!

Anonymous said...

Overwhelming write up! God bless u FFK and may God deliver Nigeria from the devlish hands of the wicked men.

Anonymous said...

what I dont get is if you know and can proof this BH sponsors, why dont you name them. why are we so scare to name and get rid of them.

Abeni said...

The people behind this evil called boko haram are indeed people we celebrate.They are the powers that be in this country.
Let the president get help from USA.

Anonymous said...

If only they would listen.. Because most muslims will be biased about this article for sure. Its just who they are.. Sadly

Telema said...

Idiot ! 6 months ago, you were singing a different tune ! Bloody drug addict....he only cares about himself

Anonymous said...

Fani bcus of dis I will respect u all my life... I said der is notin lyk boko haram muslims are killing christians some idiots who call themselves christians started insulting me eg mrs aputu abi mummy aputu or waeva u call urself I pity ur generation for example the nyanya bomb blast ppl noticed that morning that most muslims traders eg mai baro etc were not around, now this is bcus dey have bn given info on the bomb in their various mosques muslims will continue to lie asif they are also victims this boko issue is bcus they want an islamic state nd It will neva eva happen. Islam came into 9ja tru conflict usman danfodio jihad my ppl please read wide there are more than 100 verses in koran that supports killing of non muslims,google quran chapter 9vs29,read the son of hamas etc u will understand...northerners are naturally gud but islam is evil dnt confuse urselfs.that was hw the US wr helping arafat but they ddt know he was sponsoring hamas study islam u wil understand read abt ismail the arab world u will understand their agenda they want to take over d world tru population nd also fighting that is y dey giv birth 2 kids lyk animals also tink lyk animals linda post dis o dnt ignore so many lives will be saved d enemy is within my ppl nid 2 kw the truth shall set u free

Anonymous said...

see more atAlhaji Abdul Waheed Yusuf Ariyo a.k.a Aditu Nla has passed away

Anonymous said...

Dividends of villa visit. FFK mole in APC. He wouldnt write like this before he visited jona.. I weep for this country.

Anonymous said...

So long a letter but very true. FFK is saying the things that ppl think in their hearts but are afraid to say. I wonder when we will get up in this country and fight back.

Celebr8Naija said...

FFK for once I commend ur senses. I always say that our so called leaders know who the BH sponsors are. They wine and dine with them and none of these politicians or their wards has ever been bombed. One day their cups would just get filled and the wind would blow!

Ezenwa via Samsung c3222

Unknown said...

Nice write up....

Eugenia Ekeji said...

I think some people really need to give up their lives to save this nation. What do u mean? Their own children are safe, so they wouldn't want to risk it. God is watching.

Oby said...

Sounds like a call for war! Sounds like a GEJ committee member. Sounds more like a realisation of Ikemba Odumegwu Ojukwu's ignored vision. Nigeria is not a nation, it is a relationship that will never work! Divide this nation Mr. President, unless you choose to be another coward in power. May God deliver Nigeria.

tunde said...

Me, I get up on my kneww and say enough is enough. Daddy wa, you have said it all. May God bless you. But wait, yall kip saying you know the poeple behind this, even the president said it, abeg o why can't you just boldly mention names and see how we, nigerians, would go after them. We aren't coward sir, we are just confused people. All we need is clarification. The 'who is' or 'who are' behind it. Tell us nd see boya sango won't kill them all. #flushoutsambisi#

Tunde is back again.(In Baba Ogunde's voice)

Toronto Finest said...

This coward shd fuck off jor

Anonymous said...

Read it from beginning to end. Very unbiased and articulate speech from FFK. I daresay I am impressed. Raised a lot of pressing quuestions too... If only all his writeups cud be this sane and objective. IAI

Anonymous said...

Nice piece Sir, only cowards will fold their arms and watch how some group of blood thirsty looking scums of the earth threaten the existence of a whole nation. I've always said our biggest problem as a nation is the North, their sense of primitiveness and their outright display of power hungry, religion extremism and lack of tolerance of other people mode of existence, this has directly or indirectly given birth to the harams, a bunch of haggard looking men feeling funky. I say we take the war to them and send them straight to hell, after that we vote another person from the South, East or West, just to see what they the northerners will bring up again, cus if they can't respect us to rule over them, let's break this entity, and everybody to their tent.

Tynu said...

Quite an interesting piece rily. Some ignorant ppl will come here & start criticizing what he has said. But the fact remains that these terrorists have come to stay and God is not going to come down & fight our battles. We should continue praying, and also act. Report any suspicious activity around you. It begins with us. If not 4 ourselves, then let it b in honour to the dead, honour 2 d dying & honour to d missing.

Tynu said...

Quite an interesting piece rily. Some ignorant ppl will come here & start criticizing what he has said. But the fact remains that these terrorists have come to stay and God is not going to come down & fight our battles. We should continue praying, and also act. Report any suspicious activity around you. It begins with us. If not 4 ourselves, then let it b in honour to the dead, honour 2 d dying & honour to d missing.

Anonymous said...

tank u sir, mr sanusi want to take our girls to arab country to traindm em to be cum female terrorist? hmmm it is only a dick head dat would shy away from trute.#BRINGBACKOURGIRLS#THAT AKWA IBOM BOY#

Anonymous said...

Omgg i used 2 hate ds man but he makes sense die here...i say burn down that forest..kill all of dem!!!!

Tynu said...

Quite an interesting piece rily. Some ignorant ppl will come here & start criticizing what he has said. But the fact remains that these terrorists have come to stay and God is not going to come down & fight our battles. We should continue praying, and also act. Report any suspicious activity around you. It begins with us. If not 4 ourselves, then let it b in honour to the dead, honour 2 d dying & honour to d missing.

Dike F(xyz) said...

General IBB opened the way for Bombing when he killed Dele Giwa via Letter Bomb many years ago. Statements by General Buhari, Bamanga Tukur, Senators from Borno and Yobe State, Governors of Borno, Yobe and Adamawa States, Islamic clerics and Northern politicians and even Northern "Masses" in general says it all: The Northern politicians are the ones sponsoring and fuelling Boko-Haram!!!

Unfortunately, we have a President who is not brave enough to fight those sponsoring Boko Haram even though he(The President) have said openly that he knows those sponsoring boko-Haram! This Long write-up by Femi Kayode will not solve the problem of insurgency, what will solve it is ACTION!!! Let the President order the Military forces to take the right ACTION and let the president prosecute everyone supporting Boko-Haram in one way or the other.

Anonymous said...

This is 100% true. First time he spoke reasonably. Now ur eyes open. We all know who boko haram is but we choose to hide it.

Anonymous said...

FFK is making sense for the first time.

Anonymous said...

Well put FFK,some times this ur flipant pen can write some truth,realy well put..i support u this time..Hector from Kubwa.

David (dave_gino) said...

The names and faces of those behind and sponsoring this dastardly act is what is important not this long simon.

Nkechi J said...

Very well said. .. It would have been nice if you started the identification of those individual by boldly saying their names. .. While I absolutely agree with him, the truth might be a little deeper than that. .. Nigeria the ghost of Biafra has come to hunt us. .. Only if we fought when we were suppose to, now those who fought and lost have lost courage to reengage since their neighbors turned their back on them. .. Our problem is not spiritualand is time we realize that. If you let your neighbors house go up in flame, watch out yours is next to burn!

Debbie Chelsea said...

Wow wow wow....nice write up...may God deliver Nigeria 4rm d hands of d wicked men ....Amen

ary said...

I have often found this man to be obnoxious, controversial and too 'in your face' but this is one time I agree wholistically with him. A man after my own heart. Spoken like a true leader, without fear, prejudice or compromise.

Unknown said...

Too much talk already, we need action...

Unknown said...

Nice wright up we all know it we just don't want to accept it

Endy said...

100% truth,I agree with u...for the first time in ur life u are standing u for the truth lol

Unknown said...

Wasn't expecting u to. Go and study ur books onynx.....

Anonymous said...

I'm sure u're a spare parts dealer who doesn't possess the mental capacity to grasp the essence of what this article is centered around so I won't bother even trying to enlighten you. Its sunday afternoon..aren't you missing a towns meeting somewhere or something?

perry said...

Wtf!! FFK... dis is too long.... action speaks beta + if una start protest naa musicians una go dey bring kum park... y d gov go take us srz? Anytin we fite 4 nw is 4 d future generations kumin. Eygpt lybia etc #REVOLUTION

Patex said...

What is the solution . That is all what Nigerians want.

Anonymous said...

See it is said that rat when dey in side na dey call rat for outside say food dey my point is those helping our president to find solution are still some of the people selling him out giving information to this bad people most of this people finding the solution knows the problem. May God open our eyes to always see those who are our friends in day time but our enemies at nite. Linda u most post becos na big fact

nella said...

Now, someone writes something that makes sense and some LIB retards will say he's seeking attention.
Truth be told copy and paste journalism is one of the biggest failures of Nigeria. There was a time when we had investigative journalists. They would stick their heads out to find out the truth and would report same. Some got killed for their integrity. These days all we have as journalists are hearsay and rumour carriers. Linda inclusive.

Unknown said...

This is just as simple as the truth can get. It can't get simpler than this. He has said it all. Its just a matter of time before a physical realization of Chinua Achebe's book title comes to pass. There Was A Country.

Anonymous said...

Are you all illetrates! What is too long in this? Wait until bh takes over everything! Lazy ass holes!

p said...

In one word, evident of aso villa visit - ffk ve nothing reasonable for the masses. He had once worked with all these people he mentioned. What did the foolish attention seeker do to help then? Enough innocent bloods on Jonathan hands. He shud kindly resign.dull greedy fool like him is nt fit for this country.

Anonymous said...

Oga or madam whoever u are, can't u make a reasonable and intelligent comment 4 once in ur life like a civillise human being. Have bred idiot.

Anonymous said...

Dis BONA nah so so govt u day blame, u don use yah mouth finish oga jonah..if nah u be 01 u self nor go confuse? Bros relax ur conscience small ooo "D MATA WAY WE SEE SO E TAY WAY E START"

Blogger said...

What he has said is alot of help, firstly you people need to wake up with knowledge; then fight it or sit in your houses ignorantly and soon it'll be your turn to endure suffering

Anonymous said...

To hell with this Guy jor. Na him go name the pple behind na. Is he not the one that has become Aso Rock's informant. Going thru back doors and 1ce in a while the front door. An opportunist who thinks he can sway everybody with his pen. You suck man!

Blogger said...

I'm clueless at to how to begin my reply to you (1:39)...you are clearly an idiot. I wonder why you
cannot educate yourselves with the knowledge

of what you're up against. ..who has time for this? If you actually did read you would realise that all he wrote could not have been for attention, so what if he has been to Aso rock?

Blogger said...

What he has said is alot of help, firstly you people need to wake up with knowledge; then fight it or sit in your houses ignorantly and soon it'll be your turn to endure suffering

Anonymous said...

At what point do we say enough is enough?all this northern bombings are just calculated distraction to spread to other states in Nigeria.they are silently bringing the war to our door steps and all have turned a blind eye to it.hear me....another civil war is imminent and if our oga at the top does not summon enuf courage to question Buhari and others,they should come out open and tell Nigerians the truth.all fingers are pointing at him and others,still GEJ is keeping quiet bcos of his selfish political ambition come 2015.pls let every other state in nigerian be ready cos the BOKO HARAM are already living with us gathering INTELs.when they pull that triger, what we have always watched in movies will be happening live before our eyes.truth is bitter...LONLYDON

APPLE said...

I have always known that. It is the northern leaders

Anonymous said...

At what point do we say enough is enough?all this northern bombings are just calculated distraction to spread to other states in Nigeria.they are silently bringing the war to our door steps and all have turned a blind eye to it.hear me....another civil war is imminent and if our oga at the top does not summon enuf courage to question Buhari and others,they should come out open and tell Nigerians the truth.all fingers are pointing at him and others,still GEJ is keeping quiet bcos of his selfish political ambition come 2015.pls let every other state in nigerian be ready cos the BOKO HARAM are already living with us gathering INTELs.when they pull that triger, what we have always watched in movies will be happening live before our eyes.truth is bitter...LONLYDON

Anonymous said...

At what point do we say enough is enough?all this northern bombings are just calculated distraction to spread to other states in Nigeria.they are silently bringing the war to our door steps and all have turned a blind eye to it.hear me....another civil war is imminent and if our oga at the top does not summon enuf courage to question Buhari and others,they should come out open and tell Nigerians the truth.all fingers are pointing at him and others,still GEJ is keeping quiet bcos of his selfish political ambition come 2015.pls let every other state in nigerian be ready cos the BOKO HARAM are already living with us gathering INTELs.when they pull that triger, what we have always watched in movies will be happening live before our eyes.truth is bitter...LONLYDON

Anonymous said...

FFK. why give us this juicy info without mentioning names? Tell Nigerians d sponsors.

Unknown said...

I agree totally with everything FKK said. For the first time, I have to agree totally with his views. I bet the scales have fallen from his eyes. PDP is not the centre party of our dream but the Muslim Brotherhood masquerading as APC is obviously not an alternative. Thank God FKK has come to that realization. I am also impressed that he realized that his boss OBJ treated the political Sharia with kid gloves. Boko Haram is a offspring of that and we are all paying for it.

Anonymous said...

Lazy hypocrites that are not ready to stand up for their country. The young fellow has said it all and to me I prefer war or let the country be divided...International communities should intervene.

Anonymous said...

So this write up is too long for u to read?, and if its something about gucci shoes or janiffer lopez, u'd be giving us analysis. And u still claim not to be guy, a dumb one at that

Anonymous said...

He's dropping strong clues about knowing BH sponsors' identity without quite pointing the finger. How many more have to die before he gets off his laptop and tells the authorities what he knows?

Anonymous said...

I feel soo sorry for the people who are being deceived,the moment we notice our problem, that's the time we will look solution to it

Unknown said...

I had suggested GEJ's resignation before too but is that the solution. What if the next president enforces a Sharia nation on all of us, what would we do? I honestly think that the best way out of this is to fight together as a nation against this.

Olubukola Ozone said...

@FFK, since u ar brave to iron out d fact dat thr ar som key individuals sponsoring dis BH sect... Can u do Nigeria a favour and call thr names out? If not, just kip mute bro

Anonymous said...

Nella, ur work is as straight as a di*k!

Eze911 said...

No one is brave enough to mention names of sponsors. Just statements "we know the sponsors" in every article.
Well , I am sure Adamu Ciroma knows all his co-sponsors.

Anonymous said...

It hurts me wen I see some of us say this article is too long or if the Got wants this to end it wll tke them nufin,since democracy the north has been @ d helm of affairs for this country,and it is easy to scatter than to build,all I know is that the north is waging a war against the unity of this country which I strongly believe they stand to loose,I also pity those who pour all the blame on the president,u can't behead someone inside ur house and blame the president for the act,we all should unit and fight this evil that has be falling our country..GOD BLESS NAIJA..Arc. Ugoes

Calabar Princess said...

Will i turn on my mallam friend that supposedly guards the gate while i sleep? I sat and watched him bow his head to the ground today and my heart broke, cause if given a knife will he put itto my neck? I want peace for my nation but i want to keep those i have called friends who unfortunately are of Islamic believe. Dear GOD PLEASE TURN AWAY OUR CAPTIVITY

Anonymous said...

Nella,did u rli read ds ur comment b4 posting? Mks no sense!

Anonymous said...

Nobody expctd u 2 read na! If na gossip u 4 talk pass. No go read ur books d hang 4rm blog to blog. As young as u r,ds is long 4u,i wonder wen u talk abt change,ow dt wud cm wit youths lik u who dnt wnt 2 read!


Are u d ex wife

Anonymous said...

I still have a feeling that Atiku, IBB and their cohorts have a hand in this boko haram issue. Funny enough, GEJ is just avoiding war by not pointing fingers, thinking peace can be restored that way. What we need in this country is a division...

Anonymous said...

D president might b d no 1 man bt he is nt a military nor ex. Do u kw d command. Or influence d hv on d army or d oda forces. Evn if he wz an ex military,dre wud ve bn a sort of loyalty bt nw? Hmmmm,na only God

buffy says... said...

This is best article on the security situation in Nigeria. The north will only be defeated because an Igbo man will rule before any northerner can come into power IJN. The solution is we should divide or fight these idiots. Islam is a demonic religion..I have never seen any other religion that kills pple like this b4,everywhere in the world they are killing. God forbid Nigeria having an islamic president next year,infact with this unrest no voting will take place and a western, southern or eastern president will be sworn in. FFK God bless you for this unbiased truth of these war we are in.

Anonymous said...

Am ashamed of islam

Anonymous said...

My take on this issue is for the west, east and southern part of Nigeria leaders and people agreeing with one voice to seperated the North from us all. Give them their own country and remove their blood sucking virus from us all.

Anonymous said...

Don't be ashamed of Islam because they have good people among them. It's the greed of few, who are not content with what they have and want more that is destroying this country . Religion is just the pond they are using.

Anonymous said...

Anyone who claims to know the people behind boko haram and yet refuses to name them is himself a boko haram sponsor. So FFK should be arrested and interrogated.

Anonymous said...

Nobody is criticising the writeup but d writer FFK is just like every oda politician they play with our lives. He should stop fooling himsefl like we don't know what they do in abuja is he not part of them I wonder y we as citizens can't see how we re being foold by dis rubbish article he's formin saint abeg oga park well meanwhile bring back our gurls

Unknown said...

For peace to reign there must be a revert back to SOUTHERN NIGERIA & NORTHERN NIGERIA.
That is the only way out - SEPERATION.
We have so much in difference that we can't cohabitate ~ from religion, politics, customs, traditons, idealogies, believes, ..........name it

FunmiD said...

I may not like this man but he has spoken very wisely.We need to ask ourselves if Nigeria is worth dying for, if it is then its time to take back our country from these extremist who feel it is their birthright to rule,and if they are not in power,they make the country ungovernable.

nella said...

Anonymous 8:56pm which part of my comment don't you understand so I can explain it to you in simpler English?

Anonymous said...

It's true that all our leaders from local government to the federal government have failed us woefully because they all know how bokoharam started and the are using it to politise an innocent man like Gej.when yaraduwa died it took the northerners time most the north east time to allow the legislators excise the judicial right on him as a nigerian citizen and now all the members of apc are only waiting for the bombing from the bokoharam so that they can go to the media
But known of them would see them self as leaders who can come together
to cube this bokoharam once and for all

Anonymous said...

Y dis fool keeps talking and talking still beats me i swear...

Anonymous said...

The article says it all but we need to take the bull by the horn which means proof and solutions to this menace that has befalling our great country. I must say FFK said it all unlike those afraid to speak the truth and act in a firm way.

An applaude for you FFK

ola lib

Anonymous said...

They are in alliance with the military muslims

Anonymous said...

U need anyone to tell u that sanusi and forma fct minister are sponsors backed by top arabian supporters. If like dought me

Anonymous said...

Is like every Nigerian have memory issues including FFK. Now that he is shanting "WE", are the Igbos (His enemies) included?

Good morning FFK!


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