"Oscar is a liar, he shot my sister in a fit of rage': Reeva's sister says | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog





Sunday 13 April 2014

"Oscar is a liar, he shot my sister in a fit of rage': Reeva's sister says

Oscar Pistorius may be trying to convince the world that he shot his girlfriend in his home by mistake but Reeva's family is not convinced. In fact they are so sure he shot and killed her in a fit of rage during an argument. 

In an exclusive interview with UK Daily Mail today, Reeva’s sister Simone (pictured left) says they are in no doubt that Pistorius is a liar.
"He is trying to convince the court that they were really close and that he cared for her. It’s not true. He is a disgusting liar. At the start of the trial, my heart stopped as he walked past, ignoring us. I like to think his heart stopped too. He knew we were there but he almost lost his balance and fell over when he saw us.
‘Then he sat in the dock, smirking. He killed my sister and yet he still seems to be enjoying his celebrity status. During the adjournments he marched around as if he was still a star while my mother and I just wanted to hide away. I don’t understand how anyone could commit that act – kill someone – and behave like that.’
Reeva's mum (left) and sister Simone (right)
To find an outlet for their feelings, the Steenkamps plan to open a shelter in Reeva’s memory for women who are victims of domestic abuse. But before that, there are  three more weeks of the trial to endure. 

Simone, 48, who has given up her career and life in England to live with her parents in South Africa since Reeva’s death, says the whole family tried to offer forgiveness to Pistorius before the trial began, but that her feelings had changed over the past three weeks.
"It has been such an eye-opener for me,’ she says. ‘Until I walked into the courtroom it hadn’t really hit me that Reeva was dead, that I’ll never again see her coming through the door, bouncing around, being in charge of us all like she used to be.
'Sitting there beside my mother in that formal setting, with the whole proceedings aimed at finding the truth about the night she died, I finally took it in and it almost destroyed me. I couldn’t go there for more than a day. 
‘I wouldn’t be able to control my feelings. I would be sobbing, distraught and angry listening to his continuing lies.’
"As the court adjourned for the weekend, the prosecutor Gerrie Nel was in the middle of questioning Pistorius about whether Reeva screamed when he was shooting her. I admire his persistent questioning and he is right to focus on that point,’
"I believe that she was screaming and that he knew it was her he was shooting. I believe they were arguing and that he is an insecure, unpredictable man who might have been thinking he couldn’t live without her if the row ended badly.
"So he picked up his gun and shot her in a fit of rage, and now he is lying his head off in the witness box, saying that Reeva didn’t scream to let him know she was behind the toilet door. Our Reeva was very vocal, very assertive. Some people might go quiet when something terrible is happening, but not Reeva. She would have screamed. I know she would.
"She was a loving, outgoing girl who always spoke up about her feelings, she didn’t hold back. She had lived her life until then in safety and security and would not have felt panicked into silence.’
"Reeva was beautiful and much-loved. She had had few boyfriends and they remained close even after the romance was over. She didn’t know anything about volatile relationships and fighting. I can’t bear to think of her last moments. It was a terrible shock to see photographs of her head shown to the court.
"And all the time Pistorius is crying and vomiting in front of us. My poor mother somehow has to endure this day after day. She is being so strong while this is breaking her up inside. She feels strongly that she must be there for Reeva.’
Simone says she feels proud of her mother for her calm and dignified presence in the court.
‘If I was there I would only upset her by crying and storming out,’ she says. ‘I could not sit there and listen to him, and sit through all those adjournments because Oscar is tired, Oscar is emotional, Oscar is crying again. Why can’t he end this agony for all of us who loved Reeva, and just tell the truth? That’s all we want, the end of this trial and some closure at last.
We will never really know why he did it, why he destroyed her life and his own. Nothing will ever be the same for his family or ours, we know that. But now we want it to be over. We’ll be so glad when it’s over.’
It was in Johannesburg, on the party scene with modelling and show business friends, that Reeva met Pistorius in November 2012 and became his regular girlfriend.

Simone says her family have been astonished at Pistorius’s claims that he and Reeva were planning to move in together and that he was buying a house and planning to decorate and furnish it with her.
‘She told my mother everything. Why wouldn’t she tell her that?’ she asks. ‘Reeva had only been going out with Pistorius for a short time. Living in England, I didn’t even know she was in a relationship with him – that’s how new it all was.’
Simone had been asleep at her home in a village in the Cambridgeshire countryside on Valentine’s Day morning when she received a phone call from her closest friend in South Africa.
‘It was 6am and I was hearing that my little sister had been shot dead. I just froze, I was dazed. I got up and went outside in my pyjamas, shivering from the cold and the shock,’ she says. A neighbour called to ask if I was all right and I said I didn’t think so. I couldn’t stop shivering, then I phoned my mother and began to realise this terrible nightmare was really true.’

Simone worked for Porsche customer services, and had been living happily in England for 13 years.
She said it took her less than an hour to decide she should come home permanently to South Africa.
‘Our family is close and loving,’ she says. ‘My mother had been divorced and was bringing me up alone when she met and married Barry. He has been my dad ever since. I had a happy childhood on a farm with horses in a country town outside Cape Town.
‘When I was 18 my mother became pregnant with Reeva. She was my adorable baby sister. I loved her from the first moment. My mother ran a riding school and would be outside with the ponies and kids while I looked after Reeva. The second she cried I would pick her up from her cot and it became a joke in the family – I just wanted to hold her all the time, whether she was crying or not.’
As a toddler, Reeva was Simone’s bridesmaid at her wedding. ‘She was perfect, and the photograph of us together is something I cherish now more than ever.’

As Reeva grew up she became close to Simone’s own two children, boys called Nicholas and Christian, now 26 and 27. They are both devastated by her death.
"We don’t want to make a big thing about it,’ says Simone. ‘We just want to get on with it. My sister’s death has been our first experience of domestic violence and we have since learned that four women are killed every day like that in South Africa.
‘We are going to provide help and support in a practical way, give women somewhere safe to run to when they are in danger.’
Simone says that, despite her anger towards Pistorius, she has no bitterness towards his relatives.
‘No one in our family is bitter or vengeful. Our hearts go out to Aimee and Carl, Pistorius’s brother and sister, who sit in court every day.
‘They clearly idolised him and I can see they are falling to bits. They didn’t kill my sister. I feel nothing but sympathy for them.’
She says that Aimee had come over to her and her mother one day to quietly say sorry, and that Carl had hugged her mother outside  the court, saying: ‘I’m so sorry for your loss’.
‘He didn’t do that for the cameras, and no one was there on that rainy day in the street,’ she says. ‘His  family is destroyed just as ours is.’
Culled from UK Daily Mail


Anonymous said...

dis case keeps gettin complex by d day

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jaybeyblu said...

Chai! Na wa. Oscar is tired, emotional, exhausted!! Sigh... I feel sorry for him sometimes cos inadvertently or not, he took a human life and it is definitely going to take a toll on him.

Unknown said...

hmmmmm. rest in peace Reeva.

Unknown said...

Awwww, i think Oscar is likely gona go in for this!! With all evidence sorrounding him.. Even the judge sef, de CONFUSSION!!


Unknown said...

Awwww, i think Oscar is likely gona go in for this!! With all evidence sorrounding him.. Even the judge sef, de CONFUSSION!!


Unknown said...

May God forgive Oscar. no doubt, the dude is fucking guilty. ⌣̊┈̥-̶̯͡»̶̥♡thanks ⌣̊┈̥-̶̯͡»̶̥ 

Unknown said...

Mum and daughter looks so much alike. She shld allow d law to take its course. I know God will fight for d deceasedfamily

Anonymous said...

Ofcus he's a liar dear, evn a blindman wld see thru his croc tears and schemes, he'd get wat he deservs, just chill, he'd first of all sell his properties in other to pay his lawyers, then stl be cooked in jail for life witout parole, so chill... They knw wat they're doin

Anonymous said...

I knew it...he is a great liar....he killed girlfriend by himself admitt it mr man...you are wicked man and killer...*nd by the grace of God you will be punish if they find out the truth at last

Two UNILAG girls fights and tears each others clothes over a boy

OMG see what these uniben female students are doing in their hostel, shaking their bakassi

What secondary school girls do with boys when they have no teacher

Look at what i caught this girl and her guy doing on a beach

Anonymous said...

d guy is a liar nd a beast, just sentence hm to life imprison pls.

Anonymous said...

They shld jail dis guy alrdy, cos dey r giving him more time to cook up more lies, idiot anu mpama, mama P

Akanimo Sunday said...

I know that the first thing that lazy Libers will say is that this is too long to read. My heart goes out to both families. It's a huge trauma. My hunch tells me that Pistorius might have done this deliberately.

Amara said...

Couldn't stop the tears from streaming down my face. Oscar is hereby sentenced to 200 years in imprisonment! Arise!

Okoro said...

Feeling so emotional now!!

Anonymous said...

Ds case shld end already abeg!!!!! Oscar killed Reeva, it's so glaring to even a fool or a blind man. After this case, he shld try and get a specialist to treat his bipolar disease in jail. Wicked man, instead of him to just own up n say sorry, maybe justice would have just been tempered a little bit with mercy.

Anonymous said...

Shame, Reeva's mum has aged tremendously in just one year. This is really eating her up inside. I also believe Oscar is haunted by Reeva's ghost everyday, that's why he had to spend the night in the cupboard. I hope she kills him. Bloody agent.

Anonymous said...

This really brought to my eyes...can't begin to think wat they re going thru in court been constantly reminded of the gory way she was killed ehn? God dey o

Anonymous said...

Oscar is a bloody liar n he deserve 2 rot in jail

Angie said...

I feel for her and especially her mother; it's never easy as a mother to see your child go through pain; it touches the heart, more like heartbreak. In this case, the child is gone forever!
May God strengthen them this difficult time. I pray that whatever the outcome of the trial, they'll find closure of some sort...It's not easy!

May Reeva continue to RIP.

* My R1.50c comment *

Opelicious Morgann said...

Nawa oooo.

Anonymous said...

I am just confused about the whole episode. My heart goes to her family. But her sister seems eager to condemn Pistorious. One momemnt she is saying Reeva talks about everything In her life and the next moment she is saying she didnt know she was dating Pistorious, so what do we believe? Pistorious getting the maximum sentence wont bding Reeva back. May her soul rest in peace.

Anonymous said...

Are you looking for a suger mummy or daddy please call dis line 08132333771 please be mature...

Anonymous said...

Hold on a second, is that catarrh I'm seeing oozing out from Oscar's nose??????
dude is such a drama queen..

Anonymous said...

oscar oscar...dis dude kips fabricating new lies everyday. d judge shld jst sentence him to 500 yrs alrdy joor. www.makeupcubicle.blogspot.com

Anonymous said...

What a touching story...this guy should just give up with all this lies or make Reeva slap him from dream self...Hissss

Amarachukwu. said...

I was not there so I don't know what happened.

oscar said...

Am a Man but I just cant stop shedding tears.I am pained, may justice prevail.

Anonymous said...

I know there is the urge to paint the victim as a saint in this matter, and paint the aggressor as a demon...

The claimed shortness of the relationship before it all ran down, shows that something is wrong with both parties clearly...

I bliv Oscar killed her in rage, but the truth truth... Needs to come out so that we can all learn the lessons from this failed and destructive relationship.. unfortunately we will never know

For those shouting justice... Justice can never be completely served, as long as it's humans dishing it... We should seek wisdom instead

Anonymous said...

Hmmmm, now I feel so sory for him nd his family too, only God knows d truth

ary said...

We all knew that.

Anonymous said...

Very sad and pathetic. Obviously he will never day the truth cos he doesn't wanna rot in jail.

JO said...

I'm happy that the Steenkamps do not judge Oscar's siblings unfairly and also that Oscar's siblings apologised to them. How does one forgive the person that pulled the trigger, especially when they believe he did it knowingly. Hmmmm, sad case.

Anonymous said...

Really so sad.people should learn to manage their rage and anger...

winniekoko said...

Ever since linda has been posting this case on her blog I haven't felt pained like this b4. I pray GOD grant simone and her mum the fortitude to bear the lost. RIP Reeva

Anonymous said...

Then he needs to admit, to save everyone all the trouble of watching, so we go to the next case, Shrien Dewani. Wonder if he will get his channel since DStv is fond of crimes of passion.

Anonymous said...

Even a child will adjudge him guilty by looking at his lies. It's very unfortunate

Apple said...

Yes Oscar is a very big liar.

Anonymous said...

Of course Oscar killed Reeva. He knew that after the argument, which i'm sure they had constantly, Reeva would leave him so he decided to kill her.
Mind you, he is a spoilt brat idolised by even his family, so the thought of the press hearing that Reeva left him was unthinkable to him. he just feels that the way he wins on the tracks is the way he should win even in relationships. he would rather be the one to dump you when he is ready but never the other way round. This stupid attitude of thinking he must be the greatest is the same thing that made him run against able bodied men at the last olympics but unfortunately, the race only proved and reminded him of his short-coming, no legs!
Reeva made him feel like a real man by dating him, you know, her leaving him would have reminded him more than ever that he was just a disabled bodied man that he is. well, now, go rot in hell. Mr EGO has finished your life. Pride goes before a fall.

Anonymous said...

The killing was delibrate- a man who could not control his temper and decided to go to the extreme.

Anonymous said...

You better be useful to your family.

Unknown said...

I've always known that this guy ιƨ unsecured, i feel bad to know that this beauty got wasted due to insecurity. The court should nail his ass and end this case. Only Æ“♡D know the pain this babes mom ιƨ passing through. With this my reference point falls back to ALUU4. Those guys deserves some apology judgment on their case.

Anonymous said...

I am not a judge or lawyer. But which girlfriend locks themselves in their boyfriend bathroom and who wakes up at 3am to check for an intruder when their girlfriend isn't in bed with him. Lies lies lies! Tell d truth and shame d devil. Only pistorius n reeva fit tell us wet in happen!

Anonymous said...

Oscar! Is wicked!my God,oscar is a liar big one at dat.devil

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