Her friends say the popular blogger, who founded the blog three years ago to 'celebrate the beauty of dark skin while combatting colorism and promoting self love', suffered from depression and mental illness for many months before taking her life. Friends say the depression started after she lost her mum to cancer in 2013.
Karyn, who motivated thousands everyday through her blog, never shared her problems with her fans and readers, who were most shocked when news of her death hit headlines. Continue...
Blogger Ty Alexander wrote on his blog
"I wanna pout for a few minutes. I wanna bubble-snot cry. I wish someone had told Karyn Washington that she didn’t have to be strong. She didn’t have to hold the world’s glaring eyes on her shoulders. That asking for help was ok. No matter how you ask for it, it’s ok. People say all the time, You’re so strong! That’s so far from the truth. I AM WEAK!!! I think that’s what has gotten me through. I don’t judge myself for bursting into tears in the middle of a meeting. I don’t judge myself for eating the entire pint of butter pecan ice cream (although I just signed up for Crunch)! And I cannot judge myself for not being able to save Karyn."Karyn spread words of hope to thousands of women everyday. Messages such as this one, which she shared last year while watching her mother deteriorate from cancer:
"I am empowered by other strong women and girls. Even by those who don’t necessarily know they are inspiring. Women who are doing what they can to uplift others around them and make a difference in their community motivate me to do the same. I think it is so important for women no matter what complexion, race, or religious background to be united in making sure our voices are heard — that we are being leaders and positive role models to the younger generation."May her soul rest in peace, Amen.
She is not even pretty and still commited suicide? #DoubleCrime
whu naaaa. may her soul rest in peace. AMEN.
Very sad
Its jst been sad sad news all day. Rip karyn..
Eyah..RIP Karyn!!!
What a monumental loss! Not everybody has the strength to handle depression so well I guess.And TY Alex is so right,being strong is easier to say than act it.Too many people carrying burdens that are supposed to be shared.I hope she's found the peace she was looking for.
Rip princess
Na lie,it must be heart break matter
heo..... poor girl ayaa... i really pity her. only God knows what the black community in America are suffering.
*sighs*...sad,d rate of suicide is on d rise
Eyaaa.Resquescant In pace!
May her soul rest in peace #bright bravo#
May her soul rst in peace AMeN
May ur soul rest in peace my darling,till we meet 2 part no more.@ Ebony
May her soul rest in peace
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So sad
RIP Dear. My ex always told me that I am strong even when I am in dire need of help. Thank God I am still alive and well!
depression is a very big disease,it kills even faster than aids,if one dosnt take time,chai! So sad Rip dear.
Ewwooo beautiful browny why u kill urself anyway R.I.P hope God ll 4gv u cos suicide is a sin, u dnt take ur life cos u neva created 1 life
#milito da great#
RIP Karyn
My dear rest in peace
It wasn't d way @al bt RIP
May her soul rest in peace
~BONARIO~says so via NOKIA3310
Dats y u linda should always share ur problem too. No matter d insults u myt get, der'd still be some good responses
What on earth would cause someone to commeit suicide when there are better days ahead..
I didn't know about her blog but I am saddened to see her light extinguished so soon. Tragic.
Owk,wish u safe trip 2 Hell Fire!!!!! People shuld know dat suicide is not an Option!!!!! God
If i had her strength. Im not as strong as her I'd be resting as she is right now.
I stay strong n smiling until I feel so weak, drained.
may ur beautiful soul rest in peace young karyn
No one sees the hurt the self doubt the fear.
May her soul rest in peace,Amen.
If I had ur strength karyn i'd be in peace just as u are. Its too lonly n dark here.
so sad r.i.p
this is evil
RIP... Linda you done hear! if you have problem share with your bloggers.
She woildnt hv done this if she s in a relationship. Loneliness is a bastard. Most women let their ego take over them.
Queen latifah suffered from depression wen she lost her brother. But she got over it after fallin in love.
She wouldn't hv done this if she s in a relationship. Loneliness is a bastard. Most women let their ego take over them.
Queen latifah suffered from depression wen she lost her brother. But she got over it after fallin in love.
Fix yourself first,before u fix other people. The conquence of trying to be a hero when u are broken inside. RIP
She should have known that suicide ιƨ Just a flash in the pan. Its needless. RIP.
God ! Bless her soul ! Karyn, Rest in Peace with the Lord.
I hope you useless religious freaks will not start condeming her soul to una so called Hell.
May her soul RIP
I lost my mum too to cancer last year so I know that feeling. Talking about it with someone has helped me stand. we don't always have to act strong. Rip dear. To know that you helped others stand and then this just makes me sad.
Gosh!! I need to give my life to christ o the world is.comin to an end RIP dear
RIP. If u are down talk to some1 it helps
She committed suicide and here are my naija fellas who died frm bomb blast, life is really unfair..... God, no bring wetin go pass me abeg...
Linda u no try o...na so so bad news u just dy give us today....sad story
At just 22 she has achieved all this plus she is really beautifull..... Slp well gal...
This is quite sad. Words fail to express how I feel at the sight of this news......
So sad, losing your loved ones can be so depressing, I lost my Dad few days ago to cancer ever since then life hasn't been the same, I'm alwaz aving negative thoughts and each time I do, I start praying to God to remove those thoughts. I make sure that am never alone. Loneliness could have caused it. It so disheartening to read news like this. May God help us all
And I just shed tears..God resr ur soul dear..I hope u find peace.
What a story...it. Sadden my hrt...to hear dat such a talented young woman culd just take her own life like dat....may her soul rest in peace amen....
Ironic isn't it? A motivator who couldn't motivate herself. Rest her soul.
Rest in peace karyn, depression is not a good thing @ al, God help us cos am going through a lot rite now and it's only God that can see me through this phase.
So young n biutiful.may she rest well
It is really depressing to watch your loved one waste away day by day due to cancer. How i wish she sought for help. I agree, you don't have to put up a strong front, just lay it out as it is.
Committing suicide is an unfortunate but preventable situation. You'll be amazed how many people out there have suicidal ideations and make attempts, for very flimsy reasons e.g a 16 year old girl that drank insecticide because she was said to be spanked verbally by her mum for not passing WAEC. We lost her. Discuss your issues with friends or experts. Suicide is a lousy way out.
Linda I hope you learn from this
may she rest in peace
Rest In Peace Karyn
This is so sad. Ask for help when in need! we should also be sensitive to our family and friends emotionally, they will show the signs when things are not right!
So painfull may your soul rest in perfect peace
The rate at which suicide is being commited these days is really alarming. Once you snuff out your very own life, you will never rest in peace.
No matter how meaningful or impactful your life had been, suicide is a sin and there's no repentance in the grave.
girl you don't have the right to take your life because you don't own your life
she's so beautiful tho! May Her soul rest in peace, Amen.
If only pple undstn d spiritual implications of committing suicide they will stay clear suicide. No problem is too big to overcome, suicide is never d way out you only tire urself down in d spiritual. Sweet anonymous.
guy uploads nak£d photos of his cheating girlfriend on bbm (see photos)
Linda, i get where she's coming from cos am there now.. ever since I left Nigeria to Canada my life has never been the same, I act strong in front of my family and friends but deep down am weak, i always feel I can only find peace when I finally rest, I know my mum will be broken if I go, but it just keep getting worse, am scared of seeking for help cos I don't wanna be labeled as one with a mental illness, am just tired
What a lost, why do u take your own life na, anyway may your soul rest in peace
May she rest in peace.
This is sad. She's young and beautiful. She looks so promising too. V. Bad news ..
CoolDiva speaks
RIP, Karyn.
She may have been wrongly labeled, defamed and smeared. She may not have depression or mental illness or whatever.
The authorities need to properly investigate her death. Something / someone may have pushed her to the edge.
Amen. Asking for help is always the best option but not so many people do it. I lost my lecturer in school earlier this year only for corps to see his laptop showing symptoms of heart attack. If only he had asked for help maybe he will still be alive today. People should learn to always speak up, it doesn't hurt to.
Lord have mercy!
Depression is a very serious psychiatric illness! God help us!
Bet y?
Awwww so sad,such a promising lady...May her soul RIP
fine girl why did u choose suicide nw where will u spend enternity heaven or hell
Take note Linda
To young
She motivated others, but couldn't motivate herself, dats too bad...
Very sad. Maybe we will need to start creating bipolar depression awareness.
Depression is the worse thing that can happen to anybody..We need to keep a close look at our beloved ones especially those who lost someone they love or lost in business or career...Don't know what else to say.
U guys shd bera stop yabbing Lindz so she won't b depressed
~D great anonymous!
Oh God why na!! Sucide has nw become order of the day for youths!!
Be strong but be yourself... Don't be who you are not; our so-called celebs that claim to own heaven n earth, whereas, they don't have shishi, sick but keep denying it; I pray they don't contemplate suicide when they can't keep up with their lies...
May Karyn's young soul RIP. Amen
* My R1.50c comment *
So sad! May her soul rest in peace!!
Depression kills mehn! People shld learn to voice out and open up...Frm my Christian doctrine, suicide is a one way ticket to hell. No one shld even think abt it. There are abt a thousand and one reasons to b alive. Give a hand today to someone, a lean on ur shoulders and a smile always. U just nevr knw who needs it...#1luv
Why nau?? Such a beautiful girl! Hmmm
Poor thing! But she shouldn't have taken her life. Oh dear! Mo-1.
Funny how its a whole lot easier to encourage others and not ones self.. I've been to that lowest point where i even contempulated suicide... Its God's grace that helps one...
Now this is sad! RIP dear girl, heaven has gained another angel. May you have God's eternal peace. Amen.
She wanted to meet her mum. Depression is the new demon of our times in the developed world. Epidemic of how many people are on road and all manner of anti depressants
R â„“̊ P dear
Which peace will she rest in, after committing suicide?
Linda dear, i do hope you will be able to tell us when anything is bugging u.....remember we love u.
may her soul rip
Ts not OK to always seem strong ,ts OK to cry sometimes ,it only makes me better and more receptive.... RIP poor Karyn.. I wish I cud tell u how much living & holding on meant! Death has neva been worth it!
Such a smart nd intelligent girl...sucide is nt d best dear..RIP
So ssoooo sad. RIP.
na wa ooh! sad news everywhere. thank God the way i was brought up. no matter what happens, i cant take my life.
my life is a special gift from God, I have learn to live everyday of my life with thanksgiving, no matter the condition. may her soul RIP.
via official intercom
So sad... May her soul RIP...
Dis girl no try at all wat wuld she tell GOD nw her mother wuldnt ve wanted dis 4 her at all*sad* may her soul rest in peace Amen
Only She and her God knows what she must have passed through that made her take such drastic decision to take her own life.. May her soul rest in peace Amen.
Depression kills...if it coms to u, pls speak out. I like d statement..''asking for help doesnt mean u are weak"
Rest in peace Girl,but u didn't ve 2 take ur life. All d probems in d world put 2geda is nt worth our lives. Depression is a life robber.
Linda plz share ur problems. Bcos I don't want to hear u commit Su....e. God forbid. I love u lindodo
I absolutely feel nothing for this loss.Her committing suicide, has rendered all her "hard work and motivational ish" useless. Regardless of what she was going through, suicide is a weaklings exit strategy. The Chief Whip.
Why oh why? Why will she do that?
All these suicide of a thing, what is the big deal in it sef! So taking your own life is the solution eh!!! RIP.
Why on earth would she take her own life?its crazy ,may her soul rest in peace amen.
So unfortunate!. A motivator could'nt be motivated. It's only God who can grant true peace. RIP.
Haba! Don't be mean. Life is life
U are a fool for saying this. Please show ur ugly face. Probably she met idiots like you that depressed her. The chic of u!!!
May God forgive u!
Sme1 is dead here,plz. U dnt need 2b mean.
R u dat fucking stupid. Whats her beauty got to do wit all dis. Fucking dumb retard
Rip loveyy buh suicide waz nt d ansa...
Oh my Lord! Anonymous 10.18pm!!!! That's such a mean statement. That's such a mean and insensitive stament.
Can you possibly get dumber than this?
@ anon 10:18pm may God forgive you
U r just daft!
you must be high on cheap drugs, how can you talk about the dead in a disgusting manner,if you dont know how to comment the word'RIP' just shut da fuck up
Anu mpam
irony of life....she was motivating people but couldnt motivate herself
Very sad may her soul rest in peace Amen
How stupid and insensitv can u be? Wat do u knw bout beauty? You beast.
What a beauty, this is really sad but suicide is not d way, whoever is going through such situations voice out, talk to someone,ur family, a friend, a pastor, dont be ashamed to talk about ur problem, it ain't easy but its better talking about it than commiting suicide, suicide is a sin and u wont like what u see dere, and people should also welcome this pple, never be too busy for them,cos depressed pple always wanna be around someone sometimes.
U are a fool,some1 committed suicide nd all u cud talk abt is beauty,smh I wonder y linda post some comments!!! Dumbhead
For lib readers who responded in a way that seems like theyve considered r considering suicide. I beg u, talk to someone today. This girl is already gone but you r still here. Please never think suicide an option
U are so stupid for saying dat. .. we talking abt her death nd u talking abt beauty
Dat imbecilic 1st to comment, u are so dumb dat it brks my hrt 4 ur family! 2 start with, u cnt b half as beautiful as her, dis 1 no fyn reach 4 ur eyes? When dey are calling "oloriburuku daaa" u shld jst be shouting "emi re" cos dat's wat u are! Nuisance oshi! Omo ale jati jati
Fool, all is depression! Enlighten urself! U jst comment stupidly always!
Dat imbecilic 1st to comment, u are so dumb dat it brks my hrt 4 ur family! 2 start with, u cnt b half as beautiful as her, dis 1 no fyn reach 4 ur eyes? When dey are calling "oloriburuku daaa" u shld jst be shouting "emi re" cos dat's wat u are! Nuisance oshi! Omo ale jati jati
May her soul rest in perfect peace.. and for all those who are going through depression, say something and ask for help because we are only human
but when you get sad and depressed and contemplate taking your life think of all the good things going on in your life...you have food to eat and cloths to wear and water to drink and a roof over your head... you have friends who care and even if u don't you have legs to walk out there and make some.... there are millions of people who have no one to care for them or give them food and have nowhere to rest their head but they haven't even contemplated suicide yet...suicide is never the answer...May her Soul Rest in perfect peace.
Linda never conceal ur problem, if u ave any share with ur fanz, dey can be a fixer u...
Stay strong, it's not going to rain forever. God loves u
@anony April 14, 2014 at 10:18 PM r u for real?someone commit suicide cos of depression and u r talking about beauty who the f**k r you? f**k u for that
What is the reasonmy dear... can you add me up 24cb5b9e... will sharw some bible passages with you
Pls seek for help, forget about the labelling(I know it's not very easy). It's a phase and it's either you overcome it or get drowned. Pls refuse to be drowned, there are better days ahead. It can and will definitely get better.
Please, open up to someone; ur mummy or a friend.
AnonymousApril 15, 2014 at 2:36 AM
I am in Canada too and I can tell you the country can be very depressing cause of the keep to yourself mentality of the people . I can help you get through this . Find me on twitter @femishine Linda post this
The biggest idiot I've come across to date is the 1st thing that commented. You are clearly not human. Devil's advocate!!
As innn I second DAT...ds country pple so kno how to keep to themselves eh...seriously minding their business I don't even kno my neighbors lol yh its DAT bad... Nd then every other person I kno probably work double shift and come weekend all u can do is ur grocery and laundry and getn ready for the week ahead...its that bad...like I miss home all ma good frds r back home.....may me and depression never cross path in life sigh...she was a beautiful soul...
Pls be strong God is ur strength suicide will never solve the problem... I hope u find help soonest
Nooo u didn't just say that!!!! Like can pole b ds stupid!!!! The Devil surely dwells in u...some animals don't deserve access to internet...hainnn!!!Oloshi were! Stupid fool.. How can u even think of such a thing! Linda plss I kno its too much for u like al ds type of comments shouldn't be approved..dayummm
Poor girl, may ur soul RIP
depression?,i ve bin dere and i came out strong.or wot is more depresin dan bein born poor,grew up bein laughed at by frnds,families nd neigbours cz of poor clothin,feedin nd shelter,only 4 me2 get pregnant4 a fool immediately after youth service,a tym wen ma parents tort dr sufferings had come to an end cz i'l get a job nd help dem a bit,at dat moment,it ws difficult kipin up wit lyf cz of harsh words frm my parents(wld u blame dem?),cz my baby fada cleverly abandond me,bt den i neva attemptd suicide bt trust i almost went blind cz of incessant cries,like odas ve said,i neva stopped tellin pple my probs,whether dy pity me genuinely as portrayd or laughed at me behind my bak is dr prob nt mine.in a nutshel,my baby is 2 and half yrs and i wk wit a leadin oil subsidiary,a job i got via d younger sis of one of d directors thru one of my pity me talkin spree.i not only feed my child wel bt helpin ma parents build dr bungalow.suicide shldnt b an option as it is actualy gr8 pple 2b dat usualy ve it rough in d start.
Funminista, why r u saying its a lie? I guess u don't know how it feels 2 lose a loved one especially a mom? I also lost my beautiful young Mom (God rest Her Soul) to cancer in October last year and I don't think I'll ever get over the emotional trauma and heartbreak her passing has caused me! I am super depressed ryt now and I've tot of committing suicide several times but wen I think of my poor dad and my 2 older siblings (I'm d last), I develop cold feet. I've had counselling from alotta pple like my Rev.Father, a Pastor frnd, doctors etc but it doesn't work. I cry every morning as soon as I wake up to reality and my new status- a motherless child. I'm still in shock n disbelief and I still nurture d tot of taking my life as I see my Mom EVERY night in my dreams and I can't wait to be in her arms once again, soon. Life is no longer worth living for me...my world is now a living hell since October 2013 and I've since lost my faith in God. I now question God's existence and also d existence of Heaven and hell.....Truly, I understand wat Karyn must hav gone thru cos her shoes fit me perfectly now, poor girl. May her pitiful soul rest in peace, Amen...Linda pls post dis, tnx
some people dont deserve life. A person commits suicide and all you can say is shes not even pretty? such evil.
Rip dear.
Dont hve anytin 2 say,so she's motivating us 2 commit suicide, mschew,no matter wat,suicide is not an ans,u neva gave urself life,so why take it,double suffering
Anonymous @ April 14 10:18PM. I pity you because you obviously lack the ability to feel compassion. And for your info, she was a beautiful girl. So sad that you not only are incapable of compassion but also lack the ability to see beauty.
Hmmmm! Poor girl! I can only imagine what she went through. I lost my mum too in Nov.2013 and believe me when I say that is one of the hardest things one can ever go through... It still feels like a dream cos she was so young, bubbly and full of life. Unfortunately the only way I remember her is her being weak and helpless due to her illness. As a christian I try so hard to encourage myself and my family that she is in a better place but do I really believe it? .... I slip in and out of depression every other time but I know for a fact that if you got Jesus, slowly but surely, you will overcome ...RIP Karyn
I pray that God will comfort and give you reasons to be happy again. I also lost my dad to cancer last year just four months after having his first grandchild. I know he's now at rest and peace. He went through a lot of pain and agony. God is unquestionable and i find solace in the fact that he left a good pathway for us his children to follow. He was the best dad. Love him forever.
U re evil, stupid and an idiot. Foolish ugly beast. I pray u don't commit suicide too.
I know it probably wasn't easy for her,but suicide is still not an option.
To the fool that said she's not even fine,your mother and sister can't rival her deadbody,coward #RIPkarynwashignton
Lmaaoo!! Dude u are u right its double crime I tell u!
@anon 10:18 u've said nuffin wrong jare...jst bunch of frustrated individual tryin 2 take out deir anger on u..dey probably had a rough day...its jst absolutely wrong 2 take ur own life..dats straight hell so wat consolation do u intend 2 give?harsh realities deal wit it
Ha ah. This anonymous u r very mad o. Schewww u must be as ugly as an orangutan. Very dumb comment. Get a life you moron. Thunder fire your left nyash.
Her friend Ty Alexander is so right - IT IS OKAY TO BE WEAK. (ofcourse not always) It is so sad though and such a contradiction, but I guess her mental illness is really the cause RIP
What level of insensitivity and ignorance is this, "she not even pretty and still committed suicide" posted by Anonymous. PLEASE!!!!!!!! out of pure respect for Karyn if you have not uplifting or thought provoking to comment simply comment RIP, or just don't comment at all.
What level of insensitivity and ignorance is this, "she not even pretty and still committed suicide" posted by Anonymous. PLEASE!!!!!!!! out of pure respect for Karyn if you have not uplifting or thought provoking to comment simply comment RIP, or just don't comment at all.
Do those "May her soul rest in peace" people realize that only reborn Christians go to Heaven i.e. peace, and all others go to everlasting torments into hell? If this black girl wasn't a reborn Christian she is now in the flames of hell. Stay for truth! Don't lie to people! "May her soul rest in peace" is utter nonsense and gives people false hope. If this black girl is in hell now she does not want you to shamelessly lie about her being in Heaven. But she wants you to warn others so they won't go to hell as well.
Um yeah, she IS literally resting in peace…In a world that has been made into a living hell by men playing god and all of us allowing it and just going with the flow…She is stronger than many of us who know this game of imposed monetized survival is rigged & yet do nothing to combat that. Tacit war of attrition is the mission and sadly but true, she is just another casualty of "purposelessly fucked upped-edness!" End the games and end the cognitive war against self…
really ??? you are still posting unkind comments.... WOW b
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