Two of the children of the Kogi State House of Assembly Speaker,
Alhaji Momoh-Jimoh Lawal have been kidnapped. The children aged 7 and 3 were kidnapped this morning around 4am
from the Speaker's residence at Okengwe in Okene Local Government Area
of Kogi state.
According to the Chief Press Secretary to the Speaker,
Austin Akubo, the three kidnappers gained entrance into the house
through a broken fence.
"The abductors demanded for the children: Ogirima, 7, and Hafeez, 3, and also made away with other valuables. They took television set, generator, Toyota Yaris saloon car belonging to the wife of the speaker and N20,000. The incident was promptly reported to the police and other security agencies in the state,” he said.
Emeka Emeh, the Kogi state's Police Public Relations
Officer confirmed the incident and said the police is working very hard
to find the kidnappers and free the children. The kidnappers as at press
time had not contacted the family.
Disgruntled employee or family member.
Nigeria is about to collapse,start training for hunger games.
Pls can people stop sympathizing and stand up and do something to solve this issue and look for ways to prevent it from happening. Stand up fat nigerians and let's fight the good fight.
Now you will know how it feels.
Hmm this country is really doiing well.Am so sick and tired of everything!
Who has seen the movie,the book of eli,that how nigeria will soon be.
Taste the soup you politicians cook for we nigerians to eat.TASTE IT YOU FOOLISH POLITICIANS,
Police are always working. No be naija ni. Stupid force. As for the speaker this is an example of how ur followers feel wen bad thing as a result of the failed country system happen to dem. Taste and see. I pray the kids are alrite. Innocent. Children
Now you will know how it feels.
Some people are just heartless. Poor kids <(*_*)>
The police are working very hard indeed,those living corpse that call themselves policemen.let's hope they find the children b4 it becomes too late
They will be released very soon, its money they want, I pray they don't harm the children
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Honestly I'm sik of this country!
I'm dead. If you are tired of Nigeria, read this hilarious post on how to get US visa for free. Too funny
Well, is obvious kidnapping is nw a juicy occupation in naija but for the sake of the mum, they should release the innocent kids pls....
Just in three days look at the crime rate in naija abeg... No doubt, my country is doomed....
Everyday one bad news or d oda! Am tired!
I pray they are found hale and hearty
The speaker lips looked like he knows Maryjane.
~BONARIO~says so via NOKIA3310
I pray they are found...Amen.
Hmmm pple are desperate for power. When elections are close we hear all sorts. I hp al this get sorted quickly.
Linda I no dey even undastand u dis days.which one b broken down fence.wee d fence b broken up b4.ahan u sef.u beta post my comment
Mr "no doubt"... No too abuse d word "no doubt" b4 e go run comot frm dictionary.
Looool @ Mary Jane :)
I'm tired of this country Fam
Poor kids, my heart goes to the families I hope they come back safe. If this is the way all this corrupt leaders can be dealt with, kudos. But not the kids,them instead.
May God help us, kidnapping the innocent kids dont make sense at all
Ok nah.. Speaker go pay them
Some part of the money wey u don thief.. QED..
They shldnt hurt those kids pls. They shld make sure the speaker pay enough bcos they all thieves
And u are standing up by posting incessantly on Linda's blog? Mtcheeew.
The poor wont have nothing to eat or milk from but the riches. You all just started
God help this kids. I don't pray an adult experience it talkless of children.
Sure maryjane is his babe. Hahahaha
God forbid, God will surely deliver Nigeria from blood sucking demon, that comes in human form
Sorry to say,i sympathise with him but at thesame time am glad he knows what it feels like to lose a loved one.i guess these kidnappers and BH guys should start focusing their activities on our politicians so they know how it truly hurts.only if we all can seek the help of foreign countries concerning the turbulence nigeria is going through presently cos the truth still remains that,pdp,apc etc are all one and thesame people dated from 1960;what they do is rotational governance while they expand thei bank accts for their forth generation in the expense of the poor masses.i just wish there could be a revolution just like the one in Ghana sometime ago.All persons in govt should be eliminated not sparing a damn soul and only then can we breath a fresh breadth once again.shalom.
I'd die for my district, would you?
May God help us overcome all this tragedies..
Whay ever is happening in our country, we perfected, we re what we make out of it,so we shuld all blame ourselves
Infact kogi my state is d most corrupt state in d whole planet,a state where a governor will rule for two tenures wt nothing to show,a state where workers salary are paid into their personal account4 buisness while d masses kip suffering.As am writing this most of the LG in d state are yet to pay january salary.The last salary paid in my LG(Ankpa) is 30%.the former governor is still in power indirectly,his son is in d house of rep,his cousin is the acountant general of the state,d wife's brother is the chairman LG comission,and his inlaw,wada is d stupid old fool governor who has nt even commissioned a signboard since he assumed office.His only achievment is accident,killing prof iyayi d former Assu president.
Pple are complaining abt immigration collecting 1k from applicants,towards september last year the kogi state government collected 3,500 from over 16000 applicants for jst 500 job vacancies&uptil dis moment,we didn't write d exam&our money has not been refunded back to us,those that has long leg are already getting apppointment latters from the state house.There is nothing to write home abt the politicians including this beast called speaker himself.@least let him feel the pain jst as the poor masses feel everyday.(Linda I ve sent u several emails concerning all these bt u refused to post them,its are making some of us feel as if we aint suppose2be here)
"Animal Farm" is getting close to home now. Perhaps, that is the needed catalyst to turn the tide. Hehe............
By the time they start hitting the politicians real hard they will sit up.
Lol@bonario ....may the peace of God reign in our country nigeria...i hope the children will b found...end times...jesus is comin sooner than we expect please give ur life to christ now that salvation is free..
Ur own is just 2 talk,if ur dad were 2 b a police man,wunt he b scared of his life...even u dis idiot will tell him 2 leave d police force....Retard
God will save dem.....Amen
Ur own is just 2 talk,if ur dad were 2 b a police man,wunt he b scared of his life...even u dis idiot will tell him 2 leave d police force....Retard
103 children kidnapped by BH.. nothing is done. Children (2) of Speaker of the house kidnapped- Police is working hard to get them caught. Nigerians are still sleeping... The system only works for the rich
Bonario's baby am begining to like you. You comment crack me up!
I lyk dat reply, let d politicians taste it also. Idiot pple
Good news I think. Thank God he is a politician
I lyk dat reply, let d politicians taste it also. Idiot pple
GOD forbid! Stay Positive!! GOD bless NIGERIA
U're not serious. Which kind hunger games? Abeg be more reasonable
Who has heard of how Singapore was transformed from a 3rd world country to a first world country? THAT'S HOW NIGERIA WILL SOON BE.
This cracked my ribs - hahahahaha. Love you Fam.
So de kidnap his kidz nd is in news?wat of dose kids de kidnap nd kill evrydai? U nva tot t wil visit u 1dai,cry d way d poor masses in ur state cries. Rubbish politicans,I shame fr diz country
Looool@taste the soup. Hahaha
i pray for safety for the kids.
No be by mouth, Anon 9.23pm. All the indices point in the opposite direction from ur "vision".
As a speaker are u telling don't police in that house to protect ur. Family?
As a speaker are u telling don't police in that house to protect ur. Family?
Shit! I dont support child abduction...Please release them! I would however have applauded you if you kidnapped the dad (the speaker) ....Evil politicians
Now d kidnappers are doin d ryt thing, am sori d children were kidnapped, I pray dey are found. But if u must kidnapp go 4 d inconsiderate thieving politicians and pls leave d struggling nigerians alone. Dats all
D monsters politicians created by stealing monies and not providing Jobs will come back and hunt ur Families. Dis is just d begnning. And am not a kidnapper, just a very angry 9ja youth fed up with Nonsense. D tables will turn soonest but 4 good.
Nt even standing sittin with his techno in his hand
When is dis gonna stop y kidnapping dere children y nt dem if u want dem punished.God will protect dose kiddos
Even if u stand up all ur miserable life, it ll make no impact cos i can see from ur comment that u r a big fool!
@lindaikeji but his a member of BK. Why is he ranting...Let the game begin
Teophilus it is your father and mother that are stupid old fools...if u have no home training then learn it.....foolish goat
Until WE the citizens of Nigeria rise up and say enough is enough thru civil disobedience we will continue to suffer. The monsters created by politicians have come back to hunt them. While I wish the children are found safe n sound I have no sympathy for the man.
U are a product of a leaking condom,the wrath of GOD wl soon befall u,may u remain anonymous all d rest of ur life
##################GOD ######################################Punish##########devil
sorry Sir, please take heart. I cannot judge on why those children where alone at such tender ages because it could have just been an unfortunate day where maybe people don't turn up to work. Those kidnappers - may God judge them. The way they want other peoples children to suffer - theirs will suffer worse msscheew
hp d children wont be hurt, bt d guy shud feel enof pain bfor dey r found. Guess all diz politicians deserve 2 feel dis pain too, mayb dey ll b moved 2 strt acting 2 d citizens well being n stp thinking abt jst demslves. :|
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