His daughter, Mrs Nwadiuto Iheakanwa, the MD of Champion newspaper told Encomium magazine:
"We are not against our father's new marriage. It's not true that we the children kicked against it. He made his choice and we wish him well in his new marriage. Papa is an old man (don't let his new wife hear that o..lol) we should not give him stress. We want our father to have a long life and enjoy himself. The lady herself consented to it. We spoke to her and she said she loves papa. We wish them goodluck."Chief Iwuanyanwu and his late wife, Lady Eudora, who died in August 2011, were married for 40 years and had eight children, most of whom are older than the woman he married this past weekend.
Else they get caught out of the will
Hapiness matters
D power of money tho.....love my foot!!!
Awwwww,What else can we say!.God protect dem.
Hmmmmmm in her daughter's voice! Papa is very old o,dnt let his new. Wife hear dat!lol not my bizness
I love d lady's response...so mature! Showz dat dey have welcomed the girl..... Serves ppl right, especially bloggers who are always quick to conclude easily!
Hmmmmmmm, If thatz her choice wht can I say
26years my ass. Even if she is 40 its still ok.Why lie.
That gurl tho,,,money speaking
Papa don cast
Reminds me of king david in d bible who requstd 4 a young virgin,@ dat age all he needs is a campanion,giv it to d man e was faithfully married 4 40yrs,very rare trait in successful nigerian men
All na money package...lol
I pity Late Eudora.
Money talks.
Gud for dem
Is all about happiness
Gud for dem
Mak I hear word jare!....love ko.... love ni...would hav believed her if d lady in question is not a 400l edu indo chem studnt of absu....obviously my coursemate!......y was she hidin d identity of her supposed yankee hubby, .....actually she happened to b d most dressd in d departmt....is her damn decision and life......but she fall our hand shaa.....we were expecting somfin beta dan dis.....definitely no dis!!!
Dirty Hapiness...wakin up everi mornin to see my grand pa by my side!! Hw can a preti yung ladi go into such!!!God help us
She is the MD of champion newspapers so what do you expect her to say? Abi you want Chairman to sack her?
They shd wish him well. Nthn lasts 4eva!
~D great anonymous!
let it b love that actracted her and not money ooooooo! All d same HML to them
Oshisco hapiness my foot d girl luk very older than her age
Gold digger. chief go fit ride this powerful mashin? I taya oh
Which kind happiness matters? U ever hear say young babe gree marry poor grandfather? Gold digging tins joor
Happpiness fire!! No young girl grew up n decided to marry a grandfather for love. Abeggi she married for d money. Period!
Linda abeg post my comment ooo
Linda what's your own with stressing the fact that his children are older than the lady? Please take a chill pill we read that already. When are you giving us the young husband? #justasking#
Few will step forward to confirm discord within their family to the public. Her comments hold until Papa dies, once his fortune is truly at stake.
If d man was married to d same woman for forty years it means he aint so bad, so if his wife dies after 40 years he ɪs free to be happy again. Wish him well jor
Linda if Yu don't Hurry up, May yu not End like Dz girl. Keep on wearing Jimmy Choo, CL, Asian Hair n tink timeis onyur side. Yu r an African Woman, Not Oyinbo. If Yu like no post this comment.
D man shd enjoy life o
D man shd enjoy life o
NA wa o Children of these days keep liking their Grandfather. Isoritooo
D man shd enjoy life o
What do you expect the children to say? They'll definitely say they're happy. Na who won loose inheritance ni?
Happiness indeed,how long will the so called bride be happy before she starts looking outside
Love mi ass..n she doesn't look 26..
If your sad about your own life, leave other people out of it. You guys Keep acting like happiness starts & ends with marriage. What if she doesn't want to marry,does that give you cancer? Abeggii
Hmmmm na wa oo!
Sir, enjoy ur bride abeg!
"She said she loves papa" *coughs
U re nt ok at all, leave Linda alone! What's ur business with Linda? Is she owing u? If na swear? Back 2 u d sender.
Why can't ladies desist frm having sugar daddys...hmmmmmm na wah oo for dis girl when there are mates of urs who are also in money but well she has a point,maybe dey didn't come her way....lolzz
Wowwww you av a point..u are really making sense jooooor
LOL...What crazy love is that? This dudes dick can't stand again according to his age. This is just another episode of Hugh hefner, the billionaire playboy. This young bi*ches just get married to this men for the money. Bite me... wesaytech.com has spoken
Gud 4 dem
Don't be fooled, he has kids ftom outside
She dey fall ur hand na u and her won leave wit d man? I m sure u neva marry u dey talk abt fallin hand frm anoda person. Its not like d man left his wife, d woman is dead. Weda na becos of money or not she marry d man its her choice and happiness. D fact is dat she is married to a man dat can make her happy weda by cash or kind. So go and rise ur own hand extend of lookin 4 pple wey dey fall ur hand ode!
Like say if u see d Gold u no go digg! Ewu!
Yes na! Wen young guys keep provin dey are doin d girls favour by datin dem d older men are showin d girls hw valuable dey are.
Haba! Sacrificing common sense on the Altar of money
He wants someone who will be able to change his diapers soon...a maid.
Pls wot God has put together no commentator put asunder carry on gurl. For his children is behind u.
What will they be discussing together. The young lady will be bored. Anyways HML.
I love my Boo nd will love him even if he is 60yrs older.
May God have mercy on us. Money is d root of all evil.
This goes long way to show how young women this days just don't want to work hard. I know this guy. He is not as rich as we think. He is too fat. So this girl is in for a serious work. Money doesn't buy happiness. Reality will set in soon. Did u say she is 26? Hmmmmm! Jesus have mercy. This young women na wa!
My dear , it is better to wake up everi morning to see my grand pa by my side than to wake up n see young woman beater, husband na husband if e easy go n marry ur own,
May God have mercy on us. D love of Money is d root of all evil.
Atleast the chairman chosed her , is she d only girl work there , ur just jealous ,
She's 26yrs jare its bcos she's pregnant dats y she's lookin a bit older dan her age, u knw wen a lady is pregnant she adds up...so u ppl shud leav dem if dey claim dey r in love
Bloody hypocrites ranting nonsense here, Biko where are the single rich men? Very few ight? And every strong single lady don't wanna marry a broke sorry ass gigolo, as for me oh I will settle for papa if he's single and loaded like him
Poverty has lost her home address, enjoy ur life jare
I wish them well, at least wit d girl around him it will increase his life span
Pls keep grandchildren away from grandfather of else he will marry them too
You are neither God nor are you her mother who pushed her out of your wombs so puleezzzzz keep you "age must equal looks" sentiments to yourself.
According to Fela Anikulapo Kuti, I dey look and laugh.
Correct girl! Me dey look for diamond to dig
Leave linda alone jooor
Late Baba Folawiyo too got married to my friend's aunty, a young graduate, he was old enough to be her grand dad, had two kids for Baba, but had a young dude shagging her well by the side, Baba got to know, throw her out. Ladies, you cant have the best of both words.
Yes o! Hapinnes goes a long way!
Tah dis girl isn't 26yrs.gud she luz PAPA
She fall ur hand unto wetin?
U get hand wey dem dey fall?
Like u said it her bizness not urs so jst shhhhhhhhh for dere!
To think of it, she is far above ur level n feel d pity for ur sorry sef!
I hope Pa Iwanyanwu wont have heart attack out of excitement one day when he is 'cumming'. This babe is very fresh. ''Handle Papa with care''.
Is it ur headache?
Which one be God help us for dis post now? Its her choice, decision!
Go get a life too!
The truth of the matter is: This babe will surely crave for sex with a younger man. This old man doesn't have the body or energy to fuck her properly.
Truth be told, she has about a billion worth of reason why she should give her consent. Biblically she is justified because he is a widow. Plus he might be less likely to cheat at this stage and even if he does it is still a lot better than marrying for love to some broke ass who would still cheat (and divide his meagre salary on the hair of some other woman) in the words of Peter Okoye "its better to receive the news of any mishapp in some shopping mall in paris or milan than to hear of it in some crowded lagos market. Period.
Funny.. Money d root of all good things. Ride on grandpa! Na God give you
Na dis old beef na una say na 26yrs?common stop dat.she looks old plz
Truth be told, she has about a billion worth of reason why she should give her consent. Biblically she is justified because he is a widow. Plus he might be less likely to cheat at this stage and even if he does it still a lot better than marrying for love to some broke ass who would still cheat (and divide his meagre salary on the hair of some other woman) in the words of Peter Okoye "its better to receive the news of any mishapp in some shopping mall in paris or milan than to hear of it in some crowded lagos market. Period.
Love has nothing to do with this. The children are scared of their father, he can take them off from his will.
Nice big breast, that was the thing that caught my eyes. Pa Iwanyanwu dey enjoy sha.
This girl nor see young hustling Igbo men love, na Billionaire Baba- your grand papa mate, you see love. Sharp girl.
Hahahah----"papa is an old man"---he needs fresh blood to replenish his...in oda to live looong..."Girls and money"---dey are alllll d saaaaaaaaame#
In bed with a young guy, this babe will be a delight. Cute babe! Nice tits.
Jealousy, bcos u ar nt as lucky as her
My dad was fucking in his 80s!
26 ko 26 ni! This woman is at least 35!!!
This man needs a companion and what's d big deal if a 26 years old lady marries a 72 years old man. Those complaining that she married the man for money sake should go and rest. Will you marry a guy because of poverty? My dear enjoy your union. May God bless your marriage.
Love making will definitely be a chore for her, and she will eventually get frustrated and may be tempted to look elsewhere. My dear, money isn't everything.
This girl might not get what she is interested in-his wealth. So many Nigerian millionaires are heavily in debt, take away their liabilities from their assets, they are left with little or nothing. Fake money men with no visible means of generating money. Many of their companies make little or no profit. Many of them can not even afford to pay their staff. They live on government patronage and borrowed money. They were the reason many banks went out of business some years ago. They borrowed money they couldn't pay back. Somethings are not what they seem.
A young dude gives you mind blowing sex, sugar daddies blind you with money. The votes was in some months ago on this blog. Over 80% want money over good sex. She thinks she has won the lottery but this comfort zone is 'hazardous'-no good sex. With loads of money, she will end up a lonely frustrated wife.
And if I may ask: What do they have in common?
It is well ooo,only God knws her reason behind dis marraige.smh
For instance, if this girl favourite sex position is doggy, there is no way Papa Iwanyanwu can give it to her from the back, his massive body will be the hindrance.
There are things money cant buy!
atleast d children have gotten a capable househelp whenever their around, its their luck, abeg wish them gudluck, money gudooooooooo.
Afi 'chosed' her na
U ar right she go get one bobo wey go dey gv her d tin unto unfulfilled satisfaction
I only wonder how they will be making love looking at each others eye. I pray the lady doesn't grow old fast. The man would ve gone for ladies within 35-50 yrs since he is not looking for children any longer
Who be the tif? D Granpa cradle snatching or the greedy 26 year old?
Who be the tif? D Granpa cradle snatching or the greedy 26 year old?
Who be the tif? D Granpa cradle snatching or the greedy 26 year old?
Why una dey take panadol for another person headache? Na wa oooooh
Yes oo too old
Speechless,this one get as e be,na real wa,grandpapi n young lady.
Na d old man get sense pas, weda na money or na love matter very soon the older will get young while the younger will get old d baby girl go get wowo in no distant time mark my word. Enjoyment for great grandpa cary go
@at glo what do u mean by young girls don't like to work? Biko young guys must not comment on this issue becos they r really useless, if an 80yrs old man will make me happy @ the age of 23 I will prefer that to all this useless hrtbrkers.
Money can't buy happiness, but who ever it comes from it should be appreciated. Young guys can't give it to us the way older men do. Silly heart breakers # old under my foot I would have loved it older
Mrs bride remember that marriage is for better n worst, no infidelity, dnt look at young handsome guys again. Its Pa Iwuanyanwu n him alone. I wish u a HML
Iwuanyanwu's children are not in support of their Dad marrying someone that is 2 years older than his first grandchild. The girl is wayward and does not come from a good home. Her mother is who also wayward pushed her into this because of money.The broom that was used to flog the other women that had kids for Chief will also be used on her . LOL
You copied the story in Encomium, Linda you are a lazy blogger. This is Encomium property
Jealous ke, it sounded like her she is supporting d girl naa. Anyway, so what happens when papa dies in some few years? Will he be able to satisfy her in bed? Well, maybe there's an arrangement naa, #houseboythings lol
26 them say Hamm, tel dat to my bog, anyway gud for them.
Lolll, we all know it's her choice, before nko? But really, will d man satisfy her in bed? Or she'l be praying for d man's death as soon as she has her baby. What discussion would they hv in common? Just saying o its indeed her choice.
Before nko? The children will need a girl to look after papa when d time comes, hence their approval loll
What will u do when d 80yr old dies? Marry another 80 year old? Pray to find ur man n stop wishing yourself bad luck!
Shunamitism! That is the idea. (1Kings1.3)
Money talking. That thing called owo, ego, kudi is a serious ass kicker. Sure did kick Nwadi's ass into submission. Yeah right. we ova here Nwadi. we know you aint down with that shit. She old enough for your younger bro.
Money rules the world, its a powerful tool that some times bring men of good character on the kneels of the oppressive dictators whom the oppose
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