I wish you all a 2012 filled with love, happiness, kindness, success, and God's grace.
May God bless you all so much this year, that you continually shed tears of immense joy.
May all your dreams come true, may all your prayers be answered, and may you experience a miracle so unbelievable, it takes your breath away.
May 2012 be the beginning of the best years of your life...
Happy New Year everyone.
Happy new year everyone!!! May this year be our best year yet on every front. Blessings.
Same to you Linda! May you have all that you wish for and more this year.
Amen Linda....same goes to you too. I hope the **6-Pack hubby locates you** lmao. Congrats honey.
Happy New Yr Linda and LIB readers, God Bless
Happy new year to you too Linda you totally made my 2011, luv your blog muah!!!!
Happy new year to everyone. May God grant us all our heart desires, and all the best in 2012 It's still 2011 where I leave just 4:30pm
Happy new year! may we live to reap the fruit of our labour.
Happy new year Linda and all LIB readers !!!
Cheers to 2012 !!
Same to u Linda
linda...oyoyo nwa...omalicha...tnx a lot n happy 2012 2 U 2...it's well!
Thanks. Same to U too Linda.
And as well to u Lily. May you found husbad this year. lol
Amen o Linda,wish u same same
AlabamaUncut Says Happy New Year Ma'am !!! http://alabamauncut.blogspot.com/
Happy New Year,Linda!!
Great,i'm wishing all LiB READERS happy new year celebration and prosperity.
Wishing for this year 2012 that my blog
become just like this.
Wish you the best.
Happy new year to you all.
Happy New Year!!!
Dat Husband u hav always wantd will come dis Year! IJN!
happy new year miss linda ikeji
Happy New year to Linda and all LIB readers too. I'm a regular here. Im so happy cuz i got engaged and had my Introduction Last year (Dec 2011). God has been good to my family and I. Cheers!
Same to you darling. May all your dreams come true and may you be announced more this year. To all LIB readers, Happy New Year, may we all find peace and our hearts' desires.
Happy New Year!!!! We are all blessed to see another year. Linda, Amen, Amen, AMEN!!!!
Same to you, linda.
Happy New year my love
Amen linda...tank God we made it......
Very very good one Linda!...Thankx much n the very same to u too! xx
May this New Year be our best one yet!
With all our heart desires definitely coming through!...It is well with us ALL!...Cheers to A Blessed n Blissful 2012!!!
i remember vision 2010 and 2012. by 2012 we shall have stable electricity, good roads, water etc yeah! i see how well the visions n promises came to pass. happy new yr
Linda this year God will bless you and bring even greater success to you. And you will be engaged to a hot man also. And for everyone one else we will all be abundantly blessed.
Amen to that prayer. I wish you the same Linda. Thanks for all you do. God Bless!
Amen to your prayer Linda! Wish you the same and happy new year everyone!
And May God grant your heart desire,Linda.
Linda thank you and wish you the same
same to u lindastic! ds year is our year of greater achievements, success, progress, good health, joy, peace n everything good. Amen
I wish u all d best in d new year. I pray for u find ur muscular hobby dis new year and hope ur kids wont b lepacious lyk u ...lol. BTW I bin followin ur blog almost daily since 08 and dis is d first tym am commenting. I guess I.nid an award for dat *smiling*
Amen.. happy new yr 2 the beautiful and lovely Linda, this is your yr of Divine settlement, God will lift you up above ur contender. God bless you.
Happy New Year.
Live Long And Prosper.
I wish you too αll the same and αll LIB readers.
Api new year honey, 1goat is on the way to you via bluetooth.
Happy new year everyone. Check this out, its hilarious..the top 4 weed-smokers on the planet @ www.urhoborant.blogspot.com..... go wild!!!*woop*woop*
Amen Lin, i wish u same... May bless u and also my fellow readers IJN..
Happy new year everyone!!!! May this year bring you all the best wishes you hope and yearn for...peace...
Happy New Year to you too Linda.
Boko Haram has terrorized innocent Nigerians for years and Nigeria's President, Goodluck Jonathan is seemingly doing nothing about this. Sign the petition asking Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton to mount pressure on Pres. Jonathan so their menace comes to an end.
Happy New Year, Linda. You're always in our prayers. We are happy things are working well for you. May 2012 be 100 times better than 2011. We wish you and your family good health, long life, happiness and hundreds of blessings and success, daily.
HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! Linda, can you show me more love this year? PLEASE?! :(
I claim it. This year is going to be my breakthrough.
Happy New Year everyone. Linda, I pray this would be your best year yet. You will get married to a gorgeous yet sensitive, rich and loving man, open the non profit, be awarded numerous awards, start building your mansion, buy a bigger car if you want, help crack Boko Haram, and lure international investors to Nigeria by posting beautiful PICTURES of parts of our great country. Ok. Thats all. and for us mere mortals, we shall all be prosperous, get married, renew and strenghten our relationships with families/friends/significant others. Be patient and wait for GOD to direct and guide us. AMEN! EVERBODY, PLEASE HELP ME PRAY THAT NIGERIA WILL BE BACK ON TOP IN JESUS NAME. GOD WILLING. INSHAH ALLAH.
Thanks Linda,I wish u same.....Pls I want 2 buy ur aso-ebi dis year oooooo
With petrol now N141/ltr, how happy can this new year be?
Happy new year, folks. To all LIB readers, particularly Ibos, i have to in4rm u dat GBENGA passed on at d early hours of the new year. His death was tragic but very instructive. My name is AYO, a friend of his. I am less interested in his usual tirade with Ibos. His love to post on this blog moved me to bring this to u all's attention.
Depending on how u c him, u may still be able to remember him in your tots & prayers. But 4 me, i just lost a great guy. All Ibos on LIB can now heave a sigh of relief. I am out.
May the same apply to you. He that has begun a good work in you, will perfect it.
God bless
Happi new yr 2u2.
Linda i'm a big fam!
Guys check dis out
thank u alot and God bless.
I must commend on your hardwork. This blog is really wonderful.Any way i just launched my new blog, its about teaching Nigerian youths what they need to Know to come out of poverty and why they must not depend on government. I would be glad if you can help me promote it. www.slimbpublication.blogspot.com.
Thanks One love
thanks linda
check my site for the pictures of boko haranm sponsors
amen in jesus name hapi new year everyone
Happy New Year to you too Linda. Wishing the best in 2012
Happy New You, Linda Ikeji.
Live Long • Prosper.
Happy New Linda!
This is serious o! Linda if you have not heard! The boko-haram has declare state of Emergency! Read it here- Breaking News: Boko Haram Gives 3-day Ultimatum for Christians to Vacate the North!
linda please share this to your massive readers! Please...
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