A stepmother in Kano state locked these three children in
a room in their apartment, hoping they would die of starvation. The woman who is married to the children's father, allegedly locked
them away immediately their father traveled out of the state.
Neighbours however got wind of what she had done and rescued
the children who were already emaciated. The case has been reported at
the state police command..

So what did she plan to tell their father after he returns from his travel if the children had died. Some people deserve a special place in hell
OMG! This woman's wickedness tire wrapper
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I dont believe the devil existed but if it exist then is a woman, no two ways about it....
This woman is a disgrace to womanhood. God have mercy on u evil witch.
Wickedness in high places, I keep saying it, women leave with ur kids, don't leave them behind to suffer
If i am their father marriage don finish be that.wicked world we find our self
She should be checked properly to ensure she is mentally alright.This is real evil she mustn't go free
Lord have mercy on your people.
Pure wickedness .Thank God her plan was foiled...
why! why!! whyyyyy!!! what have this innocent children done. No human being or even animal deserves to be treated like this. This so-called woman is not a human being, she is a beast and is worse than a witch. She deserves the same punishment.
Witch no need fly @ night..... Witchcraft in practice.
See wickedness.too bad.
She's an evil witch
She's very wicked and for that she won't have her own child. But if she have someone else will do her children what she did to them. Wicked woman.
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Wicked soul!
~ Choose an identity
Who are those saying polygamy is good, what would you have to say Here? Please explain am listening! Odes
May dem continue preaching that polygamy is good.this is a typical example of how good polygamy is.
A world of Demons
May dem continue preaching that polygamy is good.this is a typical example of how good polygamy is.
As long as Linda Ikeji can condone FFKs comment to a female serving minister.. I'm fine with whatever makes her blog sell. money first, dignity can go to hell!
This is why some women's wombs are blocked cause of the evil in their hearts.
I'm tired of reading this type of stories from Nigeria. I thank God I left that God forsaken country full of evil and wicked people.
Help me and ask anon. Very wicked propping this wold we live in.
Long live LIB
My God! I'm speechless. I doubt the devil has the heart to carry out such collosal wickedness. Evil woman!
Evil has no gender.
Because I don't know the next thing in jar mind....the marriage has come to an end. Goodbye wicked witch.
Na waoh!!! A woman did this??! The human mind is desperately wicked. Unimaginable.
The evil on earth ehn...
-D great anonymous now as Vivian Reginalds
The law of the land needs to be applied.
The witch should be tried and killed (I mean jailed).
Hey, has FFKFOOD4DANCE commented on this headline yet? Tag when he does. lol
All of you writing rubish will do so.no woman can condone or train her husbands kids without a wicked mind,though some can pretend,men marry one wife period!
Lock her up in a room without food and water for only one month, thereafter, bring her out to face the music. One bad turn deserves another.
just kill her immediately and stop wasting time.... or the best best is to lock her up for one week without food, then if she survives it, let her go and thank her god
she must be thoroughly dealth with..cant even imagine starving my child for 1minute..Gosh..I cant look at dem properly without shedding tears..see malnutrition..kwashiokor has set in and nutrient deficiency..
and she will pray to God to have her own child.....she will reap what she sows..if their real mum isnt dead she shd take ds children FAR from ds evil being
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