Some of the children of Billionaire Oil Mogul, Mohammed Indimi; Ibrahim, Hauwa and Eman, on Friday
graduated with MBAs from Lynn University, Florida. Hauwa, whose
undergraduate degree was in communication and emerging media,
specialized in Marketing. Ahmed Indimi and his wife, President Buhari's
daughter, Zahra, attended the graduation ceremony. See more photos after
the cut.

U see Class. Putting others thru Almajiri n training urs. MbA with nothing to add to dis airconomy
what is wrong with nigerian universities that they can't go there?
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that is why our universities cannot progress because of this.
okay. kids of the rich.
Congrats to them
They got their graduate and post graduate qualifications from their father's university. Who fails the proprietor's children. Meaningless degrees!
Linda, there's no such thing as millionaire child, wife, son, daughter etc. You are passing the wrong message! It is not an achievement! Please stop!
After "sowing their wild seeds" they'll end up being "given away" as wife number 5 to some old politician as a favour.
They incite almajiris to become suicide bombers, kick against girl-child education,encourage girl-_child marriage while their own children school in one of the best skuls in abroad, and tomorrow some group of lunatics will give their lives for them.SMH
-D great anonymous now as Vivian Reginalds
How many children does this man have? Are the all his biological kids?
And they all attend this same university where he is practically the owner. They wouldnt need to read to pass and graduate. They own the school. Most of his kids look realy dumb.
Congrats to them
I can bet you Ibrahim practically got that degree free, without attending one class
Why do they all go to Lynn University? No other school will take them or none is qualified to take them?
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