Her lawyer Walter Mosley has now reacted. He was “shocked” to learn that the Kardashians are opposing the request and told People Magazine that of the “many trademarks” he’s filed for her, “this is the first one that’s ever been opposed.”
Kardashians, like Angela and my other clients are very protective of our
marks, I think for us this is going to be a clear case win, because
it’s actually her name, it’s not a poaching. I would hope that this is
just a junior lawyer’s error, who’s just responding to everything and
not really looking at who it’s from or why it was filed. There’s a
softer side of this where Angela has to have a conversation with her
family. But until I hear otherwise, I’m just going to proceed as I
normally would with a lawsuit. I have 40 days to respond,” Mosley said.
Mosley hopes that “it’s just a big misunderstanding.” According to him,
have to respond to the notice of opposition, so the way this works is
we filed the mark, it was initially unopposed, it was published and then
the representatives of the sisters’ companies filed an opposition to
Angela owning her name. Sure, it’s not her legal name now, but it is
certainly her stage name — her next stage name and her legal name once
the wedding is done. In the complaint they are not short or shy as to
how they feel about Angela using the trademark. I’m hoping that it’s
just a big misunderstanding.”
However, Mosley plans to aggressively represent Angela.
filed this trademark with the utmost confidence that it would not be
opposed at all. I did not foresee this, but in retrospect maybe I could
have, all things considered,” Mosley says, and adds, “I’m going to
zealously represent my client in a trademark we legally filed and a name
that we feel like we own and need to protect. Everything has been
fantastic between her and the family to the best of my knowledge, so
this is a shock. I’m hoping this just goes away once they see what it
is. Angela, Rob and Dream are doing amazing, wonderful and things
couldn’t be better.”
Dis movie wil make sense o...well chyna dats jus d begining
Their bizwagz biko...
The wedding will never happen. Lets bet on that!
Long Live LIB
Their problem
Ngwanu! Linda take note!
***Hahahaha....Chyna is in to D-E-S-T-R-O-Y. Wendy William is a seer.
By-d-way, hey u little brat called Kylie, U caused all this shit, remember?
These Kardashians sef... They are just getting richer with all these news abt them... Especially Kim
Blac chyna should just use her name instead... This war is not good for the families....
Lol the Kardashian sisters are in for a Herculean task coz Chyna is well prepared for em
I understand where they are coming from...they struggled to build that brand, and have had to endure a lot of ridicule...they don't want someone to come and chop where she didn't work. And also, they want to protect their brand. But if Rob eventually marries Blac Chyna, I don't think there is much they would be able to do then.
Cure for Quick Ejaculation
black chyna the gold digger
Why does she want to be a Kardashian so bad?? They are not even married yet, everything isn't about money. What if Rob ends up not getting married to her?? She just wants to eat from where she didn't work. Ole!
*********************wic one be its not poaching???????? Is d ex stripper married to Rob already???????? He don pay her dowry????? Lol*********xo to born pikin for am gives her the right eeeerkwa?????????
Btw....... D Kadashians I no even knw wetin una dey protect sef**********una nd dix babe na d same ndi ogba otor ndi ogba otor************xo wetin be una headache exactly???????
What nonsense! Those KharTRASHians have lost their minds. Who do they think they are? If their brother marries will his wife not be Mrs. Khardashian? It's none of their damn business what their brother's wife/fiancee/mother of his child wishes to call herself.
Now, for what it's worth, after her "secret" marriage to Rob, Blac Chyna must go out of her way to develop her own BLAC CHYNA brand(s). She must keep the Mrs. Rob Khardashian name strictly within her nuclear family but completely out of all her business affairs and dealings.
Pathetic Lawyer.
What if the evil sisters decide to poison their only living brother b4 the stupid marriage?
Why can't she wait for the wedding? Chyna is a gold digger abeg. You ain't married yet to rob, but you want to trade mark a name you have not legally taken. Rob should watch out for this hoe. She might be in the relationship for maaterial motives and not love
Yeye Blacc Chyna.. All the wanted is that name not bothering abt her lil girl upkeep. ..
funny enough chyna and dream are the original kardarshian.kim go bear ya husband name.khloe if u marry u go bear ya husband name kourtney you too bear ya husband name
Are they the only Khardashians in the world? It's a common Armenian family name. If Blac Chyna wants to use it regardless of marriage, it's her business. I understand the American capitalist greed sentiment BUT Blac Chyna has liberties which should not be infringed. She can call herself whatever she wants, even if she has not married Rob. Right now she's a wife at common law, she has a child with her common law husband/fiance. The reality is that Blac Chyna CAN use the name ... she will WIN in court, "legally" married or not.
Quite frankly, I prefer the Blac Chyna and Angela Renee White brands.
To their brother's fiance? To the mother of their new niece?
I knew right from the onset...bitch is a gold digger!
-D great anonymous now as Vivian Reginalds
Na dem sabi yeye dey smell
Not interested abeg
Lib addict#just passing#
i just feel its a name.
but its just a name,i don't see anything wrong in what Chyna is doing.
Pls she is meant to be an automatic kardashian..why on earth shld she bear her name
All hell about to let loose yo
Let me just drop this 'K' here!
Keh keh u so correct
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