Former Nollywood actress, Victoria Inyama on Thursday addressed young girls who date and sleep with married men without thinking of future consequences, warning that they can't escape karma.
(Read here). After getting criticized by some people over her post, Victoria has replied, maintaining her stance. She wrote,
"Oh dear. I guess I hit a nerve .......... Again. Chaiiiiiii. That wasn't my intention doe. Ok this is it.
Yes I do read blogs but Cant be bothered replying to them cause it's
like our Igbo parable about fighting in d market applies.
2. Am no
saint but God forgive me,I sin but ermmmmmm my sin get conscience, so,
there are things I just don't indulge in. I know Frenemies plenty so
bring it on as in ON my page and don't be a Coward to use Anonymous or
some fake account.
I still boldly maintain what I say and I
do know times are hard and I also know that a lot of times, d men are
to blame but still to my younger ladies, Noooo, You may not be able to
handle d consequence. A lot of women have put in so much into their
marriage that they won't give up without a fight. Can u face d battle!
Over how much. With social media now? some so called leaked sex tapes
out there were not leaked. Some one set it up to deal with someone. I
know this is a tricky topic and I know them go gush out but d ones that
know me personally will know that I Ain't Bovthered

Some Ogas still go home while some others change camp. All in all stay
in d kitchen if u can deal with d heat but spare me all these Haters
razzmatazz. Karma or No karma. Shit happens. A clear conscience Rule
still applies. Pls This is my page. You can go to blogs and rave there,
bless. #live#love#laugh#learn#lifeisgood God bless Us all.
Well dats her own opinion but I think she made point wit her previous post
Madame Vikky; this is least of Nigerians/our problem.
My dear,you owned no one an apology or clarification whatsoever,truth is so bitter. Stand on your words,you were so right.Evil needs not to be euphemised,call it by its name and shame the devil! YOU ROCK GIRL!!! X
Even if your sin no get conscience you go gree talk am??? You being against girls sleeping with married men doesn't mean you have never suck married men,if preaching dey hungry dis aunty make she go open church abeg!
~glo rule your world~ cos I do•
As I have said before I have never ever in my life hear this person talk ontop radio not to talk of to see her for TV before so I don't know why u described her as a nollywood actress.
So now after people bash u yesterday u don come out to agree that you are no saint but your sins get conscience. SIN NA SIN whether you like it or not.
You carry that your mouth wey dey smell of dick dick due to the sucking of all politicians dick both short and long, fat and thin, curvy and straight come advise young girls?
If I be that girl wey u advise I go just yawn go sleep cos if I sitdon listen to u na vex I go vex
issokey, we hear u.
See her mouth kwan
-D great anonymous now as Vivian Reginalds
Lol... Woman i like your way
Na me talk am!
Long Live Lib!!
I respect pple... but I see u as if u r jobless
While u were still in d movie industry, u acted like a whore twisting & rolling ur body like a devilish snake especially ur tongue.. were they all 4 single men? Madam can u swear u nvr dated & slept wit married men? Bcos u don repent u wan cum talk rubbish taaaaaaa go & have seat my friend older girl!
*******************ok madam*********
Girls don't FORCE men to sleep with them, these men are WILLING AND ABLE to take care of them. Young people have plenty of sex so it only makes sense to have fun and make some money while at it. They didn't set out to hurt anyone's marriage. I think such girls are even lucky, it's not all that difficult to bag a 'sponsor'. We guys don't have it so easy
Ur right my dear Vicky, may God bless u.
This babe go make alot of enemies shah..
Tell them ooo
Eva Da Diva...
Vickkkyy tell themm,truth is bitter,but nothing changes the truth joor,leave married men alone,karma is real,what if u are dating man,that the wife is a prayer worrior,babe ur story don finish,u already a forgotten issue,curses go follow u up and down,does it worth it? U will pay for ur sins in this life and the next one to come,bible said no sinner can go unpunished
Well....after all she is right...I can still find in the bible or better still nature#whatsoeveramansowththathereaps# byeee
I love this lady. She no send anybody. I like her stance. But why should you sleep with a married man. Most of them use you for juju but you dont know. They use your virtue spiritially and give you peanut money compared to your huge glory they have collected from you spiritually. Victoria Iyama just told you the bitter truth. A word is enough for the wise!
They should let her be, it's her opinion and it's a free world she's entitled to it.
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Truth hurts sometimes but accept Victoria Iyama's advise. She is right. I am talking from experience. Most of those married men are occultic men. Sometimes, when you eventually get married, it might be difficult for you to have a baby because their wives would have gone somewhere to swear for you. All Victoria is saying is endure the economic hardship and avoid the consequencies because the consequence is always worse than what made you date the married man. Young ladies beware!
Is Linda not a single lady that struggled to make it? Why cant young girls emulate Linda and work hard to become successful instead of opening your legs for any man that comes your way and blame it on the economic situation of the country. Stmcheew
Ride on Victoria Iyama!
I agree with Victoria 100%
Lolz@my sin get conscience,sin nah's. The same hell a liar will go that a prostitute will go n the same a killer will go sin is bigger than d other
Victoria cracked me up where she said "my sin get conscience". Hahahahaha. Lmao
The babe is probably talking from experience but people dont like hearing the bitter truth until they get the consequencies of their action before they will remember her advice and begin to regret that they would have listened to her. It is better to learn from somebody's mistakes than learn from your own mistake. Na stubborn fly dey follow dead body enter grave. A word is enough for the wise!
We don here....linda pls post my comment
I keep asking. are this men raped? This men toast, pursue, run after, gropel before this women. many times, they refuse but this men give them things they need badly. Some even sponsor their siblings and parents. many of them cant say no to this because they need that money badly. All of you have come across good girls that have begged you desperately for job or money to start business. no one helps. ive met men who would rather pay for a hotel room of 100k than give that money to a girl or someone who needs it to start a good life. they would rather pay for that room to have sex. Ive slept with two married men and no i am not proud of it but i dont regret it. No body would help a 19 year old without good food. I am in a position to help today and i do so. when i see a young struggling girl, i help her. tip her or motivate her with words. i'd rather the cycle stops with me.
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Tell them.
says, Genevieve.
Hilarious! This woman is funny. Madam, u need to search urself thoroughly and know whether u did the same to any woman in ur u said, karma is real, you know?
After so long time out of spot light she is just seeking attention, pls libers dont gv her that pleasure, she wants back to lime light. you get conscience and others dont have abii!!
Oh well she's right and she lives an exampliary life. A responsible married woman. By the way, I am just coming from the personal blog of Angel Eze she shared her personal experiences of her travelling around the world with a lot of beautiful pictures. Click on the post tittled "My Personal World Travelling Experiences" Just Google "Angel Eze's Blogvine" to go into her personal lifestyle blog. Angel Eze's Blogvine is awesome guys! Linda when are you coming to London? Would love to host you?
Can this woman please gerrarahere?
Don't mind dem jor.
In as much as I don't support adultery, Victoria please shut up and stop seeking for attention. Settle with your whoever u have issues with and stop ranting here. The other day it was your wristwatch now it's married men. Btw which one is, your sin has conscience? You're indirectly admitting that u actually slept with a married man too some time in your life. Please ooze out
for your cakes, pastries, small chops, kindly add us on 2be081f6 to place your order, a trial will convince you, thank you.
Abeg go n sit down jare,these men r d ones who go afta ds girls besides u ve no rite to judge anyone except u r God nw.get busy n stop rantin on social media.
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She's no one to judge or criticize, only God can do that..but I do agree with her tho..*Karma is a Bitch* and what goes around comes around
Abeg move over. Linda take note!
U just too raw @stern...pls learn how to comment on a public platform like this...stop showing people how you were raised..u can always write your comments without being vulgar..try it one day and feel hard feelings❤👌👌👌
Stern. I like your comment. Like, which movie was she last in? Who's is she?
You are so raw @stern...can't you just drop your comments without using vulgar languages.. Try being polite for once..don't know what to say to you but just keep it on d low with this your mannerless way of commenting....*no hard feelings*
Truth is bitter, I never slept with a married man,so any babe that will upon yansh for my husband,is doomed for life,I swear
This is a free world nd everyone is entitled with freedom of speech.wat victoria said is a bitter truth believe it or not those girls will surely face the consequence.for those abusing her u guyz should knw dat she must hv gone tru all that nd found out dat dia is no gain in it nd the best she could do is to advice d young ones which she jst did nd i dnt think is called for anyone judging her.we used think of our soul nd consider d wifes of those men ure fucking all for money nd ruining ur future.pls we hv better future
This is a free world nd everyone is entitled with freedom of speech.wat victoria said is a bitter truth believe it or not those girls will surely face the consequence.for those abusing her u guyz should knw dat she must hv gone tru all that nd found out dat dia is no gain in it nd the best she could do is to advice d young ones which she jst did nd i dnt think is called for anyone judging her.we used think of our soul nd consider d wifes of those men ure fucking all for money nd ruining ur future.pls we hv better future
This is a free world nd everyone is entitled with freedom of speech.wat victoria said is a bitter truth believe it or not those girls will surely face the consequence.for those abusing her u guyz should knw dat she must hv gone tru all that nd found out dat dia is no gain in it nd the best she could do is to advice d young ones which she jst did nd i dnt think is called for anyone judging her.we used think of our soul nd consider d wifes of those men ure fucking all for money nd ruining ur future.pls we hv better future
The bible say God is not mocked , You shall reap what you sow... That sounds like karma to me
Love u woman for the beauty of your comment, its filled with lots of sense and love fellow feeling. You are a beautiful woman!!!
Oh i know ur age,u must be 15years old for u not to know when vicky was acting..Linda pls check this fool very well ,he never reach age to dey comment here..very stupid and brainless boy,look at u talking abt her mouth smelling of dick ,i guess ur mum sucked so much dicks for u to know how her mouth smells..Fucking dumb ass idiot..ewu hausa.i hate u
All sin na sin. Thinking your sin is a bit better or more forgivable than another is judgemental. That's another sin. Let he that's without sin, be the first to cast the stone. Victoria, may we continue to sin Grace may abound? God forbid. It's God's words. Take heed lest you fall. You re guilty of this sin. If no get wentin to talk please hush now!.
Sin is sin though,whether with conscience or not, no sin goes unpunished and they all have karma. Madam Vicky just repent of your sins and stop justifying it with 'conscience'. Linda take note
your ignorance gives ur age away
Please work on your grammar before talking trash. She is an actress. It's either you weren't born when she started acting or you were there but had no access to television.
VIctoria pls shut up if you have nothing sensible to say. Talking about your sin has conscience. If you have conscience you would have avoided the same sins you now despise others for. You act like you no send but you send very well. Your so called frenemies really opened your can of worms. Remove the log from your eyes before you try to take the spec out of your sisters eyes.
I Don't understand Christians that Judge... The Hypocrisy. God Forgive us.
Comot there na your type their husband they sleep with everthing in skirt, even their own sister.
Any girl that indulge in dating married men will surely face the consequences
She's right...I concur
@Stern your mother sucked many dicks and you dont know who your father is. Also, when Victoria started acting, you were still in the village using lantan or candle because no light or television in your village. Thank God you managed to move out of the village. Bastard!
She is not judging, she is only preaching. Try and understand her massage instead of jumping into conclusions
Sure we might not be saint but we can be descent...#onMYway...
I love this babe. She was so pretty those days when she was acting in Nollywood. Edo babes can fine sha
Some married men are occultic men and they use those girls to do juju but they wont know. Later in future when the girls want to marry, they will now start having spiritual problems. Listen to Victoria and stop the hate. It is for your own good.
Anuty Vicky, I dey shame for u.y did u just decide to fool urself like dis?u fall my hand.If u are a saint or not,u just keep it to urself?weti cm concern u and girls wa dey sleep with married men abi d law of karma don dey visit u?take it easy and pray hard so dat ur husband will stop chasing girls around and stop dis ur frustration me these words are been said out of frustration
Mk una nor vex.i guess d law of karma has visited her.she is just letting her frustration out
Be looking for who to help you. Dont go and struggle and help yourself. Be waiting for men to help you. All these "somebody must help me syndrome" is Naija mentality. I pity your life.
Anon 7:44,yes let him sleep around,but any girl he sleeps with will forever carry a curse,get dat into ur tick skull,dont repent be sleepin with people's hubby,wen u are close to 40,u start jumping up and down at Cele and mushroom churches, idiota
Shutup,she said she is not saint,in the sence that she is not saying she a perfect being,why is truth this bitter to people,on judgement day,Gods commandment can not be twisted to suit people like u,thou shall not commit adultery is thou shall not commit adultery,i wonder how Nigerians think?ehhhe biko call a spade a spade, oginidi?that many are doing it,doesnt make it right,Geremaih was killed in the bible because he said the truth,vickkkky keep saying the truth,carry goo vickkkky nottin do u,u shall no the truth and the truth shall set u free
Madam my sin get conscience, your preaching is many centuries too late, sho gbo!
Husband will cheat on wife, wife will cheat on husband, girlfriend will cheat on boyfriend, and boyfriend will cheat on girlfriend! Na today yansh deh back? You never hear? Even your boo he get eeeee boo!
Infant the second or eleventh coming of Sodom and Gomorrah is already here to stay. If you have a husband or boyfriend, hmmmm he's probably been shagged by another woman, women right now ..... haaaaaaaaa ....... Or being shagged by anyother man, men ?.... Hey hey hey, no be me talk am oooh.
So take many chill pills woman, your preaching has no meaning, the world is completely lost.
She is correct. Mumu girls hid to advice, wht u do 2day ll hurt u 2morow, u sleep wth pples husband when u got married don't complaij cos they ll do u worst wht u did 2 others thaat is the pure truth.
Shut up evil bastard ... Hell awaits you for promoting adultery against God that created you
She dint say rubbish besides, do y u have proof that she ever slept with a married man...alot of dudes like u are destined for a place in hell where u belong
From comments, i noticed that only aristo useless girls are against Victoria. Decent girls are the ones supporting her. Aristo girls beware. Ashawo no be work oh. Na grievious sin against God. No matter the bad economy, it is no excuse for you to do evil
Stern you cannot know her because she left Nollywood after she got married and relocated to London with her husband and started having kids. I saw some movies she even acted in London. Nollywood still searched for her in London and used her for the movie. I remember a movie she acted with Jym Iyke. She showed Jym Iyke pepper in the movie. It is very interesting. Stern it just shows you are a small boy or you didnt have access to TV on time. Sorry oh.
Stern is so desperate for Linda's give away by insulting women as if you dont have a mother or sisters but trust me, you wont get it because of your irresponsible comments. You don forget say Linda na woman??
Anon 8:35, she's Igbo not Edo.
We need more people like this to bring morals to our way wards youths. Vicky you are an ambassador. Thanks and much love
Mmmmm who this one com Epps?#edogirl for that matter,leave that for God no be only u holy pass.
Mmmmm who this one com Epps?#edogirl for that matter,leave that for God no be only u holy pass.
Ride On Ma, u are making sence, don't mind those stupid girls, they thing after all thesw they'd run to God. Yes God forgives but karma don't. Can u carry it? Be warned.
@Anonymous 2:47AM she is Edo married to Igbo
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