Three vials containing an experimental drug stored at subzero temperatures were flown into Liberia last week in a last-ditch effort to save two American missionary workers who had contracted Ebola, according to a source familiar with details of the treatment.
The drug appears to have worked, sources say. Dr. Kent Brantly's and Nancy Writebol's conditions significantly improved after receiving the medication, sources say. Brantly was able to walk into Emory University Hospital in Atlanta after being evacuated to the United States last week, and Writebol is expected to arrive in Atlanta on Tuesday.
On July 22, Brantly woke up feeling feverish. Fearing the worst, Brantly immediately isolated himself. Writebol's
symptoms started three days later. A rapid field blood test confirmed
the infection in both of them after they had become ill with fever,
vomiting and diarrhea.
It's believed both
Brantly and Writebol, who worked with the aid organization Samaritan's
Purse, contracted Ebola from another health care worker at their
hospital in Liberia, although the official Centers for Disease Control
and Prevention case investigation has yet to be released.
A representative from the
National Institutes of Health contacted Samaritan's Purse in Liberia
and offered the experimental treatment, known as ZMapp, for the two
patients, according to the source.
The drug was developed by
the biotech firm Mapp Biopharmaceutical Inc., which is based in San
Diego. The patients were told that this treatment had never been tried
before in a human being but had shown promise in small experiments with
According to company documents, four monkeys infected with Ebola survived
after being given the therapy within 24 hours after infection. Two of
four other monkeys that started therapy within 48 hours after infection
also survived. One monkey that was not treated died within five days of
exposure to the virus.
Brantly and Writebol were
aware of the risk of taking a new, little understood treatment and gave
informed consent, according to two sources familiar with the care of
the missionary workers. In the monkeys, the experimental serum had been
given within 48 hours of infection. Brantly didn't receive it until he'd
been sick for nine days.
The medicine is a
three-mouse monoclonal antibody, meaning that mice were exposed to
fragments of the Ebola virus and then the antibodies generated within
the mice's blood were harvested to create the medicine. It works by
preventing the virus from entering and infecting new cells.
The Ebola virus causes
viral hemorrhagic fever, which refers to a group of viruses that affect
multiple organ systems in the body and are often accompanied by
Early symptoms include
sudden onset of fever, weakness, muscle pain, headaches and a sore
throat. They later progress to vomiting, diarrhea, impaired kidney and
liver function -- and sometimes internal and external bleeding.
The ZMapp vials reached
the hospital in Liberia where Brantly and Writebol were being treated
Thursday morning. Doctors were instructed to allow the serum to thaw
naturally without any additional heat. It was expected that it would be
eight to 10 hours before the medicine could be given, according to a
source familiar with the process.
Brantly asked that
Writebol be given the first dose because he was younger and he thought
he had a better chance of fighting it, and she agreed. However, as the
first vial was still thawing, Brantly's condition took a sudden turn for
the worse.
Brantly began to
deteriorate and developed labored breathing. He told his doctors he
thought he was dying, according to a source with firsthand knowledge of
the situation.
Knowing his dose was
still frozen, Brantly asked if he could have Writebol's now-thawed
medication. It was brought to his room and administered through an IV.
Within an hour of receiving the medication, Brantly's condition
dramatically improved. He began breathing easier; the rash over his
trunk faded away. One of his doctors described the events as
By the next morning,
Brantly was able to take a shower on his own before getting on a
specially designed Gulfstream air ambulance jet to be evacuated to the
United States.
Writebol also received a
vial of the medication. Her response was not as remarkable, according
to sources familiar with the treatment. However, doctors on Sunday
administered Writebol a second dose of the medication, which resulted in
significant improvement.
She was stable enough to be evacuated back to the United States and is expected to arrive before noon Tuesday.
The process by which the
medication was made available to Brantly and Writebol is highly
unusual. ZMapp has not been approved for human use, and has not even
gone through the clinical trial process, which is standard to prove the
safety and efficacy of a medication. It may have been given under the
U.S. Food and Drug Administration's "compassionate use" regulation, which allows access to investigational drugs outside clinical trials.
Please dis is no time for secrecy! We won't join them in their contest for a Nobel prize, we just need the cure
Hmmm..I pray it's d real cure 4dis deadly disease ohh.God pls come to our rescue..dis Ebola disease scares me so badly
heard it only helps at the earliest stages of the infection.
What!!!!!. So Yankee has secret cure and they kept everyone in the dark! There is God o!
What!!!!!. So Yankee has secret cure and they kept everyone in the dark! There is God o!
LINDA pls check it out and see if there is any truth in it.
Bitter-Kola has been internationally verified to cure Ebola. Anyone who suspects they are in danger of catching it is advised to consume it. It is like food and there is no overdose. Simply peel and chew!May God protect us all, Amen! pls do not forget to share cheers!!!!!!! Pls follow this link for more. Confirmation. http://articles.philly.com/1999-08-04/news/25485403_1_ebola-virus-miracle-drug-kolaHappy New Month
I'm just happy there appears light at the end of the tunnel.
Plz they should try and make it available to us down here, before this issue gets out of hand.
this drug is a major breakthrough. please let it be administered o compassionate ground to the nigerian doctor and others too i beg
Mehn!!!! United u shall ever be! Thank God shaa! I pray dis works because av been thinking about this Ebola virus all day
Oyibo na cloroquine....eyes rolling Nawa!!!!DaJaX
Wow! I'm happy there seems to be light at the end of the tunnel,wish could should get it down to us over here,before this issue gets out of hand.
Pls they should give us some
Dis still sound like an american movie,am yet to believe together wit dis mice blood treatment,DIS IS SERIOUS ooo!!
This is what we are good at doing....lazying around,doing nothing & always waiting for other people to look for solutions to our own problems. The American government just took a risk to take care of its children (its citizens) and here we have lazy us calling them to bring the drugs to come & dash or what? Those drugs would probably cost fortunes,talkless of the number of people who might have to be treated in countries where this virus has broken out in.
Instead of our useless governments to establish research centres for all things ,we would be stealing money & be calling other people to come & solve our own problems for us. We need to wake up cos I'm tired of us being purposely stupid when we have the abilities to be great.
God Bless Nigeria.
Hmmn! A country dat puts it ppl first! I hope its true oh! But if it is, will d Americans accept dat dey rilli have it nd send a batch to Africa ASap! Those Americans r still racist in nature nd am sure dey wudnt care if a bunch of African monkeys die, afterall its a monkey disease!
#GozManuel Says#
Am sure if it finally gets here dat it will cost an arm to get!
For me, this shows so many fowl play!, why is it that its when the two Americans got infected that this so called "trial" medications came to surface, there have been thousands of cases before them, why did no one hear anything about a cure.....If this medications was not a hundred percent certified by the US drugs agency, trust me they won't try it out on those two Americans, am beginning to feel some US business men brought this virus down here so they can also bring an expensive way of curing it, am sure when they referred to "Monkeys", they were actually talking to we Africans.
I pray its true. lovinganna00@yahoo.com
hello linda, its a crime to copy & paste articles word for word without making reference to the original writers...saw this article on cnn.com this morning.
Never trust any complicated cocktail that remains perfectly clear until the last ingredient goes in, and then immediately clouds.
My dear Africans will keep praying while US researchers will work round the clock to find a solution to the Ebola virus. Sick and lazy continent.
We need to emphasize science and push our ppl to study it.
Good, I hope it is true, so the world or Africa can have a fighting chance against this disease.
Awesome.....i pray this drugs undergoes required inspection as fast as possible
I pray dis works
hello linda, its a crime to copy & paste articles word for word without making reference to the original writers...saw this article on cnn.com this morning.
God help us ooo..
I like how America will do anything for its citizens. I hope they survive it.
Now let's make that antidote available to all OK?
Thank God I pray it works
If dat's d case,it's gud news
Pls come to naija fast o!we have big and plenty mice here to create the vaccine . Somolu,oshodi ,mile12 and lagos island rats are available
that's why they are the greatest country
Lili go and sleep tomorrow is another day..sweet dreams...#yawning#
Fear white man...anyways,thank God there's a huge progress in fighting this dreadful virus
I trust yankee sharp sharp, no dulling, research toh bad, our own here na 2 pop champagne and chop ogufe
see country that works. Our president and politicians are busy fighting dirty over 2015 election. sometimes i ask myself is Nigeria under a curse? i have been living outside Nigeria for almost 4 years now and every sectors works compared to Nigeria.
I am sure that pharm company is behind this spread of the virus...cuz how else wld they have gotten humans to test their vaccines on...mschewww Americans and conspiracy
Oh tnk God dia improving
Well, I hope this Oyinbo people help us to get the Cure down here as it gonna be a big disaster most especially in this over populated Lagos Metropolis #
USA, a country that will do anything for it's citizens no matter what!
It is well
These damned bastards always had the fucken cure! They are just telling us now because it's all over for them and they had to treat their people.Fucken Americans! Always getting on them last nerves!
Hope for Africa I guess
Thank GOD, they are coming up with something.....i know my GOD will never allow his children to die like this!!
so they have the antidote already, i am beginning to think they are experimenting with this ebola thing.
Oh God pls help nd protect us ooo
Linda this people invented this disease, so they should have the antidote too.
627 Africans die of Ebola, the world says there is no cure. 2 Americans fall ill of the same disease, a vaccine pops up
i dey talk say dis ebola na for lab dey manufacture am, US there is God ooo
Too long biko. Dey shuld come hlp africans if dey'v actually gotten a cure. Beckynicks13@gmail.com
How come yankee made the drug available like ASAP, yet other people have been dying since yet they pretend to like africa
Have been praying since I saw the news on CNN n pray it works for real n ♑ terrible side effects
I pray for that oo. The world no go end cause of ebola .... Obumnemeudeze@gmail.com
Hmmmmm....okay o
Wow! I pray.... This should be true oh... #beausteven_blog
Oo..so twas wen it got to their citizen dy remembered d anti-dote.shiorr !!
Pls it should b approved ASAP ooh and given to infected patients at least to buy some time while d side effects are still being studied.
God please I hope this is true, help ur children..Amen
Tell me y u won't wake up in d morning and say GOD BLESS AMERICA... Hw I wish our witches and wizards can bcome more relevant. Rather na anoda man pikin future dem go dey use mirror dey look.... Pls help us wit more options ooo. Gods owned country
Ofcourse dey invented these deadly disease, they sure have a cure for it-sheer corporate greed......... Am no longer scared of boko haram, Ebola is the new gangster in the hood.- survival percentage from it is still nil.....#cheEzyjayne
Americans r always ahead in everytin. Like say na dem invent dis world. Kudos. Dey will neva watch one of their own die. Jus like dat witout tryin. Only for naija we dey wait make a lot of pple dey b4 findin solutions. U knew ebola outbreak was in liberia. Y invite dem to ur country jona?
They should kindly help us in africa, pls.
Lets dis ppl render help to us if truly dey av d cure o. Dey shuld pls for God sake
Its a drug that hasn't passed its clinical trials and under administered under duress. Let's see what ray of hope it has.
Wow, Lord let this be the cure and may it become available for all affected.
Lord hear our prayers. Amen
If this is really a cure......all I have to say is may God be praised.....
Why dem no born me in this kain country wey value the lives of their citizens,unlike Nigeria Chibok girls are still missing,GEJ is busy campaigning,Ebola dey other west African countries my president refuses to close/shut down borders. Ok continue
If they do, they should help Africa out
Wow... this is gud news. I only hope its true
Africans should please wise up,we need to see another dimension to this incident.The infected white doctors were probably in that country claiming to save lives and they knew about the existence of this ZMAPP drug and they never tried it to save an African patient until their own people got infected,shit they will never stop racism
Lord pls come 2 ur childrens aid oh,we ve no oda home apart 4rm Nigeria so pls let a solution come 2 dz ebola saga.Amen
Thank God for their lives.
Jesus!!!thank u lord 4 this serum,,,I hope things get better n EBOLA is eradicated 4 good#HAPPY. Mz maybay
If d cure has been found truly, America will help us... I trust them
Let the experiments begin. All the ignorant people that believe in the miracle serum...
Read inbetween the lines. I'm out.
Na God oh, buh finally God use oyibo bless this world shaun shit make we talk true though say them d 4k up 1nc 1nc buh them d try, date am back nau most life saving medicines nd other stuff dat promotes life where all discovered by them
Conspiracy theorists will say it's being left to ravage Africa intentionally. They'll say that every disease has a cure.
Thank heavens!!!!!!!!!!!!! That news would have been too bad; I've been dreading hearing the worst. How this our Nigerian doctor wan come take get the Zmapp na? Abeg make dem spare am some. Make we do one trust fund like that BH victims fund when dem GEJ do, so that we go fit contribute money give the company for further sharp, sharp research. Wait o, where is the Ebola test result of that corpse that was sneaked into Anambra from Liberia? Federal Ministry of Health, where dat result? Make people know how things stand o.
Oyinbo will always be Oyinbo. except they're not ready 2 do it.
I pray oo, coz dis is rili getting out of hands.
...Bianca T...
Let's not be deceive abeg,this guys(whites) always have cure for this diseases they jst need funds for their research on this discoveries which I dnt blame them at all,to read book no easy not to talk of research and carrying out risky experiment on species...AU should make it mandatory for African countries to invest on Research Institutes.
Oya bring it for us...we black africans have sworn to remain completely dependent on d whites evn 4 survival. Disease originate 4 our side, nd they found d cure for us #smh...do we evn av a research team in naija??!
True words! I don't beg but for this the bebe I dey bebe for the world to help Africa is height of begging! All us Africans in diaspora need to implore our "new" countries to help our motherland
Life without CHRIST is an empty life ***********************************The world is nearing its expiring date,because of its abuse by people. Sin has become d order of the day. People don't see anything wrong in doing evil, lot of heart of men are stony. The Gospel of JESUS CHRIST is the power of GOD to save. lib readers please u guys need to be born again. Am enjoying success in CHRIST JESUS, am reigning in life. Wow!what a glorious life I have, I can't fail in life, I have power over the circumstances of life. I have heaven inside of me,am an ambassador of God here on earth. Greater is HE that is in me than he that is in the world. My dear people,U need to have a relationship with CHRIST to enjoy what am enjoying, I can't be sick,I can't fail,I can't be broke,I can't be afraid. dear lib people including linda, JESUS loves u all and HE wants to give u guys eternal life, just confess HIM as ur LORD and SAVIOUR, believe in your heart that HE died for ur sins, ask him to come into ur life and be d LORD of your life, say from to day I am born again, I have eternal life in me,I am saved. If u pray this prayer with all ur heart congratulation u are saved. Get a bible,study it daily and pray. Attend a living church and participated in the church activities. From Evangelist Dan #Christ embassy church
Why are u repeating the same thing severally? If u could only read properly u would have noticed she already gave the credit to Dr Sanjay Gupta in her opening. I suggest u shut up if u've got nothing sensible to contribute.
Dumb ignorant slave. Do you not know why white people have everything they have today from robbing and keeping other countries poor, idiot!
You are a bloody fool. Read between the lines, it was brought to Africa intentionally
Make we learn 2 accept it- dem say we be descendants of d pikin wey Noah cursed(God 4bid), Oyibo, make una de wise, we de come after we don finish fighting 4 oil, lands, and oda vain things of d world.
Ok, if its true let them help out. LIB Princess! Pretex4luv@yahoo.com
I really hope tis 4 real.
You deserve an award!
Go find a cute yourselves. Americans are humans like us. They spend billions on research while our government steal ours. They owe you nothing. Kmt
To me this virus is an american designed by one of their so called foolish scientist, tested on ape and it didnt work, now tested on human and specifically in africa and it worked... this is just to obvious. This is rubbish...its the end of the world sha.
Hmm. Business as usual, they created the virus, they have successfully infected Africa. Now they want to sell their drugs. Africa wise up o
Na only God go save us!make our govt take the necessary steps soon as possible to save the poor doctor that just contacted the ebola and save the family of any loss!
If its true let the doctor dat got the virus afta threatin sawyer try it. I pray its the cure
And they let the black doctor die! Well that's the white man for you. We are monkeys to them. The large pharmaceuticals had this drug all along but will not release it until they have the patent in place. In the meantime, many Africans die. Well I don't blame them. We act like monkeys in a jungle and they treat us likewise.
Wake up from your slumber. Who verified it? You? Get your info right before making bogus assertions.
Oh shattap!
we are just lazy in this continent of corrupt, greedy leaders. We also have scientists WHAT ARE THEY DOING? No wonder they think we still live in trees.
I sincerely pray smething gud comes out of this experiment and we get an ending solution to this disease...as for those of you saying America only brought out the cure cos two of their own were infected....ehen and so what? did u pay their school fees abi did u research with them.
if their govt has decided to invest wisely in their health sector and our govt has decided to drain our foreign reserves for election campaign...is it America's fault. abeg free dem o.
if Nigeria says that kolanut can provide a vaccine or cure for the disease then let us do a research and develop it while the Americans develop their Zmapp antidote afterall they dont owe us anything.
Bloody lazy continent riddled with bad leadership!!!!!
They created Ebola and likewise created the vaccine. They send it to highly populated and impoverished continents like ours and later they sell the vaccines to our government for good money, rogues. They said Ebola has never had a cure but within weeks of its outbreak they already have something that looks like a cure because of their own contracted it. We are living in desperate times where anything can be used to make money.
Ebola disease is an endtime disease and the only prevention to it is God. G0d said He will jot allow the Egyptian disease come upon His own so if you know God , Ebola is not your portion. 'when the angel of death sees the blood, he will pass over you." Come to Jesus today and be free from Ebola.
So @AGB, what's stopping you from taking the initiative? why wait for the government? Americans manufactured diseases they already have cures to! Then they'll bring it to Africa to experiment & make money from UN after it grows to an epidemic. So they now have a cure when their doctors became infected? All this while the disease has been killing people in west African countries, they don't have the secret serum right? Wake up mate! We've been through several stuffs like this! I'm sure the pharmaceutical inc in san Diego is about to make billions of dollars on the "so called breakthrough" for the disease they invented themselves!
I'm sure you saw Dr. Sanjay Gupta!
This is a lesson for Africa leaders. The budget that the American government allocates to the National Institute of Research to conduct life-saving research is billions of dollars, and this is yielding results. Where is the investment in research by your government in Nigeria? The oil money is in the pocket of a few folks. SMH
All i can say is i knew the was a cure all along...let look at it d is a reason y does american doctors went to africa becos dis ebola thing has been here since in the 70's,God wanted it to be
like dat so let us thank God becos i can imagine if d now found d cure,like in a months' tym can jt imagine ow 9ja will be is jt sad.thank u Lord.
how shameful it is dat we depend on westerners to help us in tyms lyk this dose it mean that we cant fight this virus independently ?
so unfortunate
You've said it all!!!
You've said it all!!!
Hmmm Naija wake up ooo!! American jes discovered something! It's well oooo!
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