We thought that Meriam’s story could not get any worse, but it has. It turns out that while a very pregnant Meriam awaits her death sentence in prison, her precious little boy has been forced to live inside her prison cell with her. Meriam will also have to care for her unborn baby in that cell once it is born.
The UN is intervening and trying to save an 8 month pregnant woman from the death penalty in Sudan who married a Christian man….
Reports claim that the Sudanese government will not allow Martin’s father to care for him while Meriam is in prison solely because he is both a Christian and an American citizen. Continue...Meriam is currently in prison because she refused to renounce her Christianity in front of a Sudanese court. Because she was born in Sudan and is therefore automatically considered a Muslim by their government, they have condemned her for committing apostasy.
Since Sudan sees her only as a Muslim, they refuse to acknowledge her marriage to a Christian man. Therefore, the court was also able to charge Meriam with adultery.
Meriam has been sentenced to 100 lashes for adultery, but will ultimately be killed when she is hanged for committing apostasy. The court has allowed her time to birth and nurse her baby before she will be killed.
Meriam’s husband has also been to visit her in prison when allowed and the description of what he found is almost unbelievable.
As soon as he heard that his wife was in prison and facing death, Daniel hopped a plane from his New Hampshire home and flew back to his homeland of Sudan.
After his visit, Daniel claimed that his wife was shackled to the floor inside her cell, and that the shackles were causing her ankles to bleed.
Daniel also mentioned that Meriam’s legs are swollen, and he fears she is not receiving the proper medical treatment she needs.
If this is the case, when Meriam goes into labor with her unborn baby, it could prove to be fatal.
How cruel can this sudanese govt be? If this woman dies,the world should expect a big bang!
Wat a world? Wat a religion? I pray God intervenes in her case.
At dis stage I won't hide it anymore..muslims suck..what kind of God do u pple worship??so a human aint entitled to choose his/her religion anymore?? Must she marry a muslim?? Why put her son in jail too?? Everything crazy na muslims carry am 4 head..terrorism etc..tufiakwa..wicked pple..itz ma birthday......................#King
and someone will tell me Islam is a religion of peace. a religion of peace my ass
They know their god has no brain to fight for himself thats why they are fighting for him and forcing people to serve him. Our own GOD said if you refuse to serve him, HE can raise the stones to serve him and take your place. Our GOD fights our battle and not the other way round.
I can't blive dis. Since d husband is an American citizen, shudnt d son be one too? If so or not, shudnt American govt help out in dis case? Sorry 2 say dis, but it seems some muslims r becomin evil. Is dis wat dere Holy Quaran says dey shud do? Nawaooo
Pls can we jst kill all dis muslims all over the world! Dis is the only religion causing chaos all over the word #PlsLetsKillThemAll
I urge all non muslims to read the koran, cos it is scary trust me.i just finish Al-Fatihah and it's 200 verses and they see all Jews and Christians as lost pple and they believe Abraham is a muslim. now tell me how can Abraham be a muslim, when Islam was introduced by Muhammed after Judaism and Christianity already existed? and trust me it backs up violence too big time and to them u must be a muslim before u die. every day as i continue reading their book it gets scarier. pls pple the is a serious spirtual war going on and insults will not solve it, lets all get down and pray for this violent pple.
The world can only be a better place free of muslims!
wat a barbaric nd evil pple/custom..... hw can dat littke boy livein jail.... jezzzzzz
Some wicked laws Sah..... The couldn't even consider her being pregnant..
I tire for this religion! I swear! It's too extreme for my liking. No free will, no nothing.
for I am the LORD I do not change... there you are not consumed... the Lord shall fight for you
Islam is a religion of peace...
I just hope the UN does something fast before she's killed
At this point i dont care what anyone says, muslims are wicked and devilish, and puuuullease, it is only muslims in Nigeria that thinks that islam is for peace, na lie. everything we read about muslim nations has been to kill and shed blood of anyone that refuses to practice their faith. this is totally unacceptable, everyone deserves the freedom to religion and worship.
But why did Sarah ever allow Abrahm sleep with that whore? Now see the result of a bond child. God have mercy.
and if u curse me i send it back to u in million folds. oshisko
Nawao! Waeva happnd 2d basic human rights?
~D great anonymous!
WAIT! if her husband is an an American citizen then shouldn't the US's government be involved in this matter???
Muslims...islam...na wa ooooo....typical religion of peace.
I hate this religion. Religion of piss
Chai!!! Islam!!! There is GOD ooooo. The blood you are sharing there is GOD o.
Islam! Wat a religion! #i shake my head#
Pity her. Thank GOD i'm a Christian and in a christian dominated area.
Hmmmm...these Sudanese people wicked sha. Seems they've got no idea the sorta image they be imposing on this innocent child of the couple. I hope the UN successfully intervene on saving the life of the pregnant woman and her baby
Sudan as a country is been knewn as devilish country on dis Earth. That's Y Angola reject Islam cos of their calamities on this Earth, Angola first country 2 ban Islam
Christains can't do that is a wicked act what kind of God did muslims workship we christains workship a god that says we should not kill your follow human beings her god she workship I̶̲̥̅̊â„“â„“ not allowed her Ï„̅☺ die says by God almight IN̶̲̅» battle who's all powers belong to
Barbaric religion practised in Sudan. By marriage she is an American and d world should go to war to save her life. Religion na by force??????? Wickedness of man being tied to religion.
Na wa oo, which kind government be this... Linda this close up mouse dey disturb me oo
When he married her, he should have gotten her out of that hell hole. Such a pretty woman. America should intervene and grant her citizenship by reason of marriage, let's see if they'll dare touch an American citizen.
Yet they say their religion is a religion of peace a religion that violates human right a religion that teaches violence with the promise of 100 virgins and a kingdom in d after life a religion that will shackle a pregnant woman force her to live in jail with her son a religion that allows an aged man like senator yerima and his lots to defile a girl of ten under the guise of marriage what a religion
The Good Lord we worship will surely see her through
God should please make them change their mind about killing her.
Oh Lord! As a woman and a mother, my heart bleeds. See the innocent boy! She's pregnant and imprisoned, where can she run to?! How can she take care of herself, the unborn child and her little son?!!! WICKEDNESS!!!
what kind of country and human beings are these?
So sad
This is the third consecutive story im reading about cruelty all in the name of religion.How the hell can someone tell me Islam is a religion of Peace.What is the UN doing to rescue this woman before she dies with her child and unborn baby.
Why are Muslims so cruel and wicked,do they really serve God? i just wonder!
kai, nawaooo, now tell me, who will tell me islam is peace? look at how they r treating their fellow human.....oh God! just 1 mistake from abraham n sarah,,,,,,abraham, u shudnt have married ur maid, but sarah forced u, now look at wat we r facing, after ismail was born...
All dz wahala is cot-c Sarah who encouraged Abraham 2play wt d slave female..This cute boy & d unborn child doesn't deserve dz treatment infact no pregnant woman does..and y hasn't any islamic group made any attempt oR effort 2 speak 4her??Lord,1 of d best gift u gave me is making me fall within a Christian family & am thankfuL *fashionista LeOnOrA*
this linda you need to be writing your titles properly, the heading doesn't tell the story. it makes it look like the boy was sentenced. you're just trying to hype the story. most of your titles are just not right.
Trust me islam is a religion for just animals not human beings. D height of cruelty
Lord pls have mercy.#CHERRY#
This story brought tears to my eyes. Why do people wake up and fight for God. Who the hell r u to play God over another person? IAI
i nevere understand how this muslims operate, them say their religon na peace yet boko haram springs from them now they are forcing this woman to be a muslim?na by force to be peaceful? i just tire!!
stupid idiots......Jesus christ will forever be lord, Savior and master....an evil and violent religion will forever be a loser....Islam is evil
Wickedness at its peak but am sure she will be helped at last...
Pls educate ne, what was she doing in Sudan? Being from there I assume she was familiar with their rules? What was she hanging around there for? I blame her
Madam, the Lord will see you through and release you from the prison, remember he did it for Apostle Peter. Yours will not be exceptional in Jesus Christ name. Stay firm, be bold and do not renounce your faith in the Lord, endure even unto death. Shalom!
religion of peace my foot
Nawa ooooo.....God punish all sudan govmnt and the so call islamic.....dey are just tu wicked.......infact I nw hate all muslims and there so call religion of killin.wht has d little boy done 2 u......oh God hv mercy on d innocent woman and consume all d muslims just lik d day of noah....let d muslims be put 2 shame......lindodo baby abeg post dis comment oooo
If abi since she's married to an american citizen & if the UN really wants to help why don't they process her US citizenship super fast & she denounces her Sudan citizenship pronto. She shud b outta there in no time. He shud ask 4 d homeland security to intervene.
Get a law from d states & Sudan.
Abi in Sudan u can't denounce ur citizenship?
That way, her only crime wud be a US citizen in Sudan w'out Visa or immigratn docs. I hope dat crime isn't also punishable by death.
This muslim countries. Sigh!
This Post just ruined my entire day!!!. Gosh! What some people go through in some part of this world is beyond appaling.
Islam is a religion of peace indeed...
What kind of wickedness and backwardness is this. can't the lady renounce Christianity for the sake of survival, and once she is released, she and her husband board the next flight out of that God forsaken country to probably America, since the man is an American citizen, and once they get there, can marry themselves and start to live their lives all over again. UN and other International Agencies and NGO's, please please please help!
Another Heaven candidate in the making
That's barbaric! Lord pls fight your battle. Enough of this rivalry.
These people n dia law! Heartless people.. What is d sin of d son? Hw does d moda's sin affect her son..
islam is a cancer
i pray America remembers them.
via official intercom
What a shame
What a shame
Different countries with their law, when u are in the states obey the laws of the states.....what is she doing in Sudan knowing the penalty for her bn a christian. Well i have faith she will be exonerated and free.
The problems of dis world would be half solved if Islam never existed.
What kinda shallow minded people walk on d face of ds earth? What d bloody hell is d meaning of apostasy? what kind of idiots do we have right here in Africa? Why is Africa so backward n ignorant? What stupid way to judge d affairs of men!!! Who made d bloody bastards judge? What is their business if she decides to be a christain? All ds bloody anti christ walking on d face of ds earth, God will definitely prove HIMSELF, HIS SUPREMACY n HIS MIGHT. D God I serve is a patient God, he will give u time to have a rethink n repent n when u refuse to do d right thing, GOD hits u with a bang. There is NEVER peace 4 d wicked, what u sow that u will most definitely reap. If ds lady dies over ds flimsy BULLSHIT, all those involved will die a shameful death. What is stupid ignorant people n a mumu belief, mtchewwww.
What nonsense are u saying @anon 3:08PM? Denounce Christianity 4 what n 4 who? Rubbish!! God will see her through this n evn if she dies, it's a sure guaranty to life eternal. She must nt deny Christianity, because of some bloody Ishamelites, nonsense.
Please can somebody answer me. Is Islam a religion or a cult? What nonsense is this?
Smh.....my dear God will see u through.....Amen.....thank God i'm a Christain
Islam my ass. Ignorant fools
Waoooo speechless.
May God forgive your ignorant utterances..
I rather die a Christian than being a Muslim.. Coz they preach nothing but death
Why are they afraid of one leaving their religion? What are they hiding? Just thinking aloud.
May God fight for His own. May he arise and His enemies be scattered. God will punish these people eh.....they myt not recover from it. Awon oniranu to ni blocked brains that cannot assimilate anything good. I love this woman for holding on to Jesus the author and finisher of our faith even in this very trying time
Still on the matter " Religion na Politics " The Roman Catholic military excursions against the Muslim conquests,including the Crusades (11th to 13th centuries). Sudanese woman sentenced to death for refusing to recant her Christianity and for marrying Christian “apostasy” ....One World One People.
Oh Allah, all the people insulting muslims and islam dont allow them to go unpunished. Ya Allah please start showing them from this world and make hellfire their final abode for saying negative things about You Ya Allah. You people can run your mouths because the christians are the majority reading this blog. I wish there were more muslims but Allah sees everything. Am glad i now no the kind of hatred most christians have for muslims and from now on wards, i will be very careful with my christian friends becos i no hate muslims from d inside. Oh Allah thank You for making me a muslim. Alhamdulillah! Linda if you like dont post cos i have noticed u choose what to post and what not to post
STFU 4:12
Hahahahahahaha!!! I tire for them o
Hmmm.. I married a muslim, he didn't change my religion or try to. But hearing this just makes me angry with all muslims...hubby included! Stupid violent people!! They are the anti-Christ!! Illitrates that just want to be heard yet they have nothing to offer than violence!!
Its better to be a gay or lesbian than to be a muslim! I tell you
the impatience of Sarah Abraham's wife has caused the world nothing but misery. Islam is a curse to mankind. Let us all braze up for the worst. God the father see us through.
We"ve gotten more animals in Africa than d real animal in develop countries.
In d name of religion you will destroy human dignity, brutalizing a pregnant woman for that matter. sorry, no conscience @all?
This muslim countries behave like BEASTS>
Islam is a religion of peace.ISLAM means PEACE.PEACE unto U the ignorant and the wise.
America have already send people to go and rescue the woman, the husband is a citizen of America.
What a terrible religion. They will never see good on the earth and eternity. God forbid bad thing
Naija Badt Guy says, "Islam is of the Devil and Allah is their god. Fix it. These words of mine are enough for the wise. Better an atheist than a muslim."
Its only d wretched muslims with their poverty stricken mentailty that act this way, end times are here.Lord have mercy on ur own
Is there a muslim faithful that can explain their religion and its ties to violence.
Heartless fools.
Have u ever wondered why religion crises doesn't come from where it originated from.atleast that should be a yardstick.saudi arabia has got a good slate if not a clean slate, why is there no church littered around europe just like we have in nigeria and other african countries.why do we divert our productive time into hypocritic worship instead of being productive in africa.that tells u that it isn't the religion but those that practice it.u can count wit ur fingers the number of churches u hav europe but u can't count the number of churches u hav in a street in lagos.the saudis practice islam wit dignity but the northern and likes of sudan practice with cheer wickedness.it is not the religion but those that practice it.
May ur Allah strike you dead for typing this rubbish. Useless Allah.. Muslim my black ass...
Now It's clear to you. One day ur hubby might wake up and kill you. Muslim preach about death.. Full stop..
To an extent I agree
I don't understand u!
worst part is she was never even brought up as a moslem. the dad abandoned them when she was six and she has always been a christian so is not a converted christian as they claim. by their own law, her son is a christian. is he not. and her husband is wheel-chair bound with muscular dystrophy
@anon 4.43, stop beatin round d bush like robin hood, d story got everytin stated clearly. Tink 2wice bout dis so called religion and cross carpet while u stil can. A religion dat doesn't care bout d livin....even d unborn and little children!!! Smh
To all you very very obviously ignorant people, Islam is truly a religion of peace
Omg cnt jst stop crying r u kidding me a pregnant woman in chains nd d son even lives in d cell.haaaaa jesus ooo,jst Bcos she's christian,Muslims must u guys always do tins violently she's pregnant for God sake and it's her life to do whatever religion bikonu
God's intervention will surely prevail. #sighs#
Hmmmm, all through this response no Muslim replied except for one fool... Telling me Allah will put us in hell for responding and kicking against the action of the Sudanese govt.
For now, all I think we Christians should do is pray for her and ask that the God of Christians, the Almight who can raise stone to worship HIM and not force us when we choose not to, to intervene quickly, since we have come to know that their god is a statue that is fought for instead of fighting for them.
Can you imagine? Bunch of hypocrites.
Islam is a religion of piss. Islam means piss.
U all are fool for saying Islam is shit may God in heaven forgive u all u bastards.....its nt written anywre in d Quran dat u sld kill for marrying a christian dey are jst being fools in Sudan and u idiots r opening ur foolish Christian mouth to talk I av seen homes wre Christians marry Muslims and dey live in peace it can never happens in nigeria one fool said again dat dey sld kill all Muslims an sure u av course mates,colleagues,neighbors and frnds who r Muslims will killing solve d prob....u idiots I am a muslim and I wnt tk DAT ship from u pple and d Muslim thing in Nigeria is from d north av u seen any Yoruba Muslim misbhave....I dnt blame u pple d Muslims dat made u pple say my bf is a Christian and we r happy is abt d religion bt d individual tk .......R.....is my name
Linda God help u dnt post my previous comment God in heaven will judge u cos i hard u choose what to post .......R......is my name
@ AnonymousMay 22, 2014 at 4:43 PM
if Allah is God please beg him to direct his followers to leave us alone. if hell is the portion of chritians so be it , you people should go to heaven and leave us alone.
I managed to tolerate muslims in the past but this incidence has killed the last of what I have for ur diabolical religion. that religion of witches and wizard with satan as god. God punish your disgusting mouth for even saying all you have said.
tell your god he is a violent school boy and should go and take several seats in hell.
And you shall hold your peace
Many people all around d world just love too spoil islam, some don't even know wat it means they just run their mouth and say wat they don't know I pray that they will be peace all around d world and too d people spoiling ISLAM I know dat ONE DAy things will be seen am proud and happy 2 be a muslim islam does not suck ......
Dere r hardly any churches or temples in saudi o dars y u dont really hear stories. Dey gav dier own.ika too in saudi. Dey chop hands off cos of stealing. Yes stealing is wrong but amputation is too much ah! God will avenge His elect sha o
This is Islam at its best!
I don't really comment but I'm forced to do this today...the fact that some people choose to bastardize the religion of Islam doesn't mean all muslims are the same...and the sad thing is people commenting and cursing islam know this...there are also wicked christians too but it doesn't mean all christians are bad..The bible says don't judge...if this story is true..clearly the sudanese govt are just being cruel and are not practicing Islam...if you can show me or quote any verse in the Quran where it says muslims should kill christians or force someone to join Islam or shed blood..I swear I will cease to be a muslim...someone even went ahead and insulted Allah...not knowing Allah is just arabic name for God which we all worship..I pray God forgives you..May God put to shame anybody using the name of Islam to perpetrate evil and cause confusion..And I pray God forgives all of you insulting islam and Allah.cos if you read the bible very well.I don't think there's anywhere it says you should curse fellow humans or any religion... same as the Quran...God knows best...And to anybody that wants to insult me ...May God forgive you in advance..
May God 4give u all.islam is a religion of peace.the God we serve do not ask us to shed blood and my God says luv ur neigbour as u luv ursef.but I know one day, God wil expose all dose behind d calamities happening in d world inshaAllah and it wil b very soon
Anon 4:12pm. May God strike your generation..fool..bloody Muslims. Can we please bomb them all?
My brother tell ur Muslim brothers to change for good cos there are making u ppl look wicked but d yoruba Muslim are not saying anything
Obviously shekau is right . If a learned judge would pronounce such rulling, then why wont i believ shekau concernin all he said about islam. Followers of that faith need a rethink.
Anon 4:43..with tears in ma eyes,my bleeding heart,my eyes up to heaven and both knees on the ground...May the greatest thunder,epilepsy strike you dead.. I curse you evil personality.. SHAME
In full support..I rather be a high way robber
Religion of piss...hisses
Hey idiat.. Am really sure u've never heard of that part of the word "psychology" that says when the population don't give a fuck about what should be but what it is...lemme teach you dumb ass- yo should SHUT your mouth and give ur opinions Last..FOOL. Not wen the tension and anger is high
Ur approach is better... U get luck
Anon 3:08pm..no make me vex abeg,just go drink water sleep..for God's sake y shed she?
Islam means peace. Ignorance is a very big problem among the Christian they have no knowledge about Islam but they are first to run their mouth.
I would never visit Sudan smh
Saudi Arabia is the birth place of Islam. It was spread by Jihad-Holy War by the Arabs. Here in Nigeria, it was also spread by conquest(Jihad) to the West by the Fulanis. The Northern Muslims don't even regard the Yorubas as true Muslims. They kill them during religious riot in the North.
How can a religion that was spread by war be peaceful?
This is the true face of Islam-DIABOLICAL!
If your religion speaks peace why haven't any muslim organization come out to condemn this barbaric act...peace my foot!!!!
Most of you Muslims are wicked to the soul and silently happy your religion is causing chaos worldwide. Mtchew
Fuck you!
muslims r hypocrits. they decieve pple wit the slogan 'islam is a religion of peace' but the opposite of dis slogan is the truth. ishmael and his followers r not meant to live wit human beings but in the wilderness. d Bible clearly states that ishmael will be wild.
Gen. 16:12
Where u find this religion u find wickedness, evil, mayhem
u obviously don't read ur Koran. it boldly states that infidels (Jews and Christians) should be killed. May the Almighty God I serve deliver you
what do u expect from a man who got married to a 6 years old baby girl as his second wife and fucked her when she was 9. Prophet me ass. well done prophet ur species are spreading ur religion of peace in a very peaceful manner. allah will be glad bah?
Dis is jst crazy, I'm o sorry 4 all muslims, seems Islam is nt a religion after all bt more of a cult
Bloody hypocritical bigots what kind of law is this... i am so some jealous bastard set her up and the husband, why didn't he take her with him to the states knowing how backward Sudan is? I believe she'll come out smiling.
I'm seriously beginning to hate Moslems and their religion! What kind of barbarians are these? That's how Iran arrested 6 youngsters for posting an innocent, fun video on Pharrel's happy song. What kind of oppressive religion is Islam????
I don't think Islam is a religion of PEACE. Anti-peaceful people
Now, to all d xtains cursing d Muslims. I can now see what your religion preaches and to all d xtains saying all Muslims should be killed, definitely there are no differences between you and the so called Muslims killing each other for religion sake.
Kindly note islam didnt tell anybody to kill for its sake, anybody who does that will face the wrath of God, doz doing that do not understand their religion the way the should and they will face their own punishment with Allah. Just passing by
God punish you idiot! So you condone what is being done to this poor pregnant woman and her child?? Instead of condemning what is being done to a human being you are talking rubbish. Fool!!!!
If it is truly a religion do peace how come so many atrocities are committed in its name. With tacit approval from you Moslems?? How come you
lot never come out to condemn all these atrocities?? Silence implies consent therefore you lot approve!! And you'll come out here to yarn bollocks!! To hell with you peace!!!
please when has it become a crime to practice a religion one deem fit.
Islam is a religion, why den do muslims infringe on peoples right all over the world(is it that they don't understand the scriptures - Ouran)
Let thy will be done oh Lord for this sudanese woman. Amen
If fellow Moslems like you come out openly and condemn all these atrocities being committed in the name of Islam, it would go a long way in stopping such repeated acts which are giving your religion a sinister cast.
This is NOT a problem of religion but that of Sudanese people and its government. This law wasn't promulgated yesterday, why didn't Sudanese people ever raise alarm? Why did they have to wait for the law to be passed on this woman?? With all the problems happening in 9ja, could such a law be passed here? Have you forgotten the 'Occupy Nigeria Rally' in Jan 2011 when Christians formed a chain around praying Muslims to protect them? And haven't Muslims been fighting against Boko Haram to stop attacking churches in Nigeria (muslimsagainstterror.com)??? If Sudan passes a barbaric law and its people keep silent as if they are fine with it, it is called POLITICS....pleeeease why the hell do people just want to blame everything on Islam?
I'm sure you guys have forgotten that Lady Diana died horribly simply because she was about to marry a MUSLIM! Nobody criticized Christians then o... Everyone simply UNDERSTOOD it was POLITICS!!
Linda, I seriously have doubts you'll post this one!
This is NOT a problem of religion but that of Sudanese people and its government. This law wasn't promulgated yesterday, why didn't Sudanese people ever raise alarm? Why did they have to wait for the law to be passed on this woman?? With all the problems happening in 9ja, could such a law be passed here? Have you forgotten the 'Occupy Nigeria Rally' in Jan 2011 when Christians formed a chain around praying Muslims to protect them? And haven't Muslims been fighting against Boko Haram to stop attacking churches in Nigeria (muslimsagainstterror.com)??? If Sudan passes a barbaric law and its people keep silent as if they are fine with it, it is called POLITICS....pleeeease why the hell do people just want to blame everything on Islam?
I'm sure you guys have forgotten that Lady Diana died horribly simply because she was about to marry a MUSLIM! Nobody criticized Christians then o... Everyone simply UNDERSTOOD it was POLITICS!!
Linda, I seriously have doubts you'll post this one!
Somehow, someway, The US govt should be blamed too. There immigration rules can ruin families. Its very to bring in your fiance as a green card holder than bringing in your legal married spouse. You have to become a citizen before you can embark on the process. Why cant there be an easy system to bring relocate your family? The system can be frustrating at times. so many broken homes because of this their stupid immigration law.
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