The family stepped out for a luxurious wedding brunch thrown by famed designer Valentino at his/the famed castle - Château de Wideville today in Crespières/Davron, France. Kim and Kanye stepped out in Valentino Couture. See more photos after the cut...

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Kim and Kanye with Valentino in brown suit |
Dannnng....these people love attention die. Kilode
good for them... this kanye dey forbid to smile???
Is going to be great.
Kanye looks dapper in the suit, I see the leather shirt. Khloe looks amazing, she is a beauty
Hehehehe.. Money is talking bullshit keep quiet..
Dis Khloe is fine anyhow sha
Like it or not, the Kardashians can pull a crowd. Ha the world as it is today.
Tomorrow is gonna be the biggest wedding ceremony in the world.I can see it happy for them cute couple to be 2mao.congratulation kim at alast a dream come true
Congratulation to both of them.May God bless our own hustle also
Professor caught abusing a female student in his office
This is is Exactly How Male Boss Molests their Female Secretary in their Office.
Assuming your girlfriend made this great mistake in Public, what will you do?
Omg! You wont believe what this girl is doing with her Ukwu
At times i wonder were this people gets money frm. Pls they should come dash mii small ooh
Power couple! I love kim's outfit
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its well....
this famz shaaaaaa
lol...i still have domestics with kanyeKARDASHIANwest's public pics with his lovely trophy wife...guy looks damn sad....they look gud though
Jesus! #faints...MONEY!!!!
I can just smell d quality of clothes 4rm here. Really stylish pple.
Bt I no come undastand Kourtney own. Btw where d hell is Kanye's family??
Omg!!! Drooling!!! Wooow!! Kendal jenner is hoooooooooooooooooooooot!!! Khloe killed dat dress,kourtny n kim r basic! Doez kanye ever smile? Always looking lyk e jst saw shit!! Anyways, hope all dis "circuz jamboree" is worth it...after yearz na divorce we go hear!
See money
Nice one
Can't get enough of Khloe,She Looks breathtaking,totally Love her outfit. Kourtney Looks a bit weird, Kris Jenner? No comment...Kim Looks too ordinary to me...Kanye's now a force man? LOL...his Shoes ruined his outfit#Okay bye
Chill, is it dat Kanye swore neva to put a smile on his face or he feels he looks cuter with the STERN face?! Tomorrow's gonna be a Big Day! lovely ,dey all luk swt n wonderful,cnt wait 2 see wedin pix....Money is good
Pls hu eva called Khloe ugly? Eminem is blind, Khloe is so beautiful, can't take my eyes off her, beauty n brain... And dat Kendel Jenner? Dat gal will break necks *oozes beauty* #Bee
This wedding will no doubt be very huge, cant wait to start seeing some dope wedding pics tomorrow.....
Khole you are d hottest ,finest n d most natural person in kardashin family. I love u scatter.
This is the best look I have seen on kanye.
He kinda looks like Morris Chestnut a bit.
Kim is beginning to look like a porcelain doll.
As in she dosnt look like a human being again. Lol
Don't mind me ooo
Lovely outfits everyone tho
Kanye on suit? Oh wow! N what's dat kim's sister wearing(I mean d one in white) hmmmm
But really, these Kardashian ppl ADORES the lime light ...I can't deal.
can't they have a low key wedding, or pull a surprise wedding on everyone. Now, I know where our celebs get their wedding inspiration from. ...smh
Money is good, Kanye resemble person way go de beat his wife
Wooow! kanye looked dapper, Kim looked like a goddess and Khloe smashing.
Seems Kanye doesn't have relatives.
Am happy for them.
Kim again wt wedding tins,unto d next 1sha she seems to be loved wt her lifestyle. #OLY
Na wa o. God have mercy.
I love Kim. People hate her but I've watched her on the show-she has a good heart. Her sex tape was just Ray J being a backstabiing snitch like emma agu but God turned it around in her favour:)
y'all know valentino is gay and that guy in the pic is his partner ..linda or should i say husband
Where is kanyes family in all confused
Khloe used to be the tallest and then all of a sudden, Kendall came from no where and became the tallest of them all.
Gosh! That girl has legs for days. Such a pretty girl 'no doubt'. *winks @ ed dreams.
Kourtney shd stop dressin like a lost soul
Wow #kanye sure know the word *CLASS*#. I loveeeeeeeeee
Mrs Davido
I luuuvvvv khloe's dress....#royaltreat
This family una nor dey smile sef?
All so serious abi na burial ni?
That's why I love Kris. She's da life of da party.
Na only she smile like say na only she waka come. The rest just strong face like say them promise them money to come for the weddin and now Kanye no wan pay them.
Well if the family strong face they can't be blamed. They learnt it from the bride and groom.
C how those ones carry face like say them they quarrel.
Na wa oooooo
If Jay said that then he is just jealous that Kim made alot of money off of laying on her back - the thing that has to be admitted is people buy into things like that - #staymad it won't change her bank account what she looks like (which is gorgeous) and how she eats. I'm a King and Queen (Jay and Bey) girl over Kardashians any day but I'm not a hater- the business girl Kim sold out years ago while people stay mad
kim is beautiful.. only thing I'm praying for is that "the duo" stay together for long like jay and bey.........
Throwback photo of flavour and PATORANKING before fame
No be small circus ooh...Kris sha luvs the camera. Always smilling. I like. I sha want dat Kylie and Khloe's shoes #inluv#
Nawa ooooooo moni is Gud#Nnemumzzzzzzzzzz#
real circus masons....
Grand Ma MJ is such a hottie.
OMG Khloe is just a goddess! She transformed overnight.. looking hotter dan Kim. Luv u gal
OMG Khloe is just a goddess! She transformed overnight.. looking hotter dan Kim. Luv u gal
Hmmmmm Kim is fine shha.
no pictures of fat Rob Kardashian
I have not seen nor heard of dbanj in all this arrangee wedding, why?
He is supposed to be the international artist from Nigeria with Kanye West, abi?
Where is Bruce Jenner
9c one kimye.lovely couples.
Money speaking so happy for u too
This kourtney girl is sooooo weird..
Her fashion statement is always off..
She looks like the Queen of England (lwkm)
Kim is looking so fine,
But the best is Khloe!
Kendra looking really hot..
Epic...from the looks in Kanye's eyes you can always see his dislike for
Epic...from the looks in Kanye's eyes you can always see his dislike for
Nice one
I love everything about khloe she look fabulous on that dress.
This is not a wedding but another chapter in the lives of the Kardashians
Cud some one pls pass me my bowl of pop corn.
Khloe, you better work it mama!!!!
na wa
Wow! I've never seen Kanye dress this good before.
real competition between mother and children. lol
Doesn't kanye have a family, no sisters,brothers or someone from his fam... Just him amongst the kardashian. Na wa
Hmmm Royalty...
Life of the Rich n Fabulous!
jAY z they mad why him go say d circus heads to pairs idiotic serial cheat solange go soon open im yansh
damn kanye looks kool and def in his two piece suit looking like the perfect gentleman
kris jenner is a hot momma were in the hell is bruce and i cant see fat rob hahaha kim is looking dashing forget haters she is one of the most beautiful woman on earth kanye win ray j loose
Omg!!!!!whatever else anyone says,we must admit this family has a lot of style.
Even kris's mom(the kardashian maternal granma) looks amazing.
Khloe,you nailed it girl.
Kendall,wow and wow.
Kim under did herself today.maybe she's saving the drama for tomorrow.
This is one circus I won't mind attending.
I no get am! Who we dey celebrate na d girl family abi na d boy himself!! D boy no get family 2
Wherever is Kanye's extended family. Jay least circus not in an elevator.
They look great.and before you go off on the younger ones slimmer face,they showed a clips of khloe teaching her to do the "contouring makeup".
I have seen women in Nigeria that do it.its amazing,your face comes out looking slimmer.
Beautiful and stylish too....... Cnt wait for the wedding pix.
Stylish indeed!
Kanye smile small na shuoooo...always hard faced
See This Beautiful Nigerian Woman Who Used To Be A
Man, Such Big B**bs And As$ Wow! Hit mai name see
This is the famous wedding after Prince Charles and Dutchess, Wow!!!! JayZ na wah for that Man o is this hate not enough? I tot he's a man that's not what men do! men support each other despite woman is involved or not. He claims Kanye is his friend and he's talking trash about him how are they circus now Haba Jay u are too big for this. Yes you don't like them we all know that buh don't make it obvious by talking trash
Khloe's gown is super lovely.. Everyone looks gud and Kris Jenner's gown at d last picture is d bomb,looking really handsome.this family has influenced your dress sense positively.
Very nice.
@circus story,if true Linda,whatever.this is same way you and your six siblings would be referred.bey is from a small family but even then,its her,their mom,solange that go everywhere jayz and bey go.
In my family,we are eight girls (my dad was boy searching).
You should see the drama that happens each time we do family events.our poor husbands are still trying to get used to us and we are not celebs.
The worst of it all is since this thing started I haven't heard Kanye say things about Jay nor Kim say things about Bey, I rem when Kim supports Beyonce's music she always tweet about how good Beyonce is, buh all this hate all of a sudden. Biko Jay learn how to mind ur own business wether u re there or not is obvious they don't need u. Is not easy for Valentino to throw a brunch party for someone so is a big deal he's throwing it for Kimye. So Kimye is a big deal if Jay likes it or not or if he accepts it or not
Kim's family is well represented. Where is Kanye's family?
As far as I am concerned Khloe is the hottest out of them all
As far as I an concerned Kyloe is the best looking out of them all
Hmmmmmmm I comment my reserve...
Omo na WA ohh! See as pple jus dey look.
Nigerians will not see anything wrong with the wedding in Paris now but if a Nigerian weds abroad then it's a sin
Sooo much money
Wowwwwww dia is soooo FLY...Am so happy 4 them #herecomestheBride!!!Lun U Kimmy, muaa
I swear Money and Power is vry good nd necessary in a mans life...... By @successralu
God I want to thank you for creating beautiful women like Kimberly.
Drooling! Am sooo jealous. Its well
Kanye West no get family neh? Na only Kim family members dey show for photo! Happy union to them sha
Waoh!!!! Ds is so lovely...couldn't hold back,kloe's outfit simple n classy while Kim short am speechless...beautiful family.
What a beutiful sooo in love wit khloes gown and kim hair...what's courtney wearing..yuck!...
Kanye nor get family, how come it is just the Kardhasians' we have here. .
gosh!!!!!!! i just love Khloe soooo much
#Beautifulpeople #familybond
What's wit dis kanye mean look..yuck! Always looking mean like a bodyguard.
Too much money
Where is Kanye's Family?
Kloe sure knows how to look Gorgeous. Don't I just love this girl?... Quent's damsel.
What a beutiful sooo in love wit khloes gown and kim hair...what's courtney wearing..yuck!...
It sounds cooler from hov :p
But kloe's gown shaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!
Kanye oga boss.. looking fab
Very stylish family, Khloe u re officially a doro diva, u have evolved fashion wise since ur break up with Lamar! Oh kendall n Kylie u both are taking after kim fashion wise. My dearest kim, u re looking too bootilicious. #Team Kim#
And Kris is so loving all the paparazzi and attention.
Crazy attention seekers
kanya w no dey smile again since he start to date kim.... LOLZZZZZZZZZZ.. No joy for him face.....Lolzzzzz
Na wa ooo.. later some pple will be abusing Kimye.... wish u guys d best jare
Omggg d kardashians are hawt!!!!
Why Valentino hold Kanye at d waist na?
We are only seeing Kim's family, what about kanye's family maybe he fell from the skill perhaps he is ashamed of his family or being black
Lyk am so crazyly nd madly in luv wth khloe nd her gown lyk I wnt d@ gown...biko wats kout wearin nd who is d old lady in white?
This people re beautiful jor. Wow
Where's Scott Dissick, I truly love Kim, love or hate her she makes money for being nothing, bow down bitches. She's the most beautiful. Believe that!!!!
Khloe n Kendal are smoking jeeez
Kanye is just an idiot
Ok now Americaz royal couple, Kim is beautiful damn
Dey all look beautiful especially khloe + kim looks younger n pretty in d second pic
No b small circus.
They all look fab. I like the fact that kanye is always looking out for kim. Khole is looking like d next kim. She has changed a lil mayb cuz she is nw free
Ok, where is Rob Kardashian, abi dey don deny him cos he's fat? ife nke a dikwa egwu.
these people are living the life mehn. see motorcade. lifestyle of the rich n famous
How long does this nigga think this marriage will last?
Linda biko post my comment o, first person to comment...yipeee
Her last mariage lasted 72days, dis one na right after "i do"
Khloe looks hottttttt!!! Those legs are just beautiful. The paparazzi should give them small breathing space na.
Wish my dear kim HML. Not seen scott all d while op all is well
Where is scott dissick?
Seriously where is Rob!! If he is insecure about the way he looks and bothered what people will say when spotted. Why did he. Allow himself to get so fat? Poor thing. He should be the one to walk Kim down the aisle.
Thiis kanye no get family sef?.
Really? Is she treating dat baby like she's dead.. Why cover a baby like dat....
Na the thing way I been dey ask Kanye no get family
Btw..dont be deceived dey live by showing off..all na for us to look n b wowing them
Where is kanye family?. Its all about the kadashian.
Champions League Final Tomorrow...Hala Madrid
Simply put; Money is Good.As long as ma-guy remains loyal, Marriage goes on
Beautiful pple of ds valentino gay?coz he poses like 1.congratz 2 d bride nd groom
~@iamJbankz Olamide's PA~
my thought also, if kanye doesnt have family and where is scott n rob?back to d matter kim looking fab in that gown.
OmG kloe looks beyond amazing
Kanye's facial expressions are just killing me. In the one with his finger on his lip he looks like hes thinking "oh boy, i sure say i really wan enter this family?". The next with him looking back seems like "if i run leave dem now wetin go happen?" The lone pic of him looks like a man resigned to fate "oh boy, i don take my hand do myself". Finally the group pic: "this is it! My own don finish".....Lol.
Dis Kourtney dey annoy me no be small, she no sabi fashion among dem, even their grandma dress pass am! While wearing white long dress? Na she wan marry? She's the odd one out, even their mama still dey fuckable!
Khloe looks fab!!! Damn and those shoes!!! Fab fab fab
Kanye don dey loss to this family, not even a shadow of his dad or siblings (if he get). Always alone with the Kardashian's!
Dis Kourtney dey annoy me no be small, she no sabi fashion among dem, even their grandma dress pass am! While wearing white long dress? Na she wan marry? She's the odd one out, even their mama still dey fuckable!
khloe looks good tho
What of Scott naa?
I fit die ontop khloe matter oooo. Mehn, this a power move. #valentino
Omari, where are ur family and hommies????
Khloe made me speechless, the sandals, the pattern on the very neat gown, the hair, make up. She knocked everyone out. Their mom looks great too. The model kendal looked good but too conservative, deliberately so as not to take the shine off her sisters. Kourtney pls. Except the gown looks better without the cover abi cape abi jacket. Sha kim herself went for demure. Not bad.
I'm loving KHLOE's style these days... Love! Love!! Love!!! Show LAMAR what he's missing!!! Kourtney is falling me hands sha... Love this family.. They do ROYAL pass Royal Family. Hehehe
*clears throat*
So my conclusion is kim and her mumsy shares that nude shoe...cos its appears on evrypix everyday! And khloe???mehn....she's hot!
*drops mic*
Their mum is looking DAPPER too! Want to be like her when i grow up ;-)
Now that wz some entertainment; circus indeed!
~D great anonymous!
Khloe all d kylie ehn I'm sure she's gonna be d nxt kim of dia family...jez saying..luv kourtney's simplicity
kanye's family are getting d venue set and also doing all d dishes in readiness for da big day. Lil!
Hmmmmm nawa ooooo, money de para. Wish u well
Kanye!! They force u to marry Kim? Wats with d strong face in d photos.. na wa o. Kids fairy tale wedding season 2 (season 1 wz Kris)
What is this one saying? U chop today so?
Kimye na 1 "couples" Abi? OK, continue!
Even pornsters dey marry sef. Leave matter, dis no be ur village matter
Circus is not an elevator....hunh??? Abeg try chop ooo
Where is Bruce Jenner?
So sad to witness this apparent sadness. They are both under duress and do not look excited or like a couple in love. I hope they know the difference between feelings associated with dog mating and love.
So sad to witness this apparent sadness. They are both under duress and do not look excited or like a couple in love. I hope they know the difference between feelings associated with dog mating and love.
As for Kanye, I guess he really has no family that he cares enough to invite. Perhaps they are all too ghetto and dont fit in the Khardashian plans very well. Maybe they are the fried chicken type. Sigh
Can't see their FAT brother in any of the pix or is he hiding and eating only FOOD
.........Atutu is asking
That Khole's gown ιƨ a jaw dropper.
Kim's 3rd marriage, I'm looking forward to the 4th..smh..nothing about her is worth emulating..just spending money
Kanye ! Kanye! Kanye! Pity you well well; no family no friends. How pathetic
I've not seen Scott Disick yet o!!! !!! Where is LD?! Hmm!
Where is kanye west family?is he an orphan?hope dis isn't anoda maga marriage wit d wife family everywhere?
Umu oma chai, beauty in making. From great grandma to grand children. Where is Kanye's family?????????????
Money gud oooo, Eleda masun
Leather shirt where? Bush rat. Look again.
Not royalty. Don't insult royalty.
I thought you knew better Valerie. Dapper is used for men.
it is now official that this is one attention seeking family shioooor they better get over themselves make we see road pass awon oniranu somebody.
no joy at all in the couples faces as if they are being forced to marry mschewwwww their eyes go open wide now say this no be childs play
they don warn kanye say this girl go bring am down and him no listen i pity him
for her sake of third marriage i hope she would stay as long as without leaving 24 hours later oniranu obirin
Dis is d best look of kanye v seen since I knew him
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