Eniko Parrish (pictured left) Kevin Hart's current girlfriend has fired shots at his ex-wife Torrei Hart (pictured right) after Torrei tearfully accused her of breaking up her marriage by dating Kevin while they were still married. (Read
here). Kevin immediately responded to his ex-wife's accusation, saying it wasn't true, that he only started his affair with the model after their marriage ended.
Well, Eniko has responded to Torrei. She took to her instagram to let Torrei know she's too classy to engage in any beef with her. Erm Eniko, classy women don't sleep with married men. (That is if she did). See all the stuff she posted on instagram after the cut...
Drama pple lol
I see two pics of Eniko.
Kidz, love that first pic
its a ghen ghen sumtin
Wait till he cheats on you with another woman. Then we'd know how classy you are.
Ndi ara ( mean it literally). Breasts every where. Mad people.
thats thier biz
Linda any pics from the trashians wedding yet
The ex-wife is fine!!!., after kids.. She's too cute.. Dis girl wen them dey call eniko shld shut up.. & kip being Kevin's handbag.. After 6yrs u still enjoying the girlfriend title.. Non sense..
Lol! Best reply .. Ex and wife palaba don tire me o
Lol...... Hopefully this dosnt happen to you too madam classy
Shameless thot. Ur own pankere dey for room. Soon to be another ex. Ode. Enjoy it while it lasts. The wife shud just get over the dunce. Some men are just not worth the time. Mstcheew
I just wish this two ladies will come in the open and fight a physical fight(every guys dream).....
Who cares?
The cane used in twacking the senior wife........
Linda, when you hear the stories of how Kevin uses Torrei in his act, some of the shtick was about his cheating on the road with various women. If it wasn't Eniko, it was going to be somebody else. When you're a wife living with the philosophy of looking the other way to infidelity, you live with the threat of getting your walking papers at any time. Kevin sampled all the side chicks he could til he found the one to satiate him more consistently. Torrei is mad now because she put up with all his dirt, and he still left her for his jump off.
Linda, your opinion about the classy women don't sleep with married women will cause problems.
Cause some people will be making comments now based on your opinion.
Ermm, Kevin's concert, Let me explain, he already explained that he cheated on Torrei, what we don't know is, if it was this lady in question... It could be anyone, but because this is the current gf, assumptions and accusations are made.
Yes! She's classy. The dude is divorced.
Torrei should get her shid together, yes, I know how it feels to be dumped after helping and standing by a nigga when he had nothing.
Karma is a bitch.
If Kevin is guilty, when his money is gone, we will know if this girlfriend of his would stand by him as did Torrei..
Believe me 95% of gals dat marry divorced man wer datin him wen he was still married. Most men divorce deir wife cos of d love for sm1 else.. nd women divorce deir husband cos he no longer loves dem..
So much drama
#Go to Chatterz.yu.tl# #first to comment#
They both look alike.....This short Kelvin really has eyes for good women....
However,my people talk say the Cain wey them carry flog first wife is somewhere in the ceiling waiting for the second wife.......
So who is the next?.......hehehehehehehe
All dis fite na bcos of one short man... Chei mony gud ioohhhhh
Their cup of tea! #CHERRY#
This one nah Breast Dislay.
Ifeoma E that finished from redeemers university ..see ur ple o.. Sleeping with other ples men. If u don't repent, nemesis must surely catch up with u! God is not asleep.
That's the part 3 of the movie.
I tired of women fighting over men. If he cheats with you he will cheat on you. Also all these silly girls sleeping with married men. Karma is real!
Flat boobies..
Abeg na bra dem dey lack?y dem no wear bra?
Hmmm... Classy would have been to not deign to respon and go on the instagram picture rampage. Yeah, it's hard when someone has been constantly bad mouthing you esp when you don't think you did anything wrong but class, real class is not easy. It comes from long years of breeding, training, learning to compose yourself in the face of the thickest provocation. Put that in your pipe and smoke it Enkio-not-classy-Parrish
For your mind,u get class,and u no fit date a single guy, hey,u r d real bitch,home wrecker....people with class dont tell.....bitch!
lol class is d ish joor... #hi every 1 am a modal and i nid a lot of frdz on my social network@facebook. My name is (Blessing Supergal Paul) .
All this just to prove one-self?? This isn't "classy" its subin boo - it's either you keep quiet or you confront the person theres no in between disagreement or as people like to call it "beef". The best wouldve been to stay quiet. Anyway money allows alot of foolery
Look @ them,I'm sure they aint gonna be fighting over him if he was some broke dude..... And it's like d dude gat love 4 chics who can't help but expose dem cleavage.... 4rm a pissed gal
So she's saying Torrei ain't classy well that's their business but if actually caused the break hmmm one word "KARMA"
Very boring write up jor. You urself don't breath class at all. Just go away...
Both women look alike, they could pass for sisters.
Funny how prostitue who sleep with married & unmarried men feel they have an atom of class. They walk around with designer items, drive luxury vehicles, travel on an all expens paid holiday and brag about how they make the wives of these married men look stupid when they are confronted by the their wives. Well what goes around comes around. KARMA bitch-slaps harder than a PIMP does.
but how will this news bring back our girls?
Linda, all I can see is cleavage and fallen bubbies
They look so much alike,y? Smh
I hate when mistresses refuse to know their place! It's just annoying, cos if a man wants you, he puts a ring on your finger. And she is here beefing a woman who has had kids with her man!
When will u people grow up? Life is to short for all this unnecessary drama. I live everyday like its my last... Na una sabi o
Truthfulness pays!
Wait o!! has bra wearing gone out of fashion?? #justasking
Oh really! It is funny to her cause she didn't work for the benefits she is enjoying
Linsweet I love U I swear. Class does nt sleep with married men * thts if its true * n bsides Miss u still retorted so ur engaging Torrei. Shut up 4 1nce pipo U must nt respnd 2 erritin---C21
Okay. She should have a seat. Quite disrespectful.
CLASS INDEED. So what was she doing responding to her tweet. People av really lost it... Classy people do not worry bout gossips cause they know their wort...
Please is open chest now the newest fashion?
Gbam. Women laughing at other womens misery because they imagine "He wont do that to me" no be the other day one woman abuse another woman only for the husband to come kill her?
How dis one com take concern me??
Trashians and yet u are waiting anxiously for pix from their wedding. See how double standard u guys are and what can be more trashy?
Who cares that is their business
Hahahahahahahah,Funny drama! *Happy weekend all*. #Tbabe#
Pls trash, shut up
Seriously ...lmao
Linda is taking this personal, did some one sleep with your boyfriend ? lol
Transhians??? Yet u anticipating just a pic, like it's gonna change ya wardrobe. Nwanne na ba
I just pity the Ex wife, I saw her on Wendy show when she was telling her story with tears
Can't believe that dwarf Kevin hart got 2 beautiful women....money good o
While it last Enjoy ya self if only una know wetin de worry me..*fashionista LeOnOrA*
Mtcheeeeeeew! Next!!!
Drama drama drama.....
Drama drama drama
Trashians but you are waiting anxiously to view them.pathetic idiot
No man is.
They are "trashians" like you implied yet, you wna see pictures of the wedding. Shows how trashy you are. #goat.
Don't worry Dear. The same cane will be used on you very soon.
So y do u need thr pix since they r trash... If they r trash whr will u b put then pit of shit!
Ex-wife always start accusation with crocodile teats when their ex-husband is doing better after divorcement. Kevin is getting richer while won't she blame someone now. Linda, pls tell women to pray for their husband success rather than thinking of divorce for a greener man.
Ur obviously a kid. What do u know *sigh* ----C21
No, women divorce their husbands cos they cme 2 their senses n realize 'I hv a right to L0VE MYSELF M0RE.' It's nt always about these men ----C21
::TRUTH:::} CLASSY W0MEN D0N'T SLEEP WITH MARRIED MEN!!! or are u sleeping with 1? #sighs It is people with your mentality that cause problems world over
*yawns. Such boring day
Wil diz fame hungry pple nd dia rubbish drama pay ma bills?
~@iamJbankz Olamide's PA~
Madam class six years with a man and no marriage dats not classy
I dey tey u(in an igbo man's voice)
I am laughing in spanish because i know that if the ex wife's accusation is true the guy will do WORST to her.
He obviously has a type cos they look exactly alike
Okay we don hear, enuf of all this drama already
Lol..doro classy
Trashians? Look at yourself and then look at them. That title suits YOU much much better.
na d short engine na dem dey fight over like dis abeg 1st wife make u no worry 2much cos sooner or later gf will recieve her own basket of susprise(men are never 2 be trusted
I have never understood the sense in going/riding hard for a man(black man oh) when he has 4-8 other bitches car pooling.... There are other things beside defending your cheating man's ass,like for example -"worry about the safety of your "vagina"....In about 2yrs @ top, she would be scooted to the right and another lighter shawty that was a jumpoff would be upgraded to a girlfriend's status and @ dt level- the ride and die bonnie and clyde love continues.#cheEzyjayne
hwz d kardshian wedin go
Social media is making alot of people look so stupid....especially these celebs
4 God's sake kevin already said he cheatd so we dnt knw 4 sure if is eniko he cheatd wth.....torrei is jst mad cin dem 2geda hpy,she shuld face re career nd tke care of her kid...
"Classy women don't sleep with married men". I'm beginning to love this Linda girl. I'll hook up with you one of these days and we'll carry on from there.
Ann Landers wrote that quote... u should have acknowledged her... not say anonymous writer
Stupid husband snatcher#dnt worry its gona get to u whore*
When you become a wife you get pregnant by God's grace and you give birth the process of childbirth makes a woman change her emotions are shared,her body sags and becomes nasty according to my colleague. That nasty belly irritates the men and the shared attention makes some of them stray to more attentive ladies. If he cheats, he's not a real man.
And no right-thinking man divorces his wife cos of feelings for a side chick. The roles r separate and not open to substitution.
Sweet write up!
Dem luk alik 2 me
Dick lips! U must be an old fool seeking attention! U 're unknown to yourself not to talk of d public, porch monkey jst stay unknown
Fudge packer ! If my comment z making u bleed u can skip it ----C21 ..lmao ! Z dat ur signature??? Heifer..smh! Dry skull
Bein dat I have athin wit ppl wt the letter (E) I fuck the eniko gal any tym,anywere any style!wt dat said make una stop all ths noise'dat her breasts maken me high»3«
Oh boy! ! U too dey abuse person oo, wetin
This one too much o, easy lion
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