Reacting yesterday, chairman of the Buhari Vanguard, Jasper Azuatalam, said Gen. Buhari had no need to adopt any children as God had blessed him with both male and female children.
Gen Muhammadu Buhari (retd.) wishes to state categorically that he does not have any adopted son called “Muhammed Buhari” and had no need to adopt a son at any time having been blessed with choice children, both male and female.
“Muhammadu Buhari and his family do not know the said “Muhammed Buhari” who is alleged to be involved in a N20m scam and is being held by the EFCC as reported.”
Muhammadu Buhari is blessed with very decent and disciplined children who obviously took after their father.
“His children have no single record of stealing and inordinate behaviour anywhere in the world. They do not seek attention, but have proven the stuff their father is made of any time their character is put to test,” The statement read in part
I knew it was a fake news #bright bravo#
#Shit happens.....,
Looooooool, joker!
I thought as much.
Buhari's number is not available at the moment,detractors should try again later.
hmmmm, it is well, does it have to be you adpt wen u dont have children or whats this thing with he is blessed with children.
Issokay!! Issorai!! Then who is he?? Him fall frm heaven??
Normal level naaa. I expected him to deny the dude.lol...
I believe u sir, cos even if the boi na adopted he should look neat naa... dis boy deriss God oo, u have bin using the man's name to lie since
Child adoption is not only meant for barren....another excuse please
Lool..deny d mofo..see his fugly face................#King
Lool..deny d mofo..see his fugly face................#King
See as dem run deny the boy. Failure has no friend.
I already knew he will deny the boy 100 times if the case arises , just to save his high reptation in public
Patience and jonothan have children of their own but they still adopted children . If his children took after him that means they are thieves because Buhari is a very big thief he stole from Nigeria .
Shame on enemies. ⌣̊┈̥-̶̯͡»̶̥♡thanks ⌣̊┈̥-̶̯͡»̶̥
Owk Den
And 2 remember dat some certificated bastards have cursed d hell out of dis *GENERAL*, hmm! when a man gathers anti-fested F'wood, Those domestic famous reptiles would not hesitate 2 visit his dwelling abode. LIBERS with much hatred 4 Buhari should watch it b4 it watches dem and their entire existence.
How much did he receive from those scammers, Rubbish!!
It's easy to disown them when they're not blood. Why make the dissaciation by stressing this bad vs good children angle? Some good parents have bad kids.
Haven't you heard where 419 people use prominent people's name to scam ?
Buhari has said he has no connection with the boy ! He does not even know him ?
Linda,u carry last on dis news biko,I read it yesterday on anoda blog. And how could his son scam sum1 of 20m which is a lil change to dem. Abeg make we libers dey use our brain b4 commenting,our intelligent is tested especially on dis blog.
E reach 2 deny b4 nko ..he's not even adopted infact he's ur son from dt u chic wia de our neighborhood see d resemblance (same bonny face) and even d eyes haba nah b4 I sell u out rush go bail am,uve 24hrs 2do so X I ll tell *fashionista LeOnOrA*
Lmao! Yesso @ Bonario, they want to smear him @ all costs.
@ elizabeth, you're wrong! Gen Buhari is the most honest nigerian leader alive. Even Pres. Obasanjo has attested to this.
Lmao! Yesso @ Bonario, they want to smear him @ all costs.
This is called categorical denial!
Wetin I know be say no smoke without fire....
*****currently in Bermuda Triangle*****
What if the boy was given an award somewhere in UK or US with a very renowned position. Maybe he would have been your son? Good Raddiance !!!
Elizabeth Patience n Johnathan do not hv children of their own. Johnathan is just a christian man with a diff mentality who loves his wife child or not, good grammer or bad grammer----C21
You people are just coward, I rememberd yesterday wen linda told us about d scam case u all abuse Buhari now u guys are supportin him again d8 he cant do such. Nigerians nd dere black behavior
A small thief famzing wit a bigger thief...Orishirishi drama 4 naija.
Sme kids cn mke mistakes nt cs they are necesarily bad but he may nt b Buharis son u know. Mayb he thinks he'll go scot free by sayin he is. There are liars erriwer. Bsides there are certificates 2 prove adoption so time will tell----C21
Elizabeth Patience n Johnathan do not hv children of their own. Johnathan is just a christian man with a diff mentality who loves his wife child or not, good grammer or bad grammer----C21
I doubted it d moment I read d news. But why d lies?
lmaooooooooo omg! i know that dude, he's a scam tho, i knew God would disgrace him someday.
Enemies!!! You will not succeed.... Shame on you!
was nearly shocked wen i read the first story, if a man cant control his family how does he want to lead a nation, but Buhari use this opportunity do sum kind PR sha o lol, no carry last
Don't mind ds ugly good for nuttin fool, so all u do all day as a man is to be commenting on linda ikeji, and I suppose u have a gf supporting u wit ds act of fooling ur old age over here, read ur news and go bck to work dts if u have one
Lol , impersonator
Ok o
My frnd knws this guy vry well. He isn't related to buhari in any way. He is a yoruba boy that used to stay in minna. This is nt his first tym of scamming pple.
Ole fine work do if u bak from jail
immediate denial!!!!!!!
Y re u calling Linda here? She posted wat she heard. Did she say any bad thing? MTCHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEW.
Buhari why are you denying Muhammed who doesn't know he is your adopted son that stays on the Island. I knew he was going to deny him. Go check Muhammed's IG account then you'll know who is lying. Buhari stop saving face he is your adopted son.
Linda why you sef no confirm before posting news...guess I'll have to confirm your news b4 commenting
Mallam, You don't have to be childless to adop.
But the guy looks like Buhari.
He famzed his way to the top. Famze ur own and don't be beefing. That's why ur light will never shine cos u keep hiding under someone's shadow. Jealous biatch.n
Intelligence !!! No need to thank me coz u will still make another mistake.. !!
Stories that touch.. Buhari na God? Abeg go and sit down
No mind them.
Purple abi pink. U have been dusted... Hehehe.
MOH' , we know the old man is ur dad. i dont want to say toomuch.
I believe the general !
Steve dnt mind purple! She's just a lil gal.....still pee in bed @ night evn. Wat does she know. Coming here to drop just one silly word! Mumu of life, u go soon turn brown. Monkey!
Buhahahahahaha! Steve oh ride on!
Steve dnt mind purple! She's just a lil gal.....still pee in bed @ night evn. Wat does she know. Coming here to drop just one silly word! Mumu of life, u go soon turn brown. Monkey!
Hmmm am speechless, I know Muhammed and all d while he has always acted as buhari's son even during the campaign for Buhari. Staying in abuja and all. If his not related to Buhari den he must have really done his assignment and loved the guy. He specks hausa fluently too and his a cool guy personally. That time he when Buhari didn't become a president he was even sayin his sad his father has no money anymore he has used all for campaign. Am so sad to see him in such situation. I don't want to believe his a scarmer in reality and has been using Buhari name. He deceived us all. It's bad dat he got caught in scam but I can't believe he has been scaming to be Buhari son all this years.
I believe him but the way he denies this is rather.... marginal
Thank God say d guy no be suicide bomber, bcos I knw for sure that Buhari is breeding some.
Hmmmmn another stunt by all dis political opposition
The truth is.... No 1 will wnt to gt affiliated wit fraud. This Moh is buhari's son. Not even adopted. His "away match" son. Cnt ya'll see d resemblance? #openingofyanshtins #dramagosoonstart
hehehe make una see d face of barawq......ole..... Like father like son. Boko haram sponsor. Idiot
Jasper Azuatalam has sold his soul to the devil. He should go and find a job as he is dancing to the tune of the Boko Haram because they are paying him. This fire will burn him big time very soon. He started as an activist but now he is gradually selling the Igbos out. There is God ohhh. Jasper face your family.
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