Here's something Oge Okoye's PR people released a few days ago...
"Do you want to kill all our celebs with your bullying? I thought you had learnt after Goldie. Celebrities are human and have feelings. In her attempt to re-brand herself, you bullied Oge Okoye and made her hypertensive. “She’s an mgbeke”…she’s this…she’s that…” you kept firing! While you were busy bullying her for nothing, more talent scouts were noticing her.Meanwhile, cyber bullying had nothing to do with Goldie's death. I remember speaking with her about it and she dusted it aside, laughing. She said people will always talk and she tries not to pay attention to all the talk and just live her life. In fact a week or so before she died she sent me her Grammy photos to put on my blog...if she was afraid of comments, I don't think she would do that.
You were too busy putting her down to even notice the beautiful concepts, only few with the trained eye and who genuinely understand art, left meaningful comments. Look at all the magazines she has covered, yet instead of encouraging her, you bully her even more. Her first big screen movie with Hollywood stars was just premiered in Lagos and instead of congratulating her, you continued abusing her when you saw photos, with some abusing her dress even though she looked hot. Oge is an only child, please don’t kill her for mother.”
1 – 200 of 229 Newer› Newest»Oge okoye is soo Pretty! I dont understand why she gets so much crticism! Naija pple unna no dey try! Its tonto dikeh who has peeled her skin with bleaching cream who wud now b getting complements! Vraiment!
Linda,u said cyber bullying had nothing to do with Goldie's death...dts a big lie cs it did.It ws just too much and am sure som1 like u wldnt av coped wiv such.
hahhahahahaaaa Oge stop crying,thats the price of being a celeb...let me know linda if am the first to comment...your biggest anonymous commenter
hmmmm the best thing is to develop a thick skin.
If nobody talks about you,then you're nobody.
Lil wonder Timaya has released over 40tracks in his career and they're all about enemies,ironically the same enemies are the ones patronising him and he's making money outta them.
she can turn this stumbling block to a stepping stone.
~BONARIO~says so via NOKIA3310
Mhm please we love you i.e why
Diz girl should grow up!! If only all the high profile celebs were to complain about negative comments...mtchew, wubbish ( ˘˘̯)
Oge is a correct girl,i like her craft and she can act well, i dont care about her looks or attitude..its none of my business. sorry to say but if oge okoye's name was one stupid modupe or kemi them stupid pple will not pass all those rubbish mgbeke talks,its sad but its true, they dont know when they do it believe it or not....mtschew..........
Life goes on
Being a celebrity and caring about rancour comments is like wanting to catch air, you gonna tire out! Vitriol's will always come, its just about focusing on what makes you a star and not such comments, take only constructive criticism and like Tonto, tell haters "Fuck you all with a sand paper dick" Lol!
This is a sick publicist, if your client cant handle the heat then get the fuck out of the kitchen. You want the fame and not the pain that comes with it. You must be sick. This just made me feel like Oge Okoye is more sicker than i thought.
Please leave dear Goldie to rest in peace. Oge, be a star! Don't slack by listening to comments!
Nice one linda..if she don tire make she go ghana or sudan
haha linda just borrowed a rap line to explain something pretty deep... It's not comment joor the babe is broke, if she is not an ambassador yet to either MTN or GLO and her colleagues are getting all the big cheques that might also be the problem. But comment huh? I don't think so she has been around far too long not to know how to deal with shits like that.
But I like Oge Okoye
Oge ndo.
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Make she clear road jare.. Na she be d only celeb wey pple dey criticise. Wiv her ugly face. Mtcheeew.* Bb smiley* not interestd. Anywayz am first to comment
Abeg he or she should go n sit down. Yh everyone must have an opinion but let's rate d negative comments on genevive, omotola, nse Etim and Dakore, are they as bad as Oge's. The girl is a proper mgbeke, if she doesn't wanna acknowledge that and improve tohhhhhh, she shud ride on but shudnt blame d commenters. U say we should encourage her? Hollywood critics too should pass movies that aren't up to standard. Take a look at her pose in dis pic, how will someone behold such and not get angry? T
Hello publicist,ws dis d best u cud do?like seriously?u wrote dt for public "consumption"...too baaaad!!!
That sounds so unprofessional, coming from a PR person really... 'Dont kill her for her mother' Yoruba translated to English. The problem is not the artiste the problem is the unprofessional PR and Managers they carry around who knows absolutely nothing about the job.....
Dat is niga 4 u but close ur ear if nt u will die b4 ur tym oooo
Best advice.stop reading comments.beyounce once said she does not read comment whenever she seez any article about herself online because the comments would break her heart.so stop reading comments bcos u can't satisfy people
Pls u haters shud stay clear 4rm my role model,Oge baby, pls dot mind dem as u still av fans like us @ dere who admire ur kind of person,u ll always be my baby no mata wot......I always admire ur acting skills, ur dressing, d way u talk n walk, d way u do package urself ,u already win my hrt darling.
For Heavens sake were you expecting Goldie to accept how much impact the negative words had on her? Let these ladies be - we can't all look or be the same - what a bore!
Is it our fault she is so ugly?just look @ her mouth and nose in dat picture.If Kim can still b alive wt all d cyber bullying. Oge shld try and hold herself and stop trying 2 work on pples emotion.
Dat is 9ja 4 u, don't listen 2 them if u will die of HBP
What Is the meaning of this?
Local things!
What should Beyonce Kim K,Taylor swift and some other super stars do?
Park well jor..
#Pain behind the fame#
The average Nigerian is a hater & would give both solicited and unsolicited advices/opinions about popular people whether they like it or not-myself included,hehehehe. So Oge & all others like you,if you don't want to 'kill' yourself,stop jumping from blogs to social media reading the good,bad & terrible comments about you,assign somebody to do that if you must but if you insist on having sleepless nights analyzing what others think about you,then you better develop real shock absorbers naija style!!! #NuffSaid
Linda, I totally disagree with you. Don't say celebrities should grow thick skin, u are encouraging bullying by saying this. What is wrong is wrong... There's no other name for it. You think all these people like u? They don't, they are just famzing. You think they don't want to abuse u and tell u to go and get married just like they say to the likes of Genevieve, Susan Peter and Rita Dominic. You think they don't want to tell u that u're no pretty enough? I pity u. You shouldn't encourage things like this because we are all human and we have feelings. It is well.
Not every heart is made of steel. The insult thrown at this lady when she last featured here was enough to broke her heart. Too many mean spirited people on this blog. Nonentities as cyber bullies!
Cyber bullying is not a new thing.
Almost evey person put on display on this blog must be bashed even if its by one person, No matter what!
Cyber bullies try to put down others just to make themselves feel better about their own personal misery.
Sowie to say this but Anty Linda, your blog is the major blogs where cyber bullying rules. I find it hard to comprehend why you approve most of the hateful remarks usually posted by peeps under 'Anonymous' apparently cos they av lil or nothing to lose.
You say that cos they are celebrities they should develop a thick skin n I agree. But don't forget that they are humans first before 'celebrities'.
They av feelings, emotions etc.
'He who is without sin, cast the first stone'.
I won't be surprised if you don't post my comment, It won't be the first time tho.
Happy Sunday!
Mtcheeeew!!!!!!!!! So she's the only actress been talked 'bout abi? Who cares if she's the only child! Abeg she and her so called "publicist" shuld take plenty seats!!!!!! *Not interested*
Dis PR is stupid. U av jst murdered her wit dis ridiculous talk. Nw d pple here wud finish wats left of her. Mschew... Stop being in d news if u don't want pple to talk na. Hian!
So sowi 2hear dat cos I hate cyber bullin.it has done much evil dan gud,mk she try wela.bt wait ooooo linda,oge na local nd fake actress na.she no sabi
If yo down by ur haters comments den we ur fans re highly dissappointed coz it shows u dot appreciate us n d fact dat we admire ur person, instead of u busy showing dat yo dere n proud of us ur fans, yo down coz of sm low lives haters who may not be able 2 measure up 2 ur standard.
Much ado about nothing!
The girl Oge Okoye is a joker and as no class just like the day my wife had to tell that illiterate off because she thought she was some celebrity in her mind..until those that own first class showed her. Idiot
Eyaaa!!!!! Run back to your mama!
That is the prize they have to pay!
Awwwww, so sad
They are humans.obviously. but then again they are in d public eye.She either gets praised or cruxified. if she feels shez makin progress she should be proud of haself n stop waitin for us to pat her back. All dis wahala is Thanks to blogs.before d era of blogs no one complained of heartattack from pPl.
She and her pulist need to be washed
Get some big girl pants and suck it up looser...celebrity my ynash
Expansion always in all ways.
Oh pls Linda stop being myopic. If goldie ws bothered abt wat ws said abt her she wud av told u? Alot of bad publicity abt goldie esp afta BBA ws enuf to gv her HBP wch eventually killed her. We watch ds ppl, de entertain us! D little we can do is to appreciate buh nay, we criticise n criticise n criticise dem to dia graves. Ppl r diff, som av d ability to withstand ds bad press,others dnt. Lets all watch wat we say.
Linda shutup...goldie can tell u one thing and in her private time think about what people say....no matter what!! the thing is we all are humans whateva people say negatively about us gets to us one way or the other,even if we act like we dunt care when we are around people,but at our own quiet time or private time we wud surely have flashbacks,worse more a celebrity...oge look pass d negativity and look at d brighter side of life...nt as easy as it may sound but stay strong nd try.all d best.
Linda you're bullying too oh
Linda abeg pple have different tolerance levels.
Oge, No Mind Them
Oge should just be strong, that's τ̣̣ђё price paid for being Famous...after all those bullying her are jobless low lives. Mutcheew**crosses legs**
So it means no media should also carry any news about her whether good or bad since she's so weak.sorry oh Aunty.
Cyber bully brohaha. Our words get influence. Well, she should not our words serious or too personal because some are not real in the truth sense but a mockery, seeking attention(ITK) and FuN.
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Naijadeltapikin... Oge okoye abeg U̶̲̥̅̊ α̲̅πϑ U̶̲̥̅̊я publicist pple make una go sit down, oge U̶̲̥̅̊ Α̲̅я̩̥̊ε̲̣̣̣̥ not d only celeb D̶̲̥̅̊ε̲̣̣̣̥γ̲̣̣̥ talk abt, U̶̲̥̅̊ shuld b happy they Α̲̅я̩̥̊ε̲̣̣̣̥ talking abt U̶̲̥̅̊ α̲̅πϑ yabbing wch makes U̶̲̥̅̊ more popular, U̶̲̥̅̊я other celeb wish for ds can of paparazzzzi abeg next gist lindus
I am for and against this. Oge need to realise she is a celebrity and will have to put up with whatever people say about her, if she thinks she can't take reading abusive comments then she shouldn't read them.
On the otherhand, this people are human and they cant take being bullied, you don't know how much it hurts secretly when people talk bad behind you.
But then again who cares, in this day and age, anyone, not only celebrities should care about what people say.
Oge are u a learner? No one asked u 2 be a celebrity so get used 2 it
Abeg have several seat jare. Is she a kid? Oge shd know better. "Celebrities" ain't go no private life. Get use to it and move on. Live ur life
Cool story babe, now go make me a fucking sandwich!!!#
Oge dnt just mind ppls ok
Don't mind that crazy Egor Effiok of a publicist that is spewing rubbish from her mouth.. She had 2 tell the entire world oge is hypertensive...
Oge Okoye, don't mind those mean comments. This world is full of wicked people, they will always try to get you down. You are a beautiful lady. You are your own best friend and when you learn to be your best friend, everything changes for better. You are not dependent on others for your self esteem. Oge, just keep doing your thing.
linda me nor understand u ooooo, instead of u to tell people to stop spoiling people name even when they them loking good. u are here sading them indirectly, is like u hate the oge too.
This is reason I love Tonto Dikeh, she is just too strong for haters, you just cant put her down. Tonto, I love your spirit.
Is she not an mgbeke? (even though I have no idea what 'mgbeke' means...I just see people using it on this blog)lol
Oge darling! Pls take a cue from the likes of Beyonce...as a star u can be tempted to go on internet blogs but "NEVER GO READING THE COMMENTS" especially if the article is about you....That's the only way u can keep doing what u do without compromise....
Even me that is not a celeb pple talk about me, pple with myopic minds discuss pple.she shd bear in mind that what she has achieved/accquired those pple may still b far from it and am sure she is a lot prettier than them....she shd laff it off.....they have the beefing, she has the fame and smiles to the bank always. One love gurl! (Hugs)
Oh my. This is exactly what I was praying against; that Linda will publish Egor's statement.
'Mad' people visit Ladun and Laila's blog
'Madder' people visit Stella Dimokokorkus while the 'Maddest' and 'Baddest' boku for Linda Ikeji's blog.. If comments from llb and sdk could make Oge hypertensive, imagine what will happen when she reads libers comments. Somebody, call 767 and 112, we are about to have an emergency on our hands.
Mtcheeewww!!!! I hiss in latin...mtcheeew mtcheeww mtcheew!!! That's to say u neva planned ur life before u started acting...not abusing u sha but at least;come on!! This is NIGERIA!! And NIGERIANS are very good at abusing u whether u do good or bad..remember 2face said "if nobody talks about you;then u are nobody""..grow up owkay!!! If I were u I won't even give a damn soo long as the money is coming.
Bee...you are hating already? You sure know how to sting like a bee..smh!!!
Madam publicist,I think u don't understand ur job.u just layed ur boss bare 4 more "bullying"As 4 oge try 2 look at what they say about u as sandpaper and make urself a better cos u wanna be a better.people will always talk.They'll only stop when u're dead.Don't give them d pleasure of seeing u cry like ur publicist just did.
She should travel in2 space or Oblivion. That way, no way will see her or say anything about her. You can't be in the limelight and expect everyone to like you or not to talk. Even without being a celeb or in limelight,(low key or high key), someone will always talk coz that is the human nature. You will always have critics. So deal with it. And if you are gonna kill yourself coz of that, since you now use dead goldie as an example, then its ur call. You die, we mourn you, you give chance, someone takes over, we forget,even goldie(RIP)sef has been forgotten,and Above all, life goes On...
People diss everyone worth the attention - from Goodluck Jonathan to a media celebrity. Take a look at comments on this blog.
I only hope Oge's PR is just doing their work, fighting back and giving the entire thing a new twist. And the that part on Oge's health is a huge exaggeration.
Pretty indeed with her k legs and ugly flat nose. Blehhhh, who cares?
linda chopping life ikeji ARE YOU FEELING GUILTY? it sounds like you are trying to defend yourself and blog somewhat by this your post
Well said!!!
taa mr publicist gba fuo! Go and sleep. Like Linda said if u can't take the heat get outta d kitchen. U dey nigeria dey complain! Imagine what lohan, amanda bynes, kirsten stewart, justin biber, rihanna, cb n minaj go thru everyday in the media! N u are complaining of mgbeke? If d shoe fits
Lol@ "u sure knw hw to sting like a bee"
And who are u? Mr retarded doctor!
Let her be ! For crying out loud!! When goldie was alive you insulted the hell out of her life! After her demise! U now coo and caa like a lame cat!
Not everybody can be tough like tonto dikeh! Plss
Lols @ ugly face!
Can we see urs? That's after u have hugged the nearest transformer to u!
And who are u again?
#like seriously # that phrase is as stale as ur left ass
i think she's trying too hard. she should just be herself instead of trying to keep up with the jones
Lols @ ugly face!
Can we see urs? That's after u have hugged the nearest transformer to u!
I'm sorry but I just don't like her... Can't seem to like anything about her but I pray GGMUB darling, forget d "bullying" and face your career.....
More sicker? I dey hear you o
Dear publicist please advice your client to stop reading comments. Beyonce doesn't read comments, will smith and jada adviced their son not to read comments so he doesn't get shaped my people opinion
Sorry baby,poor little momma's baby..I feel u,u made a movie with som hollywood celebs and nobody took notice,instead we are busy ceebrating Omosexy.And u need d world to know about ur own lil achievements and cried fowl!don't worry,we wud get to u wen we are tru wit Omosexy...Cry baby.
ℓ☺ℓ Goldie you're a celeb, criticism and lashing is the price you have to pay for being one..would you rather they didn't talk about you @all? Better be immune to those bad comments and allow the good ones make you feel good and encourage your self..funnily enough the most criticised celebs are usually the most popular,Tonto Dikeh for example ℓ☺ℓ...Just deal with it oge..I L♥√ع you,i think you're great..i commend you whenever i think you deserve it,But if you show up on a red carpet event looking like trash,i go still yab you,ℓ☺ℓ mwahhh
Madam linda ikeji bad comments added a lot to Goldie's problems belief it or not... When I visited ur blog for d first few times I actually thot d celebrities u posted stor ies about had major issue's ,it ws while I continued coming here I actually found out ur commentors were actually 80% haters!!! So dn't try to justify anything...why didn't u post ur dad's 70th birthday pictures?I'm very sure u knew thy'd finish ur family wth bad talk. Post my comment or not u already knw d truth cos u actually tell thm to be nice wth dir comments sometimes. N inbet oge I think u'r a very pretty n talented actress though u snubbed me once at a frd's party when I tried saying hello as per ur fan na(ws wth my kids n thy laughed d hell outa me)offcourse dat made me never want to go near a celebrity again to famz Lol,but dat definitly wn't make me turn to a hater ...nne be strong n good n dn't pay attention to negative talk,thy dn't count one single bit.
Emotions are not easy to let go......Get well oge. We love u
Linda, I can't believe you wrote that! Is that really your opinion? If so, how come when Toke claimed you were just a rumor monger and not a role model, you wrote us the epistle about your rise from without to plenty? Huh?How can you say that Goldie dusted off the comments as nothing. Someone who almost killed herself after Big Brother because of hate mail,twitter comments and cyber bullying! No one gets used to cyber bullying and it is not okay anywhere in the world. If I was why did Jada Pinkett Smith write a letter to the public about 'cyber bullying' young and upcoming American stars? Bullying is not acceptable anywhere and Nigerians seem to have gotten that act down to a fine art with the anonymity that the Internet allows and all their suppressed anger at the government and society. People should please caution their mouths and applaud success because if you don't appreciate good when it happens to others, good will never pay you a visit. If you have nothing good to say then keep your mouth shut.
As much as the sensible thing to do would be to stay off twitter and Facebook etc, why should she? Should children not go to school if their bullied? I'm not naive enough to think that twitter is as important as schooling but it carries the same principle
Why should she shut her twitter account? Twitter and bloggers should be the ones blocking the vile comments. If you don't like her don't bother with her. What a horrible world we live in.
While people are entitled not to like Oge as a person or as an actress, harassment is illegal and so is racial abuse. It would also make sense for her to maintain separate personal and professional profiles on facebook and Twitter.
Having said that,there are thousands of people who are being bullied but don't get the 'chance' to publish it. This is what you get for being famous I'm afraid- You have thousands of fans, but also thousands of haters.
I THINK BY NOW D'BANJ is meant to be Dead!!! That Guy recieves lots of HATE!! Even Linda contributes to the hate!!
So why is she telling us? Pls click here for hot naijagist
Eeyah,how touching *sniffs*....oh please,its only normal fr pple to say stuffs abt other pple,especially abt celebs N other known personalities,they shud learn to deal with,BTW everyone has d freedom to talk N we all have diff perceptions abt pple/things... No disrespect,I still Luv Oge
Really??!! You are NOT cut out for this industry, because even 'non-celebs' get talked about.
oh yeah.....please, please, please FIRE YOUR PUBLICIST! Smh!
Very funny, this high blood pressure talk is becoming annoying.this oge woman is mistaken her luck with talent abi wetin?? When Mercy Johnson was dragged, insulted and what not over her marriage, she took it nicely n moved on. Madam publicist sharap der n advice ur madam at the top to take her medication,eat right and shake it off, because it won't stop!
i love you oge an dats wat u shuld b interested in. dose who luv u nt d stupid ones
Am so disappointed at you oge hearing this. I taught you know better than this. Why do you give a fuck about what people say or think about you. People who do not even know you or have not even see you one on one, you should be thanking God for your life that at this position you are today, that people even talk about you. If human can talk bad of even their creator sometimes so what do you expert? Don't you have a mirror? Do you know what you look like? So why give a fuck about people opinion. You better start appreciating God for your life. So many wish to be celebrated but can't be.
The statement from the publicist was very unprofessional. You are representing an artist who is paying you to speak on their behalf and you release something like this? It makes people like me who actually went to school for this so upset that any rubbish person today can claim to do PR nonsense. Oge you need to fire whoever wrote that crap and like everyone has said dont let comments get to you it comes with the territory
My lil advice 4 u oge okoye...learn 2 ignore talks and act like u didn't hear anytin dat way u will be happy..
My lil advice 4 u oge okoye...learn 2 ignore talks and act like u didn't hear anytin dat way u will be happy..
R.I.P Goldie
Don't be silly linda cyber bullying had a lot to do with goldie's death,if u didn't know her ask people close to her. Some people can't handle so much negativity.
Hahahahahahaah! U a celeb?! I can't stop laughing. If I see u on the road,I will shit on u. U ar not a celeb,u ar struggler!
Oga PRO, your write up lacks professionalism. Too watery and actually uncalled for. Linda will definitely say celebs should grow thick skin becos this is her trade. If you and I don't come here and rant which causes traffic, what will make MTN and co publicize on the blog. Everything is business!!
Linda Na Mad Girl herself
Oge okoye you are fine girl. You are the most people actress in nigeria. You so wonderful and perfect. You are faultless. Infact you more beautiful than linda and genevieve joined together...........
Ok, are you happy now?. Grow up!
Harp nice comment!! Oge Okoye and her publicist are just toddlers. People like me don't even have time to talk about Naija actresses as it doesn't put food on my table. #NoTime
I used to like her in a way until she came to my bank where I work in London and gave me an attitude on 2 occasion like that. All because I said Hello and " Is that your baby" with a smile.
I had to act as if i didn't know the person standing in front of me the 3rd time.
Rubbish. She can go in hidden in that case.
Na she sabi. Make money online through http://Money4Refer.com/index.php?refcode=7273
If poeple don't discuss you,dat means u don't exist! I personally enjoy it when people discuss my matter!!
Oge u neva c anythg
Oge! Oge! Oge! How many times did I call you???? If you can't take the heat, get out of the kitchen!!!! Shikena!!!!
I'm more disappointed with her publicist than anyone/thing else. First of all, she has acknowledged dat oge is an 'mgbeke'. I guess it all boils down to her writing like someone who just finished primary six. Oge dearie, d first thing u need to do in order to save ur face is.... Change ur publicist!!!!!!!
Shut that your mouth! Taa. Don't u have human feelings? Ehn
She's not fine.
Thats no hidden fact.
BTW, your PR na apology.
I had to go back to the caption.
Thought it was one of her underaged fans.
You better develop hippo-like skin.
Before you die of BP.
How can she re-brand herself(I believe to something better) when her publicist's statement sounds like something an mbeke would say "Oge is an only child. Don't kill her for her mother". Have several seats. When u r not praising their mediocrity, they call it bullying.
She and this pr person need to get their lives. Oge will not grow if she continues to surround herself with people like her pr, or whoever is booking her for those horrible shoots, dumb movies. she should fire her hair, makeup, and wardrobe stylists because they don't want to see her prosper.
Take some things that people are saying and see how you can apply them to ur image. we are like ur customers..business owners listen to their customers and see how they can keep them satisfied without losing their brand in the process. it is all about balance. these nigerian celebrities should know that even though nigerians may bask in mediocrity, they are not entirely blind.stop complaining. you are lucky people are talking about you even though you are not an A-list actress.
In as much as I don't like some comments pple make about celebs buh 4 petes sake,d PR comin out to write dz is unprofessional to say d least.. And we like to tag evn honest opinions hating buh truly dey aren't..dey chose dzpath,it comes wiv d risks.....I knw they r all humans buh rite nau,its dz same celebs d@ would tweet really personal sturvs about dem and wen pple comment,dey tag it hatin..u r in. Front of d camera and lites r blazin..
In anoda note,some nigerians need to learn constructive criticism. Funi tin z d@ if probably she wasn't a 'star' herslf,she wld prolly do same..
Hahahahahaha.its means local
Which kin publicist will provide unecessary information? This is so unprofessional and unethical. Nawaa for Egor o . She just wants to be a celebrity by force. Oge OKOYE and monalisa should sack her becos she is definitely not a publicist. BTW Oge OKOYE is an mgbeke shaa,
Oge am sorry but if u can't take the heat...get the fuck out of the kitchen babes!!!......dis is one reason I love tonto dike...ur even older dan her but she carries on so well with no care in d world abt wot pple say.Take a clue from her pls!!!!!
Firstly, I think we should let Goldie's spirit continue to rest well o cos me for one was a great fan and i remember getting pissed on a blog from you comparing tonto's blonde look to hers. secondly, Linda I wouldn't say your blog hasn't caused any damage o and that's why i commented months ago that I wonder what the future of social media would be however, If the Ogo PR says chill, regardless of your mission for your blog, just try and chill sometimes. xxxx
The word "rancor/rancour" is a noun and NOT an adjective so there is no such thing as a "rancor comment". Kindly stop assaulting us with your rubbish vocabulary.
I love u Oge and d way u carry urself.Don't let any1 get u down cos u know ur worth.
linda...u think say u get sense, you know damn well, its not a PR person but her friend, egor efiok that wrote that. thats part of her article where she addressed her movie premiere and all her celeb friends who get hated on like, desmond elliot and monalisa.
Eeyaaaaa! @oge, we no really mean am o. Na joke we dey joke xo...but em em, I can't help noticin ur rat choped hair in d 1st pix. *(In yoruba language) just jokin sha.
I'll always luv her tho
This silly egor is no publicist, she just goes around the Internet attacking anyone who says anything remotely negative about certain nollywood ppl. If you wanna be a publicist, go to Hollywood, get lessons in improving their images, not following them around n making enemies everywhere. Publicists are invisible, they don't climb on the backs of their clients. Lessons egor! Lessons!
Wicked asshole,stfu dog!
Pay no attention to what the critics say. A statue has never been erected in honour of a critic. So dear keep striving to be the best version of yourself..
A lady from my mortherland ....am proud of her
Co-sign.....strong point
Dunno....she kinda looks sick in the first pix.. I like her tho, she's got talents..# ok..next plz#
I'll always luv her tho
Linda it is quite sad that you would make such a statement, you were the one who posted a video of an interview with Denrele where he stated that Goldie was so disraught with the comments when she left BBA that she told him she wanted to commit suicide. You obviously met her when she had dealt with those issues.
However, athletes, actors, musicians and entertainers in general give their lives to keep us happy and entertained through the singing, acting and talents, but we pay them back by trashing them on blogs and soft-sell magazines, it isn't their jobs to develop a thick-skinned attitude, cos they are only human. Whitney suffered the same and it got her hooked on drugs, let's celebrate people and stop the hate, it would take us no where. Entertainers thrive when they are loved, hate can drive people to do things they'd regret.
Everyone wants to be loved and appreciated for all they do, how would people commenting on these blogs like to work for a boss who would constantly berate them for all the work they do? That's what we do to our entertainers, we are their employers and we constantly run them down!!! Selah!
Linda dat is not all there is to this oh. Call a spade a spade and not a working tool. Who is the publicist? Mighty Egor. And mind you, she did not just mention Oge Okoye. You don come extract your part alone. Like you said ths came out over 4days or more. Other bloggers post am, you did not post it then,u do like sey u no hear am when it just came out? let sleeping dogs lie. People have thrashed this and already passing by. Abeg free mata jor.
This publicist should be introduced to the woolwich killers before she kills Oge Okoye already... Why kill your boss with poor PR? Meanwhile Oge Okoye knows where her problem is coming from.
That tattoo on her breast used to be a rose flower but now it's turning to a waterleaf plant.
Oge, uneasy lies the head that wears the crown. Try not to send anyone so that you can live long.
Are u indirectly telling Linda all these? That she should go and marry, and so on? Pls, dnt u ever try. She aint ur class.
And u are still commenting as anon? You and ur wife must be so inconsequential. And how do you define literacy? Cos I know that Oge is more educated, and somebody than you and your witch wife combined. Pls, let's see ur wife's ugly face.
Oge, please make you nor mind people for internet oh, especially for this blog. Many of them come here to vent their frustration, anger and are very insensitive, they nor get respect. Many of them are just jealous, that's the reason good things will never come their way.
U r very stupid, so u don't see ppl abusing linda to go and marry abi? I too know,saint Gloria, please go and take servral sits. Who gives a flying fuck about what ppl say, ordinary ppl like us get abused for no reason, a celebrity that gets money to get abused still dey talk. Let her go and live under a cave if she doesn't want ppl to talk/abuse her.
Even Jesus christ people critised him then who are u ma
Linda, but the autopsy result said Goldie died of high BP. In fact a week or so before she died she sent you her Grammy photos to put on your blog and people literally tore her to pieces. They even say she looks yellow and pale and may end washing plates for Ciara. I also remember Derenle telling Toolz that Goldie contemplated suicide after she saw the comments following her BBA outing. Maybe you do not read the comments on your posts cos they are too many. Please let us remember that these celebs are humans and most of them are not even as exposed as you and I. All they have are money and popularity. Let's learn to draw a line when it is necessary. Just saying!
1st advice, sack dat ur publicist. She is one of d reasons y u Ԅ been pikd on so much. If she gud, she wld av helped u to find a way to turn ur criticism into smtin beta for u instead of cumin to talk shit like dis. 2nd advice, learn to turn negative comments into sumtin constructive for ursf bcos d bitter truth is dat people ll always talk. Take a cue frm Tonto(poko baby). She has a never-die spirit nd dats one tin u need if u av to survive in Naija.
But seriosly we need to change. The criticism on our celebs are just too much. Who said Goldie wasn't affected by cybber attack!!! They are also humans, they feel pains and disgust wen we keep bullyin them even if many of them wouldn't air it out. Linda rememba oge's magazine cover you posted here last month? They was barely a positive comment abt it; all abuses........we gotta stp it
Rancour comments?..Vitriol's?Try 2 make Ur comments with simple grammar.U keep making mistakes in ur attempt 2 impress d airheads on this blog who learn only on d net.
Oge fire these PR people their mediocrity will sink you further.
I hope you don't share the same PR with Monalisa Chinda Nzeribe?
She can't control what people write.
Tell to stop reading the comments and posts.
Pls leave her alone, Oge is good, me like her
It's not bullying, it's called constructive criticism. Every star gets criticized so I really don't know why it is affecting her. She should take a chill pill jare. I like Oge but her popularity is getting into her head. If she's hypertensive because of people's opinions about her, should Afrocandy kill herself?
Linda, my newest boo of life, you must post my comment o
PR doesn't deserve this job.
bia Anonymous june 2@12:16, are u in anyway saying that Linda and her commenters killed Goldie?(RIP). your head is obviously not correct and yet Omo t, Tonto, Cossy are still very much alive and happy. Ishi mebie gi ebe ahu if u aint got nothing to say. Me i dont have any problem with Oge cz shes very homely. My advice is: As a celeb wen u have an event, have a makeup and hair stylist and also a stylist as she lacks in that area. most ppl have nothing to talk bout her other than her dress sense. She for don die na if she be Tonto wey ppl dey talk shit about evry oda day. Ppl look out for u evrywhere you go, she shud thank God dt naija no get paparazzi sef else de would follow her to d loo to see d color of her undies. If she starts crying bout it then "ONA EBECHU EBECHU# Or better still dont visit d posts bout you cos what u dont know wont kill u. #Much love#
U r just a fool, ow can u say dt? Sum ppl manage dez tins beta dan odas, if she can't handle it, den let her b. If u wia in her shoes, I'm sure u'll b dead by now. Ode
Well Said!
Sorry but which Hollywood movie was that?
Dis post was nt for oge o
This is a part of wat dat daft
Monalisa chinda publicist(egor efiok) wrote
Tryin to paint that giggolo of a man(lanre nzeribe) as a great bf to monalisa..
How lanre is nt after monalisa money cos he's so rich
he dines in a chinese restaurant(cracked me up :)
That publicist shud b fired!!!
Babe shud b bothered by her obese body instead!
Nikita Q
So the best way to deal with the problem is to put your client in harms way again? I don't understand the idiots in Nollywood
This is a joke right?. But linda sef, April fools has past. Take time o! You Will pay fine o!. When is dat mbgeke oge going to post her own bikini shot.
Oge should be true to herself.
Everyone is not created to be beautiful.
Monkey no fine but im mama like am.
So she should accept her looks as it is.
The most important thing is that she is talented. She could use make-up to hide the physical attributed.
I don't believe this rubbish at all, she ain't gonna fall sick for this when she ain't no kid man. Fuck all this crazie rumor man.....
This blogger shoulder desist from leading your followers on......If she is feeling bullied then yes, she is being bullied!
If you are not in her shoes then there is no need to throw stones!
Correct talk!
It's true! The man is a big time fool nd a pretender. Plus he's not as smart as y'all think he is
I have a question. Please what is 'famzing'? I have seen it on a couple of Nigerian blogs and I still can't figure out what it means.
You must be a semi dead vulture,and I don't think you are a man,with this kind of senseless comment you just made,is very glaring that ur so called wife is the one feeding you,if you both are better than her,why una nor dey act?or why are you both irrelevant to the society?stupid shameless man,go and hide ur dirty face in shame and while you are at it, make sure you wash all the dirty dishes as well as ur wife pants and bra,since you are her boy boy.stupid brainless goat
So Oge will just have to discipline herself not to read comments on blogs. Nobody have any way to control the comments being left. Some bloggers do monitor their comment board, particularly when the negative statements are about them, but they let everything through otherwise.
Oge, people have all different opinions and they will not always be in your favour, so get thicker skin, have your publicist or someone else manage your social media pages and ignore blog comments. This should allow you to sleep better and create a stress-free life.
Gosh! I can see that u are so envious of oge! Maybe you wanted to be a star and never had the chance to. Smh for u!
As for all of you that is always hating and criticising other pple children, be careful oo bcos whatever you sow that is what u will reap!
I sorry for you! Maybe if na ur own pikin, u na go dey talk like this.
As for all of you that is always hating and criticising other pple children, be careful oo bcos whatever you sow that is what u will reap!
Gosh! I can see that u are so envious of oge! Maybe you wanted to be a star and never had the chance to. Smh for u!
This is a substandard statement from a mediocre publicist. This no way to address an issue assuming it were true. Rubbish! Hope Oge's interviewing new publicists.
Bonario...if thts ur baby pix...then my broda wowo wan kill u die...see head oooo...choi!!!
Shut up fine ke? With her flat nose suited for snuff, abeg wowo girl.......
I srsly hope Oge fire this her PR cos dis is wack n shallow "don't kill her for her mama oo" you just murdered her career.
What exactly do ppl say abt her? Has she gotten 500k -v comments? If †ђε ans is no then as a PR U̶̲̥̅̊ re a failure,go and be selling pepper pls, -v or +v reactions is part of a celeb's rating.
If U̶̲̥̅̊ re rlly feeling like dis Oge, U̶̲̥̅̊ jes opened special door 4 bad comments.if U̶̲̥̅̊ didn't make it in †ђε movie industry (or wateva U̶̲̥̅̊ do) am sure U̶̲̥̅̊ ll say its ur step mum witchraft dts affecting U̶̲̥̅̊.
Just incase U̶̲̥̅̊ don't knw "if U̶̲̥̅̊ re a celeb ppl will talk abt U̶̲̥̅̊" ppl dt aint celebs get bad comments. So deal with it girl
What kind of PR is this?
If you like dont post my comment as long as you read it..heartless woman
Thk u justporsh,uav said it all.
Oge, just be responsible dat all ,bcoscp of where u came from.
@anon 4:35, who's talking about class? If linda is so classy she wouldn't encourage bullying by publishing all ur hateful comments about other people.
As for anon 4:49, it takes a fool to know another fool. Calling me stupid doesn't take anything away from my already beautiful self. So my dear, go choke on a dick!
All I know Is that I love over okoye. Linda will you marry me?
Nne just a piece of advice....stop publishing comments filled with hate on your blog. Celebs are human and there is no way they all can have tough skin like u as u claim. You are up there today, dont get carried away as it takes a split second to destabilize someone's life. You have a thick skin, free the celebs without thick skin.. Ratings is not everything. Dont go packing unnecessary issues around you, you dont need them.. Bear in mind that Oge has kids, you now know she is hypertensive, the least u can do is to not publish hateful comments against her surely that wont deplete ur purse.
Ogee be strong and continue giving life ur best shot.
As for looks Oge disregard any of the crazy comments u read. Nollywood would have never put u on film. Good to know u care abt what fans think although some can be cruel. Keeping doing ur thing. Ur presence always brings great energy to movies. Btw fire ur PR rep. this guy makes u sound crazy and desperate. Not!
Anonymous 7:51 PM. Famzing is an act of over familiarizing oneself with someone you barely know because of their present success or status.
This publicist must be a female, Man no fit write this kain thing! They're both weak...
Oge, then dont be in the spotlight too much. If you want to be in the spotlight then find the pill for think skin and swallow it. If you are not in the spotlight that much, you control the pictures you release and you release on ly your best. THe note from your publicist sounds desperate. What were you expecting? That everyone would love you? If you want that, start saving starving children. That will cause people to see a more humane side of you that will draw away from comments about your appearance.
Anonymous 7:51pm ask Google for the meaning of "FAMZING"
And you are Mad Madder Maddest since you visit all three blogs. Mumu somebody
Wait a minute, Pretty Girl or whatever I call yourself, are u by any chance communicating with the dead? Like seriously? Iya alawo, I dey fear you o.
Linda ikeji,feeling guilty about all the comments she had posted on herblog.why won't Goldie tell you she doesn't mind? If she tells you it hurts,it will be headline news the next day.
Great Zikite,Oge don't allow this people and their bad mouth to have an impact in your life,Oge is a great woman met her recently @Crysland when she came to pick her kids from school and she was flawless,n trust me even running the home is a guge responsibility and she still manages to keep the good work going,Oge I particularly adore keep flying the flag,great giant for life,kisses,haters oya start
What's strong with this OBO OKO-ye?..what consign GOLDIE's death with plez comments...mehn!..i used to tink dis babe was DUMB!..bt,now she just confirmed IT#..let's leave d MUMU for her MAMA
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