Over the last one week, hell has been let loose on me. I’ve not only suffered verbal attacks, but also vituperations and near fisticuffs, all because of another futile attempt of mine at my journey towards achieving that which I honestly and passionately desire – a peaceful home and family. Social network sites and blogs have been awash with how I left Lilian, my “pregnant” wife, to marry Uloma, my Lagos “mistress” whom they also claimed was pregnant for me. Nothing can be farther from the truth.
Only a mad or cursed man would simply leave his pregnant wife and elope with another one. And lest I forget, I urge you, as you read this, to have an open mind to listen to that which is true instead of taking sides and jumping into wicked conclusions with its attendant wicked insults and uncouth commentaries about how Solomon is running his life and how he is not. I’m not asking for pity or trying to buy anybody’s love at this time.It gets more interesting. Continue...
This is my life. If at my age I don’t know what I want, then I may just remain the dumb ass that I’ve been called over and over again. I don’t think I need anyone to give me any lecturing on how I should exercise my privileges.
For the record, I never planned on marrying more than one wife. And unlike the serial husband I’ve been labelled, I had dreamt and planned a lovely home and family.
And my quest for this dates back to 2003 after I had moved into Port Harcourt. I soon settled down with Ezinne, my university days girlfriend, whom I ran into in Port Harcourt during her National Youth Service. As fate had it, we couldn’t help reliving old times and one thing led to another. One fateful, rainy Thursday evening in October, 2002, Ezinne came to inform me that she was pregnant.
It was as far as I was concerned, a devastating blow to the new life I was living; rap music, cars, money and women. So, I told her the pregnancy was unacceptable to me. Besides, I only just started working and needed stability. But months later, Ezinne was to inform me that she was carrying a baby girl.
And knowing my attachment to baby girls and not wanting to ever have a baby outside wedlock, I repented and changed my thuggish ways and asked her to marry me, more so that I was mature enough in every ramification. Or so I thought.
And so, sometime in April, 2003, I hired a hall and invited a pastor to come officiate at my marriage with Ezinne and bless our rings. All done, we went home and started as husband and wife. God, the creator, knew how glad I was and looked forward to a happy home. However, five days after that marriage, I called my new wife on my way from work to ask what was up for dinner and she told me she had been in the hospital.
I rushed to the hospital and was told by Ezinne that she lost the baby. I got her discharged and took her home. But I was completely broken at the loss of a baby I had expected so much. Four days later, I asked my wife if she actually saw the dead baby. She responded by saying the doctor brought it but she gave instruction for it to be buried because she could not behold the sight. Instinctively, I called the doctor – both to thank him and to confirm because he wasn’t around when I went to pick her home. After thanking the doctor, I asked of the sex of my dead baby.
The doctor didn’t talk for like six seconds. I asked him the same question again and he said he’s been restless in his spirit and that he could no longer keep the fact that there was no baby inside Ezinne and that nothing like miscarriage happened in his hospital. I challenged him again and asked if he was not the same person, who confirmed her pregnant and that Ezinne had been attending antenatal in his hospital.
He responded that he had not set his eyes on Ezinne since October of the previous year. Meanwhile, Ezinne had always taken money from me for antenatal and had even shopped for the baby! It then became clear to me that this was a fluke all together.
Sadly enough, Ezinne denied any wrongdoing. For three years, I exposed opportunities for Ezinne to simply tell me the truth but she never took advantage of any of the opportunities. Alas! She was not pregnant. I decided to investigate myself and took her for HSG where it was discovered that there were no fallopian tubes in her and that there was evidence of previous surgery of the uterus. I independently probed further and found out with evidence that Ezinne had a life-threatening abortion in 1992 that resulted in the rupture and subsequent removal of her womb and tubes.
My biggest pain was not what I found out but the fact that Ezinne hid all this from me all these years and was still being economical with the truth even when confronted with hard evidence! In frustration, I moved out of the house but not before taking her to her mum in search of the truth.
Even the mum corroborated what Ezinne gave as excuse for the scar that runs from her navel down to her pubic region, i.e. she was operated upon due to menstrual irregularities. I then decided to stay out for good. While I was out, my relationship with Lillian whom I had known years earlier grew.
I was always going to see her in Enugu. I then got me another apartment and Lillian came around quite often too. Gradually Lillian grew from that little girl I was merely helping in her schooling, into a mature, witty and intelligent young woman. So, having taken my people to Ezinne’s place for the dissolution of the marriage – since we did only traditional marriage – I proposed to Lillian.
And, in 2007, we proceeded to the registry for marriage. And that was the day her father started troubling me. He insisted Lillian was not supposed to go home with me. For two years, he cut communication with me. Shortly after the marriage, my businesses ran into a crises and my entire life nose-dived.
There was tremendous loss in my finances. In my travail, Lillian’s father went to the police and told them to deal seriously with me because I was an “irresponsible son-in-law”. When the challenges kept mounting and seeing my life was at risk after I was badly shot, I left town to sojourn elsewhere. In 2010, I gradually re-emerged and we started finding our footing again.
Even though I tried to settle down again, I found that the centre could no longer hold, as Lillian had metamorphosed into a nag and had acquired a fire tongue with which she talked me down and reigned curses on me at any little provocation. There was no week we didn’t have a major fight, whether I was home or not.
At some point, she became religious. And having found her way into Winners Chapel, she suggested to me one day that it was necessary we took our marriage to God since we hadn’t a proper wedding. She said her church pastors were willing to help in blessing our marriage so there could be a turnaround. To this, I obliged. She said she would love for us to wear wedding costumes for the purpose of photographs. To this I also consented. And so, to Winners Chapel we went and were blessed and certificated.
But it was as if that blessing was what someone was waiting for before they would blow the whistle that would usher me into the hall of pain. Lillian became insatiable.
You would see tiny ingredients of marriage only when I could ensure her comfort. Once Lillian’s comfort was compromised, she would lampoon me and tell me my life history in graphic details and lecture me on what Mr. A and B have done for their wives that I’m not able to do.
It’s even worse when I try to remind her of the recent past that I laboured tenaciously to keep her happy. Once she told me that there was nothing I had done in the past that anybody couldn’t have done. Imagine sacrificing all you’ve got, including almost your life, for someone who would tell you it’s no big deal and that any other person could have done what you did. And then, suddenly, she wanted me to quit my acting career or she would divorce me. My phones were always her best companions at night. If she was not reading my texts, she was in my facebook or BBM.
I had no peace. My best moment was whenever I had to leave home for work. And after work I never wanted to go back home. On a trip back home sometime ago, I was praying that my aircraft should crash and I die instead of going home. Even when I was driving home, I was under strong temptation to ram into oncoming vehicles instead of going home.
It was either that a long list of demand would be waiting for me or an equally longer list of questions about whom I had been online with and whom I had been calling and not calling.
Then on the side was a supposed father-in-law, who claimed he regretted the marriage because he wasn’t getting anything from it and that I only came to destroy the love that existed in their family before the marriage. So, my joy knew no bounds when Lillian told me last year that she was pregnant. For me, it was a good thing. Maybe the baby would take her attention away from me at last. Then the heat started again. I must provide N2 million for her to deliver her baby, even though she knows my income and its source. When her pressure got to a head and to avoid the same road I travelled with Ezinne, I took Lillian to a gynaecologist. A scan was run on her and the result was declared before the two of us that she was not pregnant.
This was after she told me that she had done an independent scan and that she was carrying triplets! Even with the medical confirmation, Lillian never stopped her push for N2 million and money for baby shopping. I ended up suffering a partial stroke in January. Yet she would wake me up at 2am to ask me of my plans to raise N2 million for her, even while I was bedridden with stroke.
I knew then that I was going to die in that marriage and had to do something about it. Ladies and gentlemen, this is about my life. If what greeted the Internet and press was that I died, trying to please Lillian and my marriage, people would still insult me and ask why I didn’t take a walk. And taking a walk I tried to do but I did not do it right.
I tried to skip due process to avoid hurting anyone. More so, I did not have the political and emotional will to ask for divorce. Pray, people, divorce is not like going to a grocery store where you go to pay your money and come back with a bag full. What would have been my ground for divorce? I should also confess that I could not find an answer to what would happen to Lillian if I asked her to go because I was more than a husband to her.
So, I foot-dragged to the point of taking the easy way out. And the easy way is not usually the best way as I found out on Saturday, April 13.
Uloma did not just jump into the picture to “snatch” Solomon from Lillian. Uloma has been my friend since 2006. We met again in 2009 at the peak of my business crisis and have been seeing each other afterwards. Candidly, I was swept away by the love, understanding and the peaceful disposition Uloma proffered even as a friend, far from the opposites I was getting back home. The way Uloma treated me was the exact desires any man longed for in a wife. So, I was always running to her whenever Lillian lit her fires.
So, I asked myself why I couldn’t marry her. Far from the evil rumour that I wanted to marry Uloma because of her money, I wanted to marry Uloma to fill a vacuum in her life and make her happy and fulfilled because this woman with a heart of gold who has impacted many lives deserved to be happy.
If that was what I could ever do to plant some comfort in her life. If there was going to be any immediate gain for me, it would have been peace of mind and its attendant long life, not her money or any physical or material gains. I’m not a lazy man.
Apart from being an actor, I have been in business for almost fifteen years. Years back, when I poured millions of naira on exotic cars and a posh house in Port Harcourt, Uloma was a seventy thousand naira recovery staff in Sterling Bank. Today, even if Uloma gave me all her salary from where she presently works, it won’t be enough to put Internet credit in my tablets and phones. Someone even posted that I said I would have ‘hammered’ if I had married Uloma.
What could I possibly gain? Uloma wasn’t frustrated to the point of desperation to pay a man to marry her. There was no award for anyone who married her. She does not own an estate or anything willed to her by anyone that I was running after. Uloma is not the daughter of any rich man or top politician. She’s as much a hustler as I am.
Ok, yes, sincerely, maybe I actually would have ‘hammered’ long life, happiness, inner joy, a sense of being loved and long life. I also would have ‘hammered’ having her sisters as my sisters because they love me like their own brother – a far cry from what my own people give me.
If I had married Uloma, I know I would have had a good burial whenever I died because I’ve always been scared that at my level of loneliness, whenever I die, my corpse would probably have decomposed before my people would find me. I beg to be loved and appreciated. Nobody to call my own.
No one ever cared about me. I have always been alone and hardworking too. From way back, my joys, my sorrows I have always swallowed alone. But Uloma was the only person who truly listened to my heart and understood where I was coming from. So to say any of my failed marriages was for money is simply stupid and unreasonable. The first car Ezinne ever drove and financing for her first attempt at business all came from me.
Lillian was not born with a silver spoon. Her father is only a retired naval officer and the last time I checked he had no wealth ascribed to his name. On her 18th birthday, I bought Lillian an exotic Corolla car. At 300 level in school, I gave her a Mercedes Benz.
Then she graduated with an LS400 Lexus. This is apart from a lush apartment and school bills that God used me to help her take care of. So, who amongst these would I have married for money? Uloma stood out because she’s shared my pain even when it was because of me and that explains why it was a difficult task telling her Lillian was still in my tracks.
I couldn’t have deliberately gone out of my way to hurt Uloma, because that will be simply committing suicide. Hurting Uloma is like waging war against a nation. Is it her legion of admirers I will have to contend with or her nation of die-hard lovers who will be tumbling over each other to get a pound of flesh?
I wouldn’t give hurt for the love and hope Uloma and her family gave me. Unfortunately the same scandals I thought I was preventing by not doing what everyone is saying I would have done is now the same thing staring me in the face, and everyone is worse hurt.
And above all, my own life is now seriously at risk because I feared hurting anyone. I ask all concerned to please sheathe their swords of anger and find it in their hearts to forgive me. I will make restitution as much as the mercy of God permits me. It’s never too late to begin again as far as God keeps us all alive.
I’m a man on a mission for a peaceful marriage, a good home and family life. I guess my desperation took good reasoning off me. Again, I am humbly and truly sorry. I thank my friends who have stood by me through this trial. Your comforting words are like lights on my dark path.
And for the judgmental few, I urge you; work with the truth while the Almighty fixes that which went wrong in my life.
1 – 200 of 327 Newer› Newest»First to comment! Another mission accomplished!
Lolz! Mr Solomon!!!! Same story
He was making sense with the first wife!! But his excuse for the second wife!!!! Ha!! Solomon c'mmon now say the truth! Her father?? Anyways! Your taste in women is questionable lol ..
Just don't have a heart attack with all the drama.. You should have started from lilian cuz the first wife is just something else!
So lilian didn't snatch you from your first wife then???? Ladies stop having abortions!! Its very dangerous..
Go ahead and be marrying o jare! YOEO you only exist once lol
Lol this frog!!
Wow. A litany of excuses. All the lovely young women he found in his life transformed into greedy grasping women! It was not his fault one was a liar and the other a greedy b#$#h!
He was the perfect angel, lusting after an underage schoolgirl and marrying her.
Seriously, what is wrong with this man? It is simple: KEEP YOUR MANHOOD IN YOUR PANTS AND DIVORCE ONE WIFE BEFORE MARRYING ANOTHER. Most of the problems he is facing would have been avoided, had not been an idiot and followed this simple rule. This is not quantum physics.
Hmmmn... now who we gonna ask? Heaven only knows! Pray he finds d peace he searchs 4 anyways...
Am sure lilian and ezinne were still saints jxt like jur saint uloma is at d moment. Agadi na agwo ofe.
Firts- "And so, sometime in April, 2003, I hired a hall and invited a pastor to come officiate at my marriage with Ezinne and bless our rings."
Then- "So, having taken my people to Ezinne’s place for the dissolution of the marriage – since we did only traditional marriage – I proposed to Lillian."
Na wa. Did u really do only trad or not? lol
This is super story. Divorce your current wife and marry the new one. It's not that complicated abeg
Anyway I'm a woman & I kno women quite well. This man might be tellin the truth. But if he wanted to d right, he should have righfully & legally dissolved d other marriage. Linda post or else::::::::
WEEP NOT MAN.................................................I FEEL U BAD...............IT IS WELL........................
Kai, see As woman dey tak kill person. I don talk am no marriage for me, jst kids nd mistresses. Women ar sometin else dez dayz.
My broda solo abeg live ur life in peace joor. Na wa o.
Cock and bull story!! Bro, we already know.
wow!!! This guy is good!! Nollywood should pls make a movie of this story. Mumu man. So what he is saying is dat d lilian girl is carrying a fake pregnancy wt dat swollen belly nd dat d messages he sent t her were fake too. Ewu!! No hope 4 dis guy at all. No hope.
First and foremost Lindiway why do u label him a serial husband in ur intro?
While u asked us to hear his own side of the story.
Onething I noticed in this story is that he always had a female friend standingby who takes over immediately the wife leaves.
Is it must u can only find happiness in marriage?
Why is it that u are the only one that av falled prey to bad and insincere women successively like ur story posited?
Ur issue carry kettle and mat trek from Lagos dey go Maiduguiri.
~BONARIO~says so via NOKIA3310
this guy is really cursed. him and stella damasus should marry so they can destroy their lives and leave innocent people.
Bloody idiot. Giving us guys a very bad name
But Lilian ws pregnant on that day naw......so who is d owner of that belle......abi is dt her stomach been big?I dnt get u Mr SOLO
Story Storyyyy, story...mr akiyesi your story no jive o..even a small boy cannot give this type of excuse.
You should have paid a good lawyer to advice you, that is what people with marital issues do..
Aunty linda abeg post my words of wisdom for king Solomon o.
Confusing speech from a confused mind...Lillian is not pregnant? so what is in her protruding tummy? eba abi fibroid? shift make I pass....find happiness if u so wish but dont pollute the air in the process!
Story story story!
Its always good 2 hear 4rm both sides.very touching story.so what's d next step ar u living lillian 4 uloma,if Uloma really gives u rest of mind den go ahead.all I can say is follow ur heart
This man tori no add up oh shuuuuuuu!!! Y was he buying a car for lilian at 18 if he wasn't fucking her?? Iranu oshi
@pealie. lawd have mercy, gawd damn
ok bros it wot b easy for pple to blv you but u er a man if something is not working just walk away not doing d hide and seek you did ...but bro i hope you fine a way to make thing work again
Hmmmmm am touched.Finding true love is neva easy. But u neva can tell who is telling the truth. My advice!!! Let them be peeps. Let God be the judge. If God can 4give and give anoda chance, y cant we?
he is definitely depressed and i hope he doesn't commit suicide, but then again this guy is very jaded, so any woman who is with him is in trouble because you're not sure of what's going on in his mind. maybe stella damasus will tell us her own story one day. and he should have divorced them, he is definitely a weak man, he is not a real man that's what i've gathered from his story. too bad for him though.
I felt like crying!
I hope this story is true!
To find a good wife is the hardest Job in Life!
If his story is true, then Ezinne and Uloma are really wicked!
I pray I don't expereince what he experienced in Jesus Name
Bobo is a good story teller. He should be writing scripts for Nollywood instead of acting.
Anyway, he is acting like he meant what he wrote.
Nna, this bobo should join Jonathan's cabinet and write some epic stories for dem.
So is lilian pregnant or not
Did Uloma know he was married or not when he was "seeing" her
There's nothing in life fear more than troublesome wife! I fit kill myself! My God! Solomon God help you!
Guys, please lets leave this man alone. Only God knows what he is passing through as a man. its either the forces of darkness are after him or he is saying the truth. Women can be terrible especially when you have a bad father/mother in law
Oga solo I have concluded in my heart that ur tin no dey work, dats why all dese women dey lie. #okbye
This story is complete rubbish?!!! If u were so frustrated @ home as u claim,why didn't you leave home or seperate from lillian,instead u went to get married secretly,he must rily think he's talking to fools with this childish story,u almost committed suicide,yet ur wife showed the world the love message u sent to her d day b4,r u out of ur mind.. This guy is just a liar abeg,, shift
Wetin u d̶̲̥̅̊ε̲̣̣̣̥γ̲̣̣ yarn? Na same same na. U wan carry no 3 b4 ur yansh open. Mofo!
He said he was praying for plane crash and car accident..hahaha! Nna if u really wanted to die naa,there are different ways...y dint u consult me?
Very good article. I am facing a few of these issues as well.
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#Deep *sigh* this pursuit of happiness. ..
To be honest I feel sorry for him! I feel the guy's pain!
This man is a goat.
So ezinne wedding picture with wedding gown na wetin?mr solomon r u a learner?sharrrap ya dirry mouth...jumping from woman to woman u need prayers...u r the architect of ur failures n destruction lazy man...posh car, posh house wot the hell does that mean?
From his speech or whateva u call d long story,u wud defnatly know dat he is mentally challenged.Pls spare us d pathetic cock and bull story,ur just dramatizing and we don't find it funny Asshole!U had issues wit ur wife and d only solution is to run and marry anoda...Guess what?U wud always marriage hop,cos u aint man enof to face challenges in a marriage.Have neva heard such stupid ramblings from a real man.
Too many contradictions here but since you said you are genuinely sorry, we forgive you and I pray all your women find peace and healing too.If God forgives us all, who are we to ask for your head?Lessons learnt. Wish u all d best.
Without mincing words, this man is a blantant liar. Uloma or whoever should be careful and not to go into relationship or marriage with this devil. All his stories were cooked up, no iota of truth in them. This are the kind of men that find joys in breaking women heart. Uloma, Uloma, Uloma!!! Don't allow him to use his sugar-coated mouth to cajole you to marrying him. Let him die, if he want to. Very stupid liar, saying he wished his plane should crash. Was he the only one on board? Na he go die alone
Basically , while in each marriage he was cheating calling it friendchip with the other woman.. And the cycle continues
The only problem with Solomon is his not following due process.Any woman dat can go to d extene Lillian did in stopping d wedding is troublesome,violent,quarelsome and canterkerous.Definitely not a wife material for anyone desiring to live long.But he shld have been man enough to divorce her first.
Linda Thomas,u will now agree that there was a first wife.Secondly,Lilian started seeing Solomon when he was still married to his first wife, hence had no moral right to disrupt his wedding to Uloma.He who comes into equity,must come with clean hands. And this goes out to we ladies,Life is like a dettol advert,if you don't take care of your man,some else will.
I believe the story see how lilian stormed the church that's evidence she is very troublesome poor guy
I rented a hall, call a pastor, married Ezinne and the white wedding pictures are all over the Internet....so why Mr. King Solomon come talk say na only traditional wedding himself and Ezinne do again for the long story when him dey talk? Mr man you are a typical black man and a stereotypical Nigerian nyycompoo man for that matter. You guys lack the intelligence to come up with a consistent description of events...marrying a black man is a waste of lifetime
I don't believe jack of what this man said.. The uloma u said her salary can't put credit in your phone and ipad,do u know d amt of oney she sent u when u said u had stroke and d people she sent to wash your clothes and cook for u said they kept seeing different girls everyday in your hotel..Mr Solomon,just keep quite and don't kill yourself,abi u wan die young with all these your lies?
Does dat mean linda is nt pregnant @all? where is d eight months pregnancy? Oga oh! I feel ur pain,if all u said was real then u deserv d best.
...''and so, sometime in April, 2003, I hired a hall and invited a pastor to come officiate at my marriage with Ezinne and bless our rings''
...''So, having taken my people to Ezinne’s place for the dissolution of the marriage – since we did only traditional marriage – I proposed to Lillian''...
*cough cough*
Mr Man, save your boring tales pls. *yawns*
Lesson to all,Listen to both sides
before making a conclusion.Some Women can be deceitful NOT all.
Mehn this tory long oh. well my own say is that, there are always two sides to a coin. so before u judge anyone, always listen to both sides. He kinda makes sense tho.
Watch it Solomon (I hope you read this)...U and Uloma have been doing your kukere ways since 2009 after u married Lilian in 2007...So just after 2 years, u started going to Uloma for what...friendship/ consolation/ dry my tears/ sex/ etc...U pretend a lot SOLOMON!, I didn't see Lilian as a troublesome girl, but if u say she is, im sure because she has been watching how you changed to a womanizer overnight... (ur next street neighbour).
some Women are deceitful,men be watchful.They pretend,and show their true colour after marriage.If doubtful,ask some of their silent victims.
I really feel bad for him. He is a confused and somewhat troubled man. But he is on the right track to recovery by admitting his mistakes. He made a mistake not properly divorcing Lilian and he has noted it loud and clear. May God give all concerned peace
Solomon, as you try to rebuild your life and clean up your mess, please know that If you don’t enjoy looking into a mirror and seeing “A Cheat”, don’t put yourself in the position of looking into a sweetheart’s eyes and seeing “A Cheat” reflected.
If you fail to do so, the person you might cheat is yourself.
What gives him the effrontery to write down these much words when he's not a wisdom or intellectual writer? I just read the first phrase and felt like throwing up on him.
You have to be married 3* to get it right? With that rock of ages you call a head. The women probably aren't the problem, you are a child that lacks vision as to what to desire or how to chose the right partner to help achieve your mission on earth. What a waste of breath!
Linda please post this, all this children need to stepup! sheeesh! Okponu nla
Heheheh. Well said
Look I know what a nagging wife is. I have one and I feel Solomon's pain. A lot of white men end up murdering their wives mostly because nagging gets to them. Nagging is a demon and most wives have no clue that it takes a toll on men. I also understand him not knowing the best way to divorce Lilian.
Speechless speechless.... In in micheal jackson voice
Yes a lot of naija women now compare their hubbys to Emeka, Lanre or Hassan who is doing so much for their own wives. That is the number one no-no in marriages
Nonsense,story story,so lilian is not pregnant???her tommy is filled with eba? Story ko story ni,if the 2 women haven't been pregnant all the while u are married to them then the problem is from u,what's all this??? Take this story else where or say the real thing,if u are having serious problems as u claimed with lilian,she won't even have the guts to surface on ur wedding day,u are just a lier,even due it is why don't u resolve marriage before another??he goat...linda oya post..
Nigerians are naturally Judgemental..We all have our vices..be well informed and listen to both sides before passing your opinion(Judgement)across...My take is,there are no good wives here...frm the 1st to the intending..Mr Akiyesi,yur journey so far is touchy bt same time MESSY.Learn to finish with one,before taking on another..Divorce Lillian before u embark on marrying another..get ready to pay alimony if truly she's pregnant for you.As an actor(a public figure),we expect more from you.Give good examples to younger generations..pls and pls pray to God for forgiveness..to err is human,forgiving is divine..Make peace with both exes,pray to God to reveal to you if Uloma is actualy the ONE so history won't repeat itself..Your name is Solomon,Be Wise!..(who am I to judge you or call you names).Just make peace with your creator and with all parties involved...cheers!.
This Solomon is a liar, when he was sick, it was only Lilian taking care of him and removing his catheter. I saw no Uloma around.
see young fine girl Lilian with you, and you going about chasing women..Uloma is not the only girl...but I sense she the most desperate one. Lilian is never the reason for your business crisis..is called recession. I know Lilian has 2 businesses she is doing, so she ain't that lazy. You will be out there providing for your female folks and not your family... Oga Solo repent!
Well, I guess he needs help. Whether his stories are correct or fabricated...he sounds like a depressed. I wish you well boss! You have got to move on with your life and lick your wounds.
He's really solomon as in a man with loads of women. But truth be told, I feel sorry for him. Linda if you like post its your blog since you have refused to post my comments even knowing how difficult it is to comment. So if you like post it, I ain't coming back to check if you do or not.
Speechless! speechless! Singing in micheal jackson's voice
This guy can lie!!!! All the women u married more or less forced u and lied to u and tricked u to marry them. The reason I kw u r not telling The truth is that after ur 1st marriage experience no man would tk half of wat u took from the second wife. Stop comingg up with lies and just move on with ur life. Y do u have to marry every girl that is ur long time friend. Pls get a life and learn from ur mistakes
This is just a silly story. I feel like smacking him,for assuming people can be so dumb! So the text messages he sent to Lilian nko?
Na lie o
I jux ve 2 comment first time on dis blog buh...Mehn dunno where to start from.
First of all, some aspects of his story mite be true, like dat first wife nor jux be am (infact our ladies, be careful wif d promicous live gbenshings, ur not kids, reduce d damn abortions)....buh broda solomon we both know u too like woman up 2 d point u didn't care much about properly dissolving ur marriages b4 d next!! Because truth is, In trying to find happiness u v hurt some people!! However, it wasn't intetional, u were simply tryna stay alive, if u rilli suffered d stroke, well fuck d blogs, media, marriage crasher(ex-wife) n everyone, do d right divorce process n go 4 who u won marry 4real!! If u had died, na anoda story!! Lastly, 20% of male mortality r 4rm marital induced reclkessness, xtra affairs n greed!! #happy gbenshing
Lilian is the only woman you went to the registrar with...(married) plus the additional wearing wedding costume(blessing of marriage). the others no follow from what I read here. When you are a married man you don't keep such a close friend (opposite sex) and seek comfort there...Are u a learner?...Did u pray and fast about all your problems..or u thought a new wedding/marriage is the way forward. Also Lilian dad may not be happy with you cause you took his young innocent daughter away from 18-20yrs..before marrying her!. All you need is prayers man.
you are an idiot!! a cowars=d for that matter.. instead of you to be a man and breaak up with ur second wife; u wanted to marry the other one decietfully... foolish man... the first woman was bad the second almost drove u to suicide... dont u think u need to have ur attitude and mental health checked? are u sure u arent the one with problems.... useless He goat!!
ok. First of all, "And so, sometime in April, 2003, I hired a hall and invited a pastor to come officiate at my marriage with Ezinne and bless our rings. All done, we went home and started as husband and wife."
Then it became, "So, having taken my people to Ezinne’s place for the dissolution of the marriage – since we did only traditional marriage – I proposed to Lillian."
Am i the only one finding it HARD believing this guy? And it seems to me he has a "Plan B"all the time.
He's just a bloody fool.
So all those pictures you and Lilian take outside your house and during events...All na wash??. I don't know what goes on behind close doors but you too always appear "loving up".
Hmmmmnnn... I dunno, I dunno... Kinda pathetic sha. I knw men cn like 2 runaway wen d heat is on. I kinda believe his story cos dt lilian woman 2 hv disrupted d weddin ceremony in dt manner must be troublesome. Solomon himsef is a coward! See whr its landed yhu... Pele o!!
Solomon liar! Bloody liar. At the station, before ur wife Lilian and many of us outside, u told the police that Lilian ur wife should understand why u did what u did. U were even begging Lilian to please understand That it was simply for the good of ur family. U married Uloma for ur own greedy interest. No matter how hard u try, u cannot change that now. Everyone knows how u run Uloma down for how ugly and stupid she is and all that u stood to gain if u married her. Now u r painting the story to buy back the heart of Uloma and her family cos u are stranded and have nowhere to go as I hear ur landlord at ur place with Lilian has given u quit notice and is threatening to throw ur things out. Remember how u boasted of the job and car Uloma gave u in Ph. Well, if Uloma is smart, she'll run very far away from u cos if she marries u, u may even kill her after some time and claim her wealth. Thief!
He's trying so hard to convince,I don't believe dis story @ all
The only reason y u stay online is 2 b d 1st 2 reply? Smh 4 u, guess u must b soo jobless.
BLOODY PATHETIC LIAR!!! IM SO ANGRY!! WHY IS HE LYING SO MUCH??? This man had an acting school in port Harcourt, ripped people off their money and used itto marry lilian, now hes here saying he bought her exotic corolla at 18.did he have a car when she was 18?? He shd not just vex me o
When Uloma starts her own he will look for another story about her and meet lindiway for another "marriage costume" parade..hehehe
This guy is a stupid liar. He lied to one woman I'm festac, her name is Eunice, he was dating her and seeing her and told her he wasn't married till she found out Abt his wife. Apparently, he told her he was gonna Marry so what's his point
So this SHIT HEAD is still talking?..hmm...Please i need 5 men to PIN him down and FLOG him very well. Anuofia!
I agree
U felt like crying? U are on a long thing bro!! If u believe this u can believe anything!!
This man said he divorced his first wife traditionally cuz dats the only way he married her.. Didn't u see the first wife picture of white wedding?? Did u see any traditional marriage picture? Duh...
i really do feel sad reading his story.
Once you've made one mistake, it bedevils your path.
Women can be really terrible. I am one myself and I know the hell that the fury of a woman can whip up.
Pursue happiness.Solomon.Youve got only one life. Whatever you do, people will talk. Whatever you don't do. people will talk.
So IGNORE all the talk and simply move on with your life.
Mr solo, d advice i hv 4 u s dat u seek d face of God 1st. Evrytin hapening in ur life s abnormal, so dere s a force bhind it. Go for deliverance instead of jumping frm 1 woman 2 anoda. If u continue jumping frm 1 woman to anoda, Guy, u go die. Embrace God, seek his face so u kno d nxt step 2 tk. Women r d same ooooo, if u tink Uloma s d best den u r wrong. U & Lilly shld go for deliverance, i bet u God will step in2 ur home & u will live hapily. Lindway, post ma coment.
Hmmmm this man. Excuses excuses how can u want to marry anoda woman before divorcing the other?and u say becos u culd not afford a divorce smh very pathetic!!!!!!
Everybody please listen o. Ha! Solomon is a pathological liar. All the cars he borrowed Lilian to drive were all bought in his name o, he took them back once he was tired after they broke up. Before Solomon married my friend Lilian, things were already so bad with him that he borrowed money for their court and traditional marriage. It's never been rosey from day 1 of their marriage but all Lilian could do was pray, pray and pray. Solomon's womanising wasn't even helping matters as he will gather girls including people I know to give him a threesome. I couldn't mention this to my friend cos it'll break her heart. Solomon was living like a he-goat. He'll sleep with 2sisters, 2friends together. He lived a wreckless life but me and some of our friends didn't tell Lilian till date. He's just a bloody liar. I feel for him cos he'll never get any woman as good as Lilian. U say she became religious? This was the same woman that prayed u out of ur criminal police cases. U will definitely reap what u sow Solomon
True, he always has a side bitch waiting to console him. He is jst a womanizer n dats wot happens to dem,didn't he date dem b4 marryin dem n cldnt decode their xters den? She was money concious cos u made her dat way givin her cars @ 300l. What goes around comes around
This is all a very contradicting story. Was almost feeling sorry about the first wife. You have been cheating on your wives. Why were you changing Ulomas cars and you call your wife demanding?! Please be a man joe not a sorry ass low lifer.
Oh she should hav sat by and watched her so cald husband marry anoda woman,or go to the church to beg him,abeg if u no get better thing to talk,don't comment,to comment is not by force than sounding this childish
this man is a liar....
he said he married ezinne, with pastor rings and erything...
later he said he went to marry lilian cos he did only trad with ezinne... liar oshi...
Well said.
Immediately my husband saw Lilian photo he said " This woman cannot be 6 months pregnant or pregnant at all" This man may be telling a little truth. No mad man would want to do what he did. HE needs to summon courage and divorce Lilian before going to the next person. Sorry, some women can be decietful and wicked. I have seen many of them.
Hmmm! People Solomon forgot to mention he was published in THE PUNCH paper and declared a WANTED MAN in 2009 for a lot of criminal matters and records. This was one of the many reasons that broke her dad's heart and made him regret giving his daughter to a criminal. Lilian suffered with this man. She was thrown out of the house and had no place to go or food to eat. She began sleeping in church, while Solomon was out hiding and still digging prostitutes. He kept boasting to us and most of his friends how Lilian was the perfect wife God gave him and how she prayed him out of his problem. Today, for his hungry mouth he is saying a different story. Well, I thank God the truth is finally out and Lilian didn't snatch him from anyone. As for Solomon, just go with ur evil ways. They can't keep u for too long. And I hope u don't come back to claim ur child from Lilian. Just go! God is the perfect judge
Solomon, make peace with God, only He can give you peace, not women. Learn from your mistakes, no woman is perfect. She might be 'perfect' while you are dating, but when you get married, as you have experienced twice already, that angel might become a mini-devil!
Don't run, when she becomes less perfect, into the arms of another woman. Find out why and make necessary changes. Marriage requires team effort, its not only a woman who makes a marriage work. Otherwise, you will soon leave saint Uloma for wifey numero 4!
We all deserve peace jare! In the little time we have here on earth, every man/ woman and child deserves peace and love. Only God can guarantee that though, no boyfriend, girlfriend, husband or wife can consistently keep us happy & peaceful. May God help us make wise decisions!
U are right. This man is Devil himself
Solomon is just a drag queen,he said he did only trad wit Ezinne,but Ezinne showed us white wedding pix,solomon shld get a life n grow up
Solomon I sense because you having been cheating on Lilian with Uloma..that Lilian became the so called nag! cause you made her the nag...And was it not you that sent lovely message to Lilian before your wedding that you wont forsake her... All this your writing is for Uloma to read not us.
Uloma if u love yourself look b4 u leap n Mr solo go for medical check up n what's in lilian tommy if not pregnancy?hmmmm super story check urself.. God sees what no man see.
Spot on..
Gbam! It was written all over her.
Solo Solo Solo!! how many times did i call u. well am just passing by 2 say hello 2 ya'all. **wink**
Spot on..
I trust my Zee baby! No be only die!
Omo ds story dey purge abeg!
We're filled up.
Solomon from your story, you sounded like a perfect being. So out of your two marriages, especially with lilian, you never contributed to the problems in your homes? A woman that nags has something paining her . Did you manage to find out what you are not doing right that made her nagged? Where you cheating on her? Remember you can only divorce on the issue of adultery, if you like, fast from today reach 2014, God does not compromise His standard. You are not to marry again except if you were faithful and ezinne who was and still your recognised wife in the face of God, cheated on you i.e before you left her to lilian, other wise you will be entering into an adulterous marriage which will make you a permanant adulterer. Truth is bitter but only it, can set you free. Bewarned Mr. Akiyesi, bewarned! Linda post my comment please
To imagine I paused a movie a read thais.Please Mr Solo.You cheated on all ur wives and want peaceful home.You will never have it.As for Lilian and Uloma,you two knew he was married but carried on,Lilian for the love of material things as a young girl.Uloma on her quest to get married at all cost as per her age.I have no pity for you two.And this is for the next stupid woman to cry wolf,you are warned.Solomon is confused man who is not sure of what he wants.He is still out there looking.It might be you he will come to next with tales of how Uloma made his life miserable.Ha.Rae
Lol I have laughed and laughed till I'm weak. Mr Solomon u are totally unwell mentally. I truly wonder what all these women saw in u. Kai. Madness. Ladies pls forget this moron and move on I beg.
Kai una wicked oh!!baba solo wants us to hear his own fabricated stories that touches the hrt,so why did it take him ds long to come out with his season 4 of ds naija movie titled "the way the cookies crumble", or "Solo the serial hub" girls watch out for ds guy oh he is on a mission lilili abeg post my comment abi we dey quarrel
Someone should tell this man to take this conversation offline. We don't need all these details.
Nobody needs to hear all this and it does not make you look good. If your public image is suffering as a result of your not making clean exits from marriages, get a public relations firm to help you sort it out.
You are not a good spokes person for yourself
Be careful Solo, cos u are still a WANTED MAN o. If u talk too much, police will come and get u. Criminal!
You're ryt. Sumbdy like lilian is nat a wife material @all.she s nat a wife material nd she s definetely violent. Mr solomon I blv you so much.may d good Lord give U̶̲̥̅̊ peace of mind dat you desire, (AMEN). Pls friends we shld not complicate dis man's life by calling him terrible names!
Stop judging this man! Its only who were the shoe dt knwz where it pinchez!his story may not be 100% true but trust me there major truth here! Women learn from this ! Stop making life hell 4 ur hubby
This man is an unrepentant liar(someone shld K-SOLOFIED his wide face)while all the women are bitches.
1st wife lured u into marriage with preg, u hired a pastor, u dissolve the marriage bcos it was only trad u did(confused man)
2nd wife faked preg too(even a blind knows shes preg). U bought diff cars for her even on her 18th birthday(mr solomon Adenuga...lol)
the 3rd victim stupidly believed dt a 50yr old man is single and ure saying shes not desperate? She don enter menopause and she definately wld have faked another preg. Abi na ur destiny be that:....lol!
Only God knows it all! Its well
You would have closed the door very well before opening another one.you are lifted and Gods grace will speak for you.
You are a big Fool for this nonsense you wrote, u know women very well abi? Just because you are a Jezeebel don't mean all women are. Linda post ur comment or What? Thug like you
Pls take it easy on solo. Let look into wat he has said,there is sense in it. Ezinne, lillian, if wat solo said is true abt ur women, den it terrible. And solo, ur choice of women is badt. U need to sit bak n tink very well, where u went wrong. N not jumpin from one woman to anoda. Sit bak n check ur sef, happiness n joy will come ur way wen u resolve issues wid ur sef. Linda plsss, post.
The man is a Big, Fat liar!! This story is just what it is, a story!!
Bla bla bla!!! Uncle solo dem do u do igbo girls, try ur girls nah ndi ofe nmanu
Kai una wicked oh!!baba solo wants us to hear his own fabricated stories that touches the hrt,so why did it take him ds long to come out with his season 4 of ds naija movie titled "the way the cookies crumble", or "Solo the serial hub" girls watch out for ds guy oh he is on a mission lilili abeg post my comment abi we dey quarrel
Ha This epistle too long Goh,i no go lie i no read am finish*now singing in omawunmi's voice* if you ask me,na who i go ask? Hehehe...
Pretty Girl
Lwkmd!!!! Just spill my drink........@ him and Stella
I believe his story... And I pray he finds happiness bcos he deserves it. Trust me, some women can make their men do crazy things. But bro, d only ground for divorce in d BIBLE is adultery. Go back to ur wife and keep praying she changes, GOD stl answers prayer. Don't go contrary to d word of GOD in d pursuit of happiness. Just be prayerful and GOD wl help u.
U people should forget abt this he goat, I know one of his numerous gf here in Lagos. D girl got married last year.Solomon is a liar, a cheat n he get metal problem.
Dis man is a pathological liar nd a dumb ass,@1st him nd ezinne dd onli trad wedding and again he said he hired a hall and call a pastor 2 bless his rings,which trad wedding dey use ring
2ndly him nd lilian jst went 2 winners 2 get d pastors 2 pray 4 dem nd lilian suggested wedding gown nd suit and he accepted..
3rdly he married uloma 2 fill d vaccum in her life,so he married her out of sympathy now abi?
4thly what was atopping him fron divorcing lilian properly,his wedding was on a saturday,he sent money 2 lilian on a friday which linda showed us dr msgs....bia oga solomon no allow me slap u frm my house,do u tnk we r dumb nd stupid...linda abeg pist dis comment
It takes only a criminal to deceive a wife and go marry someone else behind her back. U are a criminal Solomon. It's so clear from the way u took Uloma for a church wedding...not even ending with just traditional. It shows u are a long term trained criminal. If u were smart, u would have respected ur unborn kids and not disrespect them before the whole world especially since they are all u've got. U don't think of tomorrow Solomon. I am a guy and I can only call u a FOOL for sinning against ur unborn children. Women come and go!
I beg free dis guy joor. You are not in his shoes. Women can be terrible sometimes I know what am saying. Mistakes in life are inevitable. Everybody with his/her problem.
Too many inconsistencies with this story,Mr Solomon should have been more thoughtful and give us a more plausible story,Marriage is never a bed of roses and there is no perfect person,its hot and cold and someone must make sacrifices for its survival,so in my opinion Mr Solomon,you are still going to get married to more women than we can count if you dont work to keep your marriage.From your track record even the Uloma that is angel to you now will be the devil to u tommorow .
I have never known a more stupid and senseless man as this idiot. U had d gut to write this rubbish..don't u hav friends and family that can advise u. U are a disgrace to ur generations. U talk of one deceit from one wife to another and u forget that's ur first name. As if it's nt enough u can't father a child u bring ur stupid self to talk rubbish. Before now wen I see u in movies I use to smile and say see this fine man bt now wen ever I see u in a movie I feel lik biting u real hard. Onye ara...u were thinking of committing suicide wen u tin of going home and I wonder how u still made iit home each day wen u would hav ended ur sorry life and spare us of dis ur lies. U should disappear for a while so dat Pple can breath in fresh air. I feel so sorry for d women u have deceived. U talk of living faith church as if u can go there and just wed without due process. Lilian took u and after d church blessings u posed for a pix...seriously u need to be flogged. Idiot.
I share in your pains but, if you must be happy, you only need just you to get you that which you vehemently desire. We are not God but mear motals. Please no woman or even man can fulfil you.
Mr Akiyesi its your life and you can marry as many women as you want but you should properly divorce one wife first before marrying another. plus when you were still married to ezinne you had Lillian on the side, when you were still married to Lillian you had uloma on the side. and in all your long story not once did you take responsibility for any wrong doing, its always you against the world. its you Mr perfect pitched against these evil women always trying to pull you down. you should have just kept quiet, we are not fools you know
U did see that too.I just tire for the man
Vaccum filler. Muntulla, dis ur epistle make me wanna puke. Mtchewwwww. Nobody is believing u lies. Not me @ least.
i feel so touched hearing solomon sides of d story and all d tings he said about lilian are all true cos most of them i do to my husband too but i neve knw it hurts them that much may God 4gv me i have learn my lesson too,and nobody have d right to judge solomon u hear loosers all i pray is for God to grant him peace,if is in uloma that u find peace may God grant u ur heart desire in jesus name amen, pls solomon dont do anyting stupid ok?dnt attempt to tk ur own life or do anyting bad to urself cos of what u hear people say or tink of u cos they hv d rubish right to say whatever they wish ok? they are nt d one wearing ur sheos,dnt mind them and dnt expect them to understand God wil protect u and grand u for ever joy AMEN.
Solomon!! Solomon! Solomon!!!!! You will die soon!!! SHAME ON U... Lilian's Baby wouldve been ur first achievement in life, coz u have not even 1 investment. I am ur relation but I will never support you for one day, coz ure heartless, You kill people!! You should be taken out of planet earth, you are cursed!!!!! Look at you running lilan's and her father down, like they ddnt support you when you had issues wit the police, when you took a car without paying because you wanted to feel big amngs ur neighbours,and police started hunting you... I know what lilian went thru that period, moving frm 1 place 2 another because of police. @ d same time, even when u wr on d run, you wr still sleeping with girls up and down, I pity uloma, she's next!! He will deal wit u soon. THIS IS WHAT HE DOES TO WOMEN. Believe me. Its a shame Solomon!!! Your death awaits you!
Solomon is a womanizer...atleast he admitted that in the first two lines...but sadly he did not fully repent....covering it up with ur sugar coated mouth and marriages!!... All this one here is for Uloma to read, so you guyz can get married...and after that don't pray and build a good home...when ur life truncates u blame her...abi??.
Ha! This man is campaigning for pity and re-acceptance from Uloma and her family. It's so obvious. Hahahahahahahah! Uloma runnnnnnnnnnnnnn for your own good ...else ur future will be a disaster with this man. A leopard can never change it's skin at old age. Runnnnnnn
The truth is Solomon Akiyesi is IMPOTENT! he should hv just adopted a child simple.
Mr solomon, I undstnd how you feel @ d moment!! But I think you should hav divorced this troublesome lilian first b4 moving on to Uloma bcos we do not expect you to endure marriage till death. Judging by d way she stopped you from marrying Uloma even when she knew you were going to marry her, she kuld have stopped you b4 dat day nt going to cause trouble in a holy house of God. She had all those plans yet she was sending love mssgs to you a nyt b4 d wedding. Hmmm well, who am I to judge!! May God 4give all of you, including me bcos if we say we are nat sinners we are only dcvn ourselves for there s no single truth in us.
which text message that he sent to lilian? did u see any date on that text message?anybody even lilian can fabricate that,and even if that was real he might be pushed to reply that text by lilian's disturbance and naggings on phone,and as for d promise on that text that his nt leaving them yes he never did cos if he wanted to leave lilian wt a hrtbreak he would hv divorce her b4 going after uloma but he did nt want to hurt her thats y he did what he did.
Dear Mr Solomon, i hope you read this.Your story doesn't make sense at all.Your story left us(readers)a lot of questions.:
1.A pastor joined you and your 1st wive,Why didn't you end it the proper way (legally)
2.You married you second wive who has been a "friend". What kind of friendship exist between a grown man an underage girl(You paid for her 18th birthday,means you were in her life)
3.If you 2nd marriage is as bad as u claim,why then were you instant messaging her days before you marry another wife ? That doesn't make sense sir!
4. You claim the last lady is everything you have been looking for.Yet,You tear career down by saying her earning/salary is nothing.That doesn't sound like you have respect for what she does for a living.
Overall,I think you are depressed,mentally unstable, or even a sociopath. Best thing is for you to go get help i.e Counseling.You seem to have excuses for all you actions even though you are the common denominator.That speaks a lot about you and your mental stability. Maybe the problem is "you" and not the ladies.
Good luck in your quest for Stability and Happiness.Love form Dallas,Tx
Hmmm....it is well even inside well, he who has no sin should cast the first stone! Neither do i condem you too....but things can get better if you take all the issues to God with genuine repentance. One love.
My advice to you is to follow ur mind, you must nt please all to displease urself. Their ar so many young men who has done worst mistake than you did, yet no one hears of it mayb its because u are a celeb. Just be prayerful to God for the right direction. Post my comment oo! Lily.
I truly believe this man. Lilian's actions is just a verisimilitude of her kind of person. She must be. Very bad and hot tempered ice if not, knowing that her husband is a public figure, he wouldn't have come openly to embarrass him. If she had told Solomon that she had gotten wind of his supposed wedding with Uloma, Solomon wouldn't have continued with the wedding, instead she chose to embarrass her well known husband publicly.
On the part of Solomon, some of us should stop abiding this man. I read the comment if someone saying Solomon is "cursed" how could someone say this? Many on this blog has more threatening challenges than that of Solomon's. suffice it to say that Solomon is not that much lucky with women. There are men who re not lucky with girls even with their wealthy backgrounds or handsomeness. Pray that u never pass though what this man went through. A man that his first wife deceived into marrying her by fake news of been pregnant. Not only that she was later found out not to be pregnant, but her womb had long been removed, and she wanted to tie this man into been perpetually patience in waiting for God to give them a baby.
The same man later was astounded to notice that Lilian, who also told him that she was pregnant and was carrying triplets was not even pregnant after all. Like when Linda reported this case that Solomon left his pregnant wife Lilian, I almost used microscope to view Lilians tommy to see if she was pregnant, but Lilians pictures that was made available on Linda Ikeji's blog never gave me any reason that Lilian was pregnant.
I pity u Solomon for all u went through, but ur mistake was not Aiken a bold step to seek or divorce before going into another marriage, but I believe that something bigger than the termites has entered the Termites home. I wish u God's blessings and as for me, I am still ur fan 110%. All I have to say to LIBers is, pray not to have any family squabbles, sometimes it's easy to say how it could be handled, but very difficult to execute. I wish us all a day light at the end of our every tunnels.
Ok.. I'm not in the position to judge any human. However sir, if you're trying to plead your case at least be consistent with your story and make it believable.
There are some inconsistencies in this 'Open letter' that makes me raise my eyebrows
(1). He said "One fateful, rainy Thursday evening in OCTOBER, 2002, Ezinne came to inform me that she was pregnant"
and then he went on to say .....
"sometime in APRIL, 2003, I hired a hall and invited a pastor to come officiate at my marriage with Ezinne and bless our rings"
So if my math is correct, at the time he got married to Ezinne, she was already at least 6MONTHS along in her supposed pregnancy.
If that's the case, I'm really surprised that he claims the doctor said she was never pregnant. I mean at 6MONTHS, I don't see how you can lie about a pregnancy. Wasn't her belly protruding a little? Hadn't he seen the bare stomach? I mean they were living together as husband and wife weren't they? I find this very hard to understand. Maybe I'm missing something.
(2) Like someone already pointed out he said, "Sometime in April, 2003, I hired a hall and invited a pastor to come officiate at my marriage with Ezinne and bless our rings"
then he later said...
"So, having taken my people to Ezinne’s place for the dissolution of the marriage – since we did only traditional marriage – I proposed to Lillian."
Huh???? *scratching my head!!* Total contradiction.. Plus we know that is a big lie 'cos we've seen the white wedding photos already.
Then the most ridiculous one is his insinuation that Lillian is not pregnant after the so called 'scan' that proved otherwise.. so what is in her stomach?? Water?? or beer? I guess we'll see when the baby is born yeah?? LMAO!!! this is BS.. like we're 5 year olds
Lets not also add the fact that you admitted you started seeing Uloma in 2009. Which means you were cheating for years. The fact that you were unhappy in your marriage still doesn't justify your infidelity. What good people do is try to work on the marriage and if that doesn't work, you leave in an honorable way by way of Divorce. Marriage is not a life sentence.
My Akiyesi! At the end of the day, you're right. It is your life. You probably were miserable and u love Uloma. Cool! Everyone is entitled to happiness and love and so are you... the only thing is you should have gone about it the right way by divorcing your wife or at least telling her you wanted out. Not sneaking the way you did and thats why things really escalated the way they did..
Maybe you had planned on living a double life if you hadn't been caught. I don't know... but Goodluck to you and Uloma and if thats who you really love, I hope you find happiness
So people who have eaten Lilian raw can now cut her some slacks. Humans are so quick to judge. I'm in same shoes as Lilian, just that my husband is so glued to Christ right now. After his first marriage failed, he ran to God and begged him to give him another chance and bless him with a woman who wouldn't deceive him as the first. Today we are married for 13 years and I couldn't have made a better choice. My husband loves his family so much and seeks God's face before he takes any step in life. God is the foundation of our home, therefore it can never know failure IJN. I urge u all to make God the foundation of ur home. It pays!
which text message that he sent to lilian? did u see any date on that text message?anybody even lilian can fabricate that,and even if that was real he might be pushed to reply that text by lilian's disturbance and naggings on phone,and as for d promise on that text that his nt leaving them yes he never did cos if he wanted to leave lilian wt a hrtbreak he would hv divorce her b4 going after uloma but he did nt want to hurt her thats y he did what he did.
Solomon if all u ve said r true, den I don't blame u. U only did wrong by attempting to marry another while still legally married to one. Take ur cares to God. I do not judge u.
Nagging? My dear no be today we start to hear that word. All women are nags. What are u doing without repentance that is tearing ur home apart? U either work things out or u file for a divorce. Guy! Shut up mehn. U have nothing good to say
The fact that u tried to marry some1 else before getting a divorce from ur previous marriage makes u a big fool. And u are a lier. Marriage is not all bed of roses u have to make it work. So if it doesn't work with Uloma u wld switch to the next Ijeoma and u would always blame it on the women when it don't work out. Shame on you.
I would advice you to hide and pray to God for forgiveness.
Mr Akiyesi, no one is asking you not to remarry but do it the right way. No be by force if u say you no wan do again u should have said to ur wife instead of sneaking about!
linda plz play season2 lilian and season 3 of uloma so we can judge properly lindybaby
My fellow LIBers why dnt we all just wait for atleast two month to see if Lilian will give birth to a baby at all.then we will re visit dis issue n conclude. Abi nor be we libers again? Wen d matter set na we be judge Jude na, so we go wait for all evidence b4 we judge *wink*
And oh its lib sheriff
Mba,a woman should sit back and folds arms and allow her husband finish wedding another woman before going to fight.
Lilian try sef...from dis sob story,na she be wife...registry and church marriages...
Another babe for carry AK 47 sef go disrupt d marriage.So Anuofia...shut ur shit hole.
Solo na very weak man...There 's no marriage without its own stories.How u handle d problems dat arise in ur marriage na im dey important.
God bless the 1st anon 7:06pm.
You are the only one with a functioning brain here.
Nobody is supporting this panda.
Lilian's approach to the matter tells the kind of person she is.
Illiterate like. Very barbaric!!!!
BTW, y'all saying he's lying.
He's an amateur where you idiots are.
Most of you were born professional liars.
I am shooting this movie and bet u I am gon win an Oscar with this story. Bruv let's face it, every trait shown by the women in ur life wud have reared its head whilst u were courting, dude u shud have seen lillian coming and known Ezinne was an empty barrel all along. Its sad tho, but just know u have to make things right and pls do the right thing.
Huuuuuum omo see GOBE,Endtime.
for d rubish hater saying solomon is telling lies about lilians pregnancy how sure are u?are u there with them? or is lilian dead?how can a full and wel exposed man lk solomon lie about a ting as serious as that knowing lilian can cm out with d result and prove him wrong?pls next time say somthing resonable and dont tk sides cos u hate solomon looser.
Exactly !
So he a grown divorced man started dating & probably fcuking lilian when she was a minor (less than 18)...He sapped her youth and now she's not good enough
My dear I've been married for 18 years. At some point in my marriage (4th-6th year) things were hell. My home was a total mess. My wife and I exhibited hate for each other and we wanted for nothing else than to leave each other and breathe fresh air...until we met an excellent marriage counsellor who God used to change our lives forever. We gave our lives to Christ and making our spouse happy became our individual priority. Since then till now, we couldn't trade our home for anything else. Our kids have a better training. Moral of the story, divorce isn't always the solution. Fine, the first wife(Ezinne) was a mistake and wasn't ur fault. But u could have worked things out with Lilian. Ur case isn't so bad. I have friends who talk about how much of a womaniser Solomon is and how he lures girls from facebook to come with their fellow friends to warm up his bed together. I'm no judge, but there are different spirits following these women out there. U can't be living that kind of life and expect things to go well with u. Solomon, no matter the case...it's not too late to work things out with ur wife Lilian. Trust me...all women are the same. It's not better anywhere else. U even have a child on the way. Please don't throw all that away. I wish u peace and rest in all ramification of ur life. God bless you
Hmmmm oga solo, u really need 2 tabs of paracetamol 3 timeS 4 a year, something is doing jig saw in ur brain! Abeg park well, ur story no follow, e no add up @all.
Yes ooo !i guess he has realise his mistake ,please we should all forgive him..,i just pity this am.
I beg jor! stupid senseless man! He has no respect for women. This issue is news becos he's an actor but there are men doing this exact thing in lagos. Horrible people like my brother inlaw who is still married to my sister and they had an argument he moved out to his second house in lekki and within 16mths he walked down the isle with another woman and still legally married to my sister!! My sister was waiting for him to come and apologise like a gentleman cos he caused d issue but he just got himself a new wife! This Solomon guy is just a Bloody low-life like him. Men that were raised properly knw u need to get a divorce before moving on to another legal marriage... that's a no brainer.
My dear u have a right to happiness but what is worth doing is worth doing well...u don't go ahead sleeping with other ladies while still in a valid marriage in order to find happiness. Also, if u ve bn getting the wrong girls then u need to re-appraise urself and find out the p...just give urself some time n decide what u want. Goodluck
Me too!.he should take strength from God for direction.
So wat shuld she hv done?, walk in quietly nd take a seat.. Idiot reasoning, dats wat u hv, d day God created brains u missed out.. Ewu Mmeeeeeh.
Mr.Solomon its quite a pity that you gave this pathetic lines.if I may ask,what are your criterias for a happy home? From your story,it was obvious you were not prepared for marriage rather you were conjured into it. Now,sit back and go to God in prayers,ask for forgiveness becos you have descerated a union God Himself respects so much. Seek His face,read spiritual books on marriage,do proper research on how to make a good home and be a good husband and father to your kids becos they will surely come. Then go to Lilian,your wife and talk things over,make how understand the need for a peaceful home,if truly her father is "troublesome" all you need do is win your wife over,she is the one you are married to not the father and she will stop her family from interferring in her marriage. Except,Lilian married you becos of moneywhich is the order of the day for most ladies now,you claimed you bought her 3 diff cars before her graduatioon and seriously,anyone marrying a man becos of all that will end up in frustrations when the honey seizes to flow. Be a man yoou are meant to be and be responsible,don't think jumping from one woman to the other will give you peace rather you are calling your own death. May the Lord have mercy on youi and I pray for the grace to make amends to come upon you IJN. Linda,weldone. I am a first timer here.
why do fools fall in love - part2.
Mr Solo, marriage has its ups and downs, there are no perfect people so dont keep changing wives hoping to find one. Please do yourself a favour and GROW-UP already! hisssssssss
Someone should pls advice this man to get 10yards of ancarra to cover his shame
solomone you are just a bloody liar you randy goat......typical of womanizers and men who lie a lot...I really pity this new wife you want to marry cos she will soon discover all the rotten skeletons in your cupboards that love has blinded her to....pls do us a favour, go commit sucide so we women can have one less he goat to deal with....mmsscchheeeeeww
I definitely agree with him on Lilian. After the way she burst into a house of God, not handling the situation with elders of the church.then she's definitely a crazy and nagging woman
has anyone noticed lilian's presents in dis blog insulting solomon? and procliaming how industruos she is and how she took care of solomon when he was sick?pls lilian fuck out of hear and get a freaking life u want to kil a man whom God has given u to love pls go and release d air in ur tummy cos u are exposed.
This man z a liar from the pit of hell,its either he z an idiot with a capital letter I or has a vewi bad character, how can two women not hv wat he wants in a woman. Dis z jas d story of what we've heard, how m I not sure he has more secrets wives dat doesn't wanna show up. This man z a stupid mistake for a man. I rest my case.
So wat shuld she hv done?, walk in quietly nd take a seat.. Idiot reasoning, dats wat u hv, d day God created brains u missed out.. Ewu Mmeeeeeh.
Mr solo, u aint making any sense. You obviously a child n nt a man so, u need to grow up before going into marriage. And again, your story sucks and can only be produced in senseless naija movies. You are so shameless sef to publish this type of nonsense. I cover my eyes for u. Oshi ati iranu. Mtshewwwww.
Yes ooooo !that the mistake he made.!!!,because the way lillian did to the press ......hmmm she must have a questionable character !well i pity the man shall.
Gbamest !....
He sure is a good nollywood script writer. Pls pls tell us another story???
I confuse too oooo.
Not only you Oooo!...the guy Don use he hand buy market for Lillian body!..poor guy.
Don't mind all those idiots criticizing you. They are women and men without credible partners!
You are the captain of your soul. If you like you can marry 5 wives. Polygamy is not a disease! We are in Africa.
Another issue is you actually caused all these shits on your head. You made lilian comfortable from beginning. She will definitely ask for bigger things as your marriage ages!
U get sense jor.so after he wait 4 how many week 2 compose linus nba story,he no still come wt something gud.mthewww
annonymous 8.32pm shame on u lilian talking very bitterly wishing solomon death under annonumous claiming u are a relation of solomon lair u are either lilian or her relation u are d one to die who are u to cast him out are u a saint? i pity u lilian u should go and hide ur face other than hiding under annonymous lashing insults at solomon cos he speaks d truth oh so now u now knws how it feels aby?when u were busy creatiung ur dramma and people were all clapping for u and u were feeling lk a queen u neve noticed u were hurting somone aby? so now u knw,may all those curses go back to u and i dont even see how solomom wil cm out and lie that u are nt really pregnant if his nt sure maybe u already have a girl somewhere pregnant for u which u wil pay off as soon as is 9months and colect d baby in ur name as most women does dis days only u and ur God and solomon knws who's telling d truth but trust me i neve beleived u frm onset.
Uloma way dey give am joy wicked?I kno undst ur comment ooo
@ Forensic brian....Are u blind? Can't u see the man stated clearly that he went with his people to retrieve his dowry? And even lived as a bachelor for some years before he proposed to Lilian. Same story Lilian's camp or whatever came up with. How does that state he was still married before he married Lilian? Which one be Linda own for the matter now?
Lol.death mistress
***yawns***......boring array of lies.....sounds like the script of the new movie he s Starring in....#caught in the act#
Na wa 4 am oooo,well u know some ladies are so wicked they might just be pretending †̥ be good until d relationship lead †̥ marrige den they will bring out their real character.well I feel his eyes is drawn †̥ d bad one
pls as for those saying lets see what lilian is going to give birth to in 9month u must be very low in reasoning what do u tink women who pump there tummy do in 9months? they already have a litle hungry girl somewhere who is realy pregnant who wil be due in that same period they furged to be due,who they wil pay off and colect d baby frm that is how women do it dis days just to confuse people,my sister inlaw did desame ting only we d family menbers knws d truth d whole world thought she actually gave birth cos her tummy also grows lk that of a real pregnant woman so is very possible but God knws d truth btw solomon and lilian but believe me everyting is possible.
Linda this explanation is nonsensical and mixed up. Waste of blog space but well done he cant complain that you did not give him a chance to explain. Fact is he has been married 2 times already. He moves from one woman to the other with no breaks in between. No woman ever snatched him he is a womaniser and all women are victims here. His explanations are all lies he is serial cheater. The other truth that came out is the woman he recently tried to marry knew he was married even though he tried to potray her as an angel.
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