Asked why she thinks women are so judgmental about her various plastic surgery procedures Wendy replied:
They are jealous. Because if I said to that person, 'I got the doctor and I’m going to pay for it. Choose three things you want to do,' believe me, they would get it done. They are very jealous and scared. Scared of what their other friends would say, or to break out of the box and be different. And being Black? Ugh, please. My people will not go for any kind of surgery. We are supposed to be natural. Ugh, whatever."
With all these plastic surgery and still looks like a cheap drag queen, seriously if she thinks doctors can fix anything, get them legs fixed they look horrible under those mini dresses....I wonder what ladies would be jealous of her?
ODE leleyi mehn!!! #nuffsaid
She's highly delusional mehn! So she thinks she looks good? Mehn this akata needs a reorientation.
Pls wendy shud shut her crappy mouth. Who is jealous of a women dat luks lyk a transvesite!! Puhlease all d plastic surgery
All d plastic surgery in dis world cnt help her.
Yes previously a man and now a woman. I can't stand her!
Michael Jackson, Stella Obansanjo, ... Wendy Williams, would you complete the missing link?
Nonsense! Jealous of what? artificial body? mtchew. I am proud of what I have got. she should keep going under the knife until she breaths her last, dats her biswack, not my problem
Drugs is a mother.........
She/he is the ugliest looking man(I go with he)! I have ever seen.... Puaaaa!! Even vic o is slightly more attractive
She looks like a drag queen why would anyone be jealous of her???
Serious case of Inferiority Complex
lol @ ugh....watever
Blab blab......She still looks fucking Ugly .
Ugly both inside and out ...NEXT NEXT
True- l love this woman. People always want what you have and they will never compliment you or tell you they like it.
like WTH who cares!!!! mtchewwwww. u r on ur own. we dont care if u do a plastic or wood surgery. next...
Her Surgeon needs to refund her money back , She still looks very Fugly .This woman wowo no be small
seriously PEOPLE, who will be jealous of this one , what a JOKE
Wendy, even with the surgery you look more like a tranny so I do not see what anyone should be jealous for
If plastic surgery results into me looking like her then I reject it to infinity in Gods name. She looks like a transgender or transvestite or whatyoumightcallit. She should've also asked the doctor to work on her PLENTY body.
What she needs to be spreading the word on is where she bought the mirror that lies to her on a daily basis.
Jealous my foot.
Now that clear. May you all have a great day, week, month etc
Lekwenu nwa mkpi ah o!
Its her life, body and money so whatever she wants to do its her bizness, they should free her.
I don't like this wendy chick.. She looks like a transsexual even wit all the surgery.. Damn she even looks worse.. I can't stand her, *shudders.
Nonsense, thats why she looks like a circus freak!!
Whatever Wendy. In her before pictures she was ugly , in her recent pictures she is fucking ugly
she is definitely not looking at the mirror for her to make this joker comment
She looks like a very ugly tranny , nigthmare
OOOOOOO dear, she still looks ugly. Sorry make that **extreme wowo**
Smh.....she's consolling herslf menh...
I watch her shows coz of her boobs....they are so lovely to watch.
I sure aint jealous of dat nose. Urgh!
Transexual u must reli feel pretty. u call other people ugli nd u fink ur pretty. pls carry ur man voice comot 4rm my screen . wenddy who ????? b u
This man/woman is deluded. See behind the mask she's wearing is one sorry sad creature.
Dear Wendy, we are not jealous of your plastic surgery in one bit but we will advise you to get a better doctor cos those u v been patronising obviously makes u more ugly. You look like a chimp more than a human. Stop carrying your FAKE body like a badge of honour cos it's just a bag of shit. You shld ask Nicki Minaj for her doctor cos that's what a good plastic surgery is all about. Peace out!
LoOooool..i can imagine her sayin all these in dat her loud deep ogle voice! Princess fiona(shrek)twin sister! Hahahaha make una leave wendy oooo
The same plastic surgery that did her overall appearance strong thing? hehhehe, alawada. No be only jealous, na covetousness.
Nobody cares what u look like wendy get over urself
She's quite right, but seriously, she needs to stop doing the surgeries
She's quite right, but seriously, she needs to stop doing the surgeries
Tranny looking fake ass whore
She still looks like a man though.
my hubby is convinced that she is a man...tranvestite maybe???? hehehehe
oh shut it wendy! Uv got inferiority complex issues that's y u decide to go under d knife...everything abt u is FAKE!!
Pls pass the d mic to Micheal Jackson....
If u like reconstruct ur medula oblangata, ur still a man... I'm sooo jealous *eyes rollin*
jealous ke, assuming the surgery made ha beautiful i would understand, this ugly man should go and hide joor
Pls who is this one.
But those breasteses are ridiculous now. Ah ahn. I'm guessing that's the only surgery she's done, I may be wrong.
Plastic bloated winch. Nobody send you!
I don't criticise plastic surgeries like this. as long as it is to enhance your looks/body then "do u". As long as it doesn't look ridiculous
Abeg wendy please! Looking like a horse. Why do ugly women always say people are jealous of them?
And some look up up to this one??..claim to fame..Whitney Houston!!..just don't go out in the sun..
This woman is soo fake all over! From her face to her breasts. I'm not against plastic surgery and would probably have it done if I can afford it when needed but I don't want to end up looking fake. I don't want people to see me and immediately know I've had something done till I tell them. She' like a walking plastic surgery specimen.
She for try repair her face small sha
She as usual is in her own world.
Oh! I always suspected she was transgendered.now I'm sure she i§.unfortunately no form of plastic surgery for a masculine hoarse voice
Still not impressed with the plastic surgery,still ugly as fucccc!
Ne we for you oh!
Oh yes! She does look like a man! Look at her hands :(
Sheman kmt
So is she jealous of women with natural beautiful bodies that she's trying to carve out. Cos these surgeons have pictures of them and you choose...... Ms. Wendy, I like your show, I like you're opinionated but you're so uncouth sometimes.
as far as am concerned anyone jealous of this 'jonny bravo' must b blind or is jus obessed wif d terrible outcome of plastic surgery....mtchhhheeew
Women are not jealous of Wendy William's many plastic surgeries, rather people are irritated and angry about her very childish immature show.
She judges and pokes fun at other people, when she herself looks ridiculous. She has such a masculine physique, I initially thought she was Ru Paul, or could she be his sister! She looks part human, part Capybara (Swamp Hog), part horse.
Silly silly programme.
Linda is just looking for trouble so that Wendy can react to this and make Linda win some US fans.
In the US, most women want to look like Wendy. That is how sick the society is. Got it? So leave them alone. No woman really wants flat or deflated breasts. Do you?
Even though cosmetic surgeries are really expensive, people especially women love to undergo in it. Maybe because of the pleasure or fulfillment that they get after. Just like having a bigger and fuller breast, women love to have those.
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