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That's me sitting on the left, the thief is sitting beside me on the right |
Instead of the video for now, I'm going to show you guys stills from the CCTV footage. The lady was in the store for almost an hour and at some points her face clearly shows on camera...but I'll leave her face out of this for now, and just show you how she stole from me...please continue....

While I'm trying out shoes, she pretends to be checking out dresses
She picks up a long dress and walks back to the chair as I walk away to check out more shoes
Here you see her standing in front of my bag and peering into it (there's a brown envelope inside my black bag)
While I'm trying out shoes, she's peering into my bag to see where exactly my phone is at
Then as I walk away, she covers my bag with the dress she's holding
She sits down and covers the bag with a second dress she's pretending to check out

And when no one's looking, she puts her hand beneath the clothes to remove my phone from my bag

She places the phone on the chair, just in case I come back and start looking for my phone
I come back from trying shoes and take my bag from beneath the clothes, not knowing my phone was out of my bag and on the chair After picking up my bag, I chat with her briefly not knowing she'd stolen from me
I speak with the sales girls briefly before leaving
Here I am walking out of the store with my sis, Laura, walking in front of me

Immediately I leave, she picks up the phone from the chair and puts it in her bag
Then writes down her fake name and number
And runs out of the store.
The end!
Meanwhile I got a mail from another person who encountered this thief that same day. Read it below...
Hi linda,I was in a state of shock when I read your experience on saturday, I had the same experience that same day.
I actually saw u on saturday walking in to mobos when I was walking out of mobos with my kids. I came into the shop holding my wallet in my hand and dropped my stuffs on one of the chairs as I wanted to try a dress. I came out and some of my friend met up with me and I was a bit distracted. Thank God I decided to pay for my dress because that was when I realised my wallet was gone. My saving grace was I was too sure I held my wallet in my hand and the only person that came in was this same female customer who was now sitting on the next chair.
I started yelling for my wallet and scattering every where because I knew it could only be missing there. I then looked at her and asked if she saw it and she said no. I was like ok pls get up let me check your seat just incase I left it, and linda u wouldn't believe that she was sitting on the wallet and just behaved like she didn't notice.
So this same lady was the one I left in the shop when u were walking in and I was going out. Wonderful!!! So basically she is a thief. That's what she was there for, to steal.
Please make sure you publish this video, because this person needs to be exposed. She was like a babe, came in trying cloths. I and my friends where even giving her advice on what to buy.
Expose her please because if you don't, me I will take the case up.
Sorry about your phone though, God will help you buy a better one.
Have a nice day
1 – 200 of 352 Newer› Newest»Lin dearie no offence but no one will add d person up n insult her unless u upload d video. That will teach her a lesson
Aren't the people in the camera rooms supposed to study her and catch her before she escapes? I doubt she will be found. I can hardly see her face
Please Linda Post The video abeg. This One na suspense. Ole oshi.
Why Linda why would you sef leave your bag unattended ever in a store where there are sales people and other customers you cannot vouch for? Remember what your mama said...next time be more vigilant. Sorry about your phone but that was pretty avoidable. Keep your personal belongings with you always when you are out please. You know, there were probably more important things that could've been pilfered. Next time keep your ish on you please!!! I live in the states and I would never leave my pocketbook (as we like to call it in these parts) unattended! Hian!
This is really sad Linda. I dont understand why your Mum is against it... How do we stop this kind of rampant behaviour if we dont expose people who have deliberately done wrong (in this case, stolen). From the email you received, it is obvious that this kind of thing may be rampant. Please post the video. Every day is for thief, one day is for the owner!
Linda, shey u see why you have to upload this video now? You were not the only victim, let's fuck dis babe up real good before she steals enough money to buy an AK-47.
*speechless* CSI Lagos. Well Linda did u have blackberry protect installed on the phone? So u can do a remote wipe, lock, or even triangulate d device? Lemme know.
Detective Linda Ikeji. Oya na...LegggO pinging the shit outta the phone.
Linda the story teller... Lol... Abeg post the video jo, this lady is a habitual thief...
Wow, pls let's see d video abeg, d babe nids to be exposed, ole
i understand what mummy is saying sha, but this babe will not stop until something drastic is done.
Asin dat babe is a professional pls u need to upload dat video she's very stupid thief oshi
Will all thomases on this site who said Linda was making up the story now believe? Linda just post a deadline here and if she doesnt return your phone before the deadline then expose her (if it's okay by your mum)
Is that a Chelshit jersey she's wearing? Lol, tomorrow if someone says Chelshit fans are mostly touts and rogues they will want to fight the person...oya chelshit fans start denying her.
I love d fact that u did this... Atleast we know who to look out for at malls now... WATCH OUT FOR DEM PRETTY THIEFS!!!
Na wa ooo dis gal is a criminal. Mummy plz let Linda put up d video so dat dis gal cn b xposed.
Igbo kwenu woh
linda zoom this tin well na,haba!
her face is not clear
Why didn't the store owners ask her to leave after the wallet incident? Were they in on it or is that story a lil bogus?
Oluwa oo, dis one bi like film sha..
Like "black berry babes" All becos u want to do bigz galz., choi!!
LiNDA, listen to ur mum oo. moreover, dis fone is nt coming bac to u again. abi no bi lagos?? shioooo!
She needs prayer and deliverance becos dis nt normal at all at all.
#Readers, pray for the theif
Shameless! She was even caught on camera. Give her some time to retur d fone, if she doesn't....pls expose d bastard (make I no go toast tiff 1 day biko).
D babe na real thief ooo
Thanks for showing the stills..
We still want to see the video!The theif must be caught!
tuns said...... pls upload d video, this is deep....oleeeee
Pls Linda the wise thing to do is to upload the video! She's obviously an unrepentant thief! Mummy pleaaaaaaaaaaase give your consent, let this thief be exposed!...Meggy!
Na omo chelsea o....lmao.
Linda seriously convince your mom and post this video abeg. I doubt if she reads this blog though. Look the way she was dressed. Honestly this chic is a thief.
Linda you and the store should have waited and set her up before you mentioned this on your blog. she may have come in another time thinking no one connected her to the missing BB. She will no longer go to the shop now that you have mentioned it and she will resume her activities in other unsuspecting stores. The store should put a picture of the girl by the cashier clerk the way they do here in Yankee, this way they can recognize her if she dares come in again. Eeyah, big lesson, dont leave your bag on the chair in a store even if you are only moving a foot away. This world sef. God help us. if all fails, please take the matter to the police and please be careful in case she tries to do anything stupid such as follow you or something. please be careful. Be alert until she is caught.
Well, on a light note. She's a Chelsea supporter! Linda, never mind. She has carried all your stress for the year 2012. A better phone you will acquire.
Hian I've added u sha on bbm expose her and beg ur mum
Thanks Linda. At least you will consider putting up a CCTV camera system in your home and office. When you are ready please call the proffessionals only 018149390. Sorry sha for the loss. Please advise every person to buy CCTV even if its not from us, dta way we can just unserstand how certain things happen.
All these Chelsea fans sef...
this one is an experienced thief, this is a police matter & it needs to be reported to the police with the CCTV camera footage. I know there is a non uniformed police officer stationed at Palms for security purposes. The picture of this girl and footage should be given him. Linda you should talk to the police and put a wanted sign up with picture of the thief.
the fact is our parents & their generation are soft on crime ... & that is a major part of this country's current state
oh wow! this woman needs Jesus..LMAO!! nawa sha. linda please convince ur mum on this if not for anything the entertainment. at least the shop managers have seen her face (as u said her face appears clearly at some point) a snap shot must be taken and pictures posted in major business premises to refuse her entry and possibly round the police up on her. she's most likely done this on several occasions. she mustn't be left to go away with this. opportunities like this are rare.That's the whole point of a cctv. it s just disgusting for a lady to be doing this though.
I will soooo ping the shit outta her, thieving bitch!
Igbo kwenu woh
To think she's even wearing a Chelsea FC Jersey. How dare you drag the name of the Champions of Europe into this? So disheartening. I hope that person always screaming for the video to be uploaded will be happy with this. Lmao.
Lool.. I think all chelsea fans should take this really P...hahaha Omila... Please upload d video... We are waiting :D
Expose her please, clearly a thief. One should not rationalise her wrongdoing or have any mercy on her. She may have even sold the phone at computer village for all we care but let the world see her face!
these shop owners are very clearless and less observant.how can a customer come in and sit in ur shop for 1hour without buying anything,just perambulating around and u leave her.
after the ist customers experience with the wallet,she should have been placed on surveillance.Maybe the shop owners are even aware of her mission.
Make sure u post this video!If not more properties would be stolen,
ASINNN Linda! You just came back from the states na?? Ur still shopping again? LOL, girls we always have to have our fiix, I Kid.
As far I am concerned a thief is a thief, she shouldn't be spared. Upload the video may be that would flush her out....
Dis na real CSI o... CSI Lagos. Pls upload the video ( get mummy's consent first ) or set her up but like someone mentioned here, the store peeps shd hv told her to leave after that first incidence or keep an eye on her. and frm whr she is sitting one of the sales girls should have seen her committing the crime. You can never tell wif these sales girls. They may all be in cohort wif each other...anyway I'm grabbing a bottle of coke and a bowl of pop corn and watching the matter unfold...lol
Bwagahahahahahahaaa!!! This is what i like!!! EXPOSE THE BITCH!!! Fucking Bastard babe!!! DO IT LINDA!!! :D :D
She is an unrepentant thief, whose mission is to rob people of their hard earned money.. Convince ur mum well, cos this lady dosent deserve to be protected. she'll just keep doing that, graduating in different acts.
Lmfao @ AK-47 das correct thou then she will have gang and they will upgrade to arm robberies
Lwkmd @ toaste tiff
Lmao @ Chelshit!!!meanie...
My question now is why did they let this person stay in the shop that long, knowing she wasnnt buying anything? Maybe she knws someone in the shop....
*deep sigh* speechless!
I hate the so called blackberry,God I hate the tiny buttons,Some girls are too desperate and would even kill for blackberry,poverty+ojukokoro,I feel so bad that a lady would ever do such a thing.i feel so bad for Her though.
Linda you can gbagaun ehn!!! @immediately I leave. Well, that's the trademark of Chelsea fans......children obey ur mother. So don't post that video. #shikena . Olumayo
Na real Ovoko!!!Looool...
thief,thief.ebami kigbe ole,ole,ole.hian
This thing be like wetin Okada(Igbins student) fit to
I meant fit do*
Chei, see as this babe disgrace Chelsea fans...... wtf. Chelsea for life, lol. Meanwhile, Lin lin, biko upload that video sharp sharp.
#Nnewi Son#
Ea gbayi @ chelshit i hate em too kmt
Wa *
this gal don go professional,she knew what she was doing and believe me that was not her first time of stealing. the way she carried out the whole thing,from the story of the wallet person to linda's phone. there's some atom of professional in it.linda if u dont expose this gal,i'll take it that u condone crimes. since this is on your blog and u've made it open to the public, am going to milk you small from those money you have and no nothing to do with them by pressing criminal charges. am suing for "covering up a crime or protecting a thief". am giving you till thursday to publish the video and report the case to a police station or u wait for my letter.
at the annon that mentioned Okada gals (Igbnins),must u drag that in here.
most gals that stole at okada were mostly the *anywoek* or dem town gals.
BTW, i was also a victim, my room was cleared out,including my broom,i suspected my two medical student neighbors shaa.
...Chelsea won a Champions league trophy. A fan won(stole)Linda's BB phone....LoL(Blues 4 Life)...@Linda, if you don't upload the video then the CCTV footage is useless cos it was installed 4 dis kinda things. And as someone said, you have to stop her before she steals enough money to buy an AK-47. She stole the phone professionally from what I saw in those pics. Too Badt.
na Chelsea people
Hope she doesn't get jungle justice soon enough...
MTV wants to film people losing their virginity, check out
NYC-1 says: Suppose you expose her and she is ...? How are you going to live with that for the rest of your life? Because of cell phone? The justice system in Niaja does not follow due process, so you cannot rule out jungle justice. In light of this, I will advice you to be careful with what some of your readers are urging you to do.
Perhaps, she is looking for ways to return your phone to you right now. If she does not, let it go. I hope she comes to her senses. As we live, so shall we die.
I honestly don't think this post is going to get u any step closer to catching the thief. This happens everyday, whethere we're careless or in an unavoidable circumstance. Sorry you had to lose ur fone like that but I must say you were a bit careless yourself. You can't trust anyone in naija let a lone a strangers in a store. You should have kept your purse with you throughout. Also, I honestly dont believe posting the video here is going to help aprehend the thief, leave that for you, the store and the "authorities". She'll probably never return to the store again. Adding her also won't help anything because she'll most likely sell the phone. I'm talking first hand because I had the same similar situation when my phone was stolen from me in my car while I was driving. And I put my hands up I was a bit naïve and careless then. But I have since learned my lesson and I keep my belongings close to me at all times. Just take this as a lesson.
I don't know much about blackberry, I've always used iPhone, but it's there a way you can ping or what and ask her to read this blog post about how she robbed you of your property. If you can message her, give her 72 hours to return your item, intact and undamaged, and if fails, that you'd publish her face and the cctv footage. My theory is the alleged thief knows Linda Ikeji by name, she probably reads LIB. Hope you cancelled the contract or whatever on your phone or you'd end up with yellow page size phone bill.
If you can reach her through you bb pin, tell her you know she stole your phone. Add the link of this post and after 72 hours, then no one would blame you for exposing her.
What shall we name this home video o! Let me think... Black Berry Lifter.
Good thing they have this technology and I hope they can find her soon.
Like others have stated, how come the store staff just let an idle person sit there for ages just like that? Mobos shoe and bag store, una well done oh. CONSPIRACY
another matchy matchy outfit,looool.pls expose her oh,biko.
well,linda my babe i dont blame you for this,becos nigeria got no security at de moment,,,becos this photos and or video belongs to a country security agents,really not for a blogger like you or whom ever,,,but that is nigeria for you,,if you hide her face,then u may hide boko haram face tooo,,thx,,from swiss
Mehn dis kindda stealing is a professional one.obviously she does dis al d time.cos hw can one just wake up get dressed go 2 a mall 2 steal.without d fear of getting caught,Linda I beg of u,she has 2 b exposed except u guys pl& it.its a bold 5 she wants 2 av it like her oda friends.since she got no1 2 get it 4 her n can't wait 2 get 2 d bridge b4 crossing she has Ϟ☺ optn other than 2 steal.let mumc allow u display d video o.or else hmmmmmmmm
Buy a new phone and move on....
All I kept sayn as Iws lukn @ ds was Jesus Christ ds is a devils incarnate.May the gd Lord deliver her.Amen.
Was that a chelsea jersey she was wearing? Sorry linda
Linda, Linda, Linda how many times did I call your name BUT you were CARELESS. I've lived in the hood and if you dare hang your clothes on the stall of the dressing room door, while shopping and trying our your cloths, you will no more hv clothes. THOU SHALL NOT be CARELESS. Now, please move on and forgive the girl. I thought she was a pickpocketer but she knows all you bourgouise people are careless.
I went to a club once in Lagos and they stole my friend's purse, when we caught the thief, he said madam, "na naija we dey no be yankee" and he gave her her purse back.
YOU cannot just leave your purse hanging on the couch, I mean common, this is NOT your bedroom.
Forgive her and move on.
Tell mommy she is aiding and abetting a kidnapper! I want my rightful owner back!
Mommy why are are putting your compassion in the wrong place? It is not even about the bold5 anymore, it is about the moral of the story.
Linda expose her because tomorrow it would be tire burning around her neck - jungle justice!
Wow, almost my case linda! Lost my blackberry last month in very similar circumstances, only mine was @ a pub & it was a curve 2 (guess I aint so on point as you are linda, hahaha). Left it on the table & rushed outside (due to the noise) to receive a call on my other phone (thought the bb was in my pocket). By the time I came back, didn't see my bb, didn't also see the guy that was sitting beside me (who incredibly & coincidentally was putting on a chelsea jersey!) One of the waiters who said he thought I had left & cleared the table sharply said he found only my bb's earpiece. So that makes both prime suspects. unfortunately there was no CCTV/witness to aid the investigation. My pin was 21F9EF84. Would also love people to ping the shit outta the phone, but so far, he isn't accepting bb PINS from my friends, the bloody twat!
So Linda, I beg you in the name of all that is good, pure & classy, pls post the video. She's a thieving SOB that shouldn't be spared, just like the one that stole mine. #ndi osochi egbu!
Linda, listen to your mum. Our people say what the elders see sitting down, the young ones can't see standing up.
Beside, I still don't understand why you did not report to the authorities and let them advise you on what to do before starting this on your blog. At least contacting the shop authorities got you the footage. That is a good sign. Don't lose faith totally in the system. If its crumbled completely, none of us will still be here. U may be surprised they would catch the girl. Our system is not completely down. A year or two ago, my colleague came from US for an assignment and his passport was stolen. He could not leave the country that day and he had to spend the weekend. Personally, I had ruled out the authorities but when we were advised to set in on record, we went to the airport and to our amazement, the passport had already been recovered and the culprit apprehended. So don't lose faith in the system completely.
I doubt if most of your readers here really genuinely empathize with you. All they seek is entertainment.
I also believe issues like this are coming to test your strength and any claim you may have to being a force of change to reckon with in Nigeria today or maybe you are just a another blogger.
I certainly want to see how you will handle this and how it will end...
Linda u were looking good tho..I love yur dress
Pls linda expose this girl cz she is out †o steAl from people †o keep up her status which is very bad
You were quite careless eith your phone to be honest.
@Linda why not keep the part *Your mum is begging you* to yourself, if you wanna upload it fine, and if you are not ready yet, we (LIB READER) will deff wait. Shikena
One more thing. It would help on a larger scale if you contact the authorities, provide them with the leads you have including the CCTV footage and push them to perform through your blog. You have the power to direct public spotlight on them to get them to deliver.
I also wish you can turn your spotlight on all stores out there. They need to do more than having CCTV no one is monitoring. Or was there any notice there that shopping is at owner's risk?
I will be glad if you can take steps that wld not only get you back your phone, but would also start a chain reaction that would change our system and curb future occurences.
I really don't think d staff knw about it sha, I believe they were playing back d security tape when they noticed dis. We r Nigerians, it is not in our nature to see a thief stealing without shouting "Ole" and holding d person's dress! Its a reflex! Next thing a tyre is round d thief's neck! Even in fuel scarcity petrol must show to light up d thief so babe don't dull wit dat Video I beg u!
I understand ur Mom, I believe almost every mom wud say that, u & I wud say so if we were Moms too but dat won't help, u never can tell babes, someone here may knw her or she may even be an LIB reader! EXPOSE THE BITCH!!! She can't keep getting away wit dis na! Imagine if she had succeeded in stealing d other lady's wallet? God knws how many other things she had stolen that day!! She's a thief! Fuck sentiments and UPLOAD THE VIDEO ALREADY!!!
Linda u must upload the video oo....she's even puttin on a chelsea jersey :o ,my darling chelsea :( :'( .
Well the choice is yours,but as the police always tells us,we have our own part to assist in combating crime,most of the armed robbers or boko harams arrested are most of the time wearing Premiership jerseys,if I were you seeing such people,I will hold my Bold 5 strong,as a big girl you can do away with the Bold 5 and upgrade to BB Porsche but this thief must be apprehended and punished because such people will upgrade to assist in armed robbery and other deadly attacks, she might even be dating an armed robber sef.Convince your mother and upload the video.The choice is yours :)
Whether u post d video or not it doesn't change anything, shez aa thief, shez not a clepto, her and her frnds don't hang around social networks, she has no reputation to uphold. The store manager is probably innocent but the sales girls are in on it, they are all isale-eko girls, once u employ one dats wat happens. Sometimes they work as housemaids and things just miraculously go missing.
A chelsea fan robbs you off your phone,same way her male counterparts robbed bayern munich of the title .
U have the video with you, look closely cos it seems the sales girl wearing a dark greenish like blouse saw the whole thing. U could have her arrested wit the video as proof.
@ anony 12.38am watch ur tongue.hmmm
Linda, i have followed this story avidly. I agree with your mum on the one part. I on the other hand, will advice you to take a copy of this footage to the police....YES THE POLICE....do not be personally responsible for this video being uploaded. leave it to the authorities. Some responses have belittled the fact that it was a theft. one thing Nigerians fail to realise is that the theft of your phone is as bad as the theft of your car. Must we wait until this girl gets bolder and starts to carry a gun to our homes???? Once in my hometown Kwale 2011, a band of robbers raided 3 banks in a space of 2 hours and killed several people. please note 5 OUT OF THE 8 OF THE ROBBERS WERE GIRLS....Linda, by reporting this lady to the authorities to take action, you are gonna save her life and future. I am a lawyer by profession and this is free advice from me to you. Do not delay...
My thoughts exactly, why do i suspect the sales gurl could be 'in' on this gurl's runs?
Lol! You are not serious jor! buh I think Linda shd release it now jor. Didn't think so before buh 2ce in 1 day? We need to treat her "fuck-up"!
na u we go pray for so that u go stop to support thief. A friend of a tiff. I no waan toast tiff one day. But come to tink of it, this babe to local sha. How babe go dey wear Jersey ver hot in d afternoon...
linda with all due respect PARK WELL JOR!
if your mama's opinions matters(that's great btw) why bother asking US whether or not to post the video?
99% said you should yet you didn't consider that so why even ask for our opinions in da first place??
this whole phone saga done tire me sef?ur not the first and last to be stolen from.
na u tiff am shikenah
OMG I was in that shop that Sat to pick up a dress, God help us, my bag stays on me everywhere I go
u are the thief then
Firstly, that device can be tracked even if she had sold it in Computer village. So far its black berry, with remote tracking and triangular remote, its gonna be done. Though it wud take time. I believe its better to expose her now before Jungle Justice catches up with her. Remember this is Lagos oooo. Isnt it better we make her stop by this act than allowing Lagocians to stop her? Secondly, the shop keepers dhould be held for negligence. Probably they know about her. Why where they employed, is it just to help fold clothes? Thirdly, this chelsea fans sef nawaaaaoooo. I cudnt hv tot as much #Godiswatchingherin4D#
Was the sales person playing scrabble while this was going on?
..........And she is a Chelsea fan.
Linda, failure to upload the full picture is aiding and abetting crime. shikeena.
am a regular reader of your site. so sorry for your loss. i feel so sick now. if i were you i will moderate any comments linking this to chelsea fc. you can hear loosers comments about chelsea fans. this posts will brew up controversy in other forums and people will think this is planned (thats where my head went to first). anybody can plan this to create buzz (dont think you did) after reading this i didnt wanna come back to this site again cos am a chelsea fan. my simple 2cents
My thought exactly Shepe people and to think Linda is a chelsea fan too I rest my case
chelsea...girls....expose...her joor...but blur d face.....i just tink it's d decent tin 2 do...
Linda u sef?! *side eye* How on earth wud u just leave ur bag there like that freely n not attended to?!?Like?!? Are u serious???Such carelessness on ur part! How heavy at all was ur handbag sef?!?Gosh!!...That part really baffles me honestly! Asin did u think u were walking around in ur personal shoe closet?!?
Abegi just put this video of this professional thief up jor!...Chai! See her skills!!!SMH...SHE SOOOO NEEDS TO BE EXPOSED cos clearly this is something she n her friends prolly be doing for long!!!Nonsense wannabe filth bitches!
lwcnkmd with all this comments...but all i have to tell u Linda is that u forget about the gurl.....yea she stole your phone.....just take it as you sowed a seed u did not expect to sow....don't worry nemesis will catch up with her if she doesn't stop stealing or God will save her soul....
After seeing the CCTV footage, i suggest you hand over the footage to the Police since the store management whose duty it is to pursue the crime to a logical conclusion is shying away from their responsibility.They should be reminded that their store integrity is at stake..
Moving away from whether or not you should publish the full video clip, perhaps it is worth underscoring one lesson out of this unfortunate situation. In a space of a few minutes, two unsuspecting people were fooled by a “smart” kleptomaniac. In both cases, hand bags (purses) were left unattended at the mercy of the dishonest individual—perhaps one would conjecture that in both cases, the handbags could have attracted any tempted ill-intentioned earthling (Far from me the idea of placing the blame on the victims). I lived in the City-State for three years and was struck by the fact that almost (to be conservative) all the ladies in my parish church would take with them their handbag or purses as they went to receive Holy Communion. Yet, in this same church, I forgot my cell phone one Sunday morning and found it almost half an hour later at the same place where someone else was now sitting! I thought the ladies were over-cautious and/or unnecessarily suspicious or their fellow worshippers, but they may have acted perfectly sanely. Just another case: in a Gulf State where I also lived, I was shocked to hear from a friend that her sons always wore old slippers to go to the mosque which thieves would not bother to steal. Clever thieves roam even the most select places—in fact some make it a point of visiting such places on a regular basis. Do not trust any one you do not know. Returning to your case, Linda, I can’t believe you did not leave your handbag with your young sister if you thought it would be a bother to take it with you while selecting shoes! Even your correspondent should have known better. A lesson to all you, ladies: on the plane, at the airport, supermarket or boutique, pub, party, or even at a religious gathering, do take precautions by holding your purse or handbag tight.
linda,post the video already or you stop being so santimonous and leave us in peace!what is your mum's rationale behind protecting a THIEF???.she stole from you,almost stole from the lady,has stolen from countless others and will steal again ! Its the likes of you and yours that let corruption reign in our land..perharps na your uncle be the judge wey free Ibori,Daniel,Bank-ole,Bode george and countless other criminals! abeg,fellow readers,boycott Linda's blog till she does the right thing!
Come are u from Ibadan? .....U wont catch the joke if you are not familiar with Yoruba language sorry
Shameful !! Female rolling like a male...Power of CCTV
believe me, many of the sales girl their will know her. 2 people have been victims from here already. How many people would she hv robbed? I beg u it is a well planned stealing in collaboration with the sales girls,because if someone can be inside a shop for over 1hr, without being monitored then something is fishing somewhere. Upload it now, now now, before she sell the phone to an innocent fellow.
Iam dissapointed she is wearing my sweet chelsea jersey. Ass hole
daniel A
You are a full grown ass woman and i think it is very insulting to come up here and say your mum says...should you also convince your mum before you have sex?
Make your own decisions and live the the consequences; if you were not going to upload it why even talk about it??? mscheeew right now i feel pissed off at you...
Linda please be fair for the sake of others. From this 'footage' its obvious she's pretty good at this act, which could develop to full time Professional Armed Robbery or even Kidnapping. So please do the right thing & post the damn video,even if she's not caught by the police, she'll be shamed for being recognized in a 'stealing act footage' that went viral.
Remember you posted a 'footage' of a man stuck in a woman while having sex, ofcourse it went viral. Guess you've made them popular in whatever country they are, same with other videos you've posted. Now yours is the most important of them all (involving crime) and you want to cover it up cause of your mom?
In saner Soceities, you'll both be arrested, please if you refuse to post the video, don't bother posting other people's videos for us to see, we don't wanna even see pictures of disturbing events or kidnap stories since you don't wanna help us all. Let's leave theives cruising around like gods & even sing their praises.
A word is enough for the wise, a sentence is an examination for Fools, please don't make yourself one. Cest Finis
Kai! R u guys for real? Cuz she's a chelsea fan all chelsea fans are rogues. Don't forget dis is Linda Ikeji's blog and she's a proud chelsea fan. All u ASs see nal and Manure fans don't wori you'll get a trophy in 2020.I see you haven't gotten over the fact that Chelsea Rules... We bleed blue... As for the thief... May God save her.
Linda, I am going to twitter now to look for the handle of the Lagos state police command, and I am going to accuse you and Mobos at the palms of withholding information that can lead to the arrest of a criminal. Seriously o! Because tomorrow that girl will steal from someone, who cannot afford to easily replace what's stolen.
Meeeen but she badt gon! See the stunt with the dress!
Linda i dont understan wht's d work of CCTV if a thief enter a multi-national super market where dey hav CCTV & rubbed successfully witout caught just like that & d management denied having knowledge abt d operation i think is a big lie speaking 4rm security angle i'm a security personnel i kn wht i'm talking abt i wil advise u 2 sue d management let dem pay d damages or permit me 2 take up d case legally.
hmmm! Linda i would say yu forget about the phone cos she must have sold it or may not even be caught, meanwhile inorder to get back at her, upload the video cos this girl is a professional klept with all what am seeing in these pics..and on a lighter side i hope she sees all these photos knowing that yu mean business and return the phone intact back to the store. Ladies n BB..nawao
Linda abeg biko expose d thieving b**** so she can serve as detterent to others. Clearly she's a professional in d act. Abeg give us mumc pin/phone no so we all can convince her on d need 2 expose dis thief. Am taking it personal cause she has brought disrespute to we d chelsea fans. :(
Linda i dont understan wht's d work of CCTV if a thief enter a multi-national super market where dey hav CCTV & rubbed successfully witout caught just like that & d management denied having knowledge abt d operation i think is a big lie speaking 4rm security angle i'm a security personnel i kn wht i'm talking abt i wil advise u 2 sue d management let dem pay d damages or permit me 2 take up d case legally.
I am sick of people stealing phones. Give this a good fight.
Call these People:
There are others in the US.
The Pin makes it traceable.
Also follow this sequence:
The person could have removed the SIM perhaps, but there are other ways.
just went thru the pixs again and i really pissed! There is absolutely NO justification for protecting a thief! That is why the Western societies are so progressive! If someone commits a crime,he /she is exposed and their family is left wallowing in shame!!! but here in Naija,people like Linda protect thieves and criminals! No wonder,we still dont have one photo of any Boko Haram member till now! If Muttalab d pant bomber was put on trial here,the likes of Linda would probably have said'he is still young,dont destroy his life''he will change'''we will talk to him'! Bullshit! It dont matter if it is a BB,a Nokia 3310 or a wrap of TOMTOM..its still stealing.tomorrow,if the babe becomes a senator's wife,she will steal trillions of naira meant for some public hospital
Wondergreat! Lindus Lindus! Abeg post this video! If not for you but for the other victim. Ah ahn. This one na beta tiff. Over-skilled dey worry am
D thief na Chelsea fan sef, na so dem dey do...expose d bastard jor!
Linda i dont understan wht's d work of CCTV if a thief enter a multi-national super market where dey hav CCTV & rubbed successfully witout caught just like that & d management denied having knowledge abt d operation i think is a big lie speaking 4rm security angle i'm a security personnel i kn wht i'm talking abt i wil advise u 2 sue d management let dem pay d damages or permit me 2 take up d case legally.
I think this video qualifies for a clip on the truTV 'most daring' episodes.
Clearly she has been doing this for a longtime now (experienced!).
You should make mummy understand the reason why this should be exposed and the babe caught (to deter others and save would-be victims).
I do not think it is immoral, unGodly, wicked, unwise or illegal to make this video (Along with close-up stills of her face) go viral on youtube and the internet.
Linda those photo aint enuf.we nid d real photo 2 help u fish out d thief.so it wil serve as a deterent 2 orda thieves.4m d mail u got,it is obvious she was there 2 steal.i stil blame d shop 4 nt stopin her b4 leavin since dy had cctv cameras on. 4m SlimIzzy.
hmmmm anyway am not surprised coz women always say what "A MAN CAN DO,A WOMAN CAN DO EVEN BETTER" this was d same way a lady stole ma phone at the then Intercontinental bank branch in UNN, and lucky me d cctv caught her stealing ma phone,through her account number we were able to trace her and have her return ma phone,ironically dis lady is very beautiful and healthy,kk i guess d only thing missing was a BRAZILLIAN HAIR, i guess dats d reason she stole ma phone. ~BONARIO~
Linda all this is unnecessary drama, the essence of the CCTV is to catch thieves and not to shield them.you see why they strip them naked when they catch them?when something is stolen from u you feel violated.The choice is really yours
just wondering what is happening in Lagos.So many of these chics have turned shopping malls to places where they can find 'customers'for their illicit sex trades by dressing gorgeously and coming to these malls everyday pretending to be buying things while hunting for a big catch. now,some have 'diverfied' into STEALING. I won't blame unemployment because when some of them see the opportunity, they won't work because of they are used to fast life.
Linda sorry jare!Who knows maybe she wants to start her own blog on 'stealing made easy'lol
bcos she stole the fone doesnt mean she will use the fone.. might have sold it. from the pictures it is clear she is very good at what she does, not her first time and wont be her last. how are we sure this girl works alone she might be in a gang of AK-47 carrying armed robbers. linda for you to have let your guard down she definitely didnt look out of place in that shop,means she wont look out of place in a bank or even on a plane
Linda, if I place these pics side by side and scroll very fast, it becomes a video.....cartoon technology :)
She be Chelsea supporter, all of dem na thief!
Before i go to work today i think i'll branch at one of these jeunjeun court and obtain a subpoena which will mandate you to post this video. My girlfriend yanga has been getting too much these days cos she just acquired a bold 5 and it's gettin creepy cos i sure didnt give her the money and neither did her papa cos he cant afford to. Moreover she's a chelsea fan!
Anyway on a more serious note i think you should listen to your mum. Parents know best.
Hw wz I so sure dat sme foolish Nigerians wld talk about d Chelsea Jersey. Pls u assholes should stop with all dis mockery, dere r many respectable people who associate with d club, if she dint wear d Jersey wld u av known? Wen a Man U fan killed 4 Barca fans, e wwznt a thug abi or wen an Arsenal fan stabd a Chelsea fan bcos of a 5-3 victory, he dint behave like a tout abi? Most of d time people commit atrocities in a Chelsea shirt and d worse part is, dey r nt even a football fan. So yall suld shut up and stop all dis Chelsea nonsense, its beginnin to get annoyin
So painful that she is putting on a Chelsea jersey.
Iinda , once posted an advert that could track and apprehend stolen cars, phones, laptops with d latest technology but u refused τ̅☺ post ♏v̶̲̥̅ comment then . Now Ў☺ΰ are a victim. Any way will be willing τ̅☺ help. Give me your email so can send Ў☺ΰ ♏v̶̲̥̅ contacts. Post on this page. Have done over 40 cases this year . Its very simple .
This is a reflection of the primary problem of Nigerians; we attach sentiments to things we shouldn't- you have evidence of a thief in action and yet you refuse to post the video for "sentimental reasons" this is one of the reasons at the individual level that Naija is not moving forward. For every action (good or bad) there should be an appropriate consequence (good or bad).
Linda post this video now so we can see her face & possibly identify her b/4 u'll hear she has been mobbed by an angry crowd. Am sure u won't be happy to hear that. Sorry about ur phone but I doubt they'll accept any request. Tell ur mum that by posting the video u'll be saving the girl's life.
Hw wz I so sure dat sme foolish Nigerians wld talk about d Chelsea Jersey. Pls u assholes should stop with all dis mockery, dere r many respectable people who associate with d club, if she dint wear d Jersey wld u av known? Wen a Man U fan killed 4 Barca fans, e wwznt a thug abi or wen an Arsenal fan stabd a Chelsea fan bcos of a 5-3 victory, he dint behave like a tout abi? Most of d time people commit atrocities in a Chelsea shirt and d worse part is, dey r nt even a football fan. So yall suld shut up and stop all dis Chelsea nonsense, its beginnin to get annoyin
And She is a chelsea fan *smh* Only Chelsea fan will do a thing like that.
I think i know the girl.
She lives at Ajah.
Quite a while! It's been a while I left comment(s) on LIB, nontheless I still visit regularly.
I am constrained to drop this considering the outpouring of comments most tainted with emotions and sentiments and less of objective.
It is very wrong to take laws into your hands by publishing the CCTV footage! I advise you report the incident to law enforcement authority - the Police.
Otherwise you might be prosecuted yourself for either publishing the footage or conspiring to perverting the course of justice.
Enough said!
Na chelsea fan ooo, ahh linda she feel say u be family na..lmfao.. Pls upload dis video already before she steals someone's child.. Na from clap e dey enter dance
Is it d CIA dat ppl will be monitorin d video?? If u don't hav anytin 2 say, pass d mic..
Will we eva hear d end of this?It's just a Bold 5 fr goodness sake.Cheapskate.
Up chelshit!!!!!Linda u no suppose vex cos na ur "fanmily" member borrow ur phone!!!!!
Height of stupidity...u can go and lock up all d Chelsea fans in jail o. Oponu ode.
dammit!!! dis is a disgrace to all Chelsea fans and d club indeed..... she's obivously good @ wat she does. pls reason with ur mom n make her see reasons why d video shld be uploaded. since it hasn't crossed her mind to return ur fone,let her pay for it d hard way. she shld hv known d fone belongs to u by now i was xpecting she will contact u and put an end to dis.buh she's proving stubborn,let be be exposed!!! frm an angry Chelsea fan......
Linda!!! shey i told you in my post that... if the thief is putting on a chelsea jersey.... na die be that..... I have always been saying this.... chelsea fans are bunch of OLEEEEEEEEEE
I agree with Kelech's comment above.ping her tell her about your blog and dt u ll expose her. if she doesnt return it do not hesitate.if u do not expose her u are covering up evil and God will hold u responsible for other people's things she steals afterwards.pls explain all these to momsie.i know how the older generation sees life but it hasnt worked if not we would have been beta people or had a beta world.
i can't wait to see the video, that isthe only way to track her - thief...sorry dear linda
Linda, I can understand your not being able to post it once your Mum has told you not to... WISH you would though :) I totally believe Erica's encounter too, that girl is a professional ole who goes around these high end places scouting for targets while pretending to be shopping. This is a learning point for me too, cos I totally can see myself doing the same thing. One day sha, am sure she will be caught!!!
This Chelsea fan is perfect thief.She's so skilled on the job.
Dat girl is a proffesional thief and nids 2 be exposed..i don't know why girls r disgracing deirselves like dis,a girl in benin also stole a bold 5 in a party and she was disgraced on fbk and other social networks,so pls linda u nid 2 upload d video..
To all u mindless idiots highliting d fact dat she's a Chelsea fan, if I recall...Linda supports Chelsea too, so I guess she's also a thief, rogue and tout abi?
is that a Chelsea jersey the bitch had on there?
pls upload the video and expose the fake theiving chic..........
ONOME says........
Evil triumphs/flourishes when good men keep quiet.Seriously I have said it before,Nigerians need to remove their heads from inside the sand.What sort of ostrich life is that sef????
With due regards to your mama,I absolutely do not agree with her.i don't blame her though;my own mom would have taken the same stand.Convince your mom and make her see why crime not exposed is akin to aiding and abetting and places you and the criminal under the same banner.I guess your mom has gone spiritual or poetic about this(leave it to God to handle or let sleeping dogs lie etc etc) but the reason Nigeria has remained like this since the time of our parents is that they have folded their arms and let evil flourish unabated:(
I forgot my house keys in the door "mouth" outside my house where I stay in England for 3days Linda.I did not go anywhere nor did I receive visitors.(I was off work)The postman came on those 3days and dropped mails through my post hole.The refuse people came to clear the garbage etc etc.I WAS NOT ROBBED.Why?These people are not exactly inherently more honest than the average Nogerian;their society has conditioned them and trained them to act as upright as possible.Every house on my street has a CCTV installed.That is how crime is checked.Modification of behaviour.Why do you think speed cameras are everywhere in England ??And how do you think that has helped control accidents??!
Linda do the right thing.You owe it to society.If you can modify that girl's behaviour you then become a rolemodels:)You cannot in all honesty post other people's crimes and hide the one done to you.I WOULD BE HIGHLY DISAPPOINTED AND THOROUGHLY DISGUSTED WITH YOU if you decide to bury your head like an ostrich.Do the right thing Linda.Regards to your mom.Mothers are so precious:)))
If such girls r strippd naked by an angry mob or even worse if dey r burnt wit tyre..dey wil start sayin it was d first tyme dey were doin such or it's d devil dat pushd dem...I'm soo vexd..linda pls upload d video tho I doubt if she'll be caught,never say never tho,someone might recognise her...at least dis has taught me to really b careful wiv my valuables wen I go out
Hi Linda, please put up the girl's picture so all can see. If you don't, you'd be part of the people encouraging her since she hasn't been caught!!! abi Linda, u sef don thief before???
Let him who is without sin cast the first stone... This is the reason Linda's mum do not agree with u on this.
Linda, pls forgive her biko and get it off ur mind. Instead of exposing her, pray for her to have a change of heart cos only God can heal such a soul.. I rest my case
its obvious she is a born thief, to tink they dress down looking all fly nd buttish...nt knowing they re hardened criminal..GUSH!!!!
its obvious she is a born thief, to tink they dress down looking all fly nd buttish...nt knowing they re hardened criminal..GUSH!!!!
This is not right. Linda is no law enforcement agent and has no right to the video. The store should not have given it to you in the first place. They should hand over the video to the police. Linda you are technically a journalist and you need to follow the ethics of your profession. Its a pity your phone got stolen but due process should be followed. If common Nigerians cannot do things right, what moral justification do we have to blame Govt for wrongdoings?
waiting 4 the video
Hello Linda. This is my first time on your blog. A colleague of mine told me this story.
I must say with all due respect that I'm disappointed with our mentality, value and culture. A culture that aids, abeit and encourages stealing and corruption. No wonder we're where we are today in this country. Why give a second thought to exposing a thief? I wonder if you won't conceal worst things.
I'll love to see the end of this whole scenario.
asn 4k some shitty comment we really need a safe naija bin in d uk 4 a whyl nd cos of naija paranoia i monitor my belongings lik a hawk, linda expose her so we can ve a safe naija lik d 1 we experience abroad, where tins lost or stolen are returned daily!
Linda I think you were careless if you ask me. When you got back and saw a dress covering your bag and almost the whole chair with a lady sitting next to it, alarm bells should have started ringing in your head. People especially ladies should be security conscious. The theft of your phone would have been prevented and a thief caught in the act if you only took just 2 to 3mins to browse thru ur bag.
Well the deed has been done. I agree that you upload the video but let’s face facts what will that achieve apart from the entertainment?
These shops should also try to help their customers. In benin, there are shops that have drawers/lockers with keys for bags(like those used in banks). It saves τ̣̣ђё customer τ̣̣ђё stress of carrying a bag around τ̣̣ђё store or leaving their bag unwatched, all they'ld hold in their hand is τ̣̣ђё key. Τ̣̣ђё locker or whatever it is called is placed at τ̣̣ђё entrance, so no randy fellow can try to tamper with any of τ̣̣ђё locks since it is in full view.
My advice Linda is that you forget abt the fone and expose this thief, else she won't stop here ? Do you knw how many shops she had already stolen from? Don't encourage bad behaviour, i can buy you a 3310 to use for now but plz plz plz, lez put a stop to this. The oda story just confirms dat that's all she went to do in the mall on that day! Who knows if she does it every wkend or wkday? Now she' ll move to oze centre, or silverbird or ikeja shopping mall. Pls expose her and forget abt the fone.at least to save a thousand more fones and wallets.
just post the bloody video. Someone will recognise her.
KAI! and she be CHELSEA fan.... this is a bed reputation for chelsea fans all over the world. LOL....
Linda, get a BB porshe.
Maybe then you won't leave your bag, phone and other imporrant materials unattended esp when you are around pple u dont know....
No, i ve a better one, the robbing of linda ikeji!
i actualy dont see anytin wrong in Linda posting d video, let see d thief face and expose her, only God knos ow long shes bin doin it. why wld u go and steal in a public place lik dt. Abeg Linda post d video. ds kind person na professional armed robber. Even if u r goin to buy anoda fone, lets teach her a lesson.
pls take it up since linda is slacking. also ask for the video from the shop. she is a professional thief and i believe she has a PHD in stealing
Hold on Linda, i don gerrit *confused face* remember sometime ago, Y☺Ʊ pu† up a pos† about a young girl (can'† recall her name) who ♓as been in jail Ƒσя some years ovعr a phone she didn'† even s†eal, rather, she was unfortunate †☺ buy i† from a theif. Now, Y☺Ʊ actually caught this particular thief in †he act,on camera stealing Y☺Ʊr phone and Y☺Ʊ won'† expose her. I†'s no† fair na! Expose †he thief so †ha† there won'† bع other victims. She's obviously a professional, see ♓☺w smoothly she carried out †he act. Na wah. LINDA! PU† UP †HE VIDEO!!! Expose †he Morra-effer jarع!
†☺ †hose who wanna ping †he spirit ☺f thiefery out ☺f her, she's prolly sold ☺ff †he fon since. So Y☺Ʊ jus† migh† bع pinging confusion into an innocent person.
Linda, ngwa, wع dey wai† †he video.
listen to your mama.. give d thief sometime to confess; then if she doesn't come clean....
I realy dont support u putting up d video here. One thing for sure, she wil meet her waterloo soonest. Offcourse, she cant go into dat shop again. Never again.
Another thing is, those that no d girl wil recognize her even from dis pics u put up. Just pray one of ur LIB readers may know her.
Dont block ur phone. Dont disable anything there. If u hv ever used ur phone to open ur blog page, she or whoever she gives d phone to wil one day open d page...and out of curiosity wil scroll down till they get to this story.
I had an experience worst than this. I gave my mechanic my rover 75 car to repair and woola...he stole d car. Its been a year and i havent recovered d car neither have i set eye on d mechanic boy.
We shal recover all our stolen goods one day. God wil help us.
ok linda i de vex for you. you went with laura and it didnt cross your mind to hand over your bag to her? well, i guess you felt so relaxed because its a small shop.
It is amazing the kind of people who point all the accusing fingers at others....yet they have four fingers pointing back at them. Linda, while I appreciate the fact that you have lost your phone, I urge you NOT to publish that CCTV footage. Forgive her, pray for her and move on. Non of us are qualified to cast the stone, as painful as it might seem. Please find a way to let go. You must not use the power of the media and your blog to destroy someone. Someday, she may repent or be brought to justice but let the sword to be used not be yours. Thanks.
This is all un-necessary drama. WHat are you afraid of? Post the video and let the thief be identified before she steals some more.
the girl should be exposed, she is a trained thief n am so sure its not her first time. she must be a habitual thief.
i noticed the girl is a chelsea fan as she was wearing a chelsea jersey, may be she wanted to congratulate Linda on Chelsea victory lol. na wa o.
You are such a sweet girl Linda, My respect for you is increasing by the day. Thank God for CCTVs
Since you do not want to expose her, report the matter to the police for private investigation. You then follow it up on your own instead of coming here and be disturbing our brain.
Sorry about the loss of your phone. This girl for sure is a pro in what she does. I can assist you recover your phone. I have access to RIM administrators console. Send your the devices IMEI and PIN to jookoli@zoho.com. If a sim is in the device, i should be able to see the MSISDN/number. Cheers!
HMMMMMMM, the shop attendants must surely know her,i strongly believe they do for them to allow her in the shop after the wallet was found and linda,mums will always be mums but honestly u must upload this video walahi....tufiakwa, such fine shapped chick
Linda after looking at the pictures and reading the mail below i have seriously changed my mind! please publish this video!!!!!!! do you know how many people she has put through this ordeal?? she knows what she is doing and her sole aim is to steal and break peoples heart...Convince mummy and she will understand because if u don't publish lot of people will still fall prey to her tactics..mehn! she is skilled..
I should be able to assist you linda. This is like something from the movies...she is a pro. Ok, I have access to RIM administrators' console. I work with one of the telecomms companies. send the device IMEI and PIN to my email.I registered it on your blog. Cheers!
Linda I also blame you, sorry to say, after seeing the stills. I have a ton of unzippable bags, but I NEVER ever leave my bag unattended and wide open for theft like you did yours even in a posh environment. In a fancy restaurant I CARRY my bag to the bathroom. If anything or anybody touches or taps me in the bus, train, simply walking? I check my bag, zipped or unzipped. And I live in yankee o. Call me whatever you want, it's not even the thought of theft, but you don't know who can plant something in your bag to frame you or what evil things people can do. Put up the video if you want but you kinda also left yourself wide open too. I love you still girl, but...you should've known better.
*In baba fryo's voice*, them go dey dege dege, them go dey pose...
please babe the video is very important to us abeg post am ok becos is shameful u know wether na ur cousin or somebody close to us do am so we go quickly change our mind
Linda, Please let me have your mums number, i need to talk her out of this. That lady needs to be exposed; it is only when thieves are exposed that the society can be better place. Text it to 0809 500 5445. Strict confidentiality is guaranteed.
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