Funke Akindele and her beau Kehinde Oloyede Almaroof
Their engagement ceremony will hold on Saturday May 26th, while the wedding proper will hold in December 2012.
And contrary to what some of you have heard, Kenny Almaroof is not married. And this is authoritative. He has children and a baby mama but has never taken any woman to court, to church or anywhere else. This will be his first marriage. Wishing them the very best!
They luk gud 2geda, wish dem all the best
To all those people that would have almost eaten her raw for being single........
........hope this makes y'all happy!!!
Happy Married life Funke.... hope to see more of your movies
It's about time...
not a bad looking yoruba guy
lol..i have searched all searchable websites to see if he was previously married o...found nothing...hope he is single sha. goodluck funke
I love this lady. She's too funny.
Congrats Funke
Aha, u got em pictures... :)
Nice of you to.
An admirer.
love her so much.
Marital bliss. xxx
Linda no dey carry last !!
Awww see Jenifa and her boo..cuteness! She looks really happy! I love how she kept her private life out of the public eye! Wish them a blessed marriage!
Lin lin, ur gbeborun no get part 2. Kudos. Congrats to the duo.
But this dude is married now. I know him wella. Abi he has seperated from his wife nu?
I did not expecting anything better... Anyways, better than staying unmarried
Congratulations but don't wear that weave on your wedding day
They look very happy together. Please o, what's smh?
Cute. I Like. Congrats o Jenifa!
God is watching u ooo wen u marry somebodys husband. Make una go find una own. Stop playing 2nd fiddle. 2mrw Tonto will marry as 3rd wife.
Hapu nu married men aka all dis gals.
Dis man look old,like a married man,I hope its d right decision sha and I pray she find joy in dis her marriage
How any woman could consent to become a second wife in this century is beyond me...husband must be hard these days...I have lost all respect for her...I just hope it is not true.
How any woman could consent to become a second wife in this day and age is beyond me.I have lost all respect for her...I honestly hope it is not true.
I saw it on http://badejodavid.blogspot.com/Am so happy for her.Linda you are next Amen.
Hmmnnn... Nice! Wish her d best!
Hmmmnnn.. Nice! Wish her d best!
Best wishes to them.hope they have a lasting union and dont follow dis nollywood-hollywood marriage trend,
Congratulations to u darling God bless you union.we love u
Lucky guy! Wish you guys all the best. Love you Funke
I wish em luck!
Awwwww!! They look gud to 2geda! I really dnt know y pple lik being soo negative thot they were sayin he is an old Alhaji..O ga ooo stop d Negativity Peeps!!!
All da best funke,she's one of ma favourite*muah*
So it is really Alhaji Kenny and is she going to be a second wife???
I really hope not *sigh*
Nice one. wish u d best u wish urself in life.
Shei they said she is wife No2... I hope she would pull a Stephanie (as Linda says)
Funke and ken doo!chai! Hmmmmmmm lips sealed. Wish her nothing buh the very best!
Nice, its about time. Wishing her the best...
...Emmm, i hope one random lady wont appear from nowhere claiming he's her husband...am already tired of all those husband snatching episodes
All dis actress with their ojukokoro“big eye”.has beautiful απϑ talented D̶̲̥̅̊ε̲̣̣̣̥γ̲̣̣̥ A̶̲̥̅̊rε̲̣̣̣̥,ℓ̊ don't ₪☺ why D̶̲̥̅̊ε̲̣̣̣̥γ̲̣̣̥ ℓi̶̲̥̅ke̶̲̥̅ being 2nd wife.funke ȋ̝̊̅§ going τ̲̅ȍ βε̲̣̣̣̥ dis man's 2nd wife. N̶̲̥̅α̩̩̩̩ wa O°˚˚˚˚˚°o.as young απϑ beautiful as U̶̲̥̅ A̶̲̥̅̊rε̲̣̣̣̥.anyway,wish U̶̲̥̅ all †ђξ best i̶̲̥̅̊n̶̲̥̅̊ Ūя̲̅ marriage.απϑ get ready τ̲̅ȍ accept †ђξ 3rd wife as Ūя̲̅ 1st wife accepted U̶̲̥̅ cos muslims don't stop @ 2 but 4
Congrats in Advance
Happy happy for Jennifa ooo wishing u all d best n long long long lasting marriage.
hmmmmmm nice pix
Jenifa wt all ur arrogance u settled for a married man, haba wt all ur degree and achievement o ma se o, love can surely be picked from d bottom pit truly
Linda if u like no post na ur alabukun be that
My lovly jenifa,,hmmmmmmmmmm Чυя hubby fine o!!!
All d best
they look gud together. wishing her the very best
Awwwh,Cute.Jus hope dis aint all acting oo, m happy for her cos she deserves a good man.congrats.
I'm so happy 4 ha o
Aiyetoro Kan! is tying the knot, I wish her and her hubby a lifetime of bliss and love. I have always admired her, she is quite talented and still keeps a very level head.
I understand funke is razz but I love her die. One thing she really needs to fix is this her jagajaga Omo alata hairstyle . Haba! I bet she makes good enough money for correct weave. I wasn't expecting an hotter guy. They fit each other, the Koko here is CONGRATULATIONS SULIA .
I wish dem al d best.
Nice one Funke......
linda u dnt u like posting my comments.
na u sabi sha n if u like dnt ever post dis .
jenifa wish u d best but y did u decide to settle for a married man instead?
congrats. i have loved funke since her days as Bisi on I need to know
ONOME says...........
She chooses to be 2nd or 3rd or 4th wife;her problem,her choices!And I see he is an Alhaji,so it's not even against his religion.And if his first wife is against it,well you nor I can help her there.The man is a Muslim for pete's sake!
People should learn to mind their own business and take their noses out of people's personal choices.isssssssh
We can like to do counsellor or is it tafia on other people.Are your houses in order?Perhaps it would do you some good to tidy up your porch first.
Congratulations Funke.All the best.Marriage is a lot of work and patience.Make sure you work hard at yours.
congrats aunt funke
Congrats Jinifa baby lol.they look happy together all u haters should pls pass the mic.
I wish Jenifa and her hubby to be joy in thier maraige and why is an average Nigerian not always happy about the next man's sucess...but enjoy pitying pple..if they said she had an accident and in coma now, millions of Nigerians will show 'love'and pity...rejoice with those that rejoice! whatever the circumstance may be, its thier business, thier lives and thier God will see them through! nice day!
Nigerians haba! Y do we hate so much, we never rejoice with people. Whether she will be sad or happy is not for us to decide, let God be judge. My only concern in life is that whatever you do to make yourself happy never make someone else sad cos what goes around comes around. So if her decision is not making anyone sad or breaking anyone's home, I wish her all the best!!!
I am a big fan of your works Funke........*in jenifa's voice..."mo sise ni obbice" looolz. U rock Funke Akindele
Maybe she's muslim too so QED. Congrats.
Shakin ma head
At last, she found love. happy for her. waiting for mine
*shaking my head*
Good 4 her
God bless you mightily Onome. That's how people carry other people's luggages on their head and later complain of stiff neck!
Leave her the hell alone, it's her choice to make.
oh this is so sweet, so so happy for her. She has brought smiles and laughter to our faces tru Jenifa, so she needs to be happy and loved. Thumbs up girl. HML.
Sulia kan,Ayetoro kan,ride on ores mi,don't look uche face so far you are happy with alhaji move on with him and I wish u best of luck,don't mind Enemies saying u are a second wife,you can buy ur self yori yory topu and for u dots dots.let them talk bcos dem be asin no man go catch,I love u funke my roles model,Enemies worefa to u all.funke most be bigz.
Still cant believe funke wil choose to be second best, I read on Another blog that funke mum is pastor and funke herself is a member of MFM so if this is true I will like to ask where in the bible does it say u shld become 2nd wife of an alhaji? I dt live in Nigeria but I dt think is dat bad to find a young single man if u re young beautiful,successful, rich lady bcos no man want a liability wife n funke u re hard working u can find a man to call ur own..... Why shld anyone blame me not watching nollywood movie bcos their life style doesn't teach any realistic of a normal humanbeing. Funke am highly diss appointed in u.
Ohh dear! Before this girl find husband, una dey scream" Go and get married, your mates have babies already", now she do get one wey suit her heart, una begin complain say "He's not handsome enuf, he has a wife already, she stole someone else's husband, she's playin second fiddle". Judges heeeeee! (In my mama's voice)wetin concern una for her life matter???
Linda, i think some of the people commenting on this your blog have mouth diarrhoea. Better look for Epa-ijebu, Ajase poki-poki or Oroki herbal mixture for them to cure this their stinking discharges/blabbin before we die of pollution here. #Oponu and co.
Congratulobia jenifa.Aunty Lin u r next.Amen
funke akindele, as much i apreciate ur talent.....u no try for dis one @ all.
Nigerians you guys can insult. most of u making comments about her should go and look for you own husbands, Jenny baby i wish u all the best
Congratz babe....wish u all d best..........
Tell dem and let dem know..its her choice let funke go for it.olofofo people mind your business.#GBAM#
Congrats dear.
"Shaking my head",pls wts *kmt* and *rme*
So @ last, ma dream girl wil not marry me? *cryin* I love u now but na moni no dey* but sha, all d best!
Nigerians you guys can insult. most of u making comments about her should go and look for you own husbands, Jenny baby i wish u all the best
bad pple let her enjoy her life,be it 20th or 40th wife,they look happy together and in happiness they will live.
am very happy for the queen of nollywood and the queen of aiyetoro.
enjoy your journey in good and sound health,their negative wish will not be your portion in Jesus name.
congratulation once again
Congrats to Funke, I am a big fan!!! @ ONOME, well said.... People, leave her be. If that's what SHE wants, then its none of your darn business! @badejo wassup with saying Linda will be next? She tell you say she dey find husband??? I beg pass d mic Meeennnn! More to life than marriage o, get a life!!!
people should be happy for funke instead of judging the poor girl.she has put our industry and the nation itself on the map,besides she is an adult.there is no time for all these societal sentments on whoever she marries.
Fools be commenting without knowing who is who and what's really going on...smh, ignorance, d dude is a muslim nd can marry all of u + ur siblings nd friends if he wishes so stop sayin u lost respect 4 her cos she's a 2nd wife,ur respect is in ur head,she's made and loved by majority so u can go to the ocean and drink till u drown haters! :p
Funke dresses well na, why the razz look in her pre-wedding pics?
True talk Onome, its her choice o! In as much as I don't like d idea of marrying an already married man, I still think Funke is not a fool and she knows wat she's doing, I bet she has put a lot into consideration b4 finally deciding 2 marry him, and pls let's not forget that many of these so called married yoruba men are not truly married o! Most times they just have live in baby mamas, or he might ave even divorced his 1st wife, besides he's even a muslim #sad face sha
we live in a world where adults are allowed to make choices,Funke just made hers,there is need for us to respect her decision and be happy for her really.
Congratulations Dearie. Wishing u all the best
leave the lady alone, whats the issue of the second wife all about?all i see here are sentiments! sentiments!! and more sentments!!!!
to Funke Akindele and Kenny Almaroof, i say congrats!
Miss Jenifa, dont mind bad belle people, dis is ur call,dis is ur life, stay put to God. if dis is what u want for ursef, go ahead. God will see u tru. u're ma rossz model
smh means shaking my head!
why cant some people keep shut and mind their buz,'she look dis,he look dat,' why not check ur own life n c if all is well. anyway, jennybabe, dis is ur call dont mind dis haters. that is wat dey are meant to do,pull people down n disorganize people's home. sista, just commit ur marriage into God's hand... enjoy ur marriage!!!
Smh*Shaking my head*
Dude! U wan kill person!!
Gbagaun le ele yi o.lmao
If its d will of God for her, then this marriage will be sealed and there wont be cause of separation or divorce in Jesus name. I love her so much and I wish her all the best.
Onome thank u so much,dat's just d word is her life nt urs E sho igba yin
Sulia kon Ayetoro kan..... at last u're finally odabo to spinsterhood ni yen ke. Sulia, owun to ba wun elenu ni ko fi enu e so... best wishes in ur marriage joor ooo!
linda na wah o u dey look eye b4 u post comment... Hope say u go post this one sha... Hmmm funke i wish u all d best in yr marriage dis guy looks funny sef but na u know but i want to believe u r not goin 2 b 2nd wife sha runaway frm polygamy abeg... D hair i reserve my comment
He being a Muslim and a Yoruba traditionalist he can marry as many women as he wants because his religion and tradition and society allows it. But it's her personal decision to be a second wife don't see how it's any ones business. Just pray for her and her intended marriage that is all. Ppl have diff advise for ppl on who and who to marry. People there are no set rules for a lasting marriage!!! Just pray and make the best decision possible because u can nevavtell
Atleast!!! u're out of dis irresponsible group of celeb, but truly u're with a different, i'm happy u're quittins spinsterhood!!! congrats jennybabe
Hapi marriage life in advance.I wish u a peaceful and happy home.
WOW! DIS PICTURES are fantastic, dis is wat am talkin about men. bad belles... why not mind ur own buz n leave her along! Se na ur broda she won marry? hatters go hug transformer nah!
Awww...Congrats Funke! Marriage is a lotta work and I assume it's even more work as no.2
I wish you the best...tread softly
Rumour are carried by enemies spread by d ignorants n accepted by fools without enquiry jenifa carry on my God is at ur back n he will bless ur union with twins and triplets
Shaking My Head
Weda 2nd wife or 1st wife my advice to Funke is dat, try nd make a xge in nollywood, i mean disapoint ur enemies, try to b hunmble, tolerant, patience nd b a gud wife, ve time for ur hubby don't let locatn take much of ur time. Lefty ile oko ile eko ni ooo (ibeji leyin igbeyawo)
they sure look yoruba sha
Ik @ Anon 11.18am, judge much? So because a celeb is unmarried, he/ she must be irresponsible? What an unfair statement. I pray that all the women in your family marry 'on time' so that they may never be labelled as irresponsible. The ignorance people display..... na wa o.
Bad belle, my friend knows the guy ooo. He didn't marry the mother of his 2 children. So leave Funke alone.....eyin aiye
congrats funke.... and 4 those of u complaining shes getting married to a married man... ow is it ur biz?
the truth about the matter is, its her life and shes entitled to wtv she wants for herself, just because U married a single guy, and got a kid or more, dt doesnt mean u r problem free, perhaps ur life is even wasting away, no one knows wht happens in ur closet, though its not going to be a smooth journey for her either, all she need do is make the best outta her happy moments, and find her way tru d maze. live and let others live. YOLO!
Congrats to her o! only that i hope d guy is not lying
that he has never made a vow to anyone before.
I beg her to do her findings wella!
All the best Funke
am happy for u funke,atlast u av belong to married women's club.all d best
All u judgemental pple should shut up, to each his own, it is her choice, we don't all have to want the same thing, so long as she is happy, free her and wish her the best. By the way the man is an Alhaji so it means she is not snatching any one's husband. Gbam.
All those of u shaking ur heads for this kind good
news I op u r not suffering from meningitis (yinrun-yinrun)! cos its everything u SYH for as against SMH nonsense!
Abeg Linda post my comment o
nawah for all dese negative people o..... make una leave d lady alone make she marry whoever she loves o, as long as shes happy, dats the koko..... congrats dearie.... i wish u the very best
Linda can you please not put Baby Mamas in a situation you don't know.
I dislike the term "BABY MAMA". Is use for people that delibrately have baby or babies for a guy with no intention to be with them ( In a committed relationship). e.g. 2face's situation.
I can't really pass any comment at the moment because:
We don't know what happen to his relationship with this other woman, if they are still together or not.But I guess as smart as Funke is, she would have done her research before she committed in the relationship that is leading to marriage.
Wish her the very best.
im happy for funke, i actually almost shed a tear, go girl, wish u d very best
Aww,so happy for her,the guy is my frnd on fb b4 he de activated his account.He is some1 who really cares for his family,at least he post pictures os his children very often.I'm sure Funke will av so much happiness with him.CONGRATTSS FUNKE....
Yall females advocating second wifeism and saying folks should mind their business and Funke can do whatever makes her happy and bla bla, I hope yall will be this open minded when your husbands bring home their second wives.
Kai, why cant we celebrant people in dis part of the planet. You mean dis man is not handsum enough? clean guy like dis?! ok ooo, me i celebrant dis one o. aldo, i wish i marry funke o!
Funkybabe,i envy u o... i pray dis be d bone of ur bone o and flesh of ur flash! stay happy, Sulia kan!
You are a fool for saying better than staying unmarried. African and Nigerian women may acquire countless degrees but will still feel worthless if they stay single. That's why they think it's ok to steal other peoples husbands.
It takes a real woman to understand that she has being put on this earth to serve a purpose. Marriage should not be your main goal. Become something while you find the right the partner and if you don't want to get married, then kudos to u. Nigerian women are just desperate and that's why their husbands are busy pouring acid and beating them and they think the animals will change. *yimu*
Jennyfababe.... u rock ma world. At last u are quiting sisterhood... but hop say u know dis man wella,wella?Bcs we cant afford anytin bad happen to u o... sho gbo? luv ya,catch ya,layra!!!
'Fun...ke, pakurumo.. kojo dada'!!! dis man dey luck sha, na ma funky,he dey pakurumo like dat o... CONGRATS OOO
For those wu dont want Omo-Ayetoro to be hapi after takin such a bold step, i say all of u, i mean it ooo,go and marry ur mother or go kiss d hightension. Se ti gbo?
Spreading your legs to men and becoming a baby making factory lead many women to nowhere. Only a few of them become wives to these men. Men are grown babies. We have the power to manipulate them but we choose to allow emotions and men control us.
How many baby mamas end up with the men they've bore their children with. Especially in Nigeria where the men think they are the only ones that are allowed to screw around and marry GOOD women.
Hatters, are u sayin dis man is old, dont u have eyes for positive things? somebody fresh like dis u stil dey hate?! i beggyyy!!! u guyz are one already!! IJN
Mennnnn, dis is it! nice posture joor o
Na you wey create your own definition of baby mama. She has kids for him and they weren't married? They fit the term the society calls BABY MAMA.
Linda are you now Funke's publicist.Happy married life Funke.
lucky husband. She will make him laugh from morning till evening
Jenifa is getting maLLied. Wheres the PARRY. Will there be bancers at the door?
Professor X, God bless you for that statement. Would love to see their dumb faces when their husbands marry wife number 2, 3 and 4. Oshi, iranu.
its gonna be luvly parry, hup der wil nt be bancers? (bouncers) in jenifa's voice. Im so happy for her cz she deserves to be happy bcz her movies mak alot of ppl happy. I lov her die
finally, bis girl wants to get married. I wish Funke Akindele wel lu wel lu marriage life
im happy for Funke. I wish them a blissful union.
So, the Jenifa role in actuality is not fictitious then, just an extension well played out... :)
Mrs Almaroof..the name fit am well well, congrats!
Ur so jobless.
After Linda made efforts to xplain to y'all that she confirmed from reliable sources that the gentleman has never been married before now,why are folks still on about Funke being a 2nd wife?
Her modus operandi has always been other peoples husband. she was only looking for th one she could sink her claws into....anyway, what comes around....
Oh u judges,Allah is the best of all judges,that she stole some1ones wife ,who told you the person didn't steal hers,as to loving her,can you ever love her more than she loves herself.and I tell u,no leave will drop off the tree without the knowledge of God,I mean the wedding won't happen if not destined to happen.For those of u that think you have ur husband to yourself a thousand of such are not and won't even be as happy as funke so what are we saying,don't we know what goes on in many homes.Pls spear this loving lady and just wish her all the best that marriage can offer.Sulia I wish you the best in this world and in the hereafter.
Funke congrats. Unfortunately I dey admire u secretly hoping to tell you my mind and if possible marry u. Well now dat he has hijacked you I wished you happy married life and I hope you will wish me well in my search
I like Jenifa and I believe her that the man isn't married... But for all you 2nd wives clapping for yourselves here, remember that the cane that was used to flog d 1st wife is waiting for u.
@top sayin smpple r jobless .......... U must def useless. If u hav a job wat r u doin on lib.......get a handjob lol. Thumbs up lib
@Anon 10:05
*kmt* means Kiss My TIts
Don't knw what *rme* means
U must really knw her to be able to describe her as "arrogant"... i wonder if u single, married, searching, or miserable bcos u sound like a hater. God forgive u...smh
Thank u! Sm1 is talking sm sense while sm idiots r bz hating. It doesnt matter wot dey think or say, it's nt going to stop her frm making her choices. #ekeismyhobby#
N d lifestyle of d country u live in teaches "realistic of a normal human being"??? U r sick... it only tells me u r nt a realistic person urself or u dont live in dis world of human beings. I guess u haven't heard of polygamy, even if u haven't seen it, one way or d other u have heard it in school. Olodo oshi!!! U dont have to watch nollywood movies, u knw u r in a different planet n with or without u dey rake their money. Supoluyo!
Well said...
Dont reserve ur comment bcos its worthless at this point, u av alrdy opened ur big mouth
Bad belle pple o! Enemy boku everywhere, na wa for Nigerians, always judging n passing negative comments. Let d headache most of u r having belong to his so called first wife, wots ur own??? Naija pple sha! Wen u r single dey complain, divorced complain na ni, getting married na so so complain, wen u get pregnant out of wedlock dey ll say smthing. It doesnt matter wot u think, it's woteva makes her happy, go n find urs... so ignorant.
1. Am sure funke is readin dis, is either commentin or tellin some1 2 do it for her. See all d vehement defence.
2. To al those advocatin its ok 4 her to be second wife (whether he went to court or not, he has a woman who bore him kids) put urself in d 1st womans shoes, then see if its still ok. Will u like it if a younger, more successful woman hooks ur man & says its her life/choice & no one else's biz?
Smh.. Shaking my head. Kmt.. Kiss my teeth. Rme.. Rolling my eyes.. You are very welcome.
At least the guy is honest about his status..unlike another nollywood actress whose husband is a big liar and kept on lying about his status even after the wife and mother of his children came out in the open with proof, yet she went ahead and married the guy!
Funke am happy for you...Congratss and may God bless your union!
But why do our actresses behave dis way...linda A̶̲̥̅♏ sure U̶̲̥̅̊ dnt av enuf info abt dis man,he I̶̲̥̅̊s̶̲̥̅̊ married wit kids,he I̶̲̥̅̊s̶̲̥̅̊ legally married to a young beautiful woman and they are still very much togeda..I dunno why funke wants to destroy †ђξ happy family,Linda I wish ders a way Đα̲̅T̶̲̥̅ I can post der wedding pictures here.if ders anywa,linda pls lemme knw.tanx
well, it's her choice 2 b a 2nd wife n i guess it's no body's business, only dt i dont lk d word baby mama cos 4 a woman 2 bore 2 kids n nt twin for a man d woman is his wife n nt a baby mama. Though there may b no form of legal agreement btw them bt im very sure of a formal introduction btw d 2 families exept dey r bth from irresponsible ones. Dis introductn 2 my religion (islam)is enough 2 live as hubby n wifes. N dont 4get dis is wat dey bth pratice, so d man has a wife n nt a baby mama.
Gbogbo biss girls best of luck in ur marriage bt dont make d mistake of displacing d 1st wife cos goes arround comes arround n just accept her as ur iyale n may God c u thru. Amen.
Just a quick prayer for all the women that thinks she is doing the right thing.
May your husband marry 2nd wife
May your children share their father
All the hard work you did may another woman come and enjoy it
May you become second best in your husband's house.
Where the f*** does it say Muslims can marry more than one wife? Bcoz sum fools decide to interpret the holy words to suit their sins doesn't make it right. Boko Haram and suicide bombers sef fe justify their actions with words from the holy book ....
Linda post my comment. You hear.
Much Love.
God Bless you.
Asin people are full of SHIT. 99% of the women saying she can do whatever, can't or won't accept. Yes we are fans, but what is wrong is wrong.
If nah Tonto do this kind thing, people go don abuse her life die. But because is Funke well done a bi?
Y'all will get married. D 1s datvr married your husband will soon introduce his new wife to you.
Linda Post oh.
Please email the pictures to Funke. So all this supporters of evil can shut the hell up.
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