After Buhari made this comment, the presidency responded by saying Buhari was bloodthirsty and suffering from “combat withdrawal syndrome.”
And instead of cautioning the retired general, 19 northern governors yesterday told journalist that Buhari's statement was in order, that he only said it to keep the Federal Government on its toes in order to ensure a free-and-fair election in 2015.
So, let me get this straight, someone threatens bloodshed in 2015 and the statement is in order? OK!
Fools, the lot of them! Badluck included. When will these ppl start putting the ppl first before their big eyes and stupid political ego?! So much for a democracy ....govt of the ppl, by the ppl AND FOR THE PPL. Sort the country out and stop playing games with each other.
Linda stick to your gossips and dont incite people! in 15 mins this place will be a war zone of insults
What are you saying Linda? Whatever it is that will happen we are ready.
i understand where buhari is coming from(annoyance of the rigged election n producing bad eggs as leaders) but the use of word "bloodshed" is too deep. that in itself could spring up war and thus divide Nigeria.
an eye for an eye will only make d whole world blind.
caution! caution!! buhari, u too, calm down! we are all pained but lets go bout it in a civilized n proper way
Buhari's threat should not be taken lightly. The memories of his supporters response to his losing the last election is still very fresh(even if the northern govs have forgotten the parents, siblings and relatives of the victims can not forget so soon). This type of comment from somebody of Buhari's stature is alarming and very unfortunate and those saying its in oreder should have their heads examined.
hahahahahaha.......chai,i dont understand why we Christians haven't in unity gotten off our ass(es) to handle these northerners? they have boldly declared war and telling us to get ready which means after 2015 election bombs that have been implanted all over naija will start going off.
buhari just indirectly gave out a tip of the ice berg. who knows what more they have planned? and the Muslims claim Islam doesn't support violence.
my questions, are these men Christians? or traditionalists?
where in the bible or anywhere is it written that,leadership is from the north? that one has been one of their key points?
please i just need more clarification maybe i am getting it all wrong. someone educate me more.
And he wants to be president. What sort of president will he be. If you want someone dead, kindly channel ur energy to he right source of the problem
i dont see any problem in this statement. if they dont have anythimg to hide they have no reason to read meanings to this. i mean, if they dont plan to rig the ellection come 2015, they dont have any reason to fear any repercussion. he clearly said "God willing, by 2015, something will happen. They either conduct a free and fair election or they go a very disgraceful way. If what happened in 2011 (alleged rigging) should again happen in 2015, by the grace of God, the dog and the baboon would all be soaked in blood,’’ so if they dont plan rigging their is no need to join issues with him.
Now somebody is trying to take law into his hands;*SMH*.
Amen ooo!! I think its time they pass d mic and let dis nation be in peace!!
They that take the sword shall perish by the sword. They that call good evil, and evil good, evil shall not depart from their house. they that say bloodbirth and wastage of life is good, bloodbirth shall not depart from thier house. Thier evil intention shall not stand.
Amen o linda.God will deal with all of dem before that time. We won't even hear of dem again by then.
May they fall into the trap they have set. Why am I fretting their wayward blood thirsty sons are marching toward them right now. They unleashed this mess on Naija and make they make it first.
Buhari should know one thing. He will still lose if he ran against himself. and Nobody is going to be intimidated into voting for him, now, in the near future or in the far future. That dog ain't hunting
So stop the nonsense threats, you are like Romney, we don't like you
Linda, this is my 1st comment on your blog and I must say I am quite disappointed in this your report. I will point out why.
1. Buhari was misquoted as he spoke in Hausa language and didn't threaten bloodshed.(I neither voted nor am i a Buhari apologist,rather like most Nigerians, I voted GEJ)
2. It is wrong to put Buhari together with this set of clowns calling themselves Governors, as while Buhari was warning against rigging and hence not trying to divide the Nation, they are the ones threatening the Unity of the Country with such regional mantra.
3. They never said Buhari's statement was in order and on the contrary, they said “we want to caution eminent Nigerians against inflammatory statements capable of affecting our fragile unity and security. We must be concerned about the unity and development of the country in all ramifications”
which clearly means they oppose his statement(given most are in PDP, and he is in CPC)
3.Finally, while I will not accuse you of sentiments, I just want to point out that when the South-south leaders came out with a communique saying the next president must be from there, you didn't report it.Neither did you report when Asari Dokubo and Bianca Ojukwu called a conference specifically called against the North With Dokubo saying the North will not smell the presidency again.
While I give you the benefit of the doubt that you didnt do all these intentionally, I must just point out that lack of objective reporting like this is what wars are made of and I wonder How many Anti-Northern sentiments this post must have fueled. My advice to you will be to refrain from posts like these if you can not be objective about them.I commend you and know you only want the best from the nation but please realize there is power in reporting.
To fellow commenters, I implore you to not make this a religious affair, you must realize there are about 4 christian Northern governors and infact if you look at the pictures from the forum, the most prominent christian Northern Governor (Patrick Yakowa) was right next to Babangida-Aliyu smiling. Moreover, before you make this an Anti-Hausa affair, you must realise, there was a Yoruba Governor in the forum (AbdulFatah Ahmed of Kwara state)and other minority Northern tribes. This should be taking as a regional affair devoid of tribes and religion no matter how hard it is for you.
O boy, I don write sotey for here, anyways you realize where I am going, I just dey ask for objectiveness and common sense in dealing with the affairs of the Nation. Long live Nigeria. Besdies, diregard errors, no time to proff-read.
Kunle Ladi
kunle.Ladi@yahoo.com thanks and God bless, Hope this is printed.
Buhari is totally wrong by using the term bloodshed... buh before we judge its best to see from another's point of view. The northerners believe that elections have bbeen rigged constantly in their parts for the past 11years... not that i agree with Mr Buhari even though i totally believe he will do beter than the shithead y'all voted to be our mr president.
Linda, u shuld also note that ACNz representative agreed wif Buhari which is south west, so did a souitherner (check saharareporters for details of the latter). Linda do ot further divide the nation by making it seem like it is only southerners.
I love you, i am s huge fan of ur intellect but yous hould also use this as a medium to try and unify this country. Play ur part in repairing naija and not adding fuel to fire.
Thnk you much
A first time replier...
Buhari is totally wrong by using the term bloodshed... buh before we judge its best to see from another's point of view. The northerners believe that elections have bbeen rigged constantly in their parts for the past 11years... not that i agree with Mr Buhari even though i totally believe he will do beter than the shithead y'all voted to be our mr president.
Linda, u shuld also note that ACNz representative agreed wif Buhari which is south west, so did a souitherner (check saharareporters for details of the latter). Linda do ot further divide the nation by making it seem like it is only southerners.
I love you, i am s huge fan of ur intellect but yous hould also use this as a medium to try and unify this country. Play ur part in repairing naija and not adding fuel to fire.
Thnk you much
A first time replier...
Mumu. Charge hm treason . Thrw his ass into jail. Nenai
Pardon me, but is Buhari 'unarrestable'? How can a figure with such strong political presence make such a statement? There are rumors of him being a major cause of the post-election violence witnessed in Nigeria in 2011, and then he comes out again to say this. Is he even thinking of running again? If he is, then I ask, has he no pride? It's in matters of state such as this that I like the more developed nations - no person dares make such threats and talk carelessly, especially a person in the limelight, as they are expected to mind their speech. And if one way or the other, he/she makes the mistake of making such a speech, he/she is arrested, or a setup is planned to bring such a person down. The most annoying thing in all this is that when the 'dog and baboon alike are bleeding', Oga Buhari and the other elites of the society will be perfectly safe, not even a fly will come near them, while the 'unelite' of the society are in confusion and panic.
These ugly ass men need to take a chill pill
SEPERATE THE NORTH FROM NAIJA NOW!!!! These islamic hausa bastards have lost their minds. What else is new. They believe ruling naija is a birthright. I have never wished anyone dead but I wish Buhari and Ibb them can go and meet their maker now. Threatening people with bloodshed becos you cant have your way. HOW PRIMITIVE
They are all daylight blood sucking vampires...sorry to say this, but I think the earlier we peacefully agree to call for an SNC, the better for us all...as for me, I just dey laugh like Baba Sege:)
I worry for my country!!!This is coming from someone who has ruled and still has plans to rule this Country.Does he have the interest of the Nation,or is he fighting for just the North.such words shud neva come from the lips of a leader.
Anyway, come 2015 I would gladly relocate to Ghana
..They all are up to something. If the 2011 election was truly rigged that means all the 19 Northern Govs are also guilty of electoral malpractice.
BloodThirsty Vampires....If we survive 2015...then nothing can separate us for life...but why leave together killing ourselves, when we can peacefully reach an agreement and opt for regional autonomy, true federalism or outright separation?...it's food for thought...remember we can disagree to agree.
hm..na wa o. i bliv dat kinda words are too harsh o. May God help us in Naija and may we not see war in this country.
so linda, what is wrong is saying, if you rig election we will kill you, do you plan to rig?, if you do not plan to rig why are you complaining?.......when you see the sign "trespassers will be shot", or laws that says "if you kill somebody you will get the electric chair", it is a deterant, if you can't do the time, then do not do the crime.
we already have 3 comprehensively rigged elections and 13 years of waste so far, how much more do we want....the governors are mainly doing politics and north/south nonsense but as a neutral enough is enough....this massive cluelessness don do.....
why should he be cautioned,linda? he has a right to express his opinions. get the wool out of your ice-cream filled eyes,we are heading to war come 2015,lets dont decieve ourselves,d south is not ready to elect a northerner,d north wants to rule at all cost..i suggest a sanusi lamido/okonjo iweala candidacy to appease both sides and to give my country 50 more years b4 another war comes..shikena
"If this man is not cautioned, Nigeria is set for explosion."
Abeg, those ppl shld go and rest. Just because they lost the last election, person no go hear word again. His threats are supposed to mk Nigerians bow at his feet or what? Mcheeeeeeeeeew...
Na them go still suffer the thing when e start. becos na their people dey quick take up arms in the case of small thing.
Instead of them to call that man to order, they are supporting him. God dey!
Like the presidency said, buhari is bloodthirsty and suffering from “combat withdrawal syndrome." But I must add that Nigeria is equally a failed enterprise. The constitutional zoning should be considered too.
hmm this is a serious threat o,am sure if OBJ was still in power and such statemnt was made,he would make sure buhari is thrown into prison, and i doubt if goodluck can stop him, na only God hand we dey o.
The statement is conditional! Must PDP rig? The governors, most of who are PDP members are tell GEJ what their citizens are saying. Others have been saying same thing, no cry! A Yoruba monarch said same thing, it was not news. Pls stop helping PDP give a dog a bad name to hang it. Face the message, not the messenger! Perform now and you will not need to rig in 2015
Buhari most know alot of this boko haram issue and am very sure that he is a sponsor,when the mases say they dnt want u,are u going to force them to accept u by imposing ursef as a president?buhari will nevr taste that seat in JESUS name;amen!
I agree with him because he's talking about his own blood and that of his generation...
See how foolish we are in dis country.........smone wants 2 rule by force....dis old fool dat calls himself buhari shld go n retire n enjoy d remainin part of his life,rather than threaten us.....shey wen dey kill everyone,he will rule goats,cow n ram...dats if dey don't get killed as well
Don't be a fool Linda. I'm a Yoruba man and I understand completely Buhari's position and resultant statement. He is saying that if the election is rigged again there will be strong resistance, so the simple message to the FG should be - Don't rig elections again.
For how long should we continue to suffer and complain about our leaders and yet we are not willing to fight for good govt.
I agree with him because he's talking about his own blood and that of his generation...
Seriously this man is mental,he'ld probably not live to see 2015 then
GEJ should not take it easy with him. He should be arrested for such statement........harrison
Is my God that, need I remind you that GOD IS GOD and not man, I don't get it (loser could you pls get of it), bloodshed help me here talk ooooo
linda, i have to say you r a big fool. You are obviously against buhari's comment. Buhari is right, nigeria needs free n fair election bcos we badly need to get rid of PDP.
Everything is about sharing our wealth, not about dealing with poverty in the country. The Northerners are the major cause of problems in Nigeria.
Its ok coS this is Naija. Anything goes. U say and do anything and you get away with it. That's how it works. Buhari is crazy fool. Y does he want to b president by force?? Isn't he too old in the 1st place?? And imagine that Latter Rain Assembly pastor ran for president with him. Imagine that! In other countries, he would be arrested and questioned. God knows if he is one of the people behind Boko Haram. Y r muslims so violent?? I don't get it! Lol @ PDP calling it "combat withdrawal syndrome". For those nothern governors, y won't they stand behind Buhari, they r all boko haram peeps who want to turn nigeria into a muslim country and chase away all christians. Pastor Tunde Bakare should be ashamed of himself!
Buhari is a friggin Desperado! God will show him he is the giver and keeper of life.. It is well...Neni
Linda, this is politics, and not one of your blog headers. So my advice, stay off politics. You would never understand the main reasons behind such statements.
Buhari's comment is a threat to kill and treason. The presidency shut Buhari down and the tribalistic and power hungry 19 northern chimpanzees who supports him. Buhari is more than bloodthirsty. Buhari is more than suffering from “combat withdrawal syndrome.” Buhari is a lunatic. Buhari is crazy and an ongoing threat to peace and security in Nigeria, Africa and the whole world. Everyone wants free-and-fair election in 2015, but
free-and-fair election in 2015 does not mean that the next president must be Muslim or a northerner. Buhari and the 19 northern chimpanzees supporting his distablization of Nigeria are the same bastards funding and supporting the Islamic terrorists, Boko Haram. Buhari has had his time in government. He has absolutely nothing to offer. He is a bloody fraud and only coming into public office to enrich himself and his stupid Hausa / Fulani gang. Something needs to be done to shut Buhari up once and for all. He cannot be allowed to threaten Nigeria and Nigerian. Buhari is a bloody nuisance and a terrorist. Buhari must never ever be allowed into public office. Damn you, Buhari. Go rot in hell. Buhari will NEVER EVER occupy Aso Rock.
How did he threaten bloodshed? All he said is that if PDP intends to rig the coming elections, WHICH WE ALL KNOW THEY WILL HAVE TO IN ORDER TO WIN, there will be bloodshed! Period! He is predicting the response of the populace to the rigging action of PDP! IF PDP does not intend to rig, why the uproar? Hasn't the lame duck President Jona done and said worse things.... they are just trying to divert attention from their failed , useless, lame, fraudulent and thieving party PDP!!!
I had always known Buhari had links with Boko Haram, cos it was since he lost the elections that this whole menace started.... I pray for Nigeria
Vampires....it is d blood of der luved ones they will suck.... Old fool, is dat d way an elder states man shuld sound? Is power now a do or die affair? #smh#
We re eagerly waitin.....mAybe ur bLood will be shed firSt....u caN trust our dEar mIllitAntz...evEn ur sO calleD bOKo....hehehehehe bLood sHed in deed...fOOl!...olD man wiT cHildisH braInz....mtchewwwwww!
Its a sadness really! This is the time and year that Nigeria should be soaring far. I mean, what's the future of my generation? :(
2015: If a Muslim from the North win the election, wheather rigged or not, there will be no bloodbath, but if a christian from the south wins, be sure of bloodbath, remember OBJ time and Jos crisis, now GEJ and Boko Haram, this is the need for a regional govt and make the presidency weak, I rest my case. Some people are above the law, Awolowo was send to prison for treason and Buhari is given Honour for the same treason, "George Orwell" All animals are equal and some are more equal than the others"
Buhari's statement is conditional...
I.e either you respect my dauther or I will beat you up...
Either you will respect the law or you shall be arrested..
God is watching all of them!
A free and fair election is better for us all#gbam
I am from the south and I am not sure I am a great fan of Buhari either.However, in the conditional context he had spoken, I am not sure he really said any thing wrong. He qualified bloodshed on the condition if the ruling party decides to rig elections. However, the presidency seems to want to play politics with it, because based on what he said, it can be interpreted in positive and negative ways. The Northern Governors' Forum and ACN framed it positie; we should rather ask why the presidency that ought to ensure the polity is not heated up decided to frame it in a way that might not heat up the polity. However, I do not think we need a soothsayer to confirm that if 2015 elections are not free and fair, there could be crisis.
General Muhammadu Buhari’s remarks in Kaduna on Monday after he received the leaders of Congress for Progressive Change (CPC) from Niger State elicited reactions. Below is the transcription of what he said in English. Yesterday we published a translated version of the remarks he made in Hausa. Distinguished ladies and gentle, members of the press
You are the first consolidated state delegation to come and meet me. Where I am residing, they came; my immediate political base also came, that is, Katsina while others have been asking for appointment like you and because I have been quite mobile, I was not able to honour their request. I am also mindful that the members of the national assembly are really busy especially after the petroleum hearings and pension funds. This goes to what the chairman said and the rest of you who addressed us, that is, the question of leadership in the country.
The kind of thing that happened in the petroleum industry and the pension funds, I think they are the only kind of things that only happen in Nigeria under the type of current Nigeria leadership. No where in the world can such thing happen now and no where in the world can a government increase the price of a product that beside the air people breathe, I am not talking about fresh air because there are polluted fresh air. Other than the air people breathe, the next important thing to them is petroleum products and to increase its cost by more than 120% is most insensitive.
Unfortunately for me, I know more about petroleum industry than others in government because I was there for three and a quarter years as a leader. I will give only one example, we started with Port Harcourt refinery producing 60,000 barrels per day, it was upgraded to N100,000 barrels per day. Another one was built there co-located in Port-Harcourt producing over 150,000 barrels making a total of 250,000 barrels per day slated purely on Nigeria crude.
I personally asked the owner to sign the contract for Warri and Kaduna refineries, a 100, 000 barrels each; more than 20 depots, more than 3,200 line pipes, I have forgotten the number of pumping stations and there was even a time, we were exporting a 100,000 barrels per day of refined products but this current leadership have destroyed the industry and there are a lot more.
So the magnitude of corruption and insensitivity in Nigerian leadership is legendary but at least there is a storm of awareness and God willing by 2015, something will happen. They either conduct a free and fair election or they will go a very very disgraceful way.
Having said that, our inter and intra party struggles, I will only give example with my home state, what happened in my support base, the north-east, north-west and the north-central but Katsina state, once they found out the selfishness of the caretakers, they said let us go and intervene for the CPC, after the elections, we will see what to do. That was why other than one seat which was being merchandized like your governortorial candidacy; all the seats in the federal and all the three senators went to CPC but then unfortunately when the division came, it end at the supreme court but that will prove to you that if other states had maybe adopted the smae idea, let us go and work for the CPC, then we will fill in the blanks. Unfortunately, the filling of the blanks ended at the supreme court but all the same, all the seats less than one for the federal legislature both upper and lower house went to the CPC, this is how strong we are; this is the measure of the strength of the party, we are learning and we will decide what we will do with the issues before the next series of .....
This issue of me contesting or not, a group like you came and they quoted all that you have said and individually, some serious political observers came and saw me and said I must publicly rescind my decision. What I did because they brought the press along, I told them to let the party go and organise itself and I will re-consider my position but they claimed that if said I have changed.
Linda,the truth is that if pdp riggs 2015 there would surely be blood shed,people are tired of them and there have already fueled revolution in Nigerians.
However,it is wrong for Buhari to make such statement,knowing fully well his status in country and also going by the prior allegations that he is machinery behind bokoharam.
I know that there will also be people commenting on this blog who will say his statement is on order. That's d problem with dis country. We are quick to white-wash and politicize everything. This statement should be treated as a threat on national security especially in these Boko Haram times.
Those Northern Govenors are terrible, its now visible that they know something about Boko haram and even have a hand in it, else why should they boldly support blood shed? Infact Northerners shld form their own country and go.
Abeg make we divide dis country o, no be under must to join together abeg make evry body find dem way o
Abeg make we divide dis country o, no be under must to join together abeg make evry body find dem way o
Dis Jona na CONFIRMED ODE. Can 1 idiot (Buhari) hold 9ja to ransome and all jona and his cronies can say is dat he is Bloodthirsty? Tufiakwa to dis spineless man. I miss Baba Iyabo, e for don throw the idiot for crench (Jail)
Ok u need to be able to understand Hausa to understand what he meant. His statment was taken out of context, he did not threaten bloodshed jor!
There is bloodshed everyday and it seems to be escalating steadily without respite.The General said 'the dog and baboon would all be soaked in blood',he was not referring to the masses but to the vampires managing national affairs.If truly we desire positive change then we really need to make the necessary sacrifices to achieve it.Pdp has failed and'll continue to fail us into extinction,their allegiance is not to God or the electorate.
Can we split this country and go our separate ways. We can go the Soviet Union way or adopt the Sudan style of separation. This Blood thirsty guys are heaing up the polity for no just cause.
buharis biggest concern should be staying alive till 2015. he is on his way out already na.
If this man had won in 2011, would nigerians have said the election wasn't rigged? My own is that this man is just jealous and wants to be in power by all means.he talks like he's been cheated of his father's throne.im yet to see a leader figure that has the love of this country at heart
Shame,you are a slave who has no qualms about being a slave to ur equals...and so ur story goes.
If he were behind the boko-haram movement as rumoured by the notoriously unintelligent pdp then why suggest we wait till 2015,why not just keep blowing everything up now?This sandwich-short-of-a-picnic government needs to be told some very hard truths,that's all the General has done and No;he is not wrong for doing that.
It's not called for. God help Nigeria.
linda pls post this ooo abeg! Buhari shld go and sit down , nothin is certain in life u are talkin about 2015 in 2012. Longer throat, thief, agbaya, what did u do when u were in power yrs ago.... U can threaten bloodshed all u like God no go gree u... I dont kno why he wants 2 be president by force ... U have destroyed naija enough , pls let us live in peace biko... Barawo
Pls let us get d message d man was only sounding a note of warning 2 d men in power 2 be carefull. Pls People should stop misinterpretation 4 God sake.
Linda, U̶̲̥̅̊ always post comments dat favours U̶̲̥̅̊! U̶̲̥̅̊ hardly post contrary opinions! T̶̲̥̅̊o̲̣̥o̲̣̥o̲̣̥o̲̣̥o̲̣̥o̲̣̥o̲̣̥ bad, if U̶̲̥̅̊ like if U̶̲̥̅̊ don't post Ω̴̩̩̩̥α U̶̲̥̅̊ sabi
Linda, why did u fail to add that the A C N did also defend Buhari, the spokes man of A C N in person of Lai Muhammed issued a statement to support the stand of Gen. Buhari. Buhari didn't "threaten blood shed" like u put it. Stop givin wrong info, get ur facts right b4 publishin erroneous and misleading informatio. In jan.2012 obasanjo did warn dat if d government is not careful, wht happend in egypt mite hapen in Nigeria, and deres was no hullabalu about his statement. ill urge all to go and read d press releases frm d presidency & PDP,n also d reply of CPC and simply make ur analysis. U can find evry in sahara reporters. Yes, I am a supporter of Buhari, and I support him solely becos he has proven to b d best wit unparallel integrity n competence in all his years of service. Wht has PDP offered us in d past 13yrs? They have only succeeded in messing our democracy up, evidence is fuel subsidy scam, pension scam, power scam, d lst is endless. PDP can't not manage dis country, dey cannot transform dis country, if we must break from d norm which is "kleptocary", Buhari it is, talk about courage, will, competence,integrity, commitment etc. Trust mi, if our common wealth was/is put to optimum use, Nigerians will live a gudlife and d dis unity dat is so obvious will not exist at all, we will b better educated and enlinghtened.
Can we divide away from these northerners.
Linda this is my first time commenting on your blog and I would advice you to stick to gossip since you do not know what is happening in Nigeria polity. Maybe you don't know what PDP and Jonathan have caused this country. A great havoc and in 2015 if things are not put in order then you will see the prophecy of GMB coming to pass. I rest my case.
And u r an even bigger fool for thinking free and fair elections can be delivered on the back of threats and violence. May u be the first partakers of the bloodshed if any. You and the bitter loser Buhari. I have no respect left for him. *walking away*
Buhari and those Northern governors- they are the real sponsors of Boko Haram- how come these terrorists attack federal government but not their northern own state governments??? Can these governors give an account of the money that they have looted and looted from their own people??? Instead, the federal government gets all the blame simply because the man in charge is a Christian- we need to start thinking of separating into two countries and leave our Northern brothers to their own devices- this is what they want and this is what we want. As for Buhari's comments, he should also remember that he and his fellow Northern politicians tried to rig the elections last year by encouraging the underaged to register, so it is not just the federal government doing it
All these Hausa/Islamic pple..ICU. Keep supporting ur brother Buhari/bokoharam. For u guys, shedding blood is a way of life.....
Just make sure u pple are killing urselves very well...don't bring ur drama to the East abeg...bc he that digs a hole for somebody else, will himself/herself fall inside the same hole.
No weapon formed against the children of God will succeed in the Mighty name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth! Amen.
No matter what Buhari meant, he shouldn't have used the term 'BLOODSHED' in his sentence, considering the fact that his pple have killed so many these past yrs and are still killing besides, that term BLOODSHED is way too sensitive to be used by him at a time like this when the nation is in fear....
Or is he tryna intimidate pple to vote for him? The last time I checked, he ain't God and will never be....he may actually die before 2015...#justSaying.
All dose talking about boko haram, trying to rub it on Buhari, if u want to know about boko haram, Ask lieutenant General Andrew Owoye Azazi, he is an appointee of GEJ/PDP, His frm d south south, Bayelsa to b precise. As d National security adviser of president Goodluck jonathan, He is in a position to know, he knows and he has spoken. Seem like generals don't mince word. Dey say it as it is. dis is my 2nd comment on LIB, my 1st comment was some minutes ago.
I think we now know those behind the Boko Haram madness. What is Buhari looking for again? I pray he never gets to Aso rock.
I see a lot of people defending Buhari in their comments. Its a pity, no matter what he meant as an elder stateman, he should never have use the word "bloodshed" knowing fully well that the country is tensed what with the bokoharam. I expect that as an elderstate man he will advice the government and the polity on how to not rig during elections and things the country can do to avoid this. Is he saying that life has no value in terms of politics. Come to think of it, didnt CPC rig elections. We saw young underage nothern girls filing up to vote. So its not a one sided coin its two sided. Its the case of the pot calling the kettle black. Need i remind him that when you point a finger at a person, remember the last four are pointed back at you. If he has no good advice for the country and how we as a nation can move forward let him shut up. Its a huge shame that this is coming from him. He should ask himself what will he be remembered for. In closing, what you say is an expression of what is in the heart. Linda if you like dont post this. And as for you insulting linda calling her a fool etc. Its a show of immaturity and lack of tact. You dont have to insult anyone to make a comment or a point. Haba.
Buhari will not smell ASO ROCK in his life time. stupid man.
No wonder Nigeria is in the state it is in... people insulting Buhari purely because he is from the North... without looking at his statement without bias... WE DESERVE ALL THESE LOW QUALITY. USELESS LEADERS THAT STEAL FROM US AND RIG THEIR WAY INTO POWER. AND WE ALL KNOW THAT IS WHAT PDP WILL DO>>> BY THE TIME JONA FINNISHES WITH US< NIGERIA WILL HAVE DISINTERGRATED!
Buhari is not God and so cannot play God.he is not even sure of the next second and he is declaring war in 2015....as long as he is projecting bloodshed to kill innocent souls he will not live to see 2015 in Jesus name!
Buhari is not God and so cannot play God.he is not even sure of the next second and he is declaring war in 2015....as long as he is projecting bloodshed to kill innocent souls he will not live to see 2015 in Jesus name!
The only problem in this is that it is only Buhari that can confirm if an election was free and fair,because he is the most righteous man on earth and the only one who has monopoly of voilence.
Those saying its a conditional statement are foolish".....so someone comes to you house to say,if you don't dispose of your refuse properly,you will/may suffer frm disease or if you don't dispose of your refuse,ppl on the street will dig up your sewage and feed it to your kids......Are they the same?the first is conditional in the sense that the effect is a natural result to be expected while the second is a conditional threat cos its unnatural
Should violence be a natural consequence of election rigging?besides General,who will carry out the violence,tell us,as you know better.BLood thirsty Mallam
You who call this a conditional statement are cowards.if it is,then a death threat to ur family is conditional.maybe when someone walks up to you and says "if you keep living on this street,your family will see bloodshed "maybe you will smile and take it as a conditional statement
Besides,as we know,any election that was not won by Buhari was rigged,that's the yardstick to determine it so your balance of safety hangs on a thread.you better vote him.* strong sigh*
I think d misconception people get is d issue of bloodshed i want people to understand something d situation in Nig now has gone beyond worse people ar angry wit d government, there in anger in d land anybody can voice out his or her pains i support Buhari courage if a child does wrong is d duty of d father to correct d child. People ar fed up wit GEJ govt he cant take us to the promise land we need change in 2015 we need a credible & a competent leader either a mulsim or a christian that can take dis country 2 d promise land.
Buhari is the only guy that have vision to change Nigeria bad state into right one, for me even if he wants to covert nigeria to a muslim state and transform nigeria to be developed as south africa, then to hell with Christianity and religion. I like buhari, he is a man for 2015, PDP has killed us with unfulfilled promises, is high time someone like buhari stands up to there evil plan, for this nation to go ahead, it needs to start from somewhere.
Why are hausas always talking about BLOODSHED, does it always have to go down to killing innocent people.
Buhari, you are nothing but a coward. You guys destroyed the country and now want to turn it into another Somalia. When you guys were there, you did nothing so what difference does it make if a Southerner is there. You guys are just bloodthirsty and power hungry. I always knew he was behind Boko Haram. May God strike you and the other 19 Northerner govs down before 2015. Mschewww, nonsense.
Anyway, the government better get ready to fight these Northerners, I don't care for any negotiations, kill them just like how Barack Obama killed Bin Laden. Yes, evil people MUST come down at some point. Northerners, this is your time, before you guys finish Nigeria, we will finish you.
Nigerians! Sufferin and smiling. We only know hw to complain but no action. I am a yoruba christian lady but because i am so so tired of the situation in this country, i too will take to the streets if the election is rigged come 2015. It is time to lay sentiment aside and be objective so we can move forward. Sentiments got us to where we are today because it was obvious frm the beginin that Jonathan was a timid man who does not have leadership skills but nigerians voted him anyway. I didnt vote for him anyway cos i am not stupid and i love Nigeria too much for that. We get bloodshed everyday as a result of bad governance so if we need a final bloodshed to get a better niger, why not? At least, they will die as patriots and not victims. I dont care who wins the election as long as he/she has what it takes to rule us to greatness. Aluta continua!
WOW long comment. Next time break it with paragraphs, makes it readable.
I agree with your last statements, must every comment we make be clothed in insults? Imagine a foreigner reading our comments, what will he say of Nigerians?
hmm! vampires!!!
Y are sm people here sayin Linda shld stick to gossip....wen una ope d blog no be news,entertainment,fashion etc una see.....no be Linda dey write d news na,nor is she d reporter,she is only quoting wat is on d papers........so is it dat people don't read newspapers anymore,or u just want 2 tell us u can speak engish,n u no politics............I am 100% sure we all voted GEJ in power,cos we tot he was a breathe of fresh air........only Northerns didn't vote him,so I don't see how dey rigged......make una read newspaper n leave linda alone.....it is her duty 2 give us news,n ur duty 2 comment or not
Does Buhari think that because he was supported by northerners during the election means that the whole Naija voted him? Is he daft? I'm positive GEJ won that election even. He probably didn't need ti rig it(if he actually did).
Even if Buhari won in all the northern states, he wont have won the election. I'm positive the whole of niger delta, the east, the south, most of the west voted GEJ.
Hehee, onyem na Mordi, ur Columbian & Ikenegbu brodas dey ur bak gidigba. We dey support ur statements 4 dis LIB anytym anyday all d way frm "Nwanyi Waawaa restaurant", Tropical village & ndaa Lety ...
God! U are so very Stupid, must everything lead to religion sentiments? Re u blind? Can't u see the Rot naija has bcome? U re so very senseless! A failed govt, crippled Economy, Mass poverty, poor infrastructure,Weak electricity! Massive looting! And u talk about religion, then u re outrightly nut! Obj is a xtrian n was a president, is Jonathan not a christain? Pls wake up! Ode radarada
Carry ur preaching go church pls!
Well said! God bless u too
Pure ignorance!
Its beta u watch wat u say abt religion nobody has said anytin abt religion here its a regional tin so don't get it twisted want 2 believe ur educated!!!!
Anony 8:22pm and u are the greatest fool for backing this present adminstration! Are you blind to see that nigeria has failed! Why add baseless sentiments into a life threatn issue as that of naija! U need ur numbskull fixed!
Pure ignorance!
Well said! God bless u too
Why are u suprise at the word bloodshed? Is it not happening already? This is confession time . All of them backing boko haram will be exposed. Now I feeling bloodshed is an understatement . O guess he ment to say "wiped out" . But that's only if God don't "take him out" before 2015.
i see you Angel by fifi! only if every other Nigerian could reason like you. wouldn't the country be a better place?
Jen u r so much of a brainless child n its very sad. What are they saying what are u saying? Must everything be about religion? Didn't u go to school at all or u just passed through school. Better wake up to reality before u r been sold. Ode omo olodo oshi..... Stupide child mchewwww
Buhari may not see the year 2015
This jen is a useless fellow. As in u hold a top rank been daft. R u freaking kidding me or u didn't go to school. Must everything lead to religion what the hell did obj do in his days is he not a christian? What has that idiotic brother of urs badluck done since he's been on the seat, isn't he a christian too? Ode omo, akuri agba. Do u know millions of nigerians that will be happy if they hear goodluck is dead cos he's just a waste to this nation doing nothing n u r here bringing religion in to politics better wake up from ur slumber jonzer oshi..... Useless thing!!!
i still believe that there is a better way of handling this PDP election rigging than bombing innocent people.With this kind of violence in his system i believe he should not come close to the presidential seat.It is a really bad situation in Nigeria.If only they will go after the people that RIG the elections,and leave innocent people alone.GOD PLEASE HAVE MERCY!
Stop being an ignoramus,there are only about 6 or 7 dominant muslim states in the north. Read up and stop inciting yourself and fellow iileterats like you to hatred and violence.I have never heard of a religion who applauds violence.every religion has extremists.people please wake up,these leaders are using religion to rob Nigeria dry. Notin go remain for our pikins
We've been calming down since dude... And our country is dead
when people who are supposed to uphold the constitution and laws of the country starts to talk about blood baths, you know the country is funked!... #bastards criminals#
when people who are supposed to uphold the constitution and laws of the country starts to talk about blood baths, you know the country is funked!... #bastards criminals#
N there goes this blog's senseless chi again. Was actually looking out for ur comment n thank God u didn't fail me. Its d christians I see they aren't violent stupid thing n what's on ground isn't even about religion stupid thing. If buhari enters for 2015 pls tell ur father n the king of ur hometown to take him down ode jatijati.... Mchewww
Buhari is delusional. Jonathan won the election by far!!!! Nigerians voted for him. Northerners backed you up but all Nigerians DID NOT because we are all tired of Hausas ruling and wanted to give another tribe a chance, and him being the Vice President, also makes sense. Even though, Jonathan is not doing his job well, at least a new change from the usual one. Hausas are notorious for rigged election, and this is the first HONEST Nigeria's election where citizens participated.
Buhari will not do any better for the country, so what's their crying about. Nigeria is a failed country with recycled incompetent leaders, it needs NEW EVERYTHING. Nigerians, don't be afraid of the hausas and their threat. There's already bloodshed, so I guess they want to kill the whole country now? IBB, Atiku, Buhari and many Northerners are the sponsors behind BOKO HARAM.
We have to go through our own CIVIL WAR before change can come. Yes, since everybody is afraid to die, it's better to die for freedom than nothing. So Buhari, the south, East and West are ready. BRING IT ON, LOSERS!!!!
The people have lost hold of the government. Democracy is supposed to be about the people. A government of the people, for the people and by the people. GEJ's administration is making life more difficult for the masses and that has given room for such statements, though claims have it that the statement was twisted and mis-interpreted...but if u leave a crack in the wall, the lizard will find it's way into it.
Buhari is such a sore looser. Must he rule this country? Buhari & his cohorts need to die so we can have peace or better still let the north leave the rest of us & go rule n bomb themselves. Nonsence pple.
Thank you, Sir! Your comment is one of the few rational comments I've read so far.
Linda the General's comment was made in hausa and tranliterated into English. I'm sure that you know that a transliteration is different from a translation. The expression "kare jini, biri jini" which was what Buhari used, is a common figurative expression in hausa which tranlates to a tough battle! It is akin to the yorubas saying "Gongo Aso" which could be translated to mean "it wont be easy. I could educate you on the etymology of "kare jini, biri jini" statement but i will save you the stress. It is pertinent however to point out that what he said was to the effect that the 2015 election would not be easy and he would not just roll over and die should the PDP choose to rig like they always do.
If i say to you "Linda, it rained cats and dogs." Will you go outside expecting to see literal cats and dogs? Of course not. That is because you understand english and you know that I used the expression figuratively. I bet you that the person who does not understand the english language would actually expect to see cats and dogs falling from the sky because he does not understand the nuances of the language.
sthe guy z jst being 'all emotional'...n i honestly dnt wan2 vent any word out cuz it ld'nt solve anything...pls some1 get him a tissue b4 he starts crying rivers......'buari pass d mic'
I am not a northerner or a muslim but I support Buhari nd am quiet fluent in hausa pls linda stop delivering half news get sum1 2 interpret wat Buhari said 2 u properly cos he spoke in hausa, nd all u journalist linda inclusive re delivering half baked news in inciting ur readers negAtively, linda I am disappointed in u 2 say d least.
I work in d north nd all of u dat re ignorantly sayin boko haram is Buhari's way nd d northern leaders way of disturbing d democracy of d country, re u aware dat most of d boko haram members being caught re mostly southern christains nd dats a FACT dat journalist nd blogs refuse to write abt, so pls let all focus on bringing d best man in in 2015 nd stop allowing fake gist like dis distract us abeg. Nd 4 u ppl's info Nigerians have had enuff nd if any foolish leader thinks he can cum rig enter nd continue chopping our money, he had better think twice.
As 4 u linda I think fashion nd gossip shld be ur focus I LOVE u 4 dat stick 2 it, but politics abeg pls leave it 4 does dat re ready 2 investigate nd dig deep cos we don't get d real gist MOST of the tym on d pages of our newspapers. Hand don dey pain ♍ƺ sef tshewwww.
pple pple relax shey dem wan rule.make we see which naija dem wan rule.blood sucking demons
Linda, sometimes i see it appalling when you try to prescribe an opinion to your readers. I suppose you should ask for opinion not giving us your judgement and prompting us to follow. Who amongs us is happy with the way things are going on in this country, who amongs us is happy with the way our government is being run, who amongs us is comfortable with the circumstances among us? and how long shall we continue this way? there has to be a change and remember oppresors never allow you freedom voluntrily unless you fight for it. If they dont have anything to hide they should stop panicking. There is monumental corruption in every sector of our life, even the religeous sector is not left out and we are folding our hands and looking up to heaven without doing a thing about it. I trust that heaven only help those who help themselves.
I need to have a rethink about my persistent love for this man and the positive change I think he represents going by his track record as incorruptible. Chei! He has not even come out to deny it.He should further tell us whether his children and clan will be part of the baboons and dogs that will be soaked in BLOOD. The search for REFINED and TRUE leaders continue.
It only shows you how frustrated people are about this government.. We are only just parming and praying ooo
copy and paste journalism is not cool. endevour to do your own research and verify claim/source. the hausa adage in question would have lost meaning in intepretation, besides dont we all nigerians feel the same way? the occupy protest was against electoral fraud and oppression by the PDP, nigerians are agitating for a revolution-buhari was just reaffirming.The south south youths have threathen the country if GEJ looses 2nd term.
politics is drawn on religious and tribal sentiment in Nigeria.
lol.....ara n'agba ndi ara........ama nna gi chikwa.......anu ohia...lol
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