According to the chairman of the House of Reps committee on Diaspora, Hon Abike Dabiri-Erewa, a 72 year old Nigerian woman, identified as Fausat Aosede is being held in Brazilian over drug related offenses.
Hon Dabiri-Erewa traveled to Brazil with some members of her committee on a fact finding mission after the woman's plight and that of at least 456 other Nigerians, including 14 women, serving various jail terms over drug offenses, were brought to her attention by an NGO known as 'Youths Without Borders'.
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In a media chat this week, the law maker said the 72 yr old woman was lured to Brazil on the pretense of getting medical treatment by another lady called Patricia. When it was time for the old woman to go back home, Patricia allegedly gave her a parcel to take back to Nigeria. Unknowingly to the old woman, the parcel contained drugs. She was arrested at a Brazilian airport as she tried to leave the country.
Because of her age, the woman is not in prison as Brazilian law forbids jailing anybody above the age of 70, but she is being held in confinement and will be sent to a remand home if convicted.
The honourable said a lawyer has been arranged to handle the woman's case, and that of other Nigerians serving jail terms in the country.
This is real wa! 'Ts so unfortunate tho'
The old woman's story is quite pathetic and to think she was betrayed by a fellow wowan is terrific.
Why must we go and disgrace ourselves overseas?! This woman is meant to be taken care of by her children and blessing her grandchildren instead of setting a bad example. If I may add, she barely looks 72
Dats not her picture oh!!that's Abike Dabiri.
Mr.I must comment,are u daft? And pls what planet are u from? Dats Hon.Dabiri who went to find out the situation of things in Brazil.Also,dont u read before commenting?The post says she was tricked into carrying the drugs.Chineke mere gi ebere,Oluku. Mtcheew
@Anon 8:13pm
Did you actually read the post?Who barely looks 72? the woman in confinement whose pics is not displayed or the pics of lawmaker Abike who is not even upto 60.u need to open eyes before using ur fingers
@Anonimous 12:13pm: Are u from dis planet? Urgh!
Was about 2reply anon 12:13 bt u ppl ve done it already so let me not bother....but anoda note,so many youths in ou generation are not enlightened at all!!so re u trying 2tell me dat anon 12:13 dosent know who Abike Dabiri is???na wa ooo
The case of the 72 year old woman is a bit baffling to say the least. Who on earth would allow their elderly mother or grandmother travel to Brazil for medical treatment on her own?? Also, why travel all the way to Brazil and not India, which is far cheaper and easier to get to?? Her story is very very fishy indeed!
That dumb guy wey talk say na Abike Dabiri dey jail, e fit get degree from one university oo....smh
That dumb guy wey talk say na Abike Dabiri dey jail, e fit get degree from one university oo....smh
Anonymous March 29, 2012 8:56 PM dont mind them ooo,they only got to know how to browse when they started having bb now so what do you expect..
please find a way to encourage Nigerians to work hard for theirb money instead of resorting to short cuts to get rich quick. When a 72 year old woman goes to this extent to make money, you begin to wonder if she wants to take it with her to her grave.
I am, the no Sender.
So, so unfortunate. Poor granny and to think she's been duped into this. The heart is desperately wicked, who can know it. I just pray the poor woman comes out of this and the persons, the real criminals are caught.
But as much as the Dabiri led committee is concerned, i say, good initiative and they've been fantastic. I do however wonder if they are not going beyond their mandate and perhaps usurping some redundant government agency like Immigerations or the Embassy.
I shudder to think what it's costing the tax payer to get the committee go to 'n' fro Brazil, as well as upkeep. Isn't it about time that the agency of government responsible for issues like this is made to pull their weight so that the Dabiri led committee can concentrate on proactive legislative tasks and perhaps save us hard currency.
I no gree with this kind story. In short na lie. How this woman wey dey dis picture go reach 60 yeas talkless 72? Linda don come againooo. Also, if she dey prison as linda talk, na eim be say brazil prison na enjoyment, see as her skin dey smooth. Me sef, I wan go brazil prison make my skin smooth too. Linda wan take us play fotubol, msheeeew.
I hate nta and I hate naija politics n current affairs,but I still know abike dabiri...don't be annoyingly daft.u knw urself
Well its possible anon 12:13 might not know Abike Dabiri if he is not from the south western state peeps, so that put the hammer on him yet.. Abike Dabiri is not that popular 2 b known accross the federation ..scur
Dis Anon Guy Is Daft....Very Dull..Dats Hw U Guys Go And Fail Waec And Neco.Bcos u Can't Read Simple English...Dint u read dat she was Set up? Nd Hw Com U Dnt Know Abike Dabiri? I Dnt Blame U,Wen U Spend All ya Time Watchin Blue Film,Hw Wil U Know Abike Dabiri?
Terrific? Hmm, I think horrific sounds better. Meanwhile linda,the country is brazil, not brazilian. You're welcome.
Its ok, we understand. U type before thinking abi? Excuse it away as 5min of madness.
U're an idiot. Read before u utter rubbish.
Devil and his handwork. The Brazilians are setting this woman up. It is well.
I believe her story and thank god she wasn't sent to jail.
are you high?or blind?is it illetracy?or you are just incredibly stupid?cant you read the part about the woman being tricked?pls read and understand b4 commentin.it will help you a lot,even in your everyday life.pls en
FG need to save this country from all this mess!
Another dumb daft!biko read the title well again,or better still go back to primary school.y can't some pple comprehend simple tns?wat re u doing on d internet by d way?
I am, the no Sender.
@ Anonymous Mar 29, 2012 03:11 PM, seriously. Are you for real or an about to be uttered joke? Ok, am waiting for the punch line so tha I can start laughing.
I suppose, you've got eyes right? But can they see? If they can, can they read? If they can, can your brain connect to your eyes and interprete what you read?
Somehow, I think you lost the ability to process simple english and understand them. I suggest that you let Linda know what language you understand other than english so that you'll be getting posts in it.
How can you be so so not intelligent. The caption by the pic says Abike Dabiri and yet your eyes and brain tell you she is the 72yr old woman in question. You also read other commentators chastising Anonymous 12:13 on the misrepresentation and yet you make the same error. And to think you want to go to Brazil to be jailed. That might even be the best, at least the world will be one less of another nitwit. Abegi!
Its so annoying how people cannot understand simple sentence and still want to show relevance. how can u say dat Abike Dabiri is d one in prison. it only shows dat some ppl dont read posts, they just make silly comments. Linda i hope u find a way of censoring ds comments cos lots of ppl are complaining about it on twitter. the level of ignorance and hate especially.
in btw, i pray that the woman be vindicated if she's truly innocent and let the criminals face the music themselves.
R u sure u have tv in ur house? Or is it that u have never tuned into NTA....
@Anon 11:11pm thats not the woman we are talking about nah.... Thats Abike Dabiri. Chei, most of us dont read the post before commenting sha...Loool
We do have some educated illitrates on this blog. Wow! That is why the unemployment rate in this country is so high. I wonder how they pass their exams!
Anybody that doesn't know Abike Dabiri does not listen to the news or read papers, that is pardonable but commenting without reading is just way too foolish. That is why many people fail English language exams cos they conclude before reading the comprehension.
Quite unfortunate
heya i pity the old woman, i hope abike succeds in her bid to help her and the other inmates and as for dose who just read d headlines and look at piture to comment, may God deliver u from b brain blockage....useless olodos..
@I am no sender. Damn you are good! Did you learn all that in a school or somethin make me too go enroll. I like those zingers you threw at that mofo. I jotting them down now till i'm gonna need them one day
@truthhurts,,,,tell ♍ε d wrds dat 'no sender'used dat u av neva heard in̅ Чυя life dat wll make u enrol in2 sch,,,am sure u Я still in̅ primary sch,,well gud luck in̅ Чυя common entrance exam
Sorry my people, make una no vex. Na me be the anonymous for March 29 2012 11:11 PM. I no know say na abike dabiri be that for picture. I knowam now. Eyaaaa, but wetin she find go brazil wey dey take catcham? All this our lawmakers sef, ehh. Na so dem go dey chop our money dey go. God don catcham now. Anyway shaa, one day na for thief, everyday na for landlord!
Linda ikeji blog and the followers rock! U can never be bored here!
Let justice prevail...did any1 notice?...4d first tym Gbenga is at least polite
All ou you that drinking panadol over someone else's comment should all take a chill pill. The caption is confusing and Linda's followers are not only nigerian based people. How many of you know your state lawmakers? Peace
what do u expect where poverty is the order of the day!!!
is she not madam saje
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