Here's how they are reporting it...
MediaTakeOut.com has been doing some digging...and we just uncovered some shocking evidence...and it suggest that Beyonce may be carrying around a fake baby - possible as a decoy against paparazzi.
MediaTakeOut.com was first tipped off by dozens of readers who claimed that Bey's new 2 month old baby looked strange in recent pics...and they suspected that Bey might be carrying around a doll - instead of a 2 month old baby.Kinda ridiculous, don't you think? Continue reading...
Well MedaTakeOut.com did an investigation - and our findings were STARTLING!!! We looked at photos of Blue taken about a WEEK AND A HALF in New York - and compared them with images taken two days ago. In the photos, Baby Blue grew in height about 11%. To put that in perspective, if Blue was the AVERAGE HEIGHT two weeks ago (according to the WTO growth charts) she would have been 22 inches tall. In less than 2 WEEKS, Blue would have grown at LEAST 2.5 inches - making her the size of the average FOUR MONTH OLD. A growth rate like that is almost UNHEARD OF!!!
We here at MediaTakeout.com still believe that Beyonce DOES HAVE A REAL BABY - we just question whether she has a FAKE one also. But what do y'all think . . . is Bey walking around with a FAKE BABY???? Do you think Blue is gonna be like those babys on the SOAP OPERAS . . . where one year they're IN DIAPERS . . . and the next year they're GETTING MARRIED???
yup! looking closely at the second pic, theres sumfin fuuny about the babys body posture, the heads in the middle but body overtly slanting to one side.... i wish her all the best if shes faking!
Nah wah for media take out, wat kind of a joke is that, if dey dont have anything doing, they should just suck their head. Re u finding problem check your jamb result, you dont need to stress yourselves anymore, justCLICK HERE AND CHECK YOURS
I cannot believe people still read MTO. I just can't.
MTO and their ridiculous reports.biko linda nwannem,hapu MTO ka MTO hapu gi.
Omo see Analysis,professional AMEB0.......na wa ooooh !
I can't believe people r still talking abt beyonce people need to get over it let live her and her child alone FYI don't get her news from medatakeout and dnot believe everything u read
Linda, i nor know oooooooo. Na only God go fit tell oooooo
This media take out people should leave Bey alone. First, they showed evidences she wasnt pregnant so i'm surprised they've come with this .
Hmmmmmmm!!! Story akpamu........... Story don tie wrapper.
I guess the surrogate mom is still breastfeeding the baby. And since she staged that she was pregnant, she has to keep up with the act. Once the baby is weaned, she will be brought back to mama. Beyonce is still the child's mother, the egg that firmed the child was hers..
Linda, dont be ridiculous by posting anything from media takeout. Its friday, can news really be this damn slow?? Who cares.
Y'all need to leave this woman alone. America will look for ways to say somethng Negative. Im not a huge fan but can listen to some of her songs..Still, they Need to leave her the hell alone. A baby is supposed to grow. Look how she covers herself so bad to avoid the media, U think she doesnt wish to b free somtyms..(doh its d price u pay for bein a celeb) Still dey shud let d poor girl and her New born BREATHE atlist just a little!! lik omg! even measuring the baby? tha hell..
Gosh these paparazzi pple r idle sha....rolling eyes mtsewwwww..........
Na wa o. Gold fish truly has no hiding place.
Paparazzi practically follows you everywhere.
Can dt baby breathe under dose heavy clothes...na wa o aunty beyoncee do not suffocate dt poor child...abi na doll..wateva d case mayb...na u sabi
Gosh these paparazzi pple r idle sha....rolling eyes mtsewwwww..........
Linda abeg,leave matter. na she go first born? if she likes let her carry omo langidi, na she sabi. I dont know what is so spectacular about her baby.
The baby on the left is not real. There were several pictures were taken that day, and that thing never changed position.
Na wa o!Make dem free dis Beybey nau!!
Lwkmd.... First she wasn't pregnant, now fake baby.... They'll not let her rest!!!!
Lol, this ain't funny at all.
Beyonce is a good singer, a good mother. I really like your blog, I write from Peru and visit my blog http://elespejodemaxwell.blogspot.com/
Honestly, I'm a huge fan of Beyonce but it was so obvious it's been fake all along. Why can't she just come clean about it?
...to those dumb enough to believe she was truly pregnant in the first place.
This MTO people sef....but the baby does look funny..
If it is beyonce I can believe it ! She is not perfect I reapeat she is not perfect! There must be somthn wrong wit her and I think this mama has baby problems! Hehehe jst sayn
If it is beyonce I can believe it ! She is not perfect I reapeat she is not perfect! There must be somthn wrong wit her and I think this mama has baby problems! Hehehe jst sayn
What me i sha know is that she didnt have that baby shikenna....
Mchewwwwwww,these people should leave this woman and her baby alone, don't they know fabric increases the lenght of a baby? and clothes & shoes. This woman was pregnant and she had a child,let's leave it at that! NEXT!
If she carries around her baby DOLL,so what. na wah for these stackerazzi.
I cant believe u reposted this crap u should no better,try and check other sites that u can get reliable american news from or just stick with nigeria gossip.
This is not a story abeg. Let.them say. Small time now people will say beyonc is a man or transgenda that she didn't have a womb. So if it really a doll or a fake baby, i think she love what she carry.afterall people carry dog. Chiwawa.
Lol. This ppl ehn! They should just allow them enjoy their real/fake, surrogate/B carried/adopted baby. Hiaa
Na wah I fear des celebs, Media takeoff dis a gud research sha. Let's kip our fingers crossed for more update as d real truth unfolds.
******Omalica cares*****
LWKMD!!! Thot she was seen breast feeding her baby outside some weeks back abi was that her PR agency @ work? Neways nothing is impossible....but really TÑ’Î way they haunt these celebrities I don't think I pray Ï„̅☺ be one..haba!!
Is there any negative tin they'v not siad abt this particular baby?first it was the meanin of her name.Now this!btw it seems baby blue has a strange growth pattern becos even wen she was pregnant,dnt think d pregnancy was up to 9months! But that's jus me wat do I kno...Why would a woman that jus put to bed be walkin around town wit a fake baby? It doesn't make sense!!!
First the fake pregnancy and now a fake baby! What does she gain deceiving people? It doesn't make any sense.
This is just silly!
Thoughts in my head;
Linda Ikeji and her readers can be so so gullible :)
Okay.... let's add to the mystery / confusion and take Linda and LIB readers for a little ride, then rob them of their trinkets and jewellery :)
The story by MTO is absolutely true. It was confirmed on CNN, Jarusalem Post, Arabia TV, Moscow News, BBC News 24, Oprah and by the Queen of England that Beyonce is carrying around a doll instead of her new born baby. There you have it folks. It's official. It's been confirmed that Beyonce has been fooling LIB, DailyMail, FoxNews and MTO readers. Let's get the United Nations to arrest and persecute Beyonce for the crime of fooling already gullible people.
Smh. lol. :)(:
This people are just very foolish, even if she's carrying a cat wetin concern them.... jeez.... She's using a baby carrier in d first pic n blue ivy is bound to be small init, cos Beyonce fastened the belt..... These paparazzi ppl sha...
Linda, Does her /thier behavior seem normal to you. Just like Michael Jackson weird behavior with ' his' kids. Supposed kids. Too fishy. If it smells like rotten fish, it is rotten fish,period.
No wayyyyyy. I thought I had the real picture on my mantelpiece of Big B carrying little b. I feel deceived. My heart is broken. I guess I'd go today for retail (shopping) therapy to help me overcome this terribly bad news. 😒😔😞😖😥😰
It may be true na wa
hahaha!!!!the facts are obvious na! i still believe she kinda faked her pregnancy sef. she's a very secretive person and showing off her pregnancy like that at the mtv music awards was sooooo unlike her(we havent even seen their wedding pictures till date).secondly,she didnt even gain weight during her pregnancy like most pregnant women do and a month after she is up and running looking as skinny as ever....Jeeeeezzz!!!!!"werrin be dat beee??? :)"
am not a big fan of Bee, but meadiatakeout bullshit shd take a chill pill, she already released d pictures of d cute girl, am sure they r pained she didnt sell d exclusive pictures to them,and moreover n d 2nd pix what doll wld have such natural hair? mscheeew
I swear im soooo fucking tired of this Beyonce n her baby lies!!! *Side eye n rolls eyes*......It sooo cud be true! Bitch been lying from day 1!!Hian!!!! Get lost already!!!!!!
Ahan....dis is what we kall...NKAN BE
Kilode!dey shld free her nau,blue can't be a doll
Sick press. As long as they sell their papers.
she is carrying orisa...osanyin
Seriously,this people should leave Beyonce and her baby(fake or real)alone na,abi wetin be their business sef.....mschwwwwwwww
Really mto,come on! this has to be the most ridiculous story i ve ever read.
Dey should jst let ha be joor. Can't dey see d hair of d baby. Which 1 is nw doll. She had a baby. Dis media houses shld get over themselves. Rubbish.
Yeh I read dis already on mediatakeout. *yawns*
MTO guys r just idle fucks
Oh pls.That trashy site.
No Mind Them! Na Bad belle Mumu Mediatakenyash! Na Beyonce Pikin be That jo0orh! Wait first, Wetin concern them their Sef?
Person go just carry Doll baby dey waka? Mtcheeew.. 4gerrabout. People Dey Form mumu news! Veri soon them go say na Illuminati ish! Abegi! #NEXT
This media takeover bullshit should allow Beyounce and her family be.if they claim Ivy Blue is a doll,is jst a matter of patience and time d truth will b known.fink all these stupid comment frm d media is to cause crack in her marriage trust me.Lady B,U,JayZ and Blue shld stay away frm d MEDIA.shikena.
Well I'm not surprised about dis report from MTO,dey report the stupidest thing ever,hw person go dey carry doll up and down,come on na..if its really a doll according to MTO,shebi she no go wan fall herself hand she go Kukuma put am for house.....make una leave my beyonce for me oo..
Nawaoooo! These media people won't let nwa mmadu zu li ike. It's like they are doing everything in their power to bring mama Blue down. Let's wait until Jay-z vexes!! Na den una go see STORY!!
~ Menakaya's Baby.
Wha† is our consign? Mtcheeeeeeew! If shع likes, le† her bع carrying †hose full-sized manequins wع see a† boutiques. I† is no† my consign, neither is i† urs MTO!
Linda d Blogger...You are really trying....i can't do without your blog....
Useless jobless mto...how can that be when it's obvious that d baby was on a carrier in the first & hand carried in slanting position in d second with beyonce's head down in d second pic touching blue's head.....yes I know that cos I'm a mother of four with experience & can say that diff carrying position can give diff effects
Drama makes headlines. I am sure what to say about that one - but it works in a reversal. If they keep insisting that she's carrying a fake baby they will in turn prompt her to reveal the baby's face to the public. Beyonce will have to just the paparazzi photograph her baby. Full stop. Or ignore their articles.
And yes, I still blog on http://www.goldtree.co.za
Because babies grow! "roll eyes" I am so over Bey though! Hiding her baby like she is micheal jackson. She is not the first celeb to have a baby. Get over yourself already!
Leave this girl alone! What is it? These people are just psychos.Not funny!
really!! it shouldnt be anybody's cup of tea whatever bey does with her life .its her life and she owes no one if she is carrying a baby or baby doll
Enuff of all dis devil's, fake or no fake she don born pikin, plastic or flesh
Media takeshot takeout..or whateva they r been called,u guys shuld leave bey d hell alone,why take drugs for anoda person headache
She has done evrytin possible to show she's a mother yet pple won't let her be.....GOSH
Oyinbo people to like wahala sef, if she dey carry fake baby nko, hw e take affect dem life....jobless idiots
White people r very jobless sha...using measuring tape 2 measure baby
Very ridiculous report....Lmao, they just haters!
Na una knw oh.......
Na una knw oh.......
Lol, MTO should leave Mrs. Jay Z alone now, Haba!
Well dere r so many rumors surronding dis baby,it makes me wonder!
Æ ̴̴͡w possible ÈŠ̝̊̅§ dat? Carrying a doll βα̲̅βƔ around...mtseww,cant βε̲̣̣̣̥ bothered mehn aπϑ its none of my concern.*yawns*next gist pls
Beyonce has already shown d world her baby's face, why then is she going all dis lenghts to hide her baby? I mean, why not just leave the baby @ home? Why r u prancing about with a 2 month old baby? If its a real baby she's carrying, don't see why she will use her sweater to smother it cos of paparazzi
A doll?...rubbish...leave Ivy nd her mom alone....even if its a dull, it ain't ur business
But I don't no why ppl do this? Why will she be carrying a fake baby??? And even if she is! Wht does it got to do with dat.
Please don't quote me cos I can only pay my own legal fees if sued for it for character assassination. Okay, ermmm... I read from someone who read from some then blogged it that Beyounce had that child for Michael Jackson. They claimed that MJ left sperm for her and Jay-Z in a sperm bank. Is it true?
I'm obviously bored :)
Leave beyonce alone, leave beyonce alone. Hw ridiculous cos that's not possible. Her ass can't always be kissed. Her gimmicks and trickery are news worthy. If she seizes to think she can manipulate people then she might be left alone on the baby topic.
Linda you shouldn't be posting ignorant stuff like this. It makes no sense. Are the two pictures at the exact same proportion? It's sad how the public lacks basic math skills. That's why these people publish rubbish like this and some believe them. smh
if she like make she wrap her mama inside their eno concern any body ohhh
she would have avoided all of this if she had just shown the world her large stomach afterall she no dey wear cloth before and all of a sudden gbam she started covering up just deceiving people. she for learn from mariah carey who showed the world her large stomach so nobody doubts her. bey would have avoided all of this.....
Abeg they shuld just leave dis woman alone o.... so wat if its fake aw does dat affect anybodi? dat is her life and she is doing fine wit it, wat are u doing wit urs????
Has anyone stopped to ask why you would be carrying around a two month old baby, is that safe? ehn Mothers pls is a baby strong enuff to be carried around at the end of winter beginning of spring @ 2months..... I need to know.
I just farted, can y'all smell it? YAWN!!!!...rolling under my blanket for another good round of sleep.
@ Anonymous 11:55am; it is safe to carry ur 2month old baby around as long as it's safe and germ free...As it is she will not be caught taking public transportation or just anyone touch her and Blue....so they are fine. Not sure where they reside but it might be a lot warmer than what we are experiencing in New York right now.
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