Fatou Bensouda and Mohamed Chande Othman
The two Africans are: Fatou Bensouda, a Gambian woman, who is a currently deputy prosecutor at the top war crimes tribunal and Mohamed Chande Othman, who is currently the chief justice of Tanzania.
The two Africans plus two others (from Britain and Canada) are on a shortlist to replace the current chief prosecutor of the ICC, Luis Moreno-Ocampo from Argentina whose term at the ICC is due to expire in mid-2012.
How Inspirational!
Trust the white man to use black people as a front to do their dirty deeds. International criminal court? When are they ever going to drag Israeli leaders for the hundreds of attricities against Palestine? When are they going to prosecute USA, USA and EU for the people they slaughter in Middle East and Africa in their quest for free and cheap oil? When is the Chinese government going to be jailed for Human Rights violations? The people ever brought before the so called are mainly black Africans. The oyinbos ever dragged their are low level oyinbos from low level white countries. The court will eventually lock up more black people than white people. Equality should mean that oyinbos, especially Isreal, USA, China and UK should not be allowed to veto and bully their way out of being prosecuted by the International Criminal Court. Black people are NOT the biggest international criminals.
truly inspiring
Absolutely FANTASTIC!!!! Nigerian Judiciary should wake up and see oooo. no be only to dey preside over election petition and collect bribe the profession is good for but for also making a difference!
Great. How many western leaders or even commoners have been to the international criminal court. A pointless organization if you ask me.
this is nice
Very inspirational wish our judges wld wake up and b responsible and protect deir name aftal a gud name is beta dan great riches. Our legal system needs a complete overhaul from top 2bottom.
very impressed
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