I battled for the non payment of aged elderly military pensioners,
who were dying in their hundreds, I was beaten black and blue by
the military, locked up for thirty days, just to mention a few.
Now I have chosen to fight for the rights of gays and lesbians.
My people,
Building bridges takes us further than building walls.
With no shame but a heart filled with pride,
I do declare that I'm a proud supporter of many Rights.
POLYGAMYRIGHTS #WOMENs RIGHTS, and Charlyboys fucking right to
say how I feel.
Do you know that It takes no compromise to give people their rights,
it takes no money to truly respect an individual.
It takes no political deal to give people freedom.
It takes no probe panel to remove repression, oppression, frustration
Hailings, love, fondness to all my Misunderstood; Stereotyped and Societally Blackmailed friends including gays..and lesbians.
muha muha muha!!!
Love you all. Like kilode.
There are so many qualities that make up a decent human being...
I have been privileged to meet people with very beautiful souls
Sensitive, caring and love filled human beings.
Straight or Gay, what people do with their private parts in their privacy,
is probably so low on my list that it is irrelevant.
All you holier than thou nigerian Christian/Moslems,
I suppose you know say, your morality is not law
What does religion/spirituality mean if we would use it as a cover
for our hate games.
I want you to Understand that, if my friends decide to have sex whether safe,
safer, or unsafe, it is their decision and you have no rights in
their lovemaking.
In fact, if I were to secretly film/broadcast many straight people making love?
the world at large will faint with surprise and horror.
Nigerians go burn thief wey steal N1,000. Hail armed political robbers wey destroy their future; Nigerians go carry Gay matter for Head and at the same time doing exactly the opposite of what the Bible and Quran Teaches, see fake people.
Una mumu never Do?
Who am I to tell you if being gay is right or wrong? Who am I to say if its a choice, decision or some sickness? When I am just human, who sins everyday and comes short of the Glory of God times without number.
So, Before you throw that one stone, before you make that one hateful remark, before you heat up the blogoshphere with your useless and hateful comment. Just know that there are many youths out there who are confused, Depressed and contemplating suicide, simply because of their sexuality. Someone is suffocating, choking & breathless. someone somewhere is hating himself/herself, and everyone else around him/her for being so different. It might be me, you, or someone close to you, for all we know, love is the greatest of all. Before anything else, let love lead!!!
This is dedicated to all those who are deferent, who are misunderstood.
Ok.. noted
your morality is not law, what a nice saying
A very stupid write up, was dat why u kissed denrele.onyx will hit a million likes for this. Where onyx dey sef??
Now charly boy is twisted. One day you will stand up for the right of armed robbers
you're now exposing you self, nemesis will still catch up with you (Ewu aja.)
#istandwithgays #istandwithcharlieboy!!!
Let's support gay people.
I am speechless... Use to think the world still is full of morals. I guess I was wrong... I thought this guy had an origin... Thought he stood for something our children could look up to. I thought the fool was African... My badh
We hv always known u're gay,just come out once and stop this ur humanright bullsh***t.I don't know why Linda Ikeji always pay nonsense attention to every bullsh***t that comes from u,making u relevant. U've always been an irrelevant son of a relevant man,ur late father being the only reason people still recognize u in the streets of Nigeria tday. Everything about u have always been a failure....go and bury ur head in shame....big fooooooooooool.
We know your gay for a long time dull brain am ashamed of you charley gay!!
Enter your comment...baba gay shame
Pls go suck a cock and shut the fuck up! Why does it bother u so much wat 2 consenting adults do with dia lives???? If his gay Ehe???? Is that the reason for not having 10kobo in ur bank account? Ewu gambia
Pls don't do something that will affect people's future pls allow Nigeria with there law pls if u re gay or ur children is lesbian pls take them to Russia because in America trump doesn't like such people
Enter your comment...good write up but wrong and misleading teaching.uncle charlie,u need to get it straight that Gods word can't be changed.He made man and woman for so many decisive purpose.Pls evaluate ur thoughts and doings with Gods word to know if u heading rightly or wrong.
U dis Charlie gay,U really ve problem o cos I just don't understand n I can never understand o....pls get a job n make use of ur life well...
Pure rubbish from an ederly man like u.u reasons are jst so dull and lame, if everybody av a ryt to do whatever dey want wit their life also remember dat everybody have a right to get rich which mean harmed robbery, fraud e.t.c should also be legalise because dey are trying to get rich xo dat dey wouldn't hate themselves nonsense
Hahhahhahah l just dey laugh (LWKM) l knew Charley hate forever for this.
Hahahahah (LWKMH) Charley will get a lot of hater for dis.
President Buhari plss first time in needs u intervention maybe 2 years in kirikiri so I c truly see ppl that ar fighting for a cause like #nnamdikalu
Enter your comment...I am now seriously suspecting this man.I think those who are gay/lesbian are possesed by an evil spirit,cos,I dnt understand y ur feelings wld be for sum1 of d same sex.God helps us all
Repent, Charley grand father. Remember Sodom and Gomorrah
U are stupid......Nigerian sha instead of u to think deep,about what he wrote......u re insulting him....I pray u make it half way of what Charley boy has achieved... Quicy abi wetin ur mama name u
Shout it louder for dose that have ears to listen.. If u no dey for Peerfunding.org, u never start ponzi scheme.....why do hit and run quickie that eats your money instead of a matured secured site like peerfunding that will help recover all your losses and give you an added profit included.
Quincy Rex.....u re as stupid has your mother....n I know nobody in your generation has made it thus far...Charley boy has made this write up making sense,instead of u to sit and think....u just open that ur mouth to insult.....well .we need the foolish to confirm the wisedom of the wise
Love is never a crime against God, if being gay is a crime, who's d victim? Live and let live.
If being gay is a choice then being a pedophile should be a choice too. Mumu Charly Boy
Shameful and baseless talk!!
Your opinion though.
Which wisdom of the wise? Would you pay for the stiches of a little boy's anus destroyed by this so called love for pple different? Why are they so desperate to broadcast themselves? Why do they want to adopt children born by heterosexuals if their so called sexuality makes sense to them they should live with the fact that gays and lesbians can't have children! Don't throw your selves in our faces, the church was made of those who follow the rules of God why want to force to look at your abomination of character in that sanctuary? God said no to it. And I say no to it! So go start your own religion and leave Christianity or Islam alone why do you want to force an acceptance? Mtcheww!
There is a huge difference... gays are consenting adults. Pedophiles have sex with children that don't really understand what they are doing and can't speak or fight for themselves at that age. Please take some time and THINK
Nonsense... Santanic Charlie
I have no problem with Gays and Lesbians... I have stopped the hate a long time ago.
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In general sense he's asking Nigeria's to mind there business
In general sense he's asking Nigeria's to mind there business
This thing called Charley Boy is a fake person.So his next agenda is to mislead people into a perverted sexual behavior....The current American president understand the injury and huge decay of such aberration that's why he has initiated moves to eradicate it from America and some deluded fellow called Charley wants it to be accepted in Nigeria.....Haven't we had enough of this Grandpa...
I tot I was the only one that saw that line.
Charlieboy,area fada,area gay.Shameless notice me
Charley Boy, Chimamanda Adichie and those of you who have the intelligence and understanding that transcends the arrogant ignorance of the lumpen masses, thank you. From most scientific conclusions, people are born either straight or gay, they don't choose their sex. And in my observations humans are born with many imperfections in the different systems of the body. Dwarfism, deafness and dumbness,autism, sickle cell, albinism,alopecia or baldness, stammering giantism,blindness, barrenness, just to name a few. Now if we can have defects in the nervous, skeletal,skin, hormonal, reproductive etc systems, who says we can't have defects in the sexual system? Well those who said it were mostly little-educated zero-scientific 3000 years old characters from religions. Now, that a scientific man of 2017 would allow himself or herself to be informed and led by the nose by an uninformed prophet of ancient history is a shame. But today Africa is the home of shame and ignorance. Thank you Charley Boy, Chimamanda Adichie etc. These our suffering brothers and sisters need big voices to speak up for them regardless of the loud and popular voices of ignorance.
Infact, his late father is the reason why the police haven't gotten him killed or thrown in jail. In is a failed project of a successful judge.
@olamide korede is obvious your gay ass bitch motherfucker instead of the idiot to speak about our economy hs stand for ass lickers like him..one day he will still stand for rapist since he is lion!!
Did you actually hear yourself. Must u use vague words. Who mentioned stupid, mama, or stupid since. The moment Carly put this out. It's in the court of public opinion.
@olamide. Just because you're gay and Charly spoke for your kind that he himself is does not give you right to call someone else with their own opinion derogatory words like stupid and so on. Can't Linda fence words or comments from unreserved comenters like olamide whose orientation had been poluted by the likes of oputa.
Na wa, na real wa, I can't support what the bible say it's wrong, and I won't stand up for anyone that says what the bible says doesn't matter..
Anonymous, am sure you are his partner, animal. Everlasting idiot
Iam reading some of these comments here, wondering- how many laws of the BIBLE you abide by. He who is without sin, let him be the first to cast a stone. The fact you re not gay doesn't gv you any right to pass judgement on those who are.we have to l3arn to respect individual differences that is the only way the world could be a better place. As long as nobody is getting hurt, people should do what makes them happy.
Olamide, why are you insulting someone's mum,?? It's obvious you are gay. People like you are the problem this world has, you should have just been aborted, everlasting bastard
Olamide, why are you insulting someone's mum,?? It's obvious you are gay. People like you are the problem this world has, you should have just been aborted, everlasting bastard
I know someone that is attracted to girls but once she makes out wiv one she hates herself and would even be depressed for failing her promise to God never to do it again so what do u call dat! Truth is man has failed in morals n desency even the law and we can't continue to use hate to try and make ppl bliv they r wrong. For the first time i have learnt today from this post that the best is show love and pray for them even preach but not hate. We are all sinners living in a sinful world only by God's mercy.
Can someone advice me on how to convert my Television to a Refrigerator?
Is there any true difference, the question addressed here is that deferent persons or persons with different sexual orientations should be allowed to be who they are. The major arguments for pro LGBHTS is that they are born like that, that there creation is of God, so their desires is of God.
Are pedophiles that of Satan, most are born peodophile, it ain't of choice, same for rapist.
So I am of the view that if the world would allow for the rights of LGBTHS, then we will push for the rights of pedophiles, rapist e.t.c
The rights of everyone who is deferent/different.
We all want the world to go to hell, let's help u.
If it's our body and we all have right to do whatever with it, then hard drugs and robbery should also be legalized because it's also what the people has chosen, Aturu Gambia
Ignoramus.... Every crime has a victim, if two men decide to get married, no body is being victimized #justseeingreasons... Only intellectuals would comprehend
I never like this old man, stupid article.
I quite disagree no one is born gay its a personal choice.wen ur mature enough u decide to like a particular sex more dan d other.
but charly u cant claim a religion and say ppls right to disobey Gods law is ok..therefore dia shold be arm robbery rights voodoo rights witchcraft right suiciders right den d world turns evik.
d bible frowns on all dat but if u condemn theft assasination etc its all in d same category gay and lesbians so pls ur message and orientation is wrong. except ur gay u shouldnt call urself a christian and stand for one thing and dont stand for d other. dats hypocritical.
lets armrobbers and thief have their own rights naa shebi its poverty dats driving dem to do it freedom of choice..fuck same sex is their choicr and right but its a DAMN failure of commandments so dont get it twsisted.
generational curses r on such set of ppl.
You are wrong o. Morality births laws. Life will be a huge confusion if we don't have laws. Same way people are not allowed to bed their mother's, sisters, underage children or animals. It might be a form of perversion. And yes gay ppl need compassion, love and help not jail terms. But it doesn't mean we should all now become advocates for what is wrong.
Is fornication and adultery not wrong?... Good number of us live in doing them... So don't judge... Because you are not more righteous than them...
Are you married? If no, are you a virgin?
Linda publish my comment or I'll take it u're a lesbian. Charley grand father should go to hell were u born through the anus of a man? Go to hell, u're a pervert. If you feel u're different pray to God to restore u cos the Bible says we're wonderfully and fearfully made in the image of God. Nkem di iche bu ajo afa iburo ezigbo ife. Repent and ask God for direction
People always rush to bring up the Bible as a form of weapon especially with regards to this gay issue... Its this same bible that asks us not to judge, its also this same bible that calls us all God's children,its also this same bible that asks us to love our neighbours but the amount of hatred shown towards this gay people especially in African countries where ironically we have the highest number of"church goers"baffles me...well since in this same Bible all sins are equal, their sins are not any different from the lies we tell,or the malice we bear in our hearts or any other sin we commit in our daily lives...just stop judging and just live and let live till we all face the Almighty on our last day.#peace&love
Oga charlie,pls help us campaign for witches,wizard,Babalowo,kidnappers,armedrobbers,husband- snatchers,rapiest,Fulani herdsmen,looters,ritualist etc,
We are not surprise about your decision ,we know you got from Uganda.
Your late father disowned you while he was alive because he found out that you were a gay,. Now your daughter is initiated into it,please help us include your grandchildren
Useless thing
Rubbish, occultic man, which yeye talk b dis
I thought this man mumu don don. Oga Charley . papa aruru ana.
Senseless beast it's obvious you are fading away so looking for cheap popularity with this insane so called "write-up" this is not America Nigeria is a country of God occupied by God fearing people.... why not say armed robbers have right to oppress the poor masses ? Fucking satanic lunatic.
Senseless beast it's obvious you are fading away so looking for cheap popularity with this insane so called "write-up" this is not America Nigeria is a country of God occupied by God fearing people.... why not say armed robbers have right to oppress the poor masses ? F*cking satanic lunatic.
terrorists also have the right to push their agenda I guess.
Area fads I deh hail you wella for always supporting injustice,this time around ."this is project doom forever.....homosexuality is a crime against God.....don't be deceived....be warned...homosexuality is insanity and completely abnormality and dirty regilious con men used to confused the masses,homosexuality is a spiritual illness.....linda take note oh.please read genesis 19.
Area fads I deh hail you wella for always supporting injustice,this time around ."this is project doom forever.....homosexuality is a crime against God.....don't be deceived....be warned...homosexuality is insanity and completely abnormality and dirty regilious con men used to confused the masses,homosexuality is a spiritual illness.....linda take note oh.please read genesis 19.
Area fads I deh hail you wella for always supporting injustice,this time around ."this is project doom forever.....homosexuality is a crime against God.....don't be deceived....be warned...homosexuality is insanity and completely abnormality and dirty regilious con men used to confused the masses,homosexuality is a spiritual illness.....linda take note oh.please read genesis 19.
Charly Boy is confused and frustrated!
Homosexual is evil, its an evil spirit that possess people, I could remember vividly how I fought it while I was in school, I had a room who was a lesbian and every night I would be seeing myself making love to a follow woman, I started praying over it and God delivered me. Linda for the first time post my comment abeg.
At Charley boys age he and exposure, I never knew it will come to this. He still lacks wisdom only relying on his abnormal brain of his. He needs to check his brain cus no amount of logic u can use to throw ur devilish and absurd reason down our throat. If your mother was a lesbian and your late father a gay do you think you would have been born? He is morally bankrupt. He should take his sodomic thought elsewhere, practise it in ur family and dnt tell us how stupid your thoughts are. You can let ur wife have ur daughter as a lesbian partner and u can find ur gateman and use him as ur gay partner. Foolish faggot.
How can people just stay and its someone's sexuality that is bothering them...e get as e be oh,...the person did not kill,steal or harm u in any way and there is amount of hatred...I just tire...I gat nothing buh love for them cause if someone is bad the person is bad and if someone is good the person it has nothing to do with whomever the person chooses to have sex with
I think this is the most sensible response on this trend. Let's all mind our biz, if he is gay good for him and don't hate. We are all sinners and have fall short of God's glory. A Christian feels his religion is the only way to God , so does q Muslim so does an idol worshiper , so does a silk ,hindu , so does a Buddhist etc who actually was there in the beginning No one, not you not me. I only believe what am told ...my parents are christian so am raised a christian what if they opted for IFA worshipping would that change my perspective about religion oh yes. So each and everyone to what you want to believe and don't dock your acclaim right on others. Do what you feel is right for you. And whatever the consequence be good to face it #my 2 cent
@Chima chiemere and so is fornication, adultery, lstealing, converting what doesn't belong to you , judging and assuming you are the only one that knows the trust.
Fighting for a right do not means that are a victim....a lawyer may defend u, do not mean d lawyer committed dat d crime with U.......charley boy may not b a guy
Fighting for a right do not means that are a victim....a lawyer may defend u, do not mean d lawyer committed dat d crime with U.......charley boy may not b a guy
A bunch of religiously indoctrinated idiots, using religion as an argument against something they have absolutely no clue about. Whether you all like it or not, gay people will transcend your hatred and persecution.
You hate gay people, not just because they are different, but because they are the ones who truly make a difference.
Whilst you all are obsessed about trivial things, the gays have been building bridges across racial boundaries, and pushing humanity into the age of intellect and progression.
Years ago, when I began to voice opposition to the persecution of gay people on LIB, I was the only voice, it is great a sign of progress, that now, more Nigerians are seeing that the normalization of homosexuality, is a force that can not be obstructed.
Gay people do not need your permission to exist, nor do they need your commentary, and religious fundamentalist ideals to thrive and prosper.
Those comparing homosexuality to crimes against humanity, terrorism, pedophillia, rape, armed robbery, you are clearly confused and embarrassing yourselves.
Get off gay people's dicks, and go and support your charlatans and priest of satan, who are using the hard earned money congregants donate to their synagogues and cults of satan, to line the pockets of prostitues.
Love will win, and we will tear down your fake kingdom of heaven, it's god, and all its lies, by force, and that is an oath. As long as you set yourself up, against gay people, you will see an onslaught on your false 'beliefs' the likes of which you can not contain.
Prince Emissary of the Nigerian Gays
A bunch of religiously indoctrinated idiots, using religion as an argument against something they have absolutely no clue about. Whether you all like it or not, gay people will transcend your hatred and persecution.
You hate gay people, not just because they are different, but because they are the ones who truly make a difference.
Whilst you all are obsessed about trivial things, the gays have been building bridges across racial boundaries, and pushing humanity into the age of intellect and progression.
Years ago, when I began to voice opposition to the persecution of gay people on LIB, I was the only voice, it is great a sign of progress, that now, more Nigerians are seeing that the normalization of homosexuality, is a force that can not be obstructed.
Gay people do not need your permission to exist, nor do they need your commentary, and religious fundamentalist ideals to thrive and prosper.
Those comparing homosexuality to crimes against humanity, terrorism, pedophillia, rape, armed robbery, you are clearly confused and embarrassing yourselves.
Get off gay people's dicks, and go and support your charlatans and priest of satan, who are using the hard earned money congregants donate to their synagogues and cults of satan, to line the pockets of prostitues.
Love will win, and we will tear down your fake kingdom of heaven, it's god, and all its lies, by force, and that is an oath. As long as you set yourself up, against gay people, you will see an onslaught on your false 'beliefs' the likes of which you can not contain.
Prince Emissary of the Nigerian Gays
the gays should keep their shit to Themselves, there's no point forcing us to accept it. Our african heritage prohibits it. Y won't the gays go to arabic countries like UAE to fight for right. Mtcheew. Till the day the we evolve to the stage the anus lubricates itself and a man can get a man pregnant, no one should tell me that nature is on your side. Linda linda post this oh
You have failed this one? And not police or Army , Nigerian will stone you to death .Becareful, becareful!!!!!!!!!!..........anike
-D great anonymous now as Vivian Reginalds
Oga Charlie u re misleading ur generation
Oga Charlie I disagree with u on this one,pls retrace ur steps
O jorom nunu!am speechless, don't no what to say,Area Baba for this one I no agree with u,how I go dey shine my fellow man Kongo?hey!no be so,e dey disgusting Baba,I no feel this ur write up.
God only exist cause the white man told ur four fathers that they do.
Dear atheists prince only a fool says in his heart dia is no God.
fake kingdom of heaven indeed..so dat ur alive and breathing is of ur own doing...for yr information dont live a senseless existence before its too late for u. Dia is no other thru way, except Almighty permits it.
Ake ewu
What I observe here is that this head twisted gay people keep attacking religion,
Forgetting Nature!!!,whatever is natural when distorted will not be accepted by culture.
ThankGod for Donald Trump, thankGod for our cultural values,thankGod for that this lifestyle is outlawed in Nigeria.. So Mr Charlie grand area-mother-fucker you and Bisi with all gay activist go and jump into Lagos lagoon
#istandwithgays #istandwithcharlieboy!!!
Let's support gay people
does charly boy even have a life... bro you speak for yourself here, so dont make it general. oney says so
What can I say , when a man who is supposed to know decides to trail the wrong path its obvious that something has gone amiss .I believe this write up is not Dr m Charles Oputa but fromncharley boy.Bros no vex the laws of our land prohibits it and so dies the different religious beliefs we practice here.I am truly flabberwhelmed by your new found support for a deviant behaviour such as this. Like someone rightly pointed out procreation can not happen between gays and since we were sent to this world t do that how does a gay intend to achieve that.please my brothes and sisters do not use insultive and derogatory words on a public platform like this simply because of an expressed opinion but rather use superior arguments to conquer at least for those that have not lost their soups completely
KING ENERGY: I think he is confused now. old age has catch up with him.
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