A female bread seller died after she was knocked down by a commercial bus this afternoon at Sango Toll Gate. It was gathered that the deceased was trying to cross to the other side of the road when the speeding vehicle hit her.
Bystanders were talking and making videos rather than try to find some type of help for her. It seems someone stole her phone after the accident...according to the bystanders. Watch the video after the cut..
Which way Nigeria?
... Merited happiness
Jesus what type of wicked world you brought me so?
Am disappointed...
Not wicked world.Nigerians are WICKED!
Poor girl trying to make ends meet, God bless her soul
Destiny O! destiny.... some are becoming super models,while some are getting knocked down on the street,while people are watching them die and stealing from them.A kalaka!
Nawa for some people n their careless attitude
... And bystanders were busy talking and taking photos and videos.
O God save us from this wicked generation of vipers.
Nawa RIP!
-D great anonymous now as Vivian Reginalds
Did I say we should praise God Ambode is getting rid of the yellow buses....guess what my comment wasn't published. Nigeria is the way it is because we lack exposure regardless of status.
DAT road ehn
What has happened to us as a people. On Sunday now everyone carrying Bible going to church. Ah Nigeria tibaje tan
people can be so insensitive. meanwhile where is Juliet Iwuno, Freeborn and Onyx???
The inhumanity of it all!
The trio have probably taken their nuisance value to LIS
Humans are extremely wicked.even bible agreed to that.
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