"The truck dragged me for 70 metres before stopping" -Ebuka Obi-Uchendu recalls his narrow escape after truck rammed into his car | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog





Friday, 23 December 2016

"The truck dragged me for 70 metres before stopping" -Ebuka Obi-Uchendu recalls his narrow escape after truck rammed into his car

Media Personality Ebuka Obi-Uchendu is lucky to be alive after he was almost ran over by a truck. Exactly a year ago, he was heading to a gas station after a shoot at La Campaigne Tropicana, when a truck rammed into his car and then dragged him  for almost 70 meters before coming to a stop.

Trapped, dazed and in fear of the car exploding due to the impact, he managed to unlock the seat belt and jumped out through the passenger door. He was unhurt with just a scratch. Read his post after the cut...

"A year ago today (December 23, 2015)

Had a shoot at La Campaigne Tropicana and I remember leaving before my colleagues 'cos I had to buy fuel in the jerrycan I had in my boot. I'd noticed a fuel station with short queues on my way in earlier.
Christmas was two days away, it was my last day shooting and I was excited for that reason, even if there was this fuel scarcity matter that was just irritating.
My car windows were up, the AC was on and I remember Gbemi had just started talking on the radio when I looked to my left through the driver's window and my world stopped...
There were massive headlamps right in front of my face with what looked like the nose of a giant metallic beast just inches away from me. It all happened in a split second but it was just enough time for me to realize I was literally about to be run over by a truck.
Instantly, there was impact!
The sound was deafening, and I lost control. In what then seemed like forever, the truck dragged me on for another 70 meters or so before coming to a stop.
I looked up and it didn't seem like I was in heaven. I could also feel my face. I was still alive! Then I remembered my car's fuel tank was on the side that was just hit. No way I would sit in an exploding car. But I was trapped. The truck was stuck to my door and my seatbelt wouldn't come off...
I'm still not sure how I did it but I found my way through that locked seatbelt & out the passenger's door in no time and then stood to watch the entire scene in shock with bystanders asking me if the car driver was dead. I'd gotten out so fast they didn't know I was the driver.
The truck driver had instantly run away while his engine was still on because he was pretty sure he had killed me...
But I'm alive today to tell my story and thank God for another year.
I left the scene with only a scratch on my left arm and a slight fear of looking left whenever I'm driving. Extremely small price to pay for what could have been way worse.
So while we may have had a tough 2016 and might feel the need to complain, please try to enjoy the holidays this year knowing that things could have been worse for you . You just may never know. Be thankful guys!!! I sure am."


Unknown said...

Thank God for your life..

Eddy Ogbunambala said...

Thank God for your life

Unknown said...

Omg... All thanks to God almighty, happy survival bro! #Saved

Osas the Son of Idahosa said...

Good for you..... Congratulations

Anonymous said...

i'm really appreciate this post and inspirational

Unknown said...

He is a living testimony..thank God for his dear life

Unknown said...

Hapi survival bro

Wfb Prince Abidogun said...

Thanks to God

Anonymous said...

That car cannot be dragged for 70metres and you have that kind of impact...just share your testimony and not add to it...#thank God for sparing your life

Joyous Babe Lindaikeji First Cousin said...

thank God for his life.

Bree said...

Thanking God for life...

MamaNigeria said...

Thank God for life. God is good

Anonymous said...

Wow! Thank God o

lib addict#just passing#

APPLE said...

Hmm..Thank God for your life.

Unknown said...

God be praised! Linda take note!

Unknown said...

Bless God

Unknown said...

Dude was prolly Gay thinkin on another Asshole bout some anus shit b4 causing the accident.

Anonymous said...

Thank God.
Count your blessings and name them one by one.

Unknown said...

-D great anonymous now as Vivian Reginalds

Anonymous said...

Bless the name of the lord

Didi 3000 said...

Ebuka, thank God for you life. But seriously , you should write a book. You're an awesome writer. Free flowing and Easy. Well done.

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