#OurMumuDonDo: From Charlyboy's Pulpit... | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog





Friday, 23 December 2016

#OurMumuDonDo: From Charlyboy's Pulpit...

The Revolution Beckons in 2017. The Mindlessly Audacious Political Criminality of Government Will Be Matched With The Renewed Mass Popular Uprising of the Nigeria People Demanding A Better Nation, Good Governance, Fairness, Equality and Justice For all Nigerians. Our Hunger, Anger, Vexation and Frustration don Belle-full.

 It is Time to #FloodTheSystem with Fearlessly Youthful, Mentally Defiant and Incredibly Determined Nigerians. The Demons of the Nigeria Nation have Used Religion, Ethnicity, Tribalism and Corruption to Divide us. Now we say Enough is Enough, Now #CitizensFightBack. This will Be Explosive, This Will Be Controversial, This Will Shake the Foundation of our Mumuness. But at the end of the day 2017 will Begin the March to Freedom from Political Insanity.


Unknown said...


Unknown said...

Enuf is enuf jare

Chizzy Liz said...

**********************pidgin makes u sound unserious*********speak English...... Or u write in proper Igbo********leav broken for Nija Delta millitants *******they re d unserious Nigerians ******btw wota u saying sef????!!!!

Eddy Ogbunambala said...


Unknown said...

#OurMumuDonDo huh? FREEBORN SAY THAT UNA MUMU DEY LEVEL 1000 Because nigerian youths are not tired of terrorist buhari scam government WHEN HAUSAS DON'T SEE ANY THING GOOD FROM ANY OTHER TRIBE EXCEPT THEir tribes. even if some one from Niger delta or ibo sacrifice his life for them they go still CALL AM NYAMIRI and criticise am,SO TELL ME HOW THE MUMU GO DO HUH? When you turn to wailer when ever u say some thing about their useless president scam government.CHARLEY MY MAN I WILL ADVICE YOU TO LEAVE NIGERIAN YOUTHS FOR UR OWN GOOD CAUSE NA THEM GO STILL CRUXIFY YOU WHEN THE TIME COMES. Allow them to keep enjoy the satanic change of their hunger,frustration,joblessness, religious and triberlism for ur own good.NIGERIANS ARE TIRED OF TALKING FROM SOCIAL MEDIA WE NEED ACTION CHARLEY MY MAN.

#sad indeed

Unknown said...


Unknown said...

Talking every time without action,go siddon abeg.

Unknown said...

Charly Boy,enough talk,lets start acting. Organize rallies or whatever. The solution isnt in your write ups. Its time something is done.

Anonymous said...

Nice one

lib addict#nust passing#

Unknown said...

Oh yes o! Linda take note!

NaijaDeltaBabe said...

It's well

...merited happiness

Anonymous said...

Let's start it now. This clueless wicked govt led by Buhari is evil

Anonymous said...

Let's start it now. This clueless wicked govt led by Buhari is evil

Unknown said...

-D great anonymous now as Vivian Reginalds

Anonymous said...

I'm wholeheartedly in support of the REVOLUTION to clean up and clean 'out' the evil men RUINING our nation.

Anonymous said...

Amazing Poetry...

Our Mumu don do.

I hope Nigerians get wise now, elect the right leaders!

Unknown said...

When we get concerned, we think and when we think,we get reasonable and when reasoning, we act and results follows.. this should be our "Nija youths creed" GBAGAM!!!

Osa said...

True talk Uncle Charley. MMM really failed a lot of people this christmas and they know Nigerians dont joke with christmas. They are now giving us flimsy excuse of "spare money". Is any money really spare in Nigeria? Our mumu don really do!!!

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