Awww....checkout this lovely photo of VP Yemi Osinbajo & his wife Dolapo | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog





Saturday, 24 December 2016

Awww....checkout this lovely photo of VP Yemi Osinbajo & his wife Dolapo

See the look on her face.......


Oghenetega said...

I Love their Love...

Unknown said...


Unknown said...

iVabulous said....

Anonymous said...

Awwww!am sure they are still very much in love

lib addict#just passing#

NaijaDeltaBabe said...

Love in those eyes

...merited happiness

Eddy Ogbunambala said...

Lovely couple 👫

CHERYL (aka FROM GLORY to GLORY) said...

I go loveee oo

Long Live LIB

Chizzy Liz said...

*******************hia****Ok d look on her face ******I haf seen it ******wot again????!

Unknown said...

Beautiful wifey xo 😘

Unknown said...

Really love this

ifeoma's verdict said...

These two truly love eachother.

Unknown said...

Na that one Nigerians elect them to dey do for office??????

Anonymous said...

Y are you such a bitter girl. Who raped you??? Ur childhood must be so sad.

Anonymous said...

Now that's one good looking couple ,they AGED like OAK. Totally Different look from all this Agbada and Iro wearing ,Fat ,Badly Age Politician.

Anonymous said...

My dear there is a HUGE difference bw an Educated woman and a hussler ( the ones that 4k every dick to look like them) money can't buy CLASS.

Anonymous said...

He needs a hair cut please!!!

Anonymous said...

LHe needs a hair cut please!!!

Candy said...

Awwwww. Cute.

Unknown said...

D wife is damn beautiful.... But d hubby shld die his hair nah lol


You saw the look on her face, I saw the quiet elegance with which she carries herself. Nobody has the humble and yet elegant carriage of this lady.

Unknown said...


Anonymous said...

When she thinks he is lying but encourages him to continue so that she'll get something to nail him later with.

Unknown said...

the woman is adorable! A charming queen
-D great anonymous now as Vivian Reginalds

Unknown said...

Cute couple...

Anonymous said...

My First Family. There is love in this picture. Never seen Buhari & Madam Buhari look like this. Instead she is always standing behind him like an assistant or like his P.A. tueh

Bree said...

Is like pastor is being

Israel king said...

Very lovely

Anonymous said...

Bad belle that's why you can't find love.

Anonymous said...

Imagine when Buhari finally die... this man becomes the Zoo president. Nawaoooooh

Anonymous said...

Most times I pity this old man.... Are you sure Buhari is paying this man?

andivirus said...

Lovely couple

andivirus said...

Lovely couple

Anonymous said...

Shylock nosed woman looking at lizard faced man like 2 coup plotters. Buhari should sack the vp already after vp has finished destroying Nigeria's economy. Irresponsible Fake Pastor and his flat chested coup plotting Fake Pastoress wife. Who pishure epp?

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