Photos: Humpback whale killed in Enu-ama beach, Ondo State | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog





Friday, 12 August 2016

Photos: Humpback whale killed in Enu-ama beach, Ondo State

According to the eyewitness who shared these photos, the whale pictured was killed at Enu-ama beach in Ilaje local government area of Ondo state, yesterday August 11th. Another photo after the cut.

Photo Credit: @Tomyboiz


Unknown said...


Unknown said...

See chopping

AbokiDaWarriBoy said...

Yoohh..! Things the live under water.i know say some over sabi will start screaming why did they kill it,made them prefer the people to cage the whale!


~glo rule your world~ cos I do•

STERN said...

Please make una chop that whale like say tomorrow no dey. Afterall I hear say bag of rice don reach how much again. Na wetin SCAM GOVERNMENT CAUSE. Even the ones wey dey support the scam government never even get 5 naira to buy even chewing gum yet they will come here to shout sai Buhari. GOD PUNISH ALL OF YOU.

Anonymous said...

oh my goodness. did not know we had whales in nigerian waters.

joyice said...


Unknown said...

Oh wow...this is unbelievable,wow! They shoudnt have killed it...

joyice said...

Seriously...... is dis real???

JOYOUS said...


Anonymous said...

So the reason for the killing it is what now? Africans and our mentality for animals as food. Once you see a big animal oya food. No thoughts on the belief that there no whales in Africa so maybe it is something to explore which would in turn attract foreign attention... sigh...

Mannie said...

When wuld some nigerians stop acting lik savages??????

Anonymous said...

It wasn't killed.... people, twas washed ashore!

David Uche said...

when this goes viral, the "oyibos" and hypocritical Africans would be deeply hurt and start yarning dust about the "fish" being spared and might call the fishermen "killers", but you know the best part; they ain't finna do shit..!! This is Africa! and in Africa, a "fish" no matter what size is food to us.. so yall can keep your clamors for "animal rights" to yourselves, thank you very much.

Chizzy Liz said...

*******************************Didos ooooooooooooo !!!!!!! Choi********nekwa anu !!!!!!!! Who eva killed dix ix xoxo fearless !!!!!!!! Omo !!!!!!!!!!

Chizzy Liz said...

*******************************Didos ooooooooooooo !!!!!!! Choi********nekwa anu !!!!!!!! Who eva killed dix ix xoxo fearless !!!!!!!! Omo !!!!!!!!!!

Ladun Liadi said...

Where dem oyibo animal rights pipo wey no get problem and their African minions? Oya muna line up start to dey condemn.

Unknown said...

if yesterday is 12 August, today is what?
Your documentation is rather faulty nowadays.
Speaks a lot about your quality.

Unknown said...


See correct pepper soup fish just for dis weekend special treat.

Unknown said...

Why kill the poor mammal?!?

Unknown said...

Animal cruelty and illiteracy.

JOYOUS BABE,Linda Ikeji first Cousin said...

omo see meat!

Anonymous said...

Lmfao...Fish is Fis my guy, and fish is food...they have killed it, they will eat it and no one finna do shit....your comment got me cracked up .lol

CHERYL (aka FROM GLORY to GLORY) said...

This is wicked! Instead of pushing the poor whale back into the sea they decided to turn it into meat. Una go purge from eating this walai!

Long Live LIB

NaijaDeltaBabe said...

Dats some gut dere

...merited happiness

obiora said...

They should have shoved it up your ass instead. Mtcheeewweeeewweeww!

Anonymous said...

Nigerians r always angrily hungry. What r d conservation foundation doing. The tourism board is just dre occupying space..oga o

Unknown said...

They should not have killed it.

NikkyDee said...

soooo... there's a beach in Ogun state?


For you information 5 naira cannot buy ordinary pure water in nigeria can kindly help freeborn weep

Unknown said...

Say whot! Linda take note!

Anonymous said...

You lack so much knowledge it so bad you don't even know a whale is not a fish but a then does anyone expect you to know what conservation even means then

Anonymous said...

Shut up

Anonymous said...

Nah, the whale miss road

Anonymous said...

In related news Linda Ikeji doesn't know date

JayBoss said...

That's a baby whale.. probably just lost its way.. they should not have killed it, but again, what do u expect from Ondo people? lol

Anonymous said...

Explorer the hyper, you would have help them catch it and go and keep it in a glass house For forieign attention. You dint hear no food in ur country.mtcheew

Unknown said...

They wont/can't finish it and dey better be careful with the way they go about it!

Aproko Queen said...

Madam or Oga! Who did foreign attention epp? U neva see food chop u wan attract foreign attention common gerrout

Anonymous said...

Ignorance. You can not kill a Hump Back AKA spermaceti, not even with a bullet, maybe with explosives. The Whale berths at the beach due to dyspepsia which is indigestion that's why these idiots can quickly bring out knives and say they killed it. If only they knew how much value the oil and some other parts in the whale is worth, they won't eat it and fill their bellies.

Unknown said...

The whole village can't finish this one....

........... Liber maniac.......

Unknown said...

Whaooooo!!! said...

WooooooWww!what a mighty Creature?! Rip to its soul... (lol)

Na me talk am!

Long Live Lib!!!

Memphis freeman said...

Fresh fish pepper soup... make una enjoy

Aymii said...

@David .....Yezzir! Preach it brother...... This is Africa. Fish equals food. Screw the human rights of the fish!(pardon my language) lol

If I was closeby, I would have gone for a share too.....see plenty Fish pepersoup just lying

On 2 the Next!

Rationalism said...

Daft prick

stacy_kema said...

They should not have killed it

Unknown said...

I trust my people....pepper soup don land.

Anonymous said...

God is great, always providing for the needy, as Mimiko no gree pay salary. Thank u Jah

9ja Parrot said...

Why kill the whale? For goodness sake, why destroying the ecosystem?! Na wa for Africa and their mentality for killing all animals to eat.

Obazee Osazee said...


Anastacia Alex (youngest graduate)#linda's inlaw# said...

Wow.ondo feast

Anonymous said...

Why kill it ? What is wrong with yorobbers ? Why kill it ?

So annoying

Unknown said...

Omo see groove

Anonymous said...

But learnt it can kill,like the last one that came out in bar beach it was horrible,so many people died after eaten it

Anonymous said...

But learnt it can kill,like the last one that came out in bar beach it was horrible,so many people died after eaten it

Anonymous said...

But learnt it can kill,like the last one that came out in bar beach it was horrible,so many people died after eaten it

Anonymous said...

Today is 12 an half... Lmaooo

Unknown said...

Now this is wat wouldnt happen in a developed country.

Anonymous said...

Why kill the whale? This is a crime in some climes, trust me. Anyway, let's move on folks. Do you know farming is one of the ways out of the current economic recession? Do you know pig farming is HIGHLY lucrative? What are you waiting for? Join hundreds of Nigerians, undergraduates, young and old graduates in our class of pig farmers and improve your fortune by making over N5MILLION within 9 months. The buyers are many, but the sellers CAN'T meet their increasing daily demands. You can start small and grow big. SMS "PIGFARMING" to 33811 for more info. Don't be a late comer! SMS costs N50.

akpa-ose said...

I wish am there to have my share of mammy water meat.

Lily of Nigeria said...

Hahaha una no go ki person! Solomon real "help freeborn weep!"
The man at the kiosk I bought gum from told me "N5 cannot buy anything again in Nigeria!" Spearmint is now N10, a bag of water is now N150. Pathetic.

Unknown said...

See meat

Anonymous said...

I will not judge them because thankfully I have always lived in lands with abundant food. Here in the West every effort would have been made to save the life of the animal and put it back in the sea. Can we expect hungry, poor ppl to do the same? Let them eat it if it allows them to live another day.

Unknown said...

Una talk say make dem no chop the mama or fish or whatever abi. Now honest question if you accidentally fall in the middle of that ocean the fish go dry look you and as idiot because I no understanding abi. The fish go be like OMo see food o.

Unknown said...

If the wale mistakenly see you for ocean abeg weithing the wale go do you?

Unknown said...

Una talk say make dem no chop the mama or fish or whatever abi. Now honest question if you accidentally fall in the middle of that ocean the fish go dry look you and as idiot because I no understanding abi. The fish go be like OMo see food o.

mr caesar said...

A whale is no fish. It is on the same class with man. The economy very bad, I learnt South Africa is even better than us now, if na whale go make them not to starve to death, abeg make them kill am, use am do meat. It is better than going to someone's house looking for a pot of ogbono soup to steal.

Unknown said...

Na to share am remain nw

Anonymous said...

This BIAFRAN boy STERN is so concerned about our NIGERIA than we the citizens. I have advised him to just go to the NIGERIAN Embassy and naturalize if he is that desperate to be associated with NIGERIA. Well as BIAFRA is never in the news on CNN or BBC or Al Jazeera unlike NIGERIA one can understand his passion to be called one of us. But he must naturalize first at our Embassy and be re-orientated by our Ambassador from his uncivilized BIAFRA upbringing of negativity to the NIGERIAN civilized way of life so as not to embarrass us as he does is country BIAFRA. Chidi

Anonymous said...

so this a Yoruba thing now eeeeh?! na wa for u oooo.. all this illetrate ppl will come here and start yarning dust.. I don't blame u anyways you all can eat human beings.. + its not even possible for em to kill a whale.. they got lucky.

Okpara Chinweuba S Nex said...

They should be careful what they eat oo. Before they go and spread another disease everywhere ooo. They didn't kill that thing oo. It was found washed off on the beach already dead. Hmmm, they should not eat and spread another Ebola-like hell of a disease in this country ooo.

Anonymous said...

Primitive barbarians. Enlightened civilizations the world over preserve and protect these species, but these people are only concerned with consuming them. How sad, they don't even care that the whale is a juvenile.

Anonymous said...

Why won't there be whales??

Unknown said...

-D great anonymous now as Vivian Reginalds

Unknown said...

Na oyibo do am way bill to our sea..mumu

Unknown said...

No ur fone is fish be dt not whale stupid question!

Unknown said...

When foools like ya who think dey are more enlightened than others shut ur their mouth....must u do wat the white people do?

TEETEE said...


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