These children in Banarwa, Kaduna South who barely have enough food to eat were pictured eating from a plate by the road side. See what Adeolu Adedokun who shared the photos wrote below:
"I snapped these pictures myself somewhere around banarwa area of kaduna south. Almajirees eating together in a plate by the road side.
Some people don't ask for too much, they just want food and a shelter to rest their head. Let's identify them and give them what they want. Let's make the government irrelevant because they've proven to be irresponsible. God bless Nigeria"
Is what they pass thru on daily basis
Soon they will be brain washed to terrorists.
It begins with you.... Do the little you can...its not about snapping and sending it to LIB
Oh! Why won't they eat by the road side when the parents that gave birth to them Dont give a hoot about them
I hear u koud and clear u want to give them all dey need abi.wen they bred like rat,marry multiple women and refuse family planning vehemently dat it's against their religion why won't they be poor abd beg for Alms
Hmmmmmmmm,i wish buhari is seeing dis,also I'm made to understand dat most of dis kids are not nigerians, probably Niger or chad.
It's normal thing in d northern part of Nigeria. Even some parts of lagos. They re having fun nothing is dere. Linda Wetin u go do for kaduna?
Shit happens everyday na...It's abnormally-normal in the North!
It is well with Nigeria
...merited happiness
They like dat kind of life. They used it against GEJ during campaign dat he built almajiree school for people dat are used to begging they by taking dem off from their source of livelihood.
Their parents caused it! Why give birth to children you can't take care of?
True talk. Some people only request the basic things of life: food, shelter, clothing and just something little for them to feed on. We need to ignore the government and take it upon ourselves to be our own government. Every little help rendered daily to the poor counts. God has blessed you, bless someone else and the world will be a better place. Our selfless service to humanity goes a long way.
Yes oooo. It starts with you...i hope you didn't just take a picture... Hope u did something to Mk Dem smile
Nice one i though am the only one calling them almajiris.
My dear go and take care of them it is part of them to eat along the road and beg u can't take it way from them even there older almajiris do the same.
They are suicide bombers na only u waka come.
#sad indeed
Well....I second that motion of we fellow Nigerians making the fool of our government for their incompetence and none challant attitude to the masses. 3 young guys obviously in their teens eating by the road side in 1plate, jesu! 9ja let's do more please its not about just taken pictures of what u see but render the lil help u could and @ adekunle I want to believe u added to that 1 plate of meal @least.
God bless Nigeria
Na wa o! Linda take note!
mtchewwwwwwwwwwwww... That is their culture nah
The Northern Elites saw it as a Big insult on the part of the North, when the last Administration provided School for them. My apologies to former President Goodluck Jonathan. Indeed he was an altruistic man of Vision
Linda do you realize that these kids have families and these families push them to go on the streets... and that they attend islamic schools and are taught to beg by their teachers and please in no way feel sorry for them bcos if a religious riot breaks out they do not care that u might have helped them in the past but you would be killed first. Thats what they are being taught.
True talk. The poverty in northern Nigeria is inexplicable. You need to be here to see, it may even take a while to sink in! Hmmmm! God bless Nigeria
Welldon boss,kip up d good job.yes I agree with you, let's make dis govt irrelevant, truly dey hav proven to b irresponsible.
Mtcheww... Nsogbu di Na Nigeria
When crisis starts here in kaduna,its these almajiris' that attack most. I will never ever give my dine, food or cloths to these barbarians. Let them suffer!
We must help our government by doing the little we can as Nigerians to get these children off the streets for good. The government can do all and if we decide to wait on them to, we'd be seating on a very long thing.
And all these mallams be giving birth n making kids suffer in d street if u cant provide at least food to ur kids y give birth to many.
I concur with him. God bless u bruh
There are things id never get to understand!almajiree is a tradition!i recall watching a program on ait where schools built in the north for them were deserted because it was too big and western so they went back to the streets!these kids have mothers that are children themselves,you have a 12year old girl with a 2year old child!they don't need food or shelter all these people need is reorientation,to change the way they see life,for the men to allow these kids grow and go to school,allow the women marture and practice family planning not giving birth to 12children with no means of feeding!then you would have made an impact.
@frank matins,try n read before u comment, ok.tanks.
All these people self MUST READ: THIS IS HOW HE CHANGED MY LIFE soo sad
So oga photographer, did you buy them more food after snapping them, everything is government, is it the government that feeds you daily?
Oh please..if u ask them to stop begging u will feed and cloth them,they will stone u.they are comfortable
There is nothing one can do to make them go off the streets. It's like a culture. Give them all you think could make them go off the street, the next day you will still see them. Like the case of Dija that bought a wheelchair for that disabled girl who was been carried around in a bucket, they still carry her around in a bucket even after the donation. Begging is a way of life for them.
It's terrible sha , but their parent knows the situation there kids are in ,and they send them there ,we Christians pity and feed them ,but the insult us back and kill us when the have the opportunity ,and most of these kids u see there parent are very rich.
Oh God
It is well
what of EX President Jonathans Almajari schools.... just asking
what of EX President Jonathans Almajari schools.... just asking
-D great anonymous now as Vivian Reginalds
My thoughts exactly. Since they do not seek for education and enlightenment, someone can easily brainwash them into believing in 72 Virgins after death
The curse of the almajiris father rejected mother rejected but madrassa accepted
Don't know who to blame govt or their parents
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