Lol. Steve Harvey didn't find his wife's April Fool's joke funny | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog





Saturday, 2 April 2016

Lol. Steve Harvey didn't find his wife's April Fool's joke funny

Yesterday, Steve Harvey's wife, Marjorie Harvey, announced that she would join the cast of The Real Housewives of Atlanta. Then she sent a text to her husband with the happy news, but Steve wasn't having any of it, lol. Read their convo below..


Unknown said...

That's cute...

*****LIB JUDGE*****

Anonymous said...

This isn't really funny...

Unknown said...

U no dey sleep linda?

Anonymous said...


She gave him back his jokes

Meenah_wakil on instagram

Anonymous said...


She gave him back his jokes

Meenah_wakil on instagram said...

Some people are bad ass with their jokes

Glowyshoes's blog

My Facebook

Unknown said...

lol, what kinda spanking ?

Anonymous said...

It wasn't funny at all,Steve Harvey shoup spank majorie's butt a million times today

Ani said...

what type of English is that?

Chop Chop said...

I haven't been hit with non of that April fool's thingi for a while now..

waffymercyjohnson said...

Lol lovely couple
One day am gonna pay my future husband April fool.

Unknown said...

Nice one.

Unknown said...

Lol @ getting a Sexy spanking, I need that
-D great anonymous now as Vivian Reginalds

Unknown said...

Hehehe! Now dis is more like it. Linda take note!

Unknown said...


Anonymous said...

There is no age limit to fun in marriage.. Lol

PrettyChi said...

Lolz , very funny

Unknown said...


Eddy Ogbunambala said...


Anonymous said...

Lwkmd!! Crazy couple

Unknown said...


Unknown said...

April Fools is about telling lies and lying is a sin condemned by God in His holy scriptures so April Fools is a SIN = All liars shall have their part in the lake that burns with fire and brimstone Revelation 21:8

Nenyechi said...


Linda's daughter aka Nwa Linda said...

Aww lmao he fell for it

Unknown said...

Lmao! Now this is what I call a Hit monster of April Fool! Sowi Stevey, you just got PUNKD!

My sincere apologies for not being a Robot!

Yetty k said...

It s nt clear

Unknown said...

Okay, nice. More Instagram followers for you

Psalmuelle aka Samstone. said...



Unknown said...

Lol 😂😂

Unknown said...

It's not supposed to b is supposed to get fooled!

Unknown said...

Wow! Very lovely April be waje and em dry daughter

Unknown said...

Dude Harvey is a Real O G.

Unknown said...


Thatbillzchick said...

Lol!baba no wan hear!

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