Fastest way to lose weight and get healthy revealed. | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog





Wednesday, 8 July 2015

Fastest way to lose weight and get healthy revealed.

The first step to losing weight and getting healthy is to check your body max index (BMI). This will help you determine how much weight you need to loose.

Most overweight Nigerians have some degree of insulin and leptin resistance. Generally, in order for you to significantly gain weight, you must first become leptin resistant. Leptin is a hormone that helps you regulate your appetite.
When your leptin levels rise, it signals your body that you're full, so you can/will stop eating. 

However, as you become increasingly resistant to the effects of leptin, you end up eating more. Many people who are overweight also have an impairment in their body's ability to oxidize fat, which leads to a low-energy state.

Causes of low leptin –   "Let's say you starve, let's say you have decreased energy intake, let's say you lose weight, “Now your leptin level goes below your personal leptin threshold. When it does that, your brain senses starvation. That can occur at any leptin level, depending on what your leptin threshold is. Once your brain senses starvation it will refuse to burn more fat until the leptin level goes up again telling the brain you are full. You must never starve yourself. 

       How to lose weight quickly 
·         Drink 5 litres of water every day: Buy that white keg and fill it with water. Do not sleep at night until you finish that 5 litres of water - Be very strict with yourself.
·         Do not eat carbohydrate after 5pm 

·         Eat 5 times a day - small portions of protein like eggs &chicken, carb like yam not rice and as many greens as you like. We want to regulate leptin level here. So you have good food all the time but not alot of food so the leptin level never goes low. Eat at 9am, 11am, 2pm, 5pm, 8pm.
·         No sugars in any form - be extremely strict with this

·         Walk for 30 mins every day and increase it by 10 mins every 3 days.
·         Use a very good fat burner pill to burn existing fat and try not to add more fat
Remember you must never starve yourself because when you have low/no energy, you are unwilling to exercise and yet eat more. Click here to know more on how to lose weight and be healthy.


Unknown said...

Ok... But gym is still the healthiest.. Embrace it today. All these chemicals has side effects..

Anonymous said...

Which weight this guy wan lose? U go disappear o guy!

Unknown said...

Really need this.

Linda cogitate

Anonymous said...

They basically took both pictures the same day and stuffed that guys jean with clothes or whatever! Lying ass!!!

Anonymous said...

The before picture looks very dodgy he should have been wearin a white vest with shorts so we can see the change. In these days of endless selfies he should have had a diary of the change his body went through in the 30days, so I am not falling for this one either.

Unknown said...


Unknown said...

please the picture of guy used for the advert should be changed, acknowledged they wanted to showcase his as a fat guy does not mean he has to wear triple pants and triple t-shirt then wears only singlet to showcase his as a thin guy(meaning he has lost weight)at times good products don't sell because of poor advert!!

Anonymous said...

His trousers are obviously padded. People need to beware of these fake advers.

Unknown said...

Na wa o! I can't deal biko. Thanks for sharing all the same. Linda take note!

Anonymous said...


meggy said...


Anonymous said...

you can definitely see that the before picture is fake as the man is wearing trousers under his jeans to make him look smaller. if you want to advertise about your product, at least put real people.

Unknown said...


NaijaDeltaBabe said...


Carina Kikelomo Jacob said...


Unknown said...

Which weight dis guy dey slim? u go just kill urself.

Anonymous said...

lmao this fuckers had to photoshop this niggaz pictures....this is a scam...unbelievable...why not use real picturees

Unknown said...


Anonymous said...

lmao this fuckers had to photoshop this niggaz pictures....this is a scam...unbelievable...why not use real picturees

Anonymous said...

na lie ooooooo, i sabi the dude, na photoshop jor. this guy lepa wella. no come they give us lie chop for here. linda take note of all this 419 peeps.

Anonymous said...

they even forgot that the fool is wearing the same jean can people be so dumb at photoshopping?

Anonymous said...

the first picture is photoshoped

Anonymous said...

this model packed alot of foam inside his clothes just to look fat.....look well

Anonymous said...

Body MASS index!!!! Gosh!! Secondly, why would you need an extra fat burner pill if you are doing all the other good things like walking, drinking lots of water, spacing out your meals, etc??! Be very careful...not all fat is bad! Your body needs a certain amount of body fat for certain physiological functions! Women especially, we need some level of fat for things like our monthly cycle and pregnancy. Aside, we also need fat to maintain the integrity of our cells and for cell regeneration. So people be really, really careful with some of this 'fat burning' pills. Some of them have ingredients in them that elevate your heart rate significantly and can end up cause arrhythmia or ultimately a MI..Not trying to spoil anyone's market oooo, just educating.

Unknown said...

Hummmmmmm....all these weight loss stuff. Seen sha


Anonymous said...

What's the point wearing a padded trouser and shirt? Truth is, u sell something different and act something different.

obietrezy said...

Bull shit.... He looks much better in day one but now he looks like someone that has cancer..... Jor oh

Unknown said...

Lin lin, i hoop e this isnt poison cos i know this guy very well, the part on the 30th day is his normal weight since i have known him

Unknown said...

Aunty Linda my BMI is 26.1 n d doc said I'm obessed..

Anonymous said...

With the way this preaching of loosing weight is going, it seems people who are FAT are bad people.


Unknown said...

Wow,nice one thanks
*iyawo Obama

rollynstonne said...

This Shit too fake Linda....Is that how marketing is now...Based on false ish.Nigga be wearing clothing pads mehn in the 1st pic.What d Hell.Demented !

Anonymous said...

Stupid and desperate marketers.
its obvious he has his body padded up

Anonymous said...

Muntula sha u b woman?

Unknown said...


Anonymous said...


Unknown said...

The before & after pic is a Scam!! The guy is clearly wearing extra clothings.

Anonymous said...

The guy looks the same. He wore bigger clothes in the before picture and the photographer zoomed out

Anonymous said...

U can't force this rubbish down our throat, this pix is obviously photoshopped.. Mumu pple

Unknown said...

I thought I was d only one dat noticed d padded thigh of d guy in d first before pix

Unknown said...


Anonymous said...

Yes. You would be considered overweight. A BMI between 25 and 29.9 is considered overweight. 30 and above Obese. Ideal/Normal BMI is 18.5 to 24.9. Anything below 18.5, you are considered underweight. With that said, since your BMI is 26, it should be easy enough to get you into a normal range. Just cut down on your portions and do at least 30 mins of activity a day. Good luck!

Anonymous said...

Unfortunately, it's because our society can be very superficial, so our industry tends to harp on the esthetics and "fat people" tend to be the face of the unhealthy. Yes. Not to dispute that FAT is not one of the health factors and it can make one more susceptible to diseases such as high blood pressure, diabetes and cardiovascular disease. Most important is your fat mass to lean mass (muscle mass ratio). Also your cardiovascular health is important. In my industry, I've come across several client one might call a "skinny fat" person or a clearly skinny person who huffs and puffs after - flight of stairs. Focus on getting healthy and everything else will fall into place. Ask your trainer to measure your Body Fat %, circumference measurements and calculate your BMI and proceed from there.

Anonymous said...

I tot I saw double, I tot I have a blurd vision, never knew that some else saw what I saw.the guy was bloated with clothes.fools

Hawt Talk With Tosan said...

The only way to lose weight and keep it off is by eating less and exercising. There is nothing like a magic pill boo boo. Sorry

Unknown said...

That guy looks beta chubby

Anonymous said...

If you do all the above you'll lose weight even WITHOUT this 419 pill!!

Reptyle said...

Is it just me or is there something fishy about that day one picture? Seems to me like the pants and shirt are padded or the picture has been touched up.

Unknown said...

Funny...he is putting on d same pair of jeans!

Unknown said...

Exactly, dey just stuffed d guy

Sweet Ama said...

One leg is bigger than the other

plainboy said...

Why didnt him turn to a skeletal shape instead lol

Ammy said...

fake pix. see thew knee of the day one pix shows he was stuffed up

Fastest way to lose weight said...

Awesome Linda , am loving it. You never cease to amuse me

Unknown said...

Fast Diet Or Healthy Diet

Anonymous said...

cialis precio cialis

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