Foreign media is claiming that Beyonce has so far had 2 nose jobs, saying she may have spoken against plastic surgery in her song for “Pretty Hurts.” but they believe she also got one done on her nose after some plastic surgeons checked out her before and after photos. You think she touched her nose? See more photos after the cut...
You carried this news sometime back. She did. Lindaobserve
Who cares?
It's kinda tricky....buh it looks lyk she gat one done
No. I don't think she has done a nose job
same nose. Don't see any change
No much difference, they should please leave Queen Bey alone.
Abeg make una free her joor! Even if she did, she's a public figure nd nids to care for her body, besides d money's dere.
In this age of contouring and make up that produces near CGI effects, no I don't think she went under the knife for her nose to look like that.
Yes she did.
Who cares, she looks the same to me!!! You all should worry about that sinister look in her eyes in the picture on the right, she looks like she is up to no good. LOL
Errmmm let them smart fools know it's called 'Contour'
Still d Same thing
Its a stale jist that she had a nose job.
Leave Bey alone,she didn't touch nadan
I don't know what I think.. All I know is that I love Beyoncé
Good for her.
D diff is advance in make up/contouring n photography
That is the power of contouring.. Looks the same to me.
Not my business.
Beyoncé I love... The karTrashian I hate...
She is a natural beauty. But I think Tiwa Savage did her nose Job. Check her pictures then and after.
Seriously there's no difference... Smh... People must always talk. Obviously modern-day makeup can do wayyy beyond facial surgeries. Media should stop choking people and let them be!
These are even her recent piks, if u check her piks then in destiny child, u go call am "Nosa". She had big round nose... of course she worked on her nose! Even a blind man knows that fact!
All i see is a pretty woman with no flaws
It depends on d angle the pix was shot from. Seems pretty much same to me.
I don't see any difference......
What part of the body job dem oyinbo celebs no dey do??? None, if you ask me. Linda take note!
Okiie, notice to all LIBERs. Didn't want to do dis before but I gex I just have to do it as a disclaimer. One idiot on dis blog stole my identity, my name & signage. So please any negative comments on dis blog is not coming from me but from the thief cos I would neva say anything bad about someone or wish anyone evil. So I have gone back to using my old pix. Linda take note!
I don't see any nose job done jor. they should go and sit down. besides with contouring make up these days. Who needs nose jobs anymore? Especially when the nose isn't so wide and flat in the 1st place. She's got a cute nose in both pictures.
I think it's her smile and all I don't think she had any nose job done. Apparently, all the photos that were posted was her smiling. So, Queen B can't do it. I suppose.
She's also bleaching. But that cannot take away the fact that she's pretty. These celebrities should wisen up. These surgeries have side-effects
How that one take concern me?? No n she get her nose n moni ni.. abegy
Nah! I don't think she had a nose job. Just the angle of her pose that makes it look like she kinda had one. But her skin tone though! Chai!!! Her bleaching is professionally done sha. LOL!
no visible difference
it could just be camera angle or age
#don't care
Linda face your work ..........leave beyonce alone. Don't let Behives come for you.
Of course nah! She does her own changes very subtly so that u won't see the difference immediately. Her face even looks younger and smoother than when she was in her twenties. She's been using face fillers for a long time.
See as u took d investigation on ur head
No she did not have a nose job.She used make up to highlight it.
All I see is a natural face!!!
That their cup of tea........
She d or she didn't is her personal choice, and decision moreso its her personal life. I wish her well.
Confirmed... she did a nose job! I give it all to Jlo she's ageing and she's original.. No Plastic ish.
I really don't see any difference
She didn't do jack. They must be blind to make that statement. all natural.
It's called contour!! Can't see any difference
Whose business. Whether she goes under knife 🔪 or not, is none of my business.
NO!! nose job! I think it's her posture!!
She's cool though and crush
She didn't do any nose job,her nose is the same then and now.
Well, it's her nose
Well...if she did, it looks good on her.
There's no difference, stop listening to these gossip magazines, tthe are all false.
Her matter
Her business
Her life
Next topic please
Her money,her nose,her life,her business.
She didnt
Not sure she did anything to d nose except makeup
No I dnt fink so...ppl grow aand tins changed
daz her own cup of tea
Beautiful Bey.....I'm yet to see the difference.
Bae is cute like that😋
Think the photos are from different angles. So Nah!
Who cares???
Moye says so via BB Passport...Courtesy LIB......
How does this affect the amount of oxygen I inhale everyday.. Nne, whether or not you had a nose job happy you
I do not think so, I think it's make up not surgery
She is still beautifull though....
Don't see the difference
No b ha money n ha body
I don't know. Their business not mine.
u guys should leave my queen.bey oooo biko!!
Still d same Beyonce...nothing added
Yes she did! U sabi carry old matter o Linda! She's had several cosmetic surgery procedure, just hers isn't as bad as Kim and family
It doesn't reduce the price of pepper for market ..datz her own cup of tea!
Yes she did! U sabi carry old matter o Linda! She's had several cosmetic surgery procedure, just hers isn't as bad as Kim and family
Yes she did! U sabi carry old matter o Linda! She's had several cosmetic surgery procedure, just hers isn't as bad as Kim and family
Wetin concern me...she's still Queen Bey as far as am concerned
Nose job or not All I see is a beautiful woman
Abeg jare is ee nothin g nah she no
Pls leave my Queen alone. I still love her all the same, nose job or not.
Dat is none of my business... if she like make she do ear job
Oyes she did linda
No she didn't! It's pretty much the same except in cases of make up enhancement
Jay-z had a lips job too
Awon ode! I see no difference, only a contoured nose..
Eheeee e bi like say she do plastic one sha,me still love am die
Nope...jst d way d pics were taken..
I going she did o
LInda you be real Amebo!!! Why not give us both pix from same view?
The reason some people went to do there's and turned out really bad.
I don't think she did,i think it's the angle the photos were taken from
I didn't think she has done a nose job
It's makeup retard
If not nose, bust , hips.
The before and after photo is the same, I don't see any nose job! people need to leave Beyoncé alone. stop riding on this lady's coatails.. jeezzzz give her a break! and even if she did, what else is goin on?
Issit Ur business?
~D great anonymous!
As i sed bfor, u all re jus a bunch of hypocrites. U fools re nt bashing her for d nose job she has done, infact som of u tnk it's evn ryt bcos she is Beyonce, buh if it is kim Kardashian, u will bash d hell out of she n her family. Bloody confused hypocrites
But if you left that slum you live in and had a better life, in a fancy and cozy house, with 24hrs pampering, electricity and Air conditioning set, you won't need to bleach. She is Beyonce Knowles Carter, she does not need to bleach. And also, you fools should remember that her mother is white skinned.
Linda, I've told you to get your legs liposuction and stop blogging about what none of your business. Lonely old thing.
Linda if I give u german blow! Which nose job? Her nose looks the same in all these pics #beyhive
she definitely does not have a nose job the appearance of the thinner nose which she already had is due to the effects of contour a make up method that highlights certain dimensions on the face that cannot usually be seen by the naked ey.
also in certain "no make up" photos you can see that her nose returns to its previous look
Daz make up 4 u
I don't think she did a nose job. The pictures are taken from diff angles.
Na she get her nose, anything she likes,she should do with her nose.
As lot's of female models & actress did nose job or nose surgery, so it's not a big deal for them. As technique & treatments are becoming advance, so normal people with bad nose also go for nose surgery for better looks & appearance.
Rhinoplasty in Indore
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