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For tips and information on waist
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I tot as much
Linda ur story caption no be here o....Shape You things.
Will u believe me if I say it's not the same person?? Lool! Dese pple are rogues
GOOD FOR HER...........
GOOD FOR HER...........
GOOD FOR HER...........
Shape You Is Working!
Very possible
ShapeYou, its been a while. Linda take note!
Owu fancha
it is well
I hear
ogun kii you. na the same cloth e still dey wear since till she shed all the weight ? why u no show her face ? eyin weyre jaty jaty yii
She is still fat. Lindaoobserve
Very encouraging
Please how do I write to Linda ikeji, I need her Gmail, thanks
wow cant believe this,is this for real?i really need this product oo,shape you
Nonsense, an wetin una dey carry una boyfriends money do be this?
Nw she is so fucking hot no doubt....
WOW.... wearing the same cloth by two different ladies.
habba, this advert is soooooo lame.
pls fellow liners, has anyone here made use of this waist trainers, if yes pls wats the result NAD he long did it take to get an effective result?
Suck belle make shirt fine lol
Wearing a corset or waist cincher might make you look better but it won't remove or reduce the amount of fat in your abdomen so you won't get any healthier. The only way to stay healthy and fit in the long term is exercise. I takes hard work but those who are doing it don't have two heads. Buckle up!!
Abeg I dnt believe this bobo geist
Abeg I dnt believe this bobo geist
Abeg I dnt believe this bobo geist
Ok noted on behalf of fat sweeties*wink
This are certainly worked on photo, the first one when she had a big tummy her face and neck is chubby, so are they saying the waist trainer reduce the face and neck fat too, wrong example if I must say.
Linda post my comment
i couldn't see what she posted. but anyways if wearing that will make someone's tummy goes down even though ure not comfortable that will be good then.
Lie! Lie!! Lie!!!
Did the shaper also reduce her arms? Smh
Good for her
Okay...good for dem with big belle afo beer.
How does a corset help one lose weight?
Where does d fat go??
the 2 pictures re to the same
Linda 419 & Co.
we would have loved to see the full face of her before and after pix, just to be sure.
Wow dat 1st pix surprised me o nd because of dat am getting mine now
Wow dat 1st pix surprised me o nd because of dat am getting mine now
Bastard liars.....ladies or gents u can only b deceived or u can also endanger ur life for this.....they are all rippers!!!!
Bastard liars.....ladies or gents u can only b deceived or u can also endanger ur life for this.....they are all rippers!!!!
Bastard liars.....ladies or gents u can only b deceived or u can also endanger ur life for this.....they are all rippers!!!!
I'd like to believe that you are a business woman and so when you are contacted to promote things like this you can't say no. But these things are not true, let's promote healthy living via exercise and proper diet not lies like this! Not colorad and co... It's all to extort people's hard earned cash. It's pure lie Linda and you posting it makes u part of their scam. Cos blog visitors believe you and think that whatever you post must be working. Post my comment if you like Linda. It doesn't matter at least you've seen it.
Linda!!! Is it true?
she cant possibly wear same jeans if she really lost all the claimed weight
For better comparison, let's have distant shots of her before and after; and not a close before and distant after.
Glad for the happy customer though.
Hmmm,dis lady works with shape you
*iyawo Obama
The people in those pictures are not the same joo.
Let's see the faces . Lies . You only loose weight through good workout
Abeg u people should stop d deceit in d name marketing lol
Here are some tips in order to help everybody to lose some weight :
1) Drink water as much as you can in a day.
2) Walk before dinner and you’ll cut calories AND your appetite.
3) Eat 90 percent of your meals at home.
4) Don’t eat with a large group.
5) Eat fruit instead of drinking fruit juice
also,I have read recently a good article about how to lose belly fat !
there is good information in there.
here is the link: http://bit.ly/1TQupg0.
.......na wa ooo.....some of us are born 'THOMASES'...out rightly so. Haba! what doubts can do!!! Look at the pictures...they are both the same person...at least u can see the nose, lips and a birthmark on her belly. What you should have asked was, "whether the fantastic shapely pix was doctored?" But my fellow country people.....what is wrong in trying it if you like it?...na only money u go use and wear it! If u no try, u can never judge.....o di egwu ooo!
Virgin Coconut oil is proven to lose weight generally and around the belly region. i have tried it and it worked. so happy and impressed. For your order call 08160680042 or email Tarehousegroup@yahoo.com.
Its 100% pure.
Hello........... WRONG!!!!!!!! I am a customer of these rogues. They sell the normal girgle. Do not waste your money. I paid 13k for nothing. And they were begging me to accept it like that. They didnt offer to get me the real one. They didnt refund my money.
Please exercise and eat right.
Nigerian should stop deceiving you guys.. Waist trainer can't do such. That's surgery!
Just look at the lips on the two pictures displaying her abdomen you will see its TWO different ladies. Wayo people.
Kai u people are mean, it's the same person now look well
wen i c people dat r nt sincere in business i knw dem.. n shape u is one.... i cant imagine dat sum pple believe dis pics. even a blind man knows that those are 2 different people
In my honest opinion,aside from the fact that one can get it cheaper from oother sources, it works.what it does is that it makes u eat less,hence u lose weight all over ur body and not just your tummy.i used it in a month and I indeed shed some weight
Like seriously, LIB readers' comments is all I need to laugh when I'm bored.
Linda na u biko o
Igba..story for the gods
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