During an interview with Variety, Kelly was more than willing to offer up her views on the popularity of the Kardashian-Jenner clan. While the 44 year old 'Kelly File' host on Fox News admitted that she'd love to interview Caitlyn Jenner, she had her qualms with Kim.
"I want to know if she's a force for good or evil. I had someone make the argument that she's voluptuous and maybe sending the message to young girls that you don't have to be a stick figure to be desirable. But I see the other argument too, it's all enhanced, and you send the message that you need to surgically alter yourself to the point of shocking to be attractive to men." she said of Kim
When Kim K was asked to respond to Megyn Kelly's remarks about her, she said:"Well, I don't know who that is," Kim admitted during Daily Mail's Seriously Popular Yacht Party in Cannes, France on Wednesday.
"Everyone has an opinion, and everyone is entitled to that. I don't go around promoting anything," Kim continued. "I think people should be happy with who they are. If something makes them feel better about themselves, by all means, do whatever makes you happy." She continued.
ET also caught up with Kim's mother, Kris Jenner, who wasn't sure if Kelly's statements were "fair."
"I think she might be enticing girls to enjoy a great, healthy family life and to have lots of babies," Kris said of her daughter. "That's what she is into right now so I don't know about the rest of it. We can't control what people think or start saying or what they're talking about. When people say things that are untrue or ignorant statements and things that are complete falsifications, you can't just always be there to fight that battle every day."
Source: Entertainment Today.
Ok.. next..
Kim is vexing for everybody
Their cup of brukutu!
Like Linda Ikeji
Everybody has an opinion, but does it matter? Hell no, yes u can say it as much as u want, but it doesn't matter.. Adios
I like her reply.
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And who she fucking help?
Aww..trying so hard to defend their former dad..and kim made a brilliant point there!
This family has greatly matured when it comes to critism i swear and i love them for this no doubt.....
She was right joor
Kim knows her, she's just lying.
Na she sabi
Na she sabi
Maintain your cool. Trust my brother as a celebrity. None of this insignificant agencies or individuals will rattle him.
Mixtape drops soon.
Love you Bro.
» Laud ChicK «
Ok seen
people should just leave the kardashian-jenner clan alone ooo.. their bad belle don too much
Love both mother and daughter's responses.
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Na wa ooooo see beef # Linda Ikeji d honorary Khardashian
Na wa ooooo see beef # Linda Ikeji d honorary Khardashian
Kim deo...*smile
Na wa ooooo see beef # Linda Ikeji d honorary Khardashian
Well said.. Kim's response is Apt.
Kim K said it all wit dis golden words "Everyone has an opinion, and everyone is entitled to that. I don't go around promoting anything".
D mother all nailed it wit her response. God bless them for d maturity displayed.
Lol, I don't know who that is too!
The girl that looks like a squirel is outrightly jealous of Kim. i can imagine how dry her ass is and with no man chasing after her.Kim is every normal mans dream girl, go and get your own fake ass and all you desire to get a lowlife man, BITCH.
People will always talk. I quite agree with Kris
There biz
Evrytn about dz Kim is surgery abeg..
Abeg Kardashian-Jenner clan are always in the news everyday especially LIB.... truthfully, everyone feels as if they have an opinion of someone even if they don't know them personally.
I don't need Kelly File to tell me that Kim K had surgically altered her physique; her numerous old pics online shows the difference in her posterior and hip region.
What I don't understand is her claim that it is natural; after all, money can buy anything in hollywood (except life).
Kim K had the same physique as Kourtney.
The new norm now is lie until you come to believe that it is the truth(lying is the new truth) .
Fantastic response.Mature and totally true.If you are busy looking over your shoulder every minute,you are likely going to end up hitting your face on the wall.
Everyone that needs a media boost or traffic on their shows or twitter handles just only needs to mention one of the kardashian or Jenner girls.
In an era where everyone was doing everything to be stick thin,a group of women starting from Jennifer Lopez decided to embrace and enhance their curves,we now choose to try and force them to be ashamed and they've said they won't!!I support that.
Whether we like it or not,as of today,they will make your platforms buzz just by simply doing that.
We use creams to lighten our color,whites tan or spray tan to be a bit bronzer,we buy padded bras,padded bums and waist cinchers to go from skinny to curvy.we spend hundreds of thousands on wigs,weaves and hair colors.we torch up our hair to go from thick,kinky African hair to straight hair.
We do jaw wiring and intestine stapling to be thin,yet we dare to point fingers at others.
We have long list of partners but we choose to point fingers at prostitutes or runs girls.who is the stupid one?you that did it foc for guys that will describe your vagina or the one that will at least get paid for the same description.
I'd rather a 100kims than this skinny white nobody.
Good response ladies
Megyn made a valid point but then its her life. she can do whatever she wants with it. Do whatever makes you happy but not at the cost of your life.
I think KIM is a sweet lady. I love the way she respond to critics. Very matured.
I'm not a fan of Kim Kardashian or any member of the family either buh diaz dis politeness nd diplomacy to which she reacts to criticisms that I rili admire nd she seems to undrstnd she's jst hu she is nd evrytin she stnds for made her hu she is wich is smtn I tink is uncomon 4 ppl hu got fame tru d back door#26247c63
I see nothing wrong with her statement bout
the K\J clan...most importantly, kids should be advised against watching that nonsense show bout "CAIT"....
i love the fact that the kardashians always try to stay outta peoples business.they rarely talk bad or trash about others but daily,people criticize and say hateful things about them.They have a tough skin so whether or not their business is legit,its working for them,they are rich and happy.
The FOX lady is right jor. plastic breast, plastic yansh, plastic face and even plastic stuff (you know what I mean) EVIL FAMILY
Another waste of my time.
Is all this talk necessary
This woman always make me feel horny. I wonder how i drive her.
linda take cover.
Good to know this is how Kim and her family live in oblivion and denial by traing themselves, or should i say deceiving themselves into thinking other ppls opinion dont bother them when in fact it does...
"Everyone has an opinion, and everyone is entitled to that" nice answer from Kim
Well said KIM..
Honestly she's right . Seeing Kim k and how men adore her cos of her fake big butt makes me wanna get a booty implant . definitely she's a force for evil. Thank God she deny going under d knife as she said "if something makes u feel better about yourself, do wat makes u happy"
Kim is such a STAR! I've never seen where she has talked about anyone or insulted anyone...They're always talking about her...BOSS sh!t!!!
i love kim's answer. its the truth but it so sounds like a shade. sweet kimmy.
People will always talk whether u do good or bad. That's life!
Haters gonn' hate
Self righteous Fox News . Is their precious palin family a force of good or evil when she is doing baby mama everywhere. They won't comment.
Linda you make it sound like kim k a woman who became rich & famous for having sex on camera is more accomplished than Megyn Kelly who is a lawyer,a journalist & a political commentator and a highly respected one @ that (please note i'm not even a Fox news fan)but I have more respect for a woman who uses what's between her ears instead of what's between her legs to get ahead,please a lot of young girls read your blog,you are free to admire kim k who HAS used surgery to enhance/create her beauty i'm not judging that but it is VERY wrong to insinuate that because she is 'more famous' than Megyn that somehow makes her'better' than Megyn? Smh Megyn did not even insult Kim K..Linda your values & it appears morals are warped as hell.
To my fellow ladies please there's more to life than 'fame' spreading you legs on camera,being someines baby mama & fame,look @ Lupita Nyango,Uzo Aduba,Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie,Oprah Winfrey,Obiageli Ezekwesili just to name a few,Mark 8:36: For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?
Fox News is a terrible news station to listen too! They are very biased!! Most people living in the U.S. Can testify to that. They should leave Kim alone to leave her life
I couldn't agree with you more Miss Anonymous...you simply aired my mind. Social media has altered a lot of people's moral values. I have said this before: Linda, your opinion matters to some people, use your voice wisely and make a significant difference. Tell your stories but be careful to caption them better. I read a story about Miley Cyrus going to a part nude and you branded it "cool" what the heck is cool about it? Please take note!
miss anonymous wat u said is shit and people need to stop the mentality of she opening her legs for shit she works her butt off keeps her body in shape u think thats easy then why talk shit bout someone why must d fox lady call kim s name atal if nt for fame mscheew is it only kim abeg abeg stop hating nd live u life its noones business mind ur life
I love you 😍
Ofcos we all know in Hollywood who Kim is... She's only but a plastic..
Anon @ 2:52
If you like mention Fela's grandmother or even Margret Thatcher, that's you and fox news' problem. Kim K may have a sex tape, but Lupita was naked in 12 years a slave so she's also a nudist, Chimamanda campaigned for Jonathan(*vomits),it's either for money or tribe, Oprah Winfrey's 'growing up hardships' are LARGELY exaggerated, and as for Oby Ezekwesili, her father knew just the few right people (I'm not saying she's not smart, but her father made it easy for her)... These are the things that made all these people's names to be in our mouths and the truth is that they all made their choices and the outcome of those choices is what we see and talk about.
So what if KIM K did surgery to enhance/create her beauty, why the bloody h*ll do we then call MJ the king of pop. Let's not eve talk about that plastic surgery thing 'cos if that's the case, just stop watching anything foreign or go under a rock.
Plus, Linda never insinuated that Kim K is better Megyn, you chose to stand at that point of view. And then, so what if she did? You have no right to say it's wrong or not; everyone is entitled to their opinions on everything. And then you went ahead to call out her values and morals 'warped as hell' SMH.
And as for young girls reading the blog, whatever choices they make is a reflection on what and how they were taught in their homes plus what they want for themselves... Bloggers, presenters, artistes, politicians and the likes only speak their minds. Parents should teach their children right from wrong to the best of their knowledge and pray to God to keep them on the right path, so if these children go 'astray' why should the media and it's participants be blamed?
Kim K is beautiful, industrious, smart and HARD-WORKING to stay in shape, keep her business running, make people like you and megyn talk about her in whatever light y'all deem fit so please get over the opening legs yarn, it's BANTS.
And you are???
You that is talking can be industrious, hardworking beautiful like Kim K if u hv d money she has .Don't u think it would be a shame if she isn't all dis with the money she has made from her reality show which started with the money she made from her sex tape. Kim naturally is dumb not smart... Whatever Kim is today is cos of her mother. All she knows is to be perky , open legs for men to be known, dress n den change her body with surgery because she believes that's what gives her that attention she needs. Any woman loving Kim n seeing her as a good influence won't make a good mother. Whatever Ul raise will be a whore like Kim.That's just the honest truth. She's an example of this saying " sex sells" and dats very bad. U can make money without selling ur body.. it's only a dumb person that can sell her body to the world for fame.the business she owns and all is what anyone with the kind of money she has n with no talent would do. That's no big deal my dear.
She just said people should do whatever makes them happy, I believe for some criticism makes them happy, so y bother.
,d how did u know d names of d pple u listed above did not spread their legs? U dey follow dem sleep for house? We are all humans, if someone decides to spread their legs or someone decides to read and work hard just to make a living who should it concern? Kim has not insulted anyone with her so called plastic figure so y are pple bothering? And who told u kim spread her legs to make a living? D megyn u are talking abt do u know wat she does behind closed doors? U're just pained and senseless
@ anon 7:34, kim is a good mother, a good wife and a good role model......I pity dat u can't see dat. She has made her mark in life whether her body is surgically enhanced or not. Let her be a whore, thot, skank, wat do u even care? @ leastt she is who she is today......with all ur good morals and perfect mother and home training, how market? What have u achieved?
U really do envy and fear kim k.....ure just in denial
She is pregnant na wa dhu expect
Thank you o patience.I'm so mad right now.made money from which sex tape.dummy?she's a silver spoon child.she was born and grew up in a neighborhood that you will ever only read about.go and do your research.her family tried to stop the tape going out.they lost in court .she didn't touch a cent of the money from the sale.she's not the only celeb with a tape.hers went viral because she's from a known family.and yes it brought more attention to them but that's making lemonade out of lemon.
You all talk about surgery,yet you can't prove it.yet when Michael Jackson died (the king of surgery),you morons put him on your dps.
You say she's fake,I hope your hair is natural and you don't wear makeup.cos my dear,ANYTHING that isn't how GOD made you and enhances you in anyway is fake!!
She's smart for posing nude and making money because truth is we have all seen her body free and if some people still want to pay,what should she do?reject it when its out there anyway.
If you are a parent,then you are a lousy one cos no matter what else we might want say about this family,its obvious they are good mothers.75% of Americans and you hypocritical Nigerians are so immoral and your teenage daughters are giving head in school toilets while coming home to fellowship and you think they are virgins.we all just come here and judge people that we don't know.how do you know Madame fox didn't fuck her way to the top.sanctimonious asswipes.
Lol @ plastic
I have nothing to say to you Patience George and the rest of u Kim K Worshippers dt chose to leave in denial. Everyone knows who Kim in and please did you see Kim K's 'Love!' Magazine photo shoot where she showed her vagina. _ laughs in hindi_
Who is ds fooooool? Ur brain is so porous. She works her butt off? Charlie let me hear word. Her butt with dt of Chloe is sooo fake. Go and see your role model's 'Love!' photo shoot where she bared her vagina. Dumb ass
And are u a learner? Her silicon butt with dt of Khloe's and Kylie is fake now. Dey dere make pant wear u for head. Kim K's worshipper. U're a dumb fool like ur mentor opening ur stinking mouth to talk about children giving head in toilet. U are so shallow and stupid. In short u are messed up. Ds is a girl dt has bn sexing since age 14, sleeps around even showed her Vagina to d world and u come here to defend her. Karma is a b*tch. Don't be mad at ur daughter when she also wants to pose nude baring her VG
This Anon 11:36 u sound so pained. Kim K's wannabe. U still doubt Kim's ass is fake??? Omg! U're such a myopic, porous being or maybe copiously blind or maybe in denial. Kim is a good parent cos she dresses North in black and takes her pictures everytime, wat would u now say about Kourtney. Don't be deceived by Wats being put out dere. There's a reason u have a brain.
Wow! I just saw Kim K's 'Love!' Magazine photos. Kim took up d notch by not wearing undies and we could see everything bold and clear. This babe is really a slut
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