This is an official communication from The Synagogue, Church Of All Nations regarding some stories currently being reported in the media about the recent incident that happened in The SCOAN.
Our attention has been drawn to a publication in the Vanguard Newspaper of 26th September 2014 titled, ‘Synagogue: We Sealed Off Building Before Collapse – LSBCA’.
the article, the General Manager of the Lagos State Building Control
Agency, Mrs Abimbola Animashahun Odunayo was quoted as saying that the
agency had sealed off the building before it collapsed and that the
church ignored the warnings of the agency to stop construction. The
story was initially published by online media portal News24.
We deem it necessary to state that the above publication is not true in that:
1. No contravention notice was served on the church before the collapse because there was no reason for the issuance of such notices.
2. The building had never been sealed off for any reason whatsoever before the collapse of 12th September, 2014.
3. At no time was any stop-work notice or directive served on the church or pasted on the building prior to 12th September, 2014.
1. No contravention notice was served on the church before the collapse because there was no reason for the issuance of such notices.
2. The building had never been sealed off for any reason whatsoever before the collapse of 12th September, 2014.
3. At no time was any stop-work notice or directive served on the church or pasted on the building prior to 12th September, 2014.
however wish to state that the letters that were written to the church
by LSBCA were written after the collapse of 12/09/14 in the following
A letter dated 16/09/2014 Ref No. LASBCA/AL/PCA/DH/01 requesting for
the submission of a development permit and approval of structures within
the church complex, four days after the building collapsed.
2. A contravention notice dated 17/09/2014 Ref No. AL/LASBCA/DH/PCA/CN 06 alleging certain contraventions, five days after the building collapsed.
3. A letter dated 17/09/14 Ref No. AL/LASBCA/DH/PCA/CN 06 requesting for non-destructive tests for structural stability, five days after the building collapsed.
2. A contravention notice dated 17/09/2014 Ref No. AL/LASBCA/DH/PCA/CN 06 alleging certain contraventions, five days after the building collapsed.
3. A letter dated 17/09/14 Ref No. AL/LASBCA/DH/PCA/CN 06 requesting for non-destructive tests for structural stability, five days after the building collapsed.
It must be noted that no sealing or quit notice has been served as the building never called for such.
the above circumstances, we would like to believe that LSBCA has been
quoted out of context with the motive of destroying the ongoing
investigation into the case as well as casting doubt on the position of
the church that the collapse was due to an attack.
Our attention was also drawn to a publication in Nigeria’s Guardian Newspaper of Friday 26th September 2014 titled, ‘Early Probe Report Indicates Compromise In Synagogue Building.’
article quoted the Honourable Commissioner for Physical Planning and
Urban Development, Lagos State, Mr Toyin Ayinde, as saying that one of
the columns or pillars of the collapsed building in the church measured 2
feet by 2 feet and that the reinforcement used for the same was 16mm.
publication is also misleading and untrue. There is no doubt that it
was calculated to give the impression that the collapse was due to
structural defects as against the position of the church to the
hereby request all the involved parties to take the necessary steps
towards correcting such dangerous misinformation so as not to mislead
the entire country and the international community.
We also urge the media to take necessary steps towards avoiding the publication of unconfirmed stories in future.
We should not pre-empt and interfere with the ongoing investigation.
Nations regarding some stories currently being reported in the media about the recent incident that happened?
See Guy Records Sextape with Uniport Female Student And Later Got Leaked Online...
Here we go!
story for the gODS
Whichever this case may be may the souls of all the dead R.I.P....
On this issue I think they should just let sleeping dogs lie! Its enough.. God always vindicates the truthful and the untruthful also has his place. It is well. Matt 7:1. BishopDammy#
this situation is getting somehow..........to find out tips on how u can boost ur IQ visit neorapid.blogspot.com
gbengadennis@yahoo. com
Abeg dey sud let dis man rest
FIRST TO COMMENT***(GURU) Ok! We have heard..T B Joshua and his church is now in everybody's lips..
Okay o
Akuko...flimpsy excuses
Long Essay SMH
Ok... Noted!
Yawa don gasss..
Washing themselves off the blame and responsibility I see?! So we are gonna have to believe that plane was responsible for the collapse? Then they must be prepared to bring us evidence!
Why all this false allegations nd lies abt d church abeg make una leave d the church nd d pastor alone it wasn't his fault it cud hv happened to any other building but becs it's TB joshua it's now been blown out of proportion. Tht pastor in question has touched more lives positively than any other pastor or political figure in the whole of nigeria nd even d entire Globe. Btw am nt his member
And Who Approves Linda
Oh puhleeezzzzz, you need contravention code to know that foundation laid for a 2 storey building cannot take 6 storey...
even secondary school pikin know that one...
Unless we start taking responsibility of our failure as a nation,history like this one will continue to make headlines. U gave a contravention and they continued to build, what did the LSBCA do? Abi una wan tell me say the church is above the law. What about the contractor and engineers supervising the work. This calls for us to examine the credibility of the quality of "engineers" in this country. Until we take care of this issues,really sorry more buildings will keep collapsing. God help Nigeria.
Brain washed IDIOTS!
Hmmm! I just tire! Wetin man pikin go talk now?
This binshop something is wrong with you...haven't you seen the term heaven helps those who help their selves in the bible...people like u wish to set us backward.go further ur education u need it ok.btw I was born a charismatic Christian.i have certain understanding of how Hod works and the wars in the bible
Who cares about you..we literally don't send u..u too naive and foolish,if it's so regular why do dey defend the church and blame an aircraft...go ahead with ur stupidity bye bye
its wel
So that is the reason he prevented rescue team from entering to rescue pple abi? Do u know how many pple would have bin saved if rescue operatives were allowed in there immediately?
So surprise dis man is still allowed to walk freely, he obstructed rescue team for 3days wen the incident occurred. Is that not punishable by law? Nigerians are just quiet about dis thing. We blow up little things and are quiet about grevious ones. If it was the first lady or civil defence, musicians will sing about it and printers will print a t. Shirt. Where are our human right lawyers? Bcos it's not Jonathan all of u are quiet.
I think you need the furtherance of education first. At least it will help you write correct English and make good sentence. Besides, there's no place in the bible that says heaven helps those who help themselves
Actually "heaven help those who help themselves" is not in the bible...it's just a saying! read ur bible.pls
Only God knws wat really happened to d collapsed buildin
Rotfl pls free our Bishop you hear, he is always talking based on his own understanding and view.. can't stop laughing @ the bishop guy sha
What kind of silly talk is this from SCOAN? All they need do is to show the approved building plan and also that they built according to it. Where is the approval given for the construction? Even if no contravention notice was given it is not an excuse. If the church's goons can stop rescue attempt, can you imagine what they would have done to a 'common' civil servant who dared to stop the work? And you can't blame the civil servants, when they see their bosses, including the clueless oga at the top, openly hobnobbing with these men of god. Who amongst them would want to incur the wrath of 'god'?
And already the way they are handling the matter clearly shows they are not serious about finding out what really happened. In saner climes pastor Joshua's movements would be severely restrained while his building team would all be in detention. I read that the pastor was ready to go to SA to go sympathise with his victims families, but the SA govt refused to issue the visa! What stops him from using that excuse to escape justice? If it was a critic of government (like Sanusi or El Rufai) SSS would have quickly moved to impound his passport . Until we learn to do the right thing at all times irrespective of who is involved we shall continue to wallow in our misery and be expecting 'miracles' from fake men of gods.
@bishop Dummy , you are truly a dummy! @ lovlyivon, your idiocy knows no bounds.
What kind of silly talk is this from SCOAN? All they need do is to show the approved building plan and also that they built according to it. Where is the approval given for the construction? Even if no contravention notice was given it is not an excuse. If the church's goons can stop rescue attempt, can you imagine what they would have done to a 'common' civil servant who dared to stop the work? And you can't blame the civil servants, when they see their bosses, including the clueless oga at the top, openly hobnobbing with these men of god. Who amongst them would want to incur the wrath of 'god'?
And already the way they are handling the matter clearly shows they are not serious about finding out what really happened. In saner climes pastor Joshua's movements would be severely restrained while his building team would all be in detention. I read that the pastor was ready to go to SA to go sympathise with his victims families, but the SA govt refused to issue the visa! What stops him from using that excuse to escape justice? If it was a critic of government (like Sanusi or El Rufai) SSS would have quickly moved to impound his passport . Until we learn to do the right thing at all times irrespective of who is involved we shall continue to wallow in our misery and be expecting 'miracles' from fake men of gods.
@bishop Dummy , you are truly a dummy! @ lovlyivon, your idiocy knows no bounds.
What kind of silly talk is this from SCOAN? All they need do is to show the approved building plan and also that they built according to it. Where is the approval given for the construction? Even if no contravention notice was given it is not an excuse. If the church's goons can stop rescue attempt, can you imagine what they would have done to a 'common' civil servant who dared to stop the work? And you can't blame the civil servants, when they see their bosses, including the clueless oga at the top, openly hobnobbing with these men of god. Who amongst them would want to incur the wrath of 'god'?
And already the way they are handling the matter clearly shows they are not serious about finding out what really happened. In saner climes pastor Joshua's movements would be severely restrained while his building team would all be in detention. I read that the pastor was ready to go to SA to go sympathise with his victims families, but the SA govt refused to issue the visa! What stops him from using that excuse to escape justice? If it was a critic of government (like Sanusi or El Rufai) SSS would have quickly moved to impound his passport . Until we learn to do the right thing at all times irrespective of who is involved we shall continue to wallow in our misery and be expecting 'miracles' from fake men of gods.
@bishop Dummy , you are truly a dummy! @ lovlyivon, your idiocy knows no bounds.
@Anon 7:23 u too much, best comment ever
U this mumu can't u understnd he is tryin to reach d numba of souls he wnts for d sacrifice Dats y he prevntd rescue team frm entrin The place. I knw this man was fake ryt frm wen I haerd a testimony in his chrch dat says" somebody dat was blind frm brth saw and he askd hm wat color of suit is he wearing he said black. She was blind frm brth den hw did she knw hw blck colors look like.
Are u there when he prevent the team from rescuing people. Pls get your fact bf commening not on what u read on the paper written by those jealous and responsible journal.
"We should not pre-empt and interfere with the ongoing investigation."
But they are already pre-empting it by releasing those stupid UFO videos to the public.
I hope these events would start opening Nigerians' eyes that these churches are nothing but scam houses.
@BurberryBold, I defer. Actually its about Jonathan. First of all look at the speed with which he went to pay a 'sympathy' visit on TB Joshua. Does he respond to other disasters so promptly? Or is it cos TBJ is his friend? Who, knowing how things are done in Nigeria, would openly come at Mr President's friend? Particularly a lowly civil servant? Our leaders need to show more restraint when it comes to things like this. Being seen openly consorting with accused persons or people of dubious character sends the wrong signals.
For all the ignorant people saying that herevented rescue team for 3 days and so, that a stupid lie!!! I am not a church member but I stay around there and rescue started immediately!!!! Nigerians can so lie about rubbish, of they don't like someone they will continue poking and looking for ways to bring down, if this happened to Adeboye or Oyedepo they will be praying for him and defending him, now cause its TB Joshua they are looking for every possible way to pull him down, yet this man has touched more lives than Adeboye and Oyedepo put together. He has Over a thousand people he sponsors on scholarship and many poor and despicable communities which he feeds constantly!!! If not for anything, for the sake of those whose lives are being changed by this man please stop the lies and shut up if you don't have first hand info about anything, stupid talking is not a virtue but a sign of illiteracy and ignorance. Do not be bias.
wat so ever the case maybe let T.b Joshua B, cos when he was sharing gifts out, everyone of u wish u wr der. now that this collapse building ve occured ure luking 4 whr to lay ur head on may God have mercy on ur Soul. chk urself b4 chking sm1 else
wat the hell is wrong with u guys maybe if u don't know how to comment mn ur business k, cos when T B Joshua was sharing gift everyone one of you wished to be ther, now that the collapse of building ve occured ure der saying what u dont we all know T B Joshua was a sharefull giver so if he shud gv dem 50k for fuel he was just being a sharefull giver, so exclude the word bribe n throw that hali watever away n sympathize wt d Man of God. pls judge urself b4 judging others Gossipers
wat the hell is wrong with u guys maybe if u don't know how to comment mn ur business k, cos when T B Joshua was sharing gift everyone one of you wished to be ther, now that the collapse of building ve occured ure der saying what u dont we all know T B Joshua was a sharefull giver so if he shud gv dem 50k for fuel he was just being a sharefull giver, so exclude the word bribe n throw that hali watever away n sympathize wt d Man of God. pls judge urself b4 judging others Gossipers
God pls help our country Nigeria
@anon 1:50 you are really a fool and a miserable goat for that matter. @bold you are talking as if you are there when the rescue team came. U guys just sit here and be talking nonsense.... Boring,jobless and failed youths of Nigeria. That soft *london girl*
I don't know wat 2 say on diz issue. God knows best
The wise move to make is not by releasing defensive statements and claiming it to be an attack from yet to be unidentified terrorist group. They should rather be prepared to face whatever criticisms with wisdom and prayers. Penalty should be paid in full to the families who lost their loved ones.
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