Described as
the fastest civilian jet in the world, the PJ boasts of a basketball court,
8,000 statute-mile range, some of the most sophisticated avionics
rivaling nearly anything in the sky and uses two Rolls Royce BR725
engines. The main price of the aircraft is put at $65 million but other
charges could have raised it to $75m. According to Forbes, the
Gulfstream G650 has an order book of 200 customers throughout the
Too much money
Hmmm.....onye oshi.
Hmmmm! From which salary sir?
did you say a basketball court? Dang!!!
And he has not been arrested
That's quite a lot of money if you ask me. It is well. Phil 4:19. BishopDammy#
N abians r suffering in poverty! Chaiiiiiii no roads, electricity, nothing, no legacy! God will judge!
Kalu oleeeeeee,,, thief looting Nigeria treasure
Hmmm ohk
Political crooks
Our leaders dwell in heaven wit our nation's resources n we are left to make it on our own n die trying. Day of Reckoning shall come
Political crooks
Political crooks
Pple re suffering oooooooooooo nd dey busy squandering our money on trash
And Yes,here we are celebrating another thief...
Stolen wealth.
This man is rich, but i really cnt decipher if its Govt. money or hard earned money.
12 billion naira?there is money in this country
kudos i luv it
Good for him. *politicians and money squandering* daris God* #####QUEENMAYA#####
$65Million? Can it fly to heaven? *bbmconfusedface*
hmmmnnnnn!!!! our money ooooooooo....weeping 4 Nigeria
Lin Lin... Ali Modu Sheriff owns the 1st G650 in Nigeria followed by your Mister above.
Abia state money working wonders.
Its quite a pity.
Hmmm...nice ¤ñ£....buh see d igbotic мåñ țħåț has it....
kai! #lipsealed
kai! #lipsealed
kai! #lipsealed
Na d jet go kill him ooo becos him acquiring dt av made sum pple to cry of food,shelter etc all our nig politician GODs judgement is coming to u all soon
kai! #lipsealed
Nonsense. What for? What does it profit a man to gain the whole world but lose his soul?
it is well.
Our money!!! Diaris God oh...
nonsense.12billion for jet is this wisdom?
G class owners take note...especially g class owners with 2002 models feeling like they ve arrived also.
This is my perfect description of Hard Work really paying off... Who born monkey...lol
Spent money on so much crap that he got tired and had to go buy himself a flying building...
Life is Good. Abeg chop life jare. I like ds man
Money is Good
good for him ooo...
A basketball court??? Like seriously? Mehn! Dats super. Orji Uzor Kalu... D man of d moment
obara chisos,12 kini,people are making money am here running around....God pls open doors for ur son o.
Abia State money at work!!!!!!!!
There is hunger in the land. Such money could be used to set up factory .
And help fight unemployment in the country.
This man raped Abia state to death for 8 whole years and left a clueless near imbecile governor to cover his looth. History will never forgive you.
hmmm omo olowo
Good for him..but i wana ask,why do we always believe in material things in this part of the world?like we wana show off...
well good for him but Linda tell him is Abia pple money dt he is spending and no body will b buried in his/her private jet. thieves, bad politician, liars! that's wht they are!
Arrest him fr what?google slok.....Orji is the owner of slok shipping etc....he's rich
How can a plane have a basket ball court. Even boeings don't have one. Like seriously even common sense would tell you it doesnt
Mallam Orji uzo kalu alulanu
Abia State money.. Abia people, Nigerian what are we doing about this and EFCC is arresting a man for 100K.
Why is his name not on Forbes' list if it is true?
But why do they do this, is it really necessary when so many are suffering?
Abacha where are thou.. Chai he for don kill all these bastards anyhow and their entire family.. Military pls come back
Stolen funds by government officials.. There will be a revolution soon and Nigerians need to start asking questions..How did he make such money? Was it with his salary as a one time governor? this country sha, you need a God father. When you have that, you can do and undo.......Fuck Nigeria///
Nigerians make una fear God oo... Chaiii
What did he do 4 Abia people as Gov. What impact did he created in d lives of others. Where is his wife now after making her a vegetable. Is d mother still there as wifey or what. God will judge him and others like him.
A basketball court????
Na so! See thief dey show himself. Nigeria my country.
Im confused, is he still not in prison for corruption? Maybe he bought that to fly him out of jail? #THIEFman
which kine basketball court...you think na 7yr olds dey read this thing...next thing will be it can dive underwater
I tap into his kind of blessings Lord Jesus. You are the giver of all good things. Please bless me exceedingly and abundantly In Jesus name. Amen.
one person!!!!
And they are squandering 9jA morning, stealing from us and rubbing it in our eyes! Flaunting their (loots) and asking us what we are gonna do about it! All that just for one man's comfort! Nigeria weeps#
Oya EFCC,Work don come. Do a thorough one.
Fuckn corrupt animal..wot did u du 4 ma state tru out ur reign..if he hz d mst xpensive jet hw does it affect me?..mtchwwwwwwwww
Our money
Our resources
God is watching
money speaking
Dis is just unnecessary show of money. Vanity upon vanity. Whr did u get all dat money from yet u can't even use one-tenth of it 2 do sth in d state. I am so ashamed of d high rate of unemployment, bad roads, poor medical facilities, poor education, lack of social amenities, unstable power supply, etc in Abia State. Wat if u die today? Wil u carry ur wealth2d nxt world? Then why not touch lives dat are poor and helpless. Ur brother Theodore Orji is following d same path. U guys are both criminals. Thank God God wil judge us one by one according2our deeds. Its not too late2stop living a life of vanity and greed. God help u.
He is rich, therefore, I looooooooooove him.
*** forst to comment ***
He was busy using his newspaper to attack his predecessor as if he is better
One word for you "thief"
your a moron!! it doesn't have the capacity for a basketball court. stupid!!
And I am looking for just 600k to prevent my dad from going to jail...beginning to doubt the existence of God o. The suffering is just too much and others are just spending a whole lot on nonsense!
He need som1 to remind him the case of the rich man and. Lazarus in d bible.
oju ole ree!!!!
Kalu has been rich even before he became a Governor...Congrats sir
Thief, God will punish you and ur generations. Wicked politicians, u all shall die a painful death for squandering our money. Looters, vagabond, mbecile, tout,squanderer,ole, Onye oshi!!!!!!!! Hope ur jet crashes!
Vanity upon vanity
We will all live the wealth one day
I love this man
hmmm.....Nigerians money obviously!
but out of sheer curiousity....a basketball court on a jet? how does that fit in?
Linda, go do your research well...It can't have a b-ball court inside. Bush girl
Good for him
Arrested for wat?spending his hard earned money?
I'm not supporting looting but this man made so much money before joining politics. I am aware slok Airline and shipline were already in operation before he became a Governor. At the age of 28 He was already the chairman of the defunct Co-operative Bank. Rather than condemn every rich person, we can learn a thing or two from them.
Dnt knw y all d orji's r thieves. It runs in dia blood.
Congrats to him...
Annoyingly, Abia state is one of the most backward states on the planet. . .Hrb.
Like seriously!!!!!!!!! And nobody is asking questions? Na wah oooooo, EFCC!!!!! If it's a nobody heads go don fly. Hmmmmmm
Thief!Ole!!Baraoh!!! Mr Orji kalu if you die pls carry your money follow body,our money way belong to many people's and you see down on top hmmmmm daris God
Fool! He stole frm u ba! Anunpam.. Talkatif
If he can such an expensive jet then one can only imagine his worth! God help Nigeria.
So many people hating on his success....he's working for it so stp hating..
Congrats .its not easy.
Vanity upon vanity, all is vanity.
Vanity upon vanity, all is vanity.
aaannnhhh aaannhhh.. basket ball court inside plane. If you report stories at least take some time to do some clean up of things that don't make sense.. lol.
Kool for u....hope it flies to heaven!!!
Loool basketball court. It's the same size as Dangote's global express xrs or smaller. How can you fit a basketball court in it?
Orji Orji God is watching u ooo hope sey no be the money the people Abia state u dey take buy get now hmmmm story 4 the God's
Linda can lie oh...basket ball court ke?
Too much thieving unaccounted for. Wicked fools.
All Vanity.
Dont u know that these kind of people feed on human flesh...
God will xpose them alllllll....
All I can say is DAT all diz moni u guys are emblezzing n using to enrich urself instead of helping da poor masses in ur state,dia is God ohhhh.
Lol my bro, taught of asking the same question. Well it would rather crash in hell.
Linda Are u addressing babies???...No be only basketball court..its National Staduim...lol..
The blood of abians will continue to cry against u, OUK and ur mother, useless criminal, continue dreaming of entering d senate u would never smell
All we can do is talk. If opportuned to partake in this kind of ill gotten wealth most of us will praise God.
I don't know why we don't believe that one can spend his hard earned money. If Dangote becomes a governor now and leaves the office.when he acquires an expensive something,we all will forget that he has made a lot of money before becoming a governor.Congrats to you OUK.is well
It's a pity? That his spending his own money right? U ppl should get a life. That man and mother have always been rich even before politics. Ppl should stop beefing
OLE BURUKU!!! as an ex-gov, wtf r yu doin that yu r able to make such money to afford such lavish vanities?? yu have stolen money meant for the betterment of your state when you were in office. yu pocketed it so yu can spend it on stupid things! some people in the state yu supposedly govererned wil never get the chance to ride in an airplane, not to talk of owning a private jet such as this. some cant even afford to send their children to skool, and here yu r parading money yu have stolen, proudly! money that could have been spent to make better roads, build better schools, educate ur youths, give them job opportunities so they wont resolve to theft or any other criminal activities. ur judgment day is surely coming!
15billion? Does it Vanish
after he will come to igboist groupto share mtn card . u think u can bribe us with card nonsense.
Meanwhile when he was in government he couldn't keep abia state clean,esp aba,with its bad road and dirty surroundings.smh,am so sorry for them.
The plane is the size of a basket ball court, it doesnt have a basketball court
He is a thief and you are beneath a moron. Wake up Nigeria, stop celebrating a thief while most of the country live in abject poverty!
Before he became governor his worth 26billion.shut the fuck up haters
This foolish man's state which he ruled does not have an airport but he owns the most expensive jet in the world...foolish idiotic theif....even if he does business he is still foolish because he couldnt do anything for his state
Meaning say the man go get more than 400 billion. Na to use am go smuggle laundered money arms come remain.
Yes a long hard day of embezzling state treasury funds!
Raw thief !!
The sexiest people are thinkers. Nobody's interested in somebody who's just vain with a hole in their head, talking about the latest thing - there is no latest thing. It's all rubbish.
-Vivienne Westwood
Of the 150 psalms in the Bible, David is credited for writing over half of them. God granted David understanding and wisdom through daily meditation. David’s life was a portrait of success and failure, and it highlights the fact that he was far from perfect. But what made David a cut above the rest was that his heart was pointed toward God. He had a soul that could be touched with truth. He was unafraid to admit his transgressions. He broke his own heart by his lapses of spirituality.
It was not so much, then, the nature of his sins (grievous as they were) that is significant; rather, it was what he did about those blemishes when confronted with the crude reality of them. 2 Samuel 12:13. God call David "a man after His heart"(Act 13:22)
Those who find themselves in position of authority in Nigeria would rather steal than serve the people, causing mass poverty and ignorance. They don't show any form of remorse for their atrocities. As if that is not enough, they and their families on a regular basis assault our sensibilities by flaunting their ill gotten wealth on the internet.
David, the Psalmist wrote in Chapter 37:1-2. 1,Fret not yourself because of evildoers, neither be you envious of the workers of iniquity. 2,For they shall soon be cut down like the grass, and wither as the green herb.
Wia is our EFCC,we dnt hear about them anymore...if actually he has dis kind of money,TA Orji hmmmm,dat means we. Shud expect him to buy Abia state in the nearest future ,my people are suffering,look at abia roads,very bad and dis one wiL be flying
Tnx nk.......dnt mind d fool! He/she is just a fan. Hehehe!
what a waste!and whose money is that after all?Will he go to the grave with it?In a saner country this man should be answering many questions by now.
@ the end of d day shebi he G̶̲̥̅̊o̲̣̥ still die? Abi d@ private jet G̶̲̥̅̊o̲̣̥ land A̶̲̥̅♏ 4 heaven? D same 6ft wen dem G̶̲̥̅̊o̲̣̥ bury poor man Nά̲̣̥ d@ same 6ft all d rich pple G̶̲̥̅̊o̲̣̥ enter too. Continue...
Its Shows Dat Many Of Us Dnt Knw Dis Man B4 Joining Politics. Dis Guy Is Once Loaded Already,. Oh God Rmber Me Ur Son. Even Just D #2bn At D Back Of Dt 12. I Wil Praise U Til Eternity. Pls God.
EFCC no go question this man. Na the man wey steall 100k dey go questuion
kalu thief thief
The way people spend money attimes is very funny to me, if the jet makes him happy then I have no beef about it #onelovefromSnow#
If your blog is to be taken seriously Linda I suggest you verify these ridiculous reports. How can a private jet have a basketball court? That's like saying a car has a swimming pool. Reporters should stop insulting the intelligence of the readers
Wow. Too much money.
But I was also thinking: how necessary is it?
my Gov don't mind those envy hungry people talking trash about you, i wish to be like you, honestly you are my role model, a fearless politician, a man of action, oh indeed action Governor, abeg ride on no mind envy people jari
my Gov don't mind those envy hungry people talking trash about you, i wish to be like you, honestly you are my role model, a fearless politician, a man of action, oh indeed action Governor, abeg ride on no mind envy people jari
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