There was a lot of speculation last week when Nick Cannon announced that he was managing Amber Rose. Well according to a close friend of Amber Rose - it ain't just speculation.
According to a very reliable insider, Amber is separating with her longtime husband Wiz Khalifah. And that separation is caused, at least in part, by the fact that she's fallen for Nick Cannon.The insider told MediaTakeOut.com EXCLUSIVELY, "Amber has had a crush on Nick since forever. He was like a mentor to her, and I think she fell in love."
But the insider claims that NOTHING ever came of it while Nick was married to Mariah. The insider explained, "Nick was faithful to Mariah, and Amber was with Wiz so nothing came out of it. Then Amber got pregnant and the two just ind of drifted apart. . . . But when Nick [and Mariah] broke up, they connected."
MediaTakeOut.com reported LAST MONTH that Wiz and Amber's marriage was in SHAMBLES - so much so that Wiz went on TWITTER to blast his wife. The insider added, "I think Amber is ready to move on with her life. And Nick is the man she wants to move on with." Amber was spotted out yesterday WITHOUT her wedding ring.
We have to say it - as SAD AS IT IS TO HEAR ABOUT THEIR MARRIAGE FAILING - we LOVE the idea of Nick and Amber together. Sorry but Wiz Khalifah's career is on the DOWN SIDE. And we all know that Amber's ABOUT THAT COME UP, so she's gonna be OUTTA THERE one way or the other.
Nick and Amber are like the new Ice T and CoCo to us . . . two HUSTLERS that are gonna be making MONEY and MAGAZINE COVERS for the foreseeable future!!!
Na lie! Is because of his small DICK.
Watching these two with my microscope
story for the goda. I knw there marriage wont last.
story for the gods.
Dis s stupid ....Amber rose tho,shez a stripper,she has no shame a hoe wld always b a hoe.... Smh
good for them. divorce is not a common thing again in the society of today after all even pastors indulge in it this days
Awwwwwww liked her wiv wizkalifah.
Na them sabi. Nothing about them last. Vote Linda Ikeji as the Most Active Blogger of the year. www.socialmediameritawards.com/vote.php
So, Nick is no longer wit Mariah Carey? Like seriously
Really is okay.
Huh! Adonbilivit.
I hope to wake up and here this breakup ish ain't true. Team TaylorGang
OMG Linda, do your research...he s just her manager...lol
Nick cannon break up with mariah? IDk
I guess this gossip isn't true
Anoda Hollywood Drama, Wateva tho Amber Rose shud ve been a Kardashian
That girl that look like ghost. this celebrities can be crazy sometimes.
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Hmmmmm white people like divorce sha. Let's watch n see what nxt
Amber looks lyk a doll
Nick has really aged...
In other news, maria and khalifa should hook up too..... why marry if u cant fulfill d foreva promise....
Always gon admire angelina and pitt's union, marriage is a sacred union, marry wen if necessary
And wah guarantee does she hav dah this affair with nick won't still hit the rock dah moses struck twice,,american women just love to swap dicks dah the truth of the matter.
Hoe since day one..God knows I cant be with a girl that has been with Evri body..Tomorrow she will date Rich homie quan and also tell us they knew eachother since kindergarten..Bishhh............................#KingOfKings
Let's assume this is true....
This bitch aint loyal..
And if it aint true? She's still not loyal..
Fuck off.
Their own wahala jor
Marriage is a sacred thing dahs wah dey dnt understand, this pple go into marriage for the fun of it, dahs why when problms come their way, they dnt see d need to fight it...u cnt be married and be crush on sum1else's husband dahs insanity.
Wise people never slack no matter what it may be ready to move on any time any day
Haaaa Amber aint fair to wizzy...we'll he shdnt b surprise dats ur line of biz u dnt stay lng in relntship jus op u chng ur mynd cuz u nd wizzy r almst perfect
The so called nick cannon boat is even getin old sef mtcheeeew.
ndi ocha nawa o. Badguy.com
What a mess!
But really? My nigga Wiz I feel for ya bro, no doubt all dis ladies aint
worth it at time. You left a family for a crush? #sigh #moneytalksthough
Oh well! I jst hope Amber doesn't regret her actions later on.
This is straight up gold digging on Amber's part if u leave a guy cos he is rather 'poor'. I pity Mariah, she'll fall apart. Now her attention will be diverted from Kim K.
LOL! I don't believe this story though but she cra'y if this is true.
Amber Needs help for real
Nick is looking so old and worn out
Nick you lucky devil!!! His repertoire is steady gathering the who is who of Hollywood!
Awon oyinbo yi shaa, vewi shameless!
Dis amber na ashawo she b I swear, wiz ummm such a fine boy ~ice princess~
Hmmmmm I thought Amber was all head over heels in love wit Wiz….that bish ain’t nothing but an opportunist. I think it’s true it’s funny how Nick had his marriage issues and he’s divorcing next thing u knw he’s managing Amber. Like my thing is why does she need a manager??? what does Amber do again? Shyt her hubby manager could’ve managed her but w/e now Amber getting a divorce….Yes I think they fckn
Dis is na wa
Am just feeling for their kids nothing else.
Am just feeling for their kids nothing else.
Ok ooooo
Am just feeling for their kids nothing else.
Dis amber no dey Surprise me @ all, Vry not Alrite she no love u again and she moves on unto d next, simple
This is some messy scenario. . Smh for these MTO people talking nonsense about loving the idea of Nick and Amber together !!
hmm..love the two of em sha
Such shameless lifestyle is peculiar to them. Abeg make i sip my 3'3 lager beer.
All this girls using men like cars... Lagos ova start learning...
Really dunno wah tu say#iamswish#
They r both riding on a speed lane, I bet you they would soon crash..
a beg who get pin mouth charger
What a mess.
What has happened to FOREVER?
Is this what marriage is now all about?
My biggest pain is that this rubbish way of life has come to africa and Nigeria in particula. Having children before marriage and senseless divorce.
Yall remember that saying.."you loose them the same way you got them".
Owk...Amber aiit Loyal
Na waoh for these people.
Nick is getting old.
can you now see why ladies ar called bitches....frm one dick to the other
Amber never tire for dick!
So that's why she was singing his praises on Wendy Williams show the last time she was there,nmtchew her cup of tea though
None of my business.
My bed calls
Gudnite libers
Wiz Khalifa's career on the downside?? Nick and Amber the new Ice T & Coco??? Bitchplease!!!
Damn Amber Rose does get around the block, doesn't she!!! Come on, for real, did anyone real think, she and Wiz Khalifa was going to last, I just feel sorry for all the children involved!!! Nick and Amber ain't going to last either, just wait and see, it is really sad!!! Whizman
Seriously this is all fake
First sensible comment you have ever made in this blog, big congrats!
Just wonder wat de see in dis coconut head amber! Mtchewwwww!!!!!!!!
Thanku alloy!!!!! Alien she is!
Just wonder wat de see in dis coconut head amber! Mtchewwwww!!!!!!!!
She did a twerking video for him on his birthday, then divorced him weeks after?? Yeah ryt, never trust a lady rocking a cancer bald headed haircut...NEVER!!! Poor wizzy, now she's got you for 18years...!#cheEzyjayne
She is my crush wit Kim
Surprised seeing as amber n wiz just released their wedding photos on their anniversary! So sad thought they were gonna grow old together. Kimye will hv a long laugh @ this. As for her n Nick, Donno abt that......
HEAR not HERE. Now u see anyone can make a typographical error.
Nick was in the news for stepping out with a woman who is not Mariah recently. He's moving on with someone else.
Na wa o...this amber girl sef, from kanye to wiz and now nick..
Thats what you get when you try to turn a whore to a house wife. Its in d blood so it stay d same bitch to wife or wife to bitch.
Lool! I was thinking same thing 2
Ur wrong linda....Wiz khalifa is a good rapper worth $32 million while Nick Cannon is not a good actor n a wanna b rapper worth just $20 million...Nick is like Kim, he jumps 4rm one career 2 anoda...he wuld hv bn nofin witout mariah...so Whoz career did yu say wz on the down again?
Its all fake, they love each other, just jelousy thats all
Musts been for the bags under his eyes?
Hahahahahahahaha dnt knw y I cnt stp laffin,lyk criously nick ova wiz lol kk na we dey watch nd wait...
Abeg eee whocares
Next please..Kanye and Kim?
When hoes ain't loyal,...you know the rest #in zamani's voice
NICK is still with Mariah Carey.....dis story is false
Why is it dat celebs dem most of dem ther marriage dont last
After all d noise, Nick made about Mariah Carey????
Still watchinggggg, Dey shld suit demselves!!!
Yeaaa rite making money thru various sex tape smh
I feel for wiz shaa
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I don't concur Linda, wiz is still on top. she can bounce.
Marriage to them is just like dating; trial and error.. y'all talking about Amber and leaving the other party.. Dz dudes ain't loyal.. I pity Mariah Carey the most in all of this, cos she's tried so hard for that marriage to work but a leopard dosnt change its skin after all... a dog remains a dog.. Nick Cannon..from the Kim ish, now to Amber..their union won't last either.
Once a hoe always a hoe, ya can't turn a hoe into a housewife
Please shutUp. Why do you care if it's true or not?
If there's any truth to this she and nick's story..my advise to nick is not to mix business with pleasure when it comes to amber rose..she aint worth it..and nick you had better stick with mariah..because hoes are always hoes...you can't change that...even crazy kanye knew that...so dude run for your life...#justsaying
Nick Canon is single?.... ohh wow!
I thought Nick really adored Mariah. What happened to the much respect he says he has for. Like she not allowing any sexual contact until marriage. I don't really blame them though, when divorce has become the norm of the society especially in America. Divorce is just the short cut to cheat.
Very fake doesn't make sense at
''Amber is
separating with her longtime husband?''
wow!! Whites just have a funny way of describing 'long' smh!
hmmmmmm celeb and the trash fuckedup marriage..signout
woah..she got divorced after posting that pix of her back side on IG...KIm K n Kanye next
Never try to turn a ho' to a wife. Never.
Your comment is so dumb...didn't she taste d dick before saying "yes I do"?...she's simply a whore....a stripper, always a stripper.
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