When I heard last month that the Nigerian Film and Video Censors Board, headquartered in Abuja, had indicated that it would be unable to issue certification for "Half of a Yellow Sun" in time for the film's release date, I naturally assumed, at first, that what we were faced with was nothing more sinister than another instance of the typical, if frustrating, culture of wilful incompetence that we'd grappled with during the making of the film -- while shooting the film in Nigeria two years ago, there were times when we felt ensnared in impenetrable jungles of red tape, when we would be given the go-head by one arm of the government only to find our path blocked by the other arm.
I had no reason to assume that there might be anything more to it than that. I had no reason to assume, for instance, that the inability of the board to issue the film with a certificate might actually be a clumsy, heavy-handed ban in all but name.
After all, when the movie had its world premiere at the Toronto International Film Festival last autumn, amongst the entourage of Nigerians who flew in to Toronto for the occasion was Patricia Bala, director-general of the Nigerian censorship board.
Bala had arrived in Toronto -- I was told -- with several of her colleagues from the censor's office. I know for a fact that they watched the movie. I do not know for a fact that they all liked it. I cannot say if any one of them stood up when, as the end credits rolled, the audience rose and gave the film three standing ovations. But I do know that Bala was gracious enough to tell us after the screening how much she loved the movie. At no point did she express any reservations about the contents of the film.
It is now nearly eight months since Bala and her board first saw the movie in Toronto and a few weeks since she and her board have failed to issue "Half of a Yellow Sun" the certification that it needs -- that the law requires it obtains before it can be shown in cinemas in Nigeria.
In those several days I've been assailed -- on Twitter, Facebook, and by email -- with rumors, innuendos, half-truths, and downright lies, disseminated sometimes directly from the censorship board (they have issued at least one press statement), about why "Half of a Yellow Sun" still hasn't been issued with a ratings certificate.
The board claims that is has not banned the film but certain aspects of it "have some unresolved issues which have to be sorted out in accordance with the law and laid down regulations."
It has been rumored that FilmOne, the Nigerian distributors of "Half of a Yellow Sun," might have been late in submitting the film for certification. Not true. Most films that are screened in Nigerian cinemas are shown to the censor only a day or two before the films open to the paying public. In documentations that have been shown to me, there are instances even of movies being shown to the censor days after the movies had officially opened to the public. "Half of a Yellow Sun" was scheduled to open on April 25. It was submitted to the censorship board at least two weeks earlier.
Whether or not the film eventually gets a ratings certificate in
Nigeria, "Half of a Yellow Sun" will be seen by millions of Nigerians.
Since the Toronto premiere those many months ago, I've seen "Half of a Yellow Sun" at other film festivals in all corners of the globe. And Nigerians being the ubiquitous people that we are have been present in the audiences -- quite often in great numbers -- at each of these festivals.
I am yet to meet a single Nigerian who has seen the film who came out of the cinema thinking that they had just seen a film that would incite anyone to violence. If anything, more than once, I've been accosted by cinema-goers -- some Nigerian, but really, people of all races -- who have been profoundly moved by the experience of watching the film. The refrain I've heard from them is, war is nasty, isn't it.
Whether or not the film eventually gets a ratings certificate in Nigeria, "Half of a Yellow Sun" will be seen by millions of Nigerians. The question is: will they be allowed to see it in their local cinemas and on legally acquired DVDs or will they be forced to watch it on pirate DVDs and through illegal downloads? If the biggest film that's ever been made in Nigeria is available to Nigerians only in bootleg form, the censorship board will be doing to the Nigerian film industry what Boko Haram is trying to do to Nigeria: drive a stake through its heart. I sincerely hope they both fail.
Biyi Bandele
Because we don't just want it, after all Nigerians no de carry last.
Get your business ideas @ Bisthoughts
Linda please am begging u i need snaz d kolobi master.i need his contact.pls i cant sleep.i dream about him making love to me.i dream of me licking and sucking him evryday.pls gimme his contact before i commot suicide.liberrry pls.
Don't mind them,with each passing day u tempted to see yourself treated unfair by God for making you a citizen of this country.
They prefer to promote mediocrity.
If it were movies like Blackberry girls,brazillian hair, Range rover girls, The snake girl etc they'll approve them. Smh
A million dollar question, why can't we watch 9ja biggest movie, but on a second taught, I think it was a wise move keeping the movie away for now, or removing some scenes that might be unhealthy for the public
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Pls let d movie survey online.. Pls ma'am ..allow it to b released
I feel for him.. biko they shld release d movie. Besides no mata hw we tend to pretend. . We ar bein terrorised by bh.. wat of al dis corrupt nig movie.. mtchew.. dis is painful jare. .
well said
My dear Biyi Help me ask oo. I've been waiting 4 that movie. It's a must watch. Naija will never ban things that shuld b banned.If it's that 13yr old kids shud marry they wunt ban that 1 oo. This my country sef..I tire----C21
Sounds so controversial. 26378DEC
What's Chimamanda saying about this? My girl is good with words. She'll speak on it well.
I havent seen the film/ read the book so cant comment on the contents of the film. However, I would say the producers of this film should seek an audience with the Censorship board. Things are better worked out face to face and not thru Press statements here and there. Again, the Censorship board musnt allow itself to be seen as a Creativity annahilator.
I hope they do too.
its no surprise cos whatever the government is involved in they destroy it to protect their personal interest ..Sad
Jst a thought I'd like to share. It think the film might be a blessing in disguise to remind us all that WAR is always bitter and many lives will be ruined esp now that some people are clamouring for it cos they knw they'l be on a Private Jet out of the Country if War does break out. We shouldnt be naive to think our so called leaders regardless of tribe/religion wouldnt sacrifice us for them to cling onto power. We must learn to Love ourselves then we can Love our neighbors as we love ourselves
Well said Biyi Bandele. It's so sad that we are so backward in our thinking. So what if it depicts the Biafran war? We all watch movies of ww1, ww11 and rest of them. What better way for the present and future generations to see what happened in past. If we can read them in books, why can't we see it come to life? Will love to see the movie.
Very insightful. I've always wondered why we are yet to see the movie in our cinemas. It's obvious to me that the board needs their share of the goodies made from the various premiere but don't wanna ask outrightly for it. They expect you to use your mind to "settle". This is appalling! As for me, it's time to patronize illegal download sites for the movie. Our system is still not ready to move forward, woe betide the enemies of progress of this nation, Nigeria.
Take heart Biyi. Good will triumph over evil as always.
Yes we must see that film it doesn't matter how? Mr bami don't mind them we will watch the movie you hear
Why is Mr Biyi using unconfirmed words (I heard, assume, etc) for an important writing like this one?! Well, not even the federal government can stop this movie from airing in Nigeria except they are also ready to ban the books from shops also. Wait a minute, what exactly are they holding on the movie for?! (Mr Biyi didn't state that), could it be issue of puritanism?! I see no reason why NFVCBs should hold on to the movie if the director/producer did not err marked out pacts. If you think you didn't violates the terms and conditions stipulated by federal government, then get a lawyer cos I heard that movie cost a whole some of money to produce.
D picture dat comes 2 one's mind while reading d book is not far from what we get in d movie,y is dat d so said war has nt started after d book was released.......Excuses n counter excuses,dats d way of life of d ppl,by d ppl and 4 d ppl...9ja styleee
Can't Nigerians with power just do things properly, y must drama follow everything that has to do with authority, nothing can just function correctly, I don tayaaa... no shame, class, decency... just greed. its so sad and exhausting for a citizen.
Idiot board pple..what can it depict that we have not seen in all dis foreign movie we at the cinema?they dnt av point jare...nonsense...we sha go see it one way or another...that's when their eye will clear...fools...
tank God we can always watch nd download it online.... bunch of hypocrites....
Well said, those people are just hypocrites. Its heartbreaking that i can't even see the movie yet. God help us in this country.
Please beg them, bribe them, do anything. I want to see this movie! :'(
it is really sad we have hypocrites in all corners of power, I wonder when we will truly get independence from all sorts of terror in this country, Censor board should bury their heads in shame
Censors board have a point. It cld cause conflict n renewed uprising since we r not yet truly mature as a nation
Yes o
if they ask you to cut some part of the movie, then kindly comply. This is Nigeria NOT america, so expert different approach to different issues. The censorship board members are expert in their own field and they should be allowed to do their job, just you as you also have right to make your complains known to them. i believe this will be resolved soon.
They are obviously looking for a bribe. Pls settle with them b4 they frustrate ur efforts and waste the millions sunk into the project. We Nigerians are d cause of our own problems.. #SoSad
please this movie wasn't all that. In fact it was BAD! bad acting from genevive, and they didn't get the story right! whats the hype about? a lot of nigerian movies are better than this. The production was just better than MOST nigerian films. Please they need to chill, hollywood didn't accept the movie so why should we care? cause its based on biafra? or cause its nigerina? cause chiwetel was in it? the movie was not interesting at a llllll, chiwetel only did it cause he got paid well. they need to chill and stop shoving it down our throat.
Nigeria is in denial.biafra should be in the history books,taught to pupils as part of d curriculum.it happened,yes indeed millions of children starved to dia death for a war they had no hand in.Gowon is d Hitler of biafra...take it or leave it............dr olaspecial.
No no no. The time of d release of dis movie is inauspicious. I agree with d censor's board 4 foot dragging on dis matter. Nigeria is passing thru a very difficult time at d moment. Therefore, any film dat depicts violence is not fit 4 consumption at dis time. Just tarry a while Mr. Bandelè ur movie will be shown ok not just at dis time. D unity of Nigeria is very precious and it shud be guarded jealously. My 2 cents
Allah! That Patricia Bala wu ezigbote anuohia!
I trust my ibo brothers, will soon see the movie in pirated dvd's. Shame on Nigeria Censorship board.
Well said Biyi. I've seen a movie that centers on the events of WW1 & 11, yet there hasn't been an outbreak of WW3. I have seen a movie and even a documentary that depicts George W. Bush as the master-mind of the 9/11 WTC disaster, yet Americans have not taken to the streets. I means, why are those clowns calling us low minds?. They are just all talent killers, and this is one big problem with the black race. It's such a pity
Cos they want nigerians to forget it's history. They are ashamed of what they did in the past to the igbos. 3million pple killed..genocide. Don't worry, that movie must win an Oscar
Don't my the bureaucratic idiots up there, who think you can hide the truth with a sheet of paper or a stroke of the pen! How stupid do they think Nigerians are that a simple movie will spark a war? Igbos where the most hit with the war and we got better things to tend to than to start a war. FYI we don't need a movie to bear a grudge about the Biafran war.
well said, its a problem with our bureaucratic innuendos. unnecessarily long due process, kick back and kick front and in fact, kick bucket.
The NFCB is now acting like a cancer eating this beloved Nollywood up. Im sure if the movie had a scene of a native doctor jumping around, it would have since been approved.
This is what you see in a system that lacks intellectuals...
infact, God save Nigeria.
Well said
Please. Can u approve my Comment linda
Please. Can u approve my Comment linda
This is not good at all why can't we so things right for once in Nigeria, so dis fool of a woman went outside the country to watch the film and did not want to give us here in nija the right to watch, may God punish her stupid old fool, well said biyi
Biyi, you and your people are selfish. Thinking of profit lost only in Nigeria while there are serious issues to deal with. For PR purposes, you all made chimamanda write an article on the current crisis in Nigeria just to gain relevance in the present situation, while in truth she probably doesn't mean a word! If she cares really, she shouldn't mind putting a hold on the film, while the current crisis is resolved. Hmmm... yet she condemned the president for his insensitive reaction to the crisis!
Nigerians shld face the truth.they only think the book can cause more harm than good bcos of some people's evil thoughts. The book is great book and a reflection of Nigerian's history
I think this is some kind of hype to build momentum for the film. Haba! Is watching a movie the most important thing for us now? There are people dying everyday. Please, take a seat.
This country is just too corrupt!
This is too sad
I don't what's wrong with them...they shld release the movie jor.
I don wait for the movie tire sef.will soon download it and get it over with.
Nigerians r dream killers. All they won't is bribe cos they know the movie will. Be big.
Still waiting to watch HOAYS, I wonder d bs Nigerians are spilling n that madam Bala trying to add sentiments. Is ds not d best of time to see ds movie? So that those brewing up 4 WAR in ds country can see d disadvantages of trying to start up another WAR in Nigeria? Abeg u all shld take several seats jare! Nigerians can be so backwards n judgemental atimes! Just as Biyi said, wether d movie is authorised or NOT, most Nigerians will still see it.
She rilly a stupid woman.wateva issues she has wit d movie,ycant she come out straight n plain n say it to d nigerian public rather dn playing politics.wit all d education u av u stil act like illitrate.we deserve to watch dt movie.period!
I cannot believe this is happening . We need to learn from the past,we need to bring the war to life to appreciate the futility of war. Amaka
I cannot believe this is happening . We need to learn from the past,we need to bring the war to life to appreciate the futility of war. Amaka
That woman is a tribalistic bitch..stupid woman..#releasehalfayellowsun
Dear Nig,just go and read the book. It wld be way better than the movie...just like 50 Shades of Grey movie can not be anything like the book!
Thank u for ur comment. If we can read it in books why can't we watch it in our TVs or cinemas?
Biyi Bandele, spoken like a true genius. Can we get a petition going, I will definitely take time out if my day to sign it. Majority of Nigerians would love to see the movie, and you're absolutely right; we would have to resort to downloading it illegally, which by the way is still not going to solve whatever issue the censorship board raised. Nigerians are resourceful, whether it's legally or illegally, we will definitely watch Half of a Yellow Sun. Na today?! Might as well do it while eating popcorn and reflecting with friends.
Don't cry 4 mE Nigeria!
personally I beleive Lupita Nyongo, winning an oscar for her role in "12 years a slave", in a country historically famous for its "love" for "coloured people" is objectivity at its peak. We no dey try for Naija sha.
As a film maker, I label this a sad development... Is a clear show of incompetent hands managing the nigeria film and video censors board. These people lack creativity. They say the movie rejuvenated the biafran war history which is not good for the country based on d present security situation. Is d movie not supposed to show the adverse effects of war therefore discouraging people from engaging in war activities... Is this not d best kind of thing we need to see on the nigerian screens now? This is really sad.
That is the same way they banned the ducomentary, 'fuelling poverty', saying is a threat to national peace. Is documentary not supposed to be non fiction? It shud be about real life events... From this action, is a obvious that those managing NFVCB don't know anything about the ethics of arts... They can't even connect to the story of a film. How come the book that the movie was adapted from still sells? Why stopping the movie adaptation? I therefore support segun arinze's call for the resignation of NFVCS boss... I think there is too mush politics in that parastatal which can never be condoned in d film making industry. I rest my case...
weda they certify it or not, we will still watch it just like biyi bandele said. we will fight if we want to, biafra will be if God said so. i have seen so many movies on world war 1 and 2, i hv seen the rise and fail of Idi Amin i have seen movies on how black people were enslaved but still yet am a peace ambassador. certify half of a yellow sun for us our dear madam sensor board. u watched it and liked it, let us watch it like u. after all u didnt carry gun after watching it. stop being selfish.
via official intercom
That's what u get for not electing the right person as president. I mean Hollywood produce movies everyday where it depicts d Rusians, Germans and Irag as terrorist and traitors yet they never spark up ww3, besides That book is sold at every nook and crannies of this country even d pirated one is out for N500, how come it has not sparked up any tribal war, Biko release our movie joor.
thats nigerians for you bunch of clueless people,you just need to give them a percentage in your profit sharing and the impossible would be made possible.
thats nigerians for you bunch of clueless people,you just need to give them a percentage in your profit sharing and the impossible would be made possible.
I remember how disappointed i was when i heard this movie wasn't ready for the Nigeria cinema, after i had seen the preview over and over again, I had to go buy myself the book. How else do we preserve history if not by telling it to the younger generation? No matter how hard we try to hide the obvious, we all still know what the truth is, we read books and we know who our true enemies are. You can keep half of a yellow sun or any other movie as long as you want, but the wicked will never go unpunished!
Now if you ask me,half of a yellow sun is a must see for every Nigerian due to the insightful interpretation of the theme of the movie which is the Biafran War and so the Nigerian Film and Video censors board(NFVCB)should please make the right decision by issuing d certificate and quit giving lame ass excuses...#we've seen enough of movies with robbery,prostitution,babalawoism,husband snatching,brazilian hairism,blackberry girlies as their themes,ALL OF WHICH U GLADLY ISSUED CERTIFICATES TO.
Please. This is quite discouraging for those that mean well in this industry. I believe the woman should have intimated then in good time especially as she was at the festival with them. We should try as much as we can not to use a temporary position we hold frustrate the works of others. This is highly discouraging to hear
Pls release the movie biko, if the ibos think they have sometin to proof by the release of this movie then release it. After watching it they can only be full of bitterness and bark like a dog as usual no action, cos its obvious they can't do without the yorubas they claim to hate so much.
I and my family want to see "Half of a Yellow sun" plsssssssssssssssssss!!!
Can we stop hiding that the civil war happened. Talk about it and watch and read things about it so that we learn from it. Illiteracy and ignorance in high places.
My opinion remains
We should not hide the truth. The more you want to cover up the past the more you raise people’s anxiety about your behavior. This is making more Nigerians more excited to watch the movie.
Nigerians will still watch the movie either via pirated dvd’s or via downloads and torrents. This will just yield to a huge loss for investors/producers of this great movie and discourage future investment. You did not stop the novel why stop the movie?
The past is the past and everyone learned that War is not just a good.
The Igbos learned that lesson very hard and it affected us bad that it broke the homogeneity in relating with one another. An Igbo man will typically only fend/fight for himself or for his direct benefit.
I have not seen the movie “half of a yellow sun” but I do not believe it will instigate anything. In the recent past Igbos have been killed and are still being killed in the north that most of them have relocated abandoning their business and investments in the north. Fresh killings did not instigate any chaos, why would a movie that would be mostly seen by the working class, educated and apparently non violent class of Nigerians (at least for the cinemas)?
If you want to educate as well as entertain yourself then you should watch this documentary film about the history of Nigeria. Here (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=16vubBIx-T0) You will understand the genesis of the problems in Nigeria.
If we are reasonable we should learn from the past and observe the actions of our forefathers and where it brought us today.
Our tribalism and discrimination instead of fairness and merit has never yielded positive results.
If we embrace one Nigeria and treat people equally I bet Nigeria would be far better than this
Chuwku gozie unu
Human Being
Amen to dat Biyi!! Dere ll both fail!! I dnt knw wats wrong with us in dis country smh...I ve read d book bck in 2006 and it made me hate war more so why ll it now ignite violence now? did "hotel Rwanda", "sometimes in april" ignite more war in Rwanda?? It shows dere pain an wat war can do to a nation... let dem stop dis madness an release dis movie before dere waste d effort an resources put in it to piracy cos Nigerians ll Def watch one way or anoda!
I read with anger about the call for justice over a purported Genocide in borno by sheik Gunmi! I am not saying that if this really happened that Justice should'nt be served. However I am angry at how convinient it is to seek justice for Borno genocide but not for over 3million Bianfran children and parents slaughtered in cold blood! A clear genocide was committed in the north aginst igbos,even in moving trains,in Asaba in 1969 ,a lot of familys were shut down as all their male were slaughtered in Cold blood!they were lined up and shot yet no one deemed it fit to seek for justice!it has been suppressed!more infuriating is that a lot of young igbos have so been bullyed into silence by the Hausas and yorubas or will I say intimidated into silence that they see nothing wrong in the grave injustice done to their grand parents and greatgrand parents but it is okay to feel pity for so called borno genocide! Abuse me all you want but God isn't foolish! The cries and agony of the biafran children and Mothers esp those who watched as the opened fire on their Male,starved their little ones to death will forever seek vengence from God! Until the Hausas and yorubas seek proper restitution(which Gowon has started thanks to God but him alone cant do it because him alone didnt commit these atrocities) and true reconcilation and tell the stories of these atrocities then there is no going back to these calamities.This is not a call for retaliation, let me state clearly that I do not hate any tribe I only dislike individuals and judge them as individuals if given reasons to, but I will not sugar coat my words jus so someone who is Yoruba or Hausa won't see me as been tribalistic,No I wont!I am not tribalistic but if you see my statement as one then is entirely your opinion which you are rightly entitled to. I only speak the truth and yes it is the truth no matter how your hypocritical self get angry at it! The ground/soil that ate up the biafrans is crying vengence! Is it suprising that these things are happening in the same north were igbos were massively slaughtered!the world is deep and what goes around comes around!suppressing this history,banning every literature or movies that tells the biafran story out of sheer hypocrisy and guilt will not stop this happenings!dissention will continue to rise in Nigerian until true reconcilliation is done! You can say what you like but the truth is bare and cannot be hidden!if this story is pursued then ICC should be ready to open the biafran genocide file too bcos that is where it all started!for or unity in this country to be TRUE, TRUE reconcilliation Must be Done!bullying the Igbos into silence and suppressing what happened will not stop the spilled blood of yesteryears from crying Vengence!
That what happens when dysfunctional people are given power, Must they politicizes everything?
Madam Bala and her team only wanted to chop estacode. Chop money and get visa for she and her colleagues to travel. Nigeria! The land of the corrupt. I hail thee!!!!
Naija hates progress no doubt....
The reason America is great today is because it is not ashamed of its History,mistakes,crimes and shortfalls! The African American story is still been told till date! 12yrs a slave,danjo unchained and a host of other movies too numerous to mention has been made and shown to tell the story of the African slavery, and maltreaments in America as obnoxious as it was, there was no sugarcoating the story it was told and dipicted as it should! Yet this has not caused Riot or dissention in America! Bringing it down to home, the South African Apartheid story has been told and made into movies yet I didnt hear that it stired up riot or chaos or animosity! Instead what we see is these nation forging ahead,been ever united because they acknowledged their crimes,learnt their mistakes and it made them stronger! I have said it over and again, NIGERIA's a HYPOCRITICAL nation with overly Sentimental and Hypocritical Citizens and that is why the state of the nation is what it is today! Truth is the only healing balm for a bleeding and guilty conscience and it is the only instrument for togetherness!so long as the Biafran story is continually suppresed and swept under the carpet, then my dear country will continue to heamorrhage. Even in schools the biafran story which is part of our history was blantantly and starkly removed from the curriculum! All the history reccommended books I read has no account of it! What are you scared of my people! It was a crime borne out of errors just like in any war in any nation so why must it be concealed? We aint moving forward until we drop the self nationalistic identity and embrace the common nationalistic identity of being Nigerians first otherwise we will Never coexist peacefully as one! The sentiments and hypocrisy will always play its ugly head and we will always have mediocres in every sphere of our national affairs as merit will never rule over Nepotism and tribalism until we reconcile truly our oneness!
A download link would do!!! :D
The reason America is great today is because it is not ashamed of its History,mistakes,crimes and shortfalls! The African American story is still been told till date! 12yrs a slave,danjo unchained and a host of other movies too numerous to mention has been made and shown to tell the story of the African slavery, and maltreaments in America as obnoxious as it was, there was no sugarcoating the story it was told and dipicted as it should! Yet this has not caused Riot or dissention in America! Bringing it down to home, the South African Apartheid story has been told and made into movies yet I didnt hear that it stired up riot or chaos or animosity! Instead what we see is these nation forging ahead,been ever united because they acknowledged their crimes,learnt their mistakes and it made them stronger! I have said it over and again, NIGERIA's a HYPOCRITICAL nation with overly Sentimental and Hypocritical Citizens and that is why the state of the nation is what it is today! Truth is the only healing balm for a bleeding and guilty conscience and it is the only instrument for togetherness!so long as the Biafran story is continually suppresed and swept under the carpet, then my dear country will continue to heamorrhage. Even in schools the biafran story which is part of our history was blantantly and starkly removed from the curriculum! All the history reccommended books I read has no account of it! What are you scared of my people! It was a crime borne out of errors just like in any war in any nation so why must it be concealed? We aint moving forward until we drop the self nationalistic identity and embrace the common nationalistic identity of being Nigerians first otherwise we will Never coexist peacefully as one! The sentiments and hypocrisy will always play its ugly head and we will always have mediocres in every sphere of our national affairs as merit will never rule over Nepotism and tribalism until we reconcile truly our oneness!
How insensitive biyi is. Just because of profit. We have dire issues here and you're fighting for a film release. How is watching a movie going to help everyday Nigerians. How is the message going to help us. All you're concerned about is profit. You are no different from our politicians.
How come Linda is posting only supportive comments. She's been paid! that's why...
Pls, do anyone know where or which cinema this movie is showing in London. I will like to go and watch it there since they have chosen to behave like fools by not allowing it to be released in Naija. The truth can never be hidden. Adighi ekpuchi afo ime aka.
There have been several war films around the world that have the most gruesome images on pillaging of helpless villages. Have they incited revenge wars? There have been sevetal movies about the apartheid in SA even most recently, has the country thrown into chaos? Let's call a spade a spade, Madam Bala of NFVB wants to be settled but Yoga Biyi doesn't understand our formula. It's sad and shameful that this woman and her team would take their shamelessness to a global scale. 9ja I hail o.
Who are u? And what do u want? Linda, this person needs to be interrogated!
What's unhealthy to the public? Are you not aware of what happened during Biafra? It's a movie, worse wars have been adapted to movies, did they lead to uprising? It's just a stupid excuse to hold on to cos they want bribe before issuing certificate. Na 9ja we dey!
Belittling # bring back our girls.How insensitive!
I,Personally just can't exercise anoda patience again..wanna see dis outburst movie,,weda dey like it or yes...Nigeria must be 1..
Ikr 😂😂😂
i have already scheduled to see the movie with my bf b4 it was cancelled. probably i would have been engaged by now, who knows as people got engaged at cinema. mtcheeew.
via official intercom
You are one of the problems we have in Nigeria. One day the system will also catch up with you and frustrate your hardwork.
Well Nigeria is too backward if you ask me, movies are meant to expose some basic truth.. If you watch the movies escape from sobibo,hotel rwanda and some others.. Every body will know that ethnic crises and wars does not profit in anyway,instead let's make peace.. So I will beg who ever don't want to release the movie's certificate to do so,before I lose it.. Nigeria leaders sef,una no like better tin, na rubbish una must like.
i understand where biyi is coming from but i have to side with the censor board if the reason is d whole boko haram conflict thats going on presently. im not an igbo person but when i read the book i was angry for a while. i was angry at the yorubas the hausas at the foreigners for doing nothing.... i had to ask around for other versions of what really happened and when i got that i had a clearer view of what happened. it was war(thats not to say the igbos got what they deserved)and lets be sincere u cant say u are fighting against someone and continue feeding the person. how does that make sense to anyone.however what the book taught me is that only the rich profit from a war. every other person will perish. so far ur papa no get private jet u are not rich so u too will perish.... i honestly feel nigeria as a nation is not ready for the movie. for one thing the book is very biased which means d movie will be biased. until nigeria is able to incorporate the biafra war in primary/secondary school education. (i mean what really happened not the biased views of the igbos or the yorubas or the hausas) then we can say we are ready for the movie cause then we would be able to move past what happened and fight for peace(the bigger picture). thats not to say i wouldnt watch it if it does come out.
Thanks my dear the movie is not it at all. The worst movie i have seen so far.I was bored out of my skin watching it
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