Stealing is not corruption, says ICPC Chairman | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog





Monday, 19 May 2014

Stealing is not corruption, says ICPC Chairman

The Independent Corrupt Practices Commission (ICPC) chairman, Mr. Ekpo Nta recently agreed to a statement made by President Jonathan during his May 4th media chat that, stealing is not corruption.
While addressing members of  the Council for the Regulation of Engineering in Nigeria, COREN, at the ICPC Headquarters' in Abuja, Mr Nta said there is a difference between stealing and corruption  and it is wrong to classify theft as corruption. He said that we should refer back to what we were taught about stealing and corruption in school
"Stealing is erroneously reported as corruption. We must go back to what we were taught at school to show that there are educated people in Nigeria. We must address issues as we were taught in school to do".
He likened the misunderstanding of stealing and corruption to the mindset of the ordinary Nigerian who believes a roadside mechanic is also an engineer. Really? These people are strange!!!


Anonymous said...


Angie said...

Excuse me?
He still did not explain the difference!
Na waa for this ppl ooo!

*My R1.50c comment *

Unknown said...

strange pple...nn keep decieving yah selves.... illegal taking or bribing.

Anonymous said...

if stealing is not corruption then na kidnapping.

Get your business ideas @ Bisthoughts

Famonzo said...

Ekpo Nta is just trying to fine-tune what Mr President said during his media chat, that a mere theft is being regarded as corruption. To the best of my knowledge n my dictionary, any act of dishonesty is corruption. I don't blame dis man anyways, It's been a while since we heard ICPC in the news. SMH for this laughable government.

★★PRINCE CHARMING™★★ said...

Utter galimatias! Flimflam!! If it isn't the biggest bucket of hogwash, I wonder what is. Your conceitedness is appalling! Pls next time if you can't control the urge to spit out such drivel as you did here, pls just soliloquise! And while you monologuise pls keep it to yourself too!

Unknown said...

Linda,everybody finds excuses to justify dier doing,either good or bad,, so i ain't surprised... Jst huge shame we've got peeps lyk dis as leaders...

Anonymous said...

Are u kidding me? WTF! The things I read in Nigeria news..

Can't stop laughing Lmfaoooo. You people that eat dog meat need to read this

Anonymous said...


If Boko Haram's Leader, Abubakar Shekau Accepts Christ, Do You Think He Would Make Heaven? [ MUST READ]

Unknown said...

Its shameful at times d way our leaders reason. U dnt ve 2 knw all..bur at times it jes feels like wisdom z lacking.
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Anonymous said...

Ohh I understand why dis retarded pple don't see stealing as anything..thunder go fire u and GEJ..thieves....................#King

Holy Guy said...

The new definition of stealing and corruption should be changed to NIGERIA OR NIGERIANISM. Mr Lecturer should this be the concern for now or to get the system working first by going after people who break the laws.

Unknown said...


Anonymous said...

Stealing or Corruption, both are bad and shouldn't not be found or seen in anyone who calls him/herself a leader.

CoolDiva speak!

Unknown said...

Na were person dey work na there him dey chop na him make them call am workchop... So respect the order man b4 yu lose ur work....

Ejay said...

This guys are some retards! Really it's a shame Nigeria has gone so low to d extend of been governed by ppl who think like this. Corruption of the upper class lead to the fall of the Roman Empire! Surely it will get to that with happenings around

Alloy Chikezie said...

taking the footsteps of his GEJ, America will know

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Ezeh said...

now we know that even the people that claim to be the most knowledgeable has turn out to be the most insane citizens of Naija. if stealing is not a corrupt act, then they should legalize it,,, then we will if out name will come down on the list of corrupt nation across the globe.....

Anonymous said...

Please why didn't he define stealing to us as it was taught in school "taking something that doesn't belong to you.
Big OLE! I can't even believe he said the president too agrees. And this guy is in charge of monitoring corruption?
NIGERIA IS FINISHED! Now, we understand what they have been using to justify their actions behind the scene. Unbelievable!!! they should all be executed-no seriously- the whole lot!!!!!

Unknown said...

And to think this is a man in one of the peak offices. So if a public officer launder billions of naira, thats stealing right ?? Please,could he tell us at what point this kinda stealing can be termed " corruption"
Fuck you Mr chairman ...fuck your government! Jesus, i am so pained by this!

Ejay said...

Mr teacher no be lecturer be your name

Anonymous said...

I am outraged-these BASTARDS! And he is someone's father?

Excel unlimited said...

God punish u!!! So dats why government Is sleeping abi? owk curruption is for d rich and stealing is for d poor? Or curruption is ment for d educated and stealing for the illitrate? U must be MAD!!

Blackberry said...

Foolish old man.

Anonymous said...

He is an idiot, may God in heaven judge all of them.Including the president he is a bigger fool.Linda publish my comment.

Myke said...

The English dictionary defines corruption as act of impairing integrity, virtue or moral principle or the loss of purity or integrity. Someone who steals public funds fits this definition to the letter. Therefore a public thief is Corrupt. I really don't understand where our leaders are driving this country to. Our president is shamelessly incompetent and docile. Unfortunately too, he's surrounded by sycophantic baboons like the ICPC chairman. Oh God. Please help our country.

Debbie Chelsea said...

Mtcheeeeeeew.....he has stolen enough nah,so why will stealing b corruption 2 him?

Anonymous said...

Very Correct. Corruption is receiving or giving bribe.corruption is #egunje

Anonymous said...

Embezzling money is not a form of theft abi?? awon ole

Anonymous said...

Then he should tell us what is stealing instead of referring us back to school

Anonymous said...

is he serious? we are governed by us a favour n don't reproduce

Ada said...

Yes Linda...strange people. We are most definitely living in STRANGE TIMES.

Olubukola Ozone said...

So, what are d differeces? He dint actualy explain himslf... But dis ppl must realy bliv we are so dumb

Anonymous said...

They are correct. It is good to check the dictionary to the difference. steal - /stiːl/
1. take (another person's property) without permission or
legal right and without intending to return it.
2. move somewhere quietly or surreptitiously. corruption - /kəˈrʌpʃ(ə)n/
1. dishonest or fraudulent conduct by those in power, typically
involving bribery.
2. the process by which a word or expression is changed
from its original state to one regarded as erroneous or
3. the process of decay; putrefaction.

Steveosky 4 Real. said...

Well I agree with him. Those are two different things together and can't be alikened with..

Unknown said...

Mr Ekpo have given green light to corrupton in Nigeria . The president appointed the ICPC chairman so he will support the president speech, I.e Corruption are Invisibe cases while Stealing are visible in law. Hmmmm the is God oh Mr Expo

veralu said...

Abeg, wetin d man yarn now,una 2 talk, awon ole

Walata said...

He's just followed the bandwagon of the corrupt minds, damn Nigeria is a big JOKE can u imagine what a man of this caliber occupying a high office like ICPC is saying, pls my ppl when u steal billions of Naira and another person who saw u when u stole the money decides to steal his own probably just Bcos u weren't caught , did u not corrupt his mind or not, "ahh there is God ohh" dis ppl don't have the fear of God in them

Rabiya said...

Oga, you are the dumbest person alive..mbok keep your stupidity to yourself abeg. don't infect other innocent people. LUBBISH!!!

Rabiya said...

Oga, you are the dumbest person alive..mbok keep your stupidity to yourself abeg. don't infect other innocent people. LUBBISH!!!

Anonymous said...

Then he should tell us what is stealing instead of referring us back to school

ary said...

Only a corrupt person steal, so it is corruption.

Anonymous said...

Please stone this Man Devil anywhere seen....Old fool teaching non-sense..

morracks said...

Omg are these people seriously serious can't seem to believe wat my eyes read. I'm really trying not to go vulgarly kungfu on here but this man needs some serious b**Ch slap along with the president of this country

Anonymous said...

Relax people! He did not say stealing is not a crime or not bad. He said corruption is when a business process is sidestepped for enrichment purposes; and stealing is when someone just takes something belonging to something else. I'll give examples: corruption is when the price of a contract is inflated, or a unqualified contractor is hired, and the officials get some bribe. However, stealing is when the Minister/Governor/Official just takes the money from the government account and pockets it.

Anonymous said...

Relax people! He did not say stealing is not a crime or not bad. He said corruption is when a business process is sidestepped for enrichment purposes; and stealing is when someone just takes something belonging to something else. I'll give examples: corruption is when the price of a contract is inflated, or a unqualified contractor is hired, and the officials get some bribe. However, stealing is when the Minister/Governor/Official just takes the money from the government account and pockets it.

Anonymous said...

So he is justifying it!

Nife said...

He doesn't know what his saying. If stealing is not corruption den is what Mr Ekpo Nta?

Anonymous said...

God punish all these criminals. Let them be decieving themselves but God is watching them

Anonymous said...

According to Wikipedia's definition of corruption, it is a spiritual or moral impurity or deviation from an ideal and it includes many activities such as bribery and embezzlement which is is the act of dishonestly withholding assets for the purpose of conversion (theft) of such assets by one or more individuals to whom such assets have been entrusted, to be held and/or used for other purpose, it went further to say Government, or 'political', corruption occurs when an office-holder or other governmental employee acts in an official capacity for personal gain. Lipsealed. Meanwhile Seun Kuti says Shekau is not more deadly than our leaders

Anonymous said...

Such buffoons we have in our government Mchew

Anonymous said...

Dis fake PC, will u quit already? Every1 here knows dat ure not d original PC. Ure overdoing dis vocab thing and it's so boring and pathetic. I'm sure dat u urself don't understand meaning of wot u write most times. So just stop already and spare us d eyesore ure giving us with ur stupid writeups

Anonymous said...

Are u really communicating with other readers with your comments coz communicating is key! U try too much with this your ostentatious grammars! U need to mellow down a bit .or u are obahiagbon wannabe ! #NoHardFeelings

Anonymous said...

With such idiots in power no wonder, ICPC is a toothless mongrel with such a buffoon chairman. Which yeye night school this monkey go? You will be surprised be is well educated but has been brain washed with dirty money. I am appalled at the statements that emanate from people in 'high authority'. Imbeciles!

Anonymous said...

Rubbish people

Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh! Where my dictionary @? PC is at it again. Soliloquise,I luv that word I just learned from u,that's the new word to tell my noise making roommate as from now

Anonymous said...

Communication* rather

julius O said...

Stealing is a form of corruption.Bribery, stealing, or embezzlement are forms of corruption.God go punish una

Michael214 said...

This is an insult on us all! For how long do we allow these people treat us like this???

KWEEN said...

Why won't he say so? When he is also a thief! Supid, corrupt bastards! May thunder locate and romance all of you one by one.

KWEEN said...

Hmmm. You must be the next Patrick Obahiagbon.

DOBY DOBY said...

Y is dis man bringin dis issue up wen he cnt evn differentiate it.. mtchew

Anonymous said...

We really need to pray...this man should be sacked. How could such a silly statement come from the Chairman of ICPC a body who should be championing the fight against bribery and corruption in the public sector? How did he get into this role in the first place? What experience or skills does he have relevant to the role? Instead of rejecting these kind of incompetent candidates our Senate will tell them to take a bow....shameful, unfortunate and disgraceful. We really need to pray...

Anonymous said...

Galimatias and flimflam are almost of d same meaning ! Which means insincere, nonsensical while soliloquise and monoloquise are also of the same meaning which means talking to oneself !u could av used one and save yourself and other readers stress! This isn't a page to show bluff or seek undue attentions boss ! Don't be a smart alec

Anonymous said...

He never gave any difference. Just beating round the bush. #ArrantNonsense!! #ThatOneGuy.

Livvsreamblog said...

Stupid old cargo

Unknown said...

Of course.. what do you expect..He's a semantics expert. They are all part of the stealing going on in Nigeria. That country is doomed already. Look at him, when the west sees things like this; they just laugh at us. Holier than thou attitude that's only got us rock bottom

kunle said...

Stealing is an art of dishonesty likewise corruption which is even deep. What is this leader saying.

Anonymous said...

Ekpo Nta, u see, u don provoke prince charming. Ntoo gi!

Anonymous said...

somebody pls tell us this man has some weird health issue distorting his thinking abilities!Nigeria is finished o!can we call this man out to tell us what is corruption pls.what a good country with brainless n useless leaders!imagine this ete nmonu!that is why Aba will always eat n nmonu will go hungry!(hw dey greet in their language)

Anonymous said...

Why not tell us what corruption is all about. Embezzlement, according to Wikipedia, is a type of corruption. But, Mr ICPC will have to explain the difference between theft and embezzlement so that one can understand things better. Educate us, Chairman.

halimsy said...

All what he is saying are rubbuish

Roobey Chan said...

For interesting articles about relationships, and Nigerian social commentary, visit Leave your comments, join the discussion let's know what you think.

sisi said...

Story Story?!...story

Anonymous said...

This government is just funny.

Anonymous said...

Not only does he sound silly and brain dried!!! His trying to make excuses for his stealing mates! .Come Mr I steal for a living, if u like bend dat rod anywhich way u will still point to d north, meaning all na crime and should be made to face d LAW, which was set up by this same thrives!


Unknown said...

Lol ,, all this politicians sef

Anonymous said...


dhobiz said...

Oya educated man educate the uneducated people na,just going round the word without explanation KLEPTOs

Man Of God said...

interesting! i think we should be noting ALL these while keeping 2015 in view! God save Nigeria

Anonymous said...

Also 16 is more tham 19.see nigeria leaders.pls were are d bh?they shld deal with those pple .

Anonymous said...

This man is a thief and a corrupt idiot.

Anonymous said...

Honestly this people must take us for some of the dumbest people on earth. So we are talking semantics then follows that what we have going on is the minor pasttime of stealing and that corruption has been eradicated.very funny indeed

Unknown said...

Look at the people leading Nigeria....Ekpo Nta it's a pity!

Anonymous said...

What is actually wrong with our leaders in this country. According to Wikipedia Embezzlement, theft and fraud are also methods of corruption. Wikipedia went on to state that 'Embezzlement and theft involve someone with access to funds or assets illegally taking control of them. Fraud involves using deception to convince the owner of funds or assets to give them up to an unauthorized party'. Stealing of public funds is corruption and United Nation even need to declare it a crime against humanity as money been stolen by these criminally minded people in power is meant for basic necessity of life in this country. Is the man asking us to change the name of The Independent Corrupt Practices Commission (ICPC) to The Independent Corrupt Practices and Stealing Commission (ICPSC) to enable him understand his job description?

Anonymous said...

i keep wondering when we got to this debased state in our individual and collective lives! that anyone can come out to say stealing is not corruption!!! Chai! chai! Dariz God ooooooo. This is wat madam dame should weep about! "Seen enemies". How can any body open his/her mouth and tell people in broad day light that stealing is not corruption. And this man has children too ooo. Hmmmmnn, i use to pray in church about home for Nigeria! but recently...i am more that sure that its almost too late for Nigeria. These people need to ALL DIE!!! Stupid Boko Haram fighting innocent people instead of chasing this ones!

Anonymous said...

Grand corruption is stealing in high places.

Anonymous said...

For the information of this stupid goat, a mechanic is an engineer. They work on engines? Hence= engineers.. Just as an electrician is an electric engineer.

I can't help but be totally baffled at the uneducated idiots that fill the corridors of power in Nigeria. Absolute fucking idiots the lot of them are!

Anonymous said...

i keep wondering when we got to this debased state in our individual and collective lives! that anyone can come out to say stealing is not corruption!!! Chai! chai! Dariz God ooooooo. This is wat madam dame should weep about! "Seen enemies". How can any body open his/her mouth and tell people in broad day light that stealing is not corruption. And this man has children too ooo. Hmmmmnn, i use to pray in church about home for Nigeria! but recently...i am more that sure that its almost too late for Nigeria. These people need to ALL DIE!!! Stupid Boko Haram fighting innocent people instead of chasing this ones!

Oskirin said...

Mr NTA abi na AIT oya tell us d meanin of stealin n corruption.let me help u,if u dnt knw.wht prompted stealin n corruption is pure act of dishonesty.Kai! we r finished in ds nation.wht kind of leaders do we av?pls let us flush ds pple out wit our votes cum nxt so pathetic.

Ella said...

Stealing is not corruption den wat is corruption?????,,, guess poverty, or struggling sooo hard to get education, diarisGod o,,,

Amarachukwu. said...

Just imagine the type of people leading Nigeria...God help us.

Anonymous said...

Mr Chairman, can you please tell us the difference between stealing and corruption?

Anonymous said...

How does this change the fact that money is missing left right and center?

Unknown said...

The difference between stealing and corruption is the same as the difference between Linda and Ikeji. The former is a subset of the latter.

Anonymous said...

The guy has simply supported what ur President said earlier. Later u will be abusing oyinbo when they cartoon ur President.

Unknown said...

This thing you people are doing in Nigeria, There is God OO, Stealing is the highest Form of Corruption, Only a corrupt mind steals what does not belong to him, and as for the instance u brought about the Mechanic thing...What a dumb man are u Mr Ekpo. What an Illiteracy? The word Mech. is an Engineering Terms that deals with a person who operate on mechanical appliances, A road side Mechanic as you call it, is even more of a Mechanical Engineer in Practical than the unqualified Engineers you are producing in the Nigeria institutions.

Unknown said...

The word corrupt when used as an adjective literally means "utterly broken".[1] The word was first used by Aristotle and later by Cicero who added the terms bribe and abandonment of good habits.[2] Morris,[3] a professor of politics, corruption is the illegitimate use of public power to benefit a private interest. Economist I. Senior[4] defines corruption as an action to (a) secretly provide (b) a good or a service to a third party (c) so that he or she can influence certain actions which (d) benefit the corrupt, a third party, or both (e) in which the corrupt agent has authority. So therefore Mumu icpc chairman,if a nigerian compares those two terms he simply is trying to state that our politicians use their positions for their own benefits which is to STEAL.

Unknown said...

U r a Mumu

Anonymous said...

Grammatical lecture!

Anonymous said...

Ekpo Nta, are you being disingenuous or is this a tongue in cheek remark?
Anyway, it dos not fly. Hope you are not stealing out there ooo you will get caught since you don't know the difference

Unknown said...

Let thunder with a little bit of lightning strike all corrupted leaders in Nigeria

Unknown said...

Me need to steal my own too

Unknown said...

I think many of our leaders are mentally deranged

solomakinovich said...

In future, Jonathan's kids and grandkids will be so ashamed of their papa's dumb and shameless utterances!
Did the man get genuine PhD or is it 'Oluwole' PhD?!
Stealing is NOT corruption? No wonder he wears a hat permanently to cover the corruption germinating on his head.

Unknown said...

That's why ICPC hasn't arrested anyone since inception.

Adeniran said...

Age is never at a height for only the aged to attain... Sir, the headline is enough for one to see how foolish u are.

Anonymous said...

Yes really... Was Lawrence ‘the Law’ Anini a common thief, a criminal, an armed robber or was he simply a corrupt Nigerian? Have we ever heard someone describe Sina Rambo as simply corrupt?
Corruption as defined by Transparency International is the “abuse of entrusted power for private gain” so when a public official dips his hand into the collective till, it goes beyond an “abuse of entrusted power for private gain”, it is simply stealing, ala Lawrence Anini, Monday Osunbor and Sina Rambo.
To take a contrary position is to dignify what has become a way of life for a people. The moral decadence of an argument that equates stealing with corruption is not just pathetic but is a sign of an even more insidious problem, a people’s moral bankruptcy or illiteracy.
I believe that even the laws of the land have long made this distinction, prescribing a 21 year jail term for forgery and stealing and what amounts to a slap on the wrist for corruption.
Pele! I appreciate that for a lot of us, describing dipping ones hand into the public till as stealing will amount to calling ourselves thieves, but a thief you are, period!
As for the rest of us, please let’s not dignify public officials who steal with the less socially opprobrious toga of corruption. They are all common thieves!

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