Actor and former Actors' Guild of Nigeria president Segun Arinze is now calling for the resignation of the Director-General of the Censors Board. His statement below...
Please tell Madam Patricia Bala of Nigeria Film and Video Censors Board to release the movie Half of a Yellow Sun. She has no reason to hold on to the movie. She has no right to censor the movie only to classify it. She saw it in Canada and even partnered with the producers in Canada during the premiere. What she is doing now is an embarrassment to government and a big insult to our dear industry, Nollywood. We are not in a military regime. She should kindly resign'. - Segun Arinze
Segun Arinze; Pot calling kettle black...
Anya ukpa!
* My R1.50c comment *
the old bitch should resign her ass off dat sit hypocrite#BaDdest#
Wat difference does it make? D did has bin done and de are still killing so...... Release d film joor.
Arinze , go and resign her if she doesn't resign. That's the order given to her from d oga @ d top!
How can u release a movie with such title segun with the current crisis every where ? Let's be careful cos we are one Nation even if devil is using some people to cause havoc in this country . I know u guys want to make a point but now is not the time to avoid more havoc pls
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Yeah.. I think he is right!
I love this man.God bless u for saying this..Nigeria will release afro candy n useless oda films but now u people don't want ur grandchild to see what you pple did to the igbos,see guilt!!!!! Kai! It's called history please..timid tribe..tufiakwa!! See local censors forming!! dey r just jealous of the movie cos in der 20 years dey av Neva produced a movie like that in Nigeria
Y wud she do so.. D most anticipated film in nigeria in history of nollywood .. Thank u Arinze for voicing out..!! Cnt wait
I'm of the opinion that the movie. Premiere should be suspended till the insecurity challenges in this country reduces.Half of a yellow sun's theme as innocent as it is could be misinterpreted by some Nigerians and hence ember the flames of disunity.Our unity is already shaking as it is,we shouldn't aggravate the situation.Segun should pls see reason with the DG.#My 2cent sha
can u imagine..let dis old lady resign..yaaaaaayyy..itz my birthday..I'll be nice today..won't insult any1....................#King
Matters arising. I think Mr segun is rit on this one. ⌣̊┈̥-̶̯͡»̶̥♡thanks ⌣̊┈̥-̶̯͡»̶̥
In my own opinion I want to say that its better we are very careful of what message we pass out with this movie at this time, base on what's on ground. Don't start enmity with the tribes...
I concur
I thought there are laws clearly stated. So, who's bullying who here?!
I don't think so...I'm sure she has her reasons.
Segun kilode?? I nor wan address ya issue o coz I still de vex 4 dz recent BB *fashionista LeOnOrA*
Abeg! Segun,let her do her work o. What an Elderly person sitting on a chair seeing,a young person sitting even on top of rock can neva see it. Biko,du Allah,Joor ooooo.#Tbabe#
Whatever we do in Nigeria today,we should be highly sensitive and security conscious,looking at state of the nation today,I am of the opinion that it be withdrawn. Arinze is just bn profit or money makin conscious,not minding the aftermath/aftereffect of watching such movie. I guess Patricia Bala thought it again,that was y she ordered that it be witheld.let's apply psychology to this and be diplomatic.
Segun kilode?? I nor wan address ya issue o coz I still de vex 4 dz recent BB *fashionista LeOnOrA*
Yes I think soo
Hahaha wahala dey...Linda abeg gv us better gist.hv d troops found our girls.biko
Yes I think he's right, the film should be rated 18 n above. They are talking about foreign investors but this kind of news will surely scare the hell out of them, that's bad.
Smh... Person wen knw u dey do u... Winchy things...
Must they bring politics and bad belle into everything? Didn't the things in the movie happen then? Is it still not happening now? Why are they trying to whitewash history?
For what?
For what?
I believe this censor board ain't a one person thing, Sotherefore, decisions from other members constituting the boards must be considered to. If she viewed it in canada I loved it... That is her and not the board. Mr. Okpolo eye is taking it too far. Settle your wahala with her silently. And, thanks for airing your undiplomatic talks.
Its in the nature of yorubas 2 sabotage.......u can't take it away 4rm dem......
No, I don't. There is a huge unrest presently in the country. Segun should lend his voice to the unrest in the country not lending his voice to what might further create chaos. By the way, how come no one has a problem with foreigners acting the lead roles. Even Chimamanda has complex issues. Americans will train their actors to play African. Why can't we train our actors to play returnee Americanas? Segun, aren't you an actor? Shameful...
Most Nigerians do not cherish truth,they prefer to cover it,this film is what for crying out loud has a book,published,sold and inculcated in Nigerian educational curriculum. She should have also ban the novel from being sold or read in Nigeria,selfish,sentimental woman.This has been debuted abroad and people all over the world appreciated and still appreciate it. But in Nigeria here;same people whose history has been told by a courageous Nigerian do not even want it debuted. It's a big shame. #SoFullAvSentiments.
I really wonder why everyone is keeping quiet about the release of this movie! Release the thing or resign...simple! B***h!!!
I think its the truth that they are afraid of. The things they did to biafrans/igbos. But u can not change the truth.
i understand d woman's opinion tho, but they should just do something about it sharpely and release it, cos we are waiting anxiously to see it. Thanks Segun.
If so then njango unchained and 12yrs a slave shouldnt be released in the US... Nansnace, naija hate progress thats just it.
Why such movie at this time the country is going thru a lot,biafra war is somrthg we heard about,no one taught it in any school.If she knew the impact of that movie she should not have in the first place approved it.
Segun Arinze tell her o!!! We have been waiting to see the movie
Hmmm nice one segun
Woman, please resign.
Politics every where.
When shall we quit from politicising everything? That tribalised woman should be shown d way out.
he is absolutely and totally correct, i have watched the movie and there is nothing wrong with the movie at all it is absolutely great and to discriminate the movie is what a shallow mind would do
Simply put!
No he is wrong. If a movie is capable of creating unrest or igniting wars if shouldn't be released in Nigeria at this time. The situation is too volatile. At least someone is using their brains
I agreeeee
Ode oshi....when u pple shoot substandard movies do we tell u to close shop.
D woman shud release d film jo.So what if d film portrays hausas killing d igbos, isn't dat wats rili hpning?.y try 2 hide when d whole world already know our predicament?.n isn't biafra part of our nation's history?.d woman shud just go n die abeg(after releasing d film tho).mtchww.
Let her free d movie! Haba is a movie not reality! Some women are not even close to sit @ a high place in nig! Tor
Simple .she wants bribe.i'm sooooo sure.i wonder y sm women in power run the office as if its their husband's kitchen .
The biafra war is a part of nigeria history...no point running from it
The Board Should be scrapped. So I have to leave Nigeria to watch the movie? *hiss*
Ugly woman, ugly wahala
Truthfulness pays!
Arinza is not right on this, he's a foolish man. We want peace in this country not war, that kind of movie might create hatred in each tribes and this might lead to something else.
Na wah o. I support him on dis. Is she a dictator? Whtz her problem exactly?
They never settle her. Kai naija, God help us.
Please Mada realease the movie ooo!!!! I tired of waiting.
Some pple nd their pathetic way of thinking. Please release d movie nd let us watch. Abi y dint they stop us 4rm reading d novel too.
Wetin u sabi?
Yea,I agree with him.
My Friend Keep Quiet... Wetin u sabi about the story?
I agree wt u fase we don't need any video film that will cause war in this country. She's right #monokai#
Yeah is true
Pls tell her cos we are waiting patiently 4 d movie is d novel is dt touching maybe d movie ll help us in one way or d oda
I agree with Segun Arinze. She has no right to hold the movie.
I totally agree wit him! All dis nonsense pple in power! Dey shd release d film! Bloody hypocrites
The country is on a keg of gun powder,reasonable films are what we need not the ones that will bring more division,let's pray for Nigeria.
My dear he's wrong.
It's too sensitive a movie to release, especially at this time in Nigeria. The censor board director appears to be one of the intelligent people in Nigeria today and I praise her actions.
This is bad
Yea it's a big disgrace a lot of us have been waiting for the film to hit the viewing center and one stupid mofo is holden on to it keeping a lot of nija waiting it's only in dis country u will see dis
Don't mind d old woman.see her reasons for holding onto d film.as if she can erase d truth of wat happened.if she lyk make she carry am do tuwo shinkafa.
Na dis kin tins pple lyk clarion chukwura dey see 4 nollywood leadership wey dey make dia blood ovaheat,nonsense
I think she is right. The situation in the country has to be considered. Remember she has a boss too. So someone at the villa is probably directing her. The movie has been made and it is not going anywhere. The will recoup their money later. Better to prevent innocent people from being killed from riots the movie will induce.
i agree its taking forever some selected few have sen it in the galleria i dnt understand whats happening here
Lwkmd! @ anya ukpa. He has bbm suprised smiley kinda eyes.
Thisis a Movie that will open Nigeria movie industries into international View and someone is just trying to play politice with entertainment industry, Haba Nigeria
History can never be hidden
We Igbos knows everything about Biafra war
We have parents and they told us about it
I wonder why they are hiding it
Well if it's showing around the world,then surly it wuld reach nja soon....fingers crossed....history can't be edited
Vry True abt wat u said bcos evrywhr iz hot now and Nigeria iz on d verge of Breakin so watchin dhiz wud incite sme tribes against d oda at dis present situation we are! So its btr it shud b on Hold for Now n Segun arinze shud c it frm dat point of view!!!!
Dis country! Some ppl will be fighting for their monetary benefits and for their personal credit or whatsoever not looking to what havoc the subject will cause. Dis not the kind of story we shud watching @ dis crucial state of d country. America too also ban or re-edit some movies bcos of national security.
Yes she should get her old butt off d seat. What is d movie that we havent seen in oda movies or seen life sef! Its even better for d sensitization of nigerians on the effect of war! Her reasons are baseless!
Pls let d tension in d counry die down first. We really need to b careful on what we are sending out for public consumtion. A word is enough for d wise.
No matter how much you protect a truth, it will arise. Nigeria does not want us to know about the civil war, esponging it from educational curriculum, wiping it off shelves, leaving behind biased account of the events by bloated conceited authors. But we have another war brewing, can they hide that from us?
She may be right if there are sensitive scenes in the movie. Not the right time at all. we won't want hatred and resentment to cloud our reasons, will we? Even when hitler was killing jews, there were Germans who were against him and practically saved jews as well.
All will be well again IJN.
speechless... .....
From my own point of view..There's absolutely nothing wrong with d theme or content of d movie. 12yrs a slave was released in Hollyword amicably that doesn't mean that racism doesn't still exist in U.S, the essence of d movie is basically to bring growtht to our movie industry, u can't hinder a movie shot wit A-list actors from hollywood and expect them to do a movie in nigeria again after such embarrassment. Stop d release of this movie then u've closed d opportunity of foreign actors/ actresses acting in nollywood movies....
Is she alright? Are we going to act like the Biafra war never happened? Abeg release the movie let the youths see what happened or what looks like what happened in those years. Hypocrites!
Mr Segun I'm quite disappointed in you! Yes, NFVCB has every right to censor and classify any movie before it's distributed or released in cinemas.
You're just ranting out of childish sentiments. The movie is capable of stirring up high emotions and may worsen the present situation in the national. Please be matured. The owners of the film are not complaining,abi name them send you?
Segun Arinze should get a life plz. HOYS is not the first film to be rejected by NFVCB. The Wolf of Wall street, despite its many awards in the US also was first banned in Naija, then Ghana followed,and other African countries. So, FYI, she is not resigning, instead she's getting a lot of credits for doing her job well!
Big ups to u. I support ur comment hundred percent. Guilty conscience to a very very timid tribe-The YORUBAS
Dat gud of Æ”o̶̲̥̅̊u Arinze
Nigeria should indeed be ashamed in herself that this movie is yet to show in cinemas, a movie about the history of Nigeria.
Something secondary schools should add to its curriculum. *smh*
Deed my dear willfool. DEED.
The movie shud be released nigerians r not that sensitive. If all the present day killings hasn't sparked a war. A movie wudnt or shudnt
Segun is so dam right! Please that woman shud release d movie or resign. The book has sold over a million copy! Reading it gave me insight into why we are where we are today. The film will teach us the history they have been hiding from us.
Can we start an international campaign to #releasehalfofayellowsun#
I have been looking for it in theatres in the DC-MD-VA states and I cannot find one. Let's get this to be an international box office hit because of the foolishness of Nigerian officials. If nothing else, this movie will demonstrate why it is important for the government to not sit down and watch a genocide. I dont see how it can start a crisis when ibo people will never again sacrifice their own in this selfish country
They are all dream killers. The producer spent millions of dollars producing the movie, and when it is the time for her to start recouping her money, witches and wizards in the form of the censors board are now raising the wicked heads. That's why people don't invest in our country. One cheap a** from nowhere could sit on top of ones progress for one stupid reason or the other.
The film producer had to source funds, $10m, from various quarters to see to the success of the movie, meanwhile, while they're holding her down, interests are accruing on the funds she borrowed. Nigeria is a place where evils are happening and they're being swept under the carpet.
What is wrong with releasing the movie? Because it shows the hausas killing the ibos? Is that not a correct portrayal of our history? Did that not happen? How could you refuse to release a movie because it told our history? What is happening now in the country is because we have refused to look at our history and learn from it. We always like to sweep evil under the carpet, and it is very unfortunate.
The way people, acting under very bogus authority, kill people's dreams and aspirations in Nigeria is so, so unfortunate. The producer of this movie intended it to be a world class movie, hence, the borrowed huge sum she spent on it. For a very terrible woman to sit on the release just because she does not like people to remember one of the most terrible times of our existence as a country, is to say the least, very unjust. I know what it takes to source for funds and how painful it is not to be able to pay back. This movie must be released forth with, enough of this dream killing.
Unknown City.
People just want to run away from history and wish it away. Those hideous crimes were perpetrated by us, against us. Today's event will be tomorrow's history. Her power ends with movies, i rather read the book anyway ...#strollsaway
On a serious note, people have lost their love ones due to this havoc. In as much the director of the movie had good intentions, the movie should be sensor at least for now.
Who can't afford to watch or hear rape story after been raped.
Segun kindly hold the movie. Let expedite action on the recent happenings.
What is been experienced now is likely to Nigeria/ Biafiara War.
Imagine! ...People like Segun Arinze just wakes up in the morning and look for ways of being relevant; blabbing shit without thinking! ... Doesn't he live in naija, abi he's amongst those that don't care? SMH
If it's true she partnered the producers in Canada and allowed the movie to be screened, then y bring her hypocritical black ars to stop it from Nigerian cinema. Its true it can stir violence but the Nigerian/Biafran war was real and all those things happened, lots of books has it documented.
.........Atutu said so
I have searched every where but can't find Nigeria film and video censors board, I think it's National film and video censors board, segun pls have yr facts right before opening ur wide mouth on social media
We should not hide the truth. The more you want to cover up the past the more you raise people’s anxiety about your behavior. This is making more Nigerians more excited to watch the movie.
Nigerians will still watch the movie either via pirated dvd’s or via downloads and torrents. This will just yield to a huge loss for investors/producers of this great movie.
The past is the past and everyone learnt that War is not just a good.
The Igbos learnt that lesson very hard and it affected us bad that it broke the homogeneity in relating with one another. An Igbo man will typically only fend/fight for himself or for his direct benefit.
I have not seen the movie “half of a yellow sun” but I do not believe it will instigate anything. In the recent past Igbos have been killed and are still being killed in the north that most of them have relocated abandoning their business and investments in the north. Fresh killings did not instigate any chaos, why would a movie that would be mostly seen by the working class, educated and apparently non violent class of Nigerians (at least for the cinemas)?
If you want to educate as well as entertain yourself then you should watch this documentary film about the history of Nigeria. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=16vubBIx-T0) You will understand the genesis of the problems in Nigeria.
If we are reasonable we should learn from the past and observe the actions of our forefathers and where it brought us today.
Our tribalism and discrimination instead of fairness and merit has never yielded positive results.
If we embrace one Nigeria and treat people equally I bet Nigeria would be far better than this
Chuwku gozie unu
Human Being
All of u blabbing, how many of u have really seen the film?
Nothing like Nigeria film and video censors board pls it's National film and video censors board. Segun pls check ur facts
This hausa woman release dat film o,let me watch better thing,let it Muslim brothers be there fooling themselves
You guys are not making any sense. So with all these unrest everywhere, you still want a movie that will cause confusion to be released. So that BH can kill more people. Use your chicken brain.
Who told you that the movie will spark a riot? The fact that the Hausas are killing everybody is on the news everyday, why is their not roits.
The story of Biafra is part of our History and must be told so dat we can learn our mistakes. It is wrong to suppress the story just bcos a cross section of the country doesn't want their atrocities exposed.
I care less
Hmmmmmm.. Inyanga dey sleep..!!
The tension is going to increase. We have lived in falsehood for long. Others are just seeing what Ojukwu saw 40 years back.
Biafra Story is part of our History and must be told and taught.
No we won't! How does that benefit us? Just to put money in the pockets of ... Don't belittle #bring our girls back. You should be ashamed of yourself!
Oh shut up Gay !!
Is that u my dear chimamanda? I understand how u feel dear...this shows u that doing business in naija is as good as walking on a naked high tension wire...wish u luck dear
That old witch sld pls release our dear Chimamnda's project or fuck d hell off!!!.... By @successralu
What is wrong with these people anyway? How does something everyone has read and know about stir violence? Release the movie o! I beg you in the name of God.
I've watched it here in the UK and the killing scene is not even near brutal. It is hinted at rather than being graphic. So really, their reason for not showing it is silly.
Release the movie biko. The genocide committed between 1967 and 1970 has not been equalled. Not even BH. No need to fret since we want to bury our heads in the sand. Just buy the book (not a pirated copy) and read it.
@ angie cape or wat eva ur cal urself mind ur language. Dis is not a blog where u can rant or say nonsense abt oda ppl.
Hmm I think its even better we watch dat movie even along de streets. I'm sure it will stair us Eastern up we do move up with guns to the North and End this whole bullshit.
Haba we go run for de Northerners?
Dat movie is needed now.... I wonder how families are burying dia love ones just killed by BH.
Biko release dat movie now or.....?
The letter 'C' in NFVCB stands for 'Censors'. So it will be in order if the film is being censored by the Board. National interest is paramount and therefore our reactions should be devoid of other sentiments, ethnic or otherwise. If the film contains the true and unbiased position of things, it should be allowed to be aired at the time considered appropriate to enable Nigerians, born and unborn, to know the true story told by a Nigerians. We should not wait for foreigners to tell us our own story.
Vintage Naija. We NEVER encourage our own. Why did they wait till the last minute to pull the plugs. So if this insurgency continues for ten yrs like in Iraq ( God forbid!) The film won't be released? Segun please call others to join u in this campaign #releasehalfofayellowsun chikena!
Pls how is this movie going to cause any more havoc and civil unrest in nigeria than already is?
My opinion: the release of HOAYS will if anythin cuz a rethink in the minds of the nigerian populace (except maybe for affiliates of BH) the movie portrays our past as a country and any right thinking man will not want a repeat of that civil unrest as this country may not be able to survive anoda civil war. I don't see any reason y a movie with actual moral lessons shuld not be released whilst movies dat tend to promote incest, social and moral decadence are being released on daily basis.
Are things not already happening? is it because of the movie they are happening......
you cannot run away from your past, if anything, you learn from it and in that way , learn not to repeat the mistakes....
if you may know, the insurgents and terrorists carrying out these evil acts are not going into the cinemas to watch movies..
silly, Censors board
What is your own. Dream killers how? Before you do a movie you have to research. Nigeria does not talk about the civil way not even as history in schools. Normal small talk we get tribalistic. Abi they tried putting it at the Toronto film festival but they had to pull it out cos people were not buying the whole slave movies this yr.
Shut ur trap asshole! My guess is...u r in lag or in any oda state dat hasn't felt d impact of BH! Dts why u can stay wherever u r and vomit such nonesense. Ewu Gambia!!!
Dnt mind d vagabond,u r likening 200 missing girls to d release of a movie, u shud rlly be ashamed of ur sef. Anu ofia!!!
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