Well, it seems the school wants to make every student, whether involved in the riot or not to pay for damages caused that day. In a text message sent to students yesterday, Caleb University asked male students to pay N100k and female students to pay N50k. Part of the text sent out below...
Is the school right to ask students to pay for damages?CUL Parents and Students are hereby notified that school resumes Mon, June 2. Exams start Mon, June 9. Male students are to pay N100,000.00 while the female would pay N50,000.00 by Bank Draft to offset damage to school property. Balance of Sch. fees should be paid into (account details). No student would be allowed into the University premises without evidence of payment of school accompany each student with a letter of undertaking to be of good behavior.
Hahahaha...a lesson to others
D damage done was too much! They shud pay.. Dis will serve as lesson to odas!
Stupid...only in Nigeria
Yes Linsweet. Bt the amount is much----C21
What kinda jamb question is dis Linda asking??? Of course they have to pay for d damages of their recklessness and stupid behaviour. Abi is it d school u expect to foot d bill 4 d damages??? Mscheww, stupid children. And as d Bible says "when d sinners are suffering, d righteous also will partake in it' - para phrased. So all d students must pay d money.
OMG 100k? Na wha o. I don't think this is proper. ⌣̊┈̥-̶̯͡»̶̥♡thanks ⌣̊┈̥-̶̯͡»̶̥
Are the students right to destroy the school's property? Is the school not insured? Why should males pay 100k and females 50k? Is it a crime to be a guy?
before nko who will pay for Linda?they were senseless to hhave protested violently.now its their education that was put on hold and their parents pockets would be less now because of stupidity and immaturity.All they know is how to tell people not to say shit and trash.please linda pray for me, its my birthday and I am truly grateful to God Almighty. LIBERS please thank God for my life and HBD to everybody born today.God bless you all.#chris(girl)
The School should fish out those who destroyed the properties. You can't just impose 100k/50k on a Guy/Girl who didn't take part in the so called destruction. It doesn't makesense at all!
Linda Biko.. Do you want to help the school fix what the students damaged?! Abi who is meant to pay??! It's a bit too much tho.. Should have been 50/25..
They are right joor..when humans decide to act like animals they shld pay..they damaged a lot of tinz,they shld pay.......................#King
Yes they are. Protests are meant to be peaceful and not destructive. I schooled in OAU and no matter how bad the protest gets, students never engage in destruction of properties because every bit of our campus sacred. Although there was this one time things got out of hand in November 2004, but as far as I know, that's the only time.
Lol.. This school are so wicked but thats the only way the student could pay for the damages but mehn the money too much they should reduce it a little bit...
The students have to pay.... In 2008 students where asked to pay in unn after der own riot buh 100k is too much tho
Yes they have to pay for d damages they caused. When aggrived,they should hav laid they complaints in a civilized manner instead of behaving lk touts.
Of course d school is right. If they hadn't destroyed properties they wldnt have been asked to pay for them. What happens to peaceful demonstration? Must they destroy properties? Dat's d hight of it. They re in an academic environment they shuld have acted more civilized nt like touts.
Before nko who will pay? That's how it's done even when I was in in school we paid for riots and also brought letters signed by our local govt and parents promising not to do it again. And this was for every student involved or not and that was even a public uni with a lot of students the charge was not as high as this tho.
Serves them right next time they will face their books instead of destroying property.
The only thing they can do is negotiate the amount and that depends on their population, extent of damage and what they have signed up for in the admission letter, rules and regulations etc. next time they will carry placards and protest quietly.
Violence doesn't solve problems little kids use your heads, write to your VC form a student council and if they don't agree, leave the school, it's not by force.
The school should make provision for sports for these children of they don't have already be like say they get too much energy.
Hell no!!!! If they can't get the students involved to pay that's dia damn biz. Why this silly unwise act sef. Ibere rada rada
Yes.the students should pay for the damages.
This is what happens when you go to primary university in the name of school,I don't blame the authorities after all they didn't force any of them to their school,if you don't like the way they run the things around there leave the school for them LOBATAN.
Linda! Linda! Linda! That second picture is from bowen university's riot. Not caleb. U've mixed it up my dear. And I know that cos I attend bowen.
Dah, it is too much Mbok, M/F should pay the same amount, but if they should go by paying different amount for damages, Boys should pay 25k and girls 12k for damages
Every 1 add me up am so bored + am in for a chat @facebook name is #blessing supergal paul
Why won't they pay for the damages? Who will pay for it? Next time they should do a peaceful protest, people need to learn that nothing good comes from violence !
Serves them right. A peaceful protest would have just been perfect.
The school is right..there is no harm in carrying out peaceful protest.in 2009 when something similar happened in UNN,we all paid reparation fee,and am sure we all paid..next tym u can protest in a peaceful way without hurting a fly..safe trip as u return back to school and Goodluck in your forth coming exams to all d students concerned..
Wat happened to gender equality? Y will females pay half of wat d guys are paying? Outrightly wrong!!!
AhhHhhhh that's too much na...-in 2009 when we did riot in my sch,we paid 8k for damages.
Oh yes it is next time they wont try it
Ofcourse the school is right to ask the students to pay for Damages. Its a lesson for them to learn how to channel their anger next time. How did destroying cars and other school property help their plight? Some should even be expelled.
Is that a question???
When riot happens, and school properties are damaged, the students will definitely pay. Its not something to be debated on.
When school properties were damaged in my school, June 12. We all paid, just that it wasn't this expensive.. 100k is just tooooo much..
B4!! No b dem spoil am. Next tym de will consult their medulla oblongata b4 rampaging.
Bt d fee shld b priced properly ,100k for each male n 50k for female is too much,except dey are only 20 in d school. Thieves!
Ojai says" they have to pay. This is becos, no one will be able to identify the main culpits to this havoc. So the best antitode to this malady is to ask all students to pay. But for that amount, it's really on the high side though. B etter still, it will teach them a bitter lesson never to play with the school authority again.
Yes dey are na,irrespective of who or wat caused the riot.dey will pay.datz the same tin dat happened in uniuyo.the all paid.NKY
The school is soooo right. This will make them control their anger and be of good behaviour next time. Morever the school shouldn't be the bear the consequences off their own action.
what do you expect, but 100k much sha..
Actually the school has a right to make the students pay for the damaged properties. But in my opinion I think 100 n 50k are way too high to.make them pay for the damaged properties. I remember back in 2003 or 2004 in uniben wen we had d Obey Rasaq riot send d sch made everybody pay 1k each upon resumption. But 100k is still a lot of money biko.
Of course! Why won't they pay? Were they not the ones that caused the damage? Its time for them to take responsibility for their actions... I'm jst sorry for the innocent ones that will have to pay and suffer from the result of other ppl's madness...
The school is right but the ammount is too much..... 10 to 15k is enough...
I agree tht they shld pay for damages so next time dey wldnt b so fast to detroy schl ppties, thr's sometin called peaceful protest
Why would dey pay 100k that's too much . 10 k 20k ahn ahn
u see what anger can cause? I pray they settle the matter amicably
Truthfulness pays!
Yes it is right,unaab also does dt many yrs ago...bt will only pay 10,000 naira only! 10%of 100k.lol
Good nd fine..........dats d normal thing wenever a violence protest takes place even d innocent ones will pay 4 damages same happened in my skul (UNN) in my 100l
Yes is d school right 2 ask student 2pay 4 damages whenever there's violent protest but 100/50k is extremely 2much plss o d school authority should ve a rethink abeg wia poor man pikin wan get such amount? *fashionista LeOnOrA*
OF COURSE NOT. Are they mad? What happened to insurance? So what of those that paid their school fees beginning of term? If they don't have 100k to pay now they can't write exams? I pity Nigeria. Waste of a beautiful country
It is right to ask them to pay. This is the normal practice in civilized institutions. It will teach them to be responsible. If they don't pay the school will withhold their certificates.
YES they bloody well should!
Or face prosecution (which is
what happened to those student
rioters in London)
How daft of them to trash the very
institution they are relying on for
Yes i agree they should pay for damages.
You don't go about destroying things because you are angry.
There is something called peaceful demonstration and violence does not solve anything.
lol so how much d vice chancellor go pay how much d lecturers go pay becos dey all contributed to the mayhem d student should resist this rubbish if the school insist then dey should bring out the modalities of their calculation in arriving at the said fee.
the vice chancellor should tell the student the total estimate of the destruction and not just fix a price that he likes of course him and the bursar na dem go chop the moni thieves.
D money is tooo much jare.. dey nw wan to make profit frm deir loss.. mtchew
Only an idiot didn't see this coming.
Bt I tot they issued a statement dat d ladies wer nt involved in d fyt so y askin dem to pay.. dis schl needs money. . D amt is tooo much
The amount is meant to be punitive not a token.
What utter rubbish! Insurance for students being violent and disruptive? Crazy!
I dnt suport d studnts for the riot, bt comin to tink of it isnt dat a lil' too harsh. D school authorities nid to do sumtin abt it cos I see anoda riot right around d corner. #funny face
I pity Nigeria! Our youths are becoming violent and unruly!
Wait...now that's bullshit, hw can u ask all d student to pay such an amount...thats not fair.
So just because they have insurance, And does that give them the right to destroy the school properties? Yeye dey smell for your head @Asampokoto pls set your house on fire bcos u have insurance. Rubbish guy promoting violence .
Insurance is not a license to misdemeanor... Peaceful protests are what we want in this society
D muslims should pay higher*LOL! I can't go to a muslim school,u went to a xtian school wat do u expect*
Next time the riot, the shud do it properly, make sure it's razed to the ground...nuclear fuckin wipeout, im talking halocaust...that way every body fuckin loses
How come you ve not said anything about OAU Fees Hike*
Y'all re getting me angry with ur answers. Why shuld dey punish innocent students because of their wrong doings? And btw if at all they want to make everyone pay....dt amount is jst on d max. Wtf!! It shows d kinda of skul dt is
Let's look at this. Few re guilty, most are innocent. The school should have an insurance policy that will cover some cost. That doesn't mean the students will go unpunished. But time @ home for private school students esp d innocent is one punishment, and maybe paying some amount another. But 50-100k is also as good as destruction of pple's finances and school's financial integrity. My view!
Cos u did it doesn't mean its right.in a developed country d students responsible should b found out nd made to pay.with all d money being made y wont dr b cctv cameras to find out d perpetrators
Very right. Violence was not the right action to take. A peaceful protest would have solved the issue. And I believe the school management is within their right to demand payment. Next time - they will think twice before destroy properties. #Iwa Apa#
Abeg, why do Nigerians always talk like fools?? like one person rightly said wasnt the school insured??? please stop being ignorant. plus what is all the boys pay 100 girls pay 50, if you want to fine them do so. All these rubbish universities with boys hostel and girls hostel mscheww
Ode. Because females were not involved. Oloyinbo...talmbout "out rightly wrong".
This Linda sef. Na who go pay before ? So the school should pay for the damages made by students ?
Nigerians are funny, they do not like to dance to a tune they started. They should be made to pay for what they destroyed. It's just sad the innocents will also be made to pay too...but that's the way it is.
Even students in public universities are more cultured, they know better than to destroy the school properties. When was the last time you heard anything like this in government uni?
fuc**n right dey shuld pay. HML to KimYe
Its cuz d gals didn't take part in it
Tnk u.......I second dat
Exactly.. Don't mind the yeye school looking for more money
That's the right thing u damage u pay enough of this nonsense jungle justice approach moreover its a private university an am sure if it was a Muslim institution the won't tolerate Christian gathering within school premises cos it will betray the essence of the university in the first place cos even in govt school up north the dont condone fellowship in bordering houses or within school premises.....
The money is too small considering the damage done. Too bad
When a woman becomes even governor in Nigeria then ill agree that Nigerians tke gender equality seriously. ----C21
The money is 2 much...Wat kinda rubbish is all Dix...so after I pay #50k..i'll write letter...we 4 Don burn d school..then we will know we r paying 4 damages...mtcheew..i was expecting 25k @ worst...smh...Mr olukoju na wa 4 u o...u want 2 make more profit than ur loss..well done
With the kind of english u speak, all I can say is chai! There is God oooooo
In a situation like this how will the innocent people be singled out? Everyone will claim to be innocent so it's best to punish them all, and just because the school has an insurance does not give d students right to be destructive and same applies to everyone u won't destroy your property simply bcos u have insurance btw insurance company won't just write u a claims settlement cheque on the spot without going through proper procedures which might take like forever and at d end it might not even be settled so who bears d cost? Abeg make them pay, next time they will learn to manage situations.
It's not about how u or anyone feels, it's just about them taking responsibility for their actions .case closed
So cos ur parents cant afford it.poor nan child.
They should pay.
Since dey can't figure out d ppl dat damaged d skul properties all d students av to pay 4 d damages
This school *are* so wicked.
No way... its very wrng. Studts shldnt pay pls
if u guys happened to b in the skool den u will know it was worth it, a skool which a security man is allowed to slap or beat up students and a skool dat students aint allowed to speak for der right,a skool dat is proud of making students fail all for it been called a xian uni....u guys should ve asked y d great damage by students and wat happened why were dey so vexed we all ve rights to fight,if we dont fyt dat way caleb will never b a place to enroll ur child into,no water in the skool nufin,we just paying 505000 for going to skool on cooperate wear n going to church a skool dat goes to church more dan classes is dat called a skool....fink abt it
Na wa for some of these glorified secondary schools. Every opportunity is for making money. Permit me to add that universities in the east and west are not any better when it comes to extortion. I schooled in the North and one time such thing happened, no one was asked to pay a dime. 100,000? Please do they want to construct new school biko kwanu.
lol.... you must be frustrated of been a guy, how many female student do you think joined the riot
All these responses about let them pay to learn their lessons. I want to ask Una ebeg, is the money coming from students pockets or their parents. Let us define what we call punishment and if a school as that does not know sound judgment, then they are not fit to be classified as one. Biko punish the perpetrators and leave the innocent out.
The should pay dey went too far
Linda,stop making ds issue luk lyk it wz a muslim dt caused it.It aint fresh @ all....nawa o,c hw dey turned University students into Secondary Sch boarders..Lol,dey av 2 bringdre bank draft b4 dey wld b allowd in2 d sch premises.O ga o #MEDILAG 4 life
Na wa o, make dem pay 100k and girls that didn't even go out should pay 50k, is that money to complete their incompleted buildings or what? That is too much even though they forgot to insure their school in case of protest....
Lol.....real rubbish
Too much
Unfortunately the school is right - Application of injustice to one is injustoce to all in reverse is required here - who will be held responsible if not?Next time they will warn one another to refrain from stupid behaviour because if they ask people to call out offendes as witnesses some of the may do it maliciously just to get off the hook. It's unfair but all we can say is sorry
For students to go that wild it is obvious that the university is not impacting knowledge on the students. Mind you whatever amount you tell the students to pay, the burden is on the parents and not the children.
For students to go that wild it is obvious that the university is not impacting knowledge on the students. Mind you whatever amount you tell the students to pay, the burden is on the parents and not the children.
Agreed, there was damage to property & it was done by students. But, why ask everyone to pay for the crimes of few. That's cruel & unusual punishment.
Had a friend back in school that was made to pay for a crime he didn't commit. He made sure he covertly destroyed property worth much more than said amount before graduating.
Na me for pay? No be person wey destroy go pay or which kain yeye queshion Linda dey ask?
I you vandalize school property all in the name of riot..... omo na gobe o. u go sha pay! was a victim in while in secondary school when we had a riot of such. kids would still be kids why destroy properties when you would be surcharged and even create avenue for some of these greedy men to exploit your parents?
It's one thing to pay such amount even if u didn't participate but dat amount is too much d skul wld b making an estimate of 150million nd dats just not fair
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