George Zimmerman found not guilty in shooting death of Trayvon Martin | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog





Sunday, 14 July 2013

George Zimmerman found not guilty in shooting death of Trayvon Martin

After a five week trial, George Zimmerman has been found not guilty of second-degree murder and manslaughter in the shooting death of 17 year old Trayvon Martin. Zimmerman shot Trayvon dead on the night of February 26, 2012, in Sanford, Florida, after a confrontation.

The jury concluded that George killing Trayvon was justifiable as he feared for his own life. The not guilty verdict is pissing a lot of black folks off. See some of their reactions on Twitter after the cut...


★★PRINCE CHARMING™★★ said...

About this case I would be complacent with a manslaughter verdict but a not guilty verdict? Like seriously??? SMH!

fungi said...

God is the better judge :( may his soul rip :(

Folu said...

And we wonder what's wrong with this world.. M so so sad...ds week shld end alrdy plsss...

Baby G said...

And we wonder what's wrong with this world.. M so so sad...ds week shld end alrdy plsss...

Anonymous said...

Its sad that this level of injustice would still be allowed in this age. I'd take a cue from john grisham's time to kill and and ask any of that jury to imagine it was their child who got murdered in cold blood by that dolt. Its just a sad verdict. God rest trayvon

Unknown said...

This is so sad...they're paving ways for other whites to kill blacks and go scot free when I thought the days of rascism was actually over.

Anonymous said...

Oh well I always knew d fat mo***ker would go free last week it was Al mustafa now it's dis fat fool der is definitely an issue wit the world's judiciary system not just 9ja its err where now! Na Only God fit punish am cos d law has failed us already The end is here already!

Unknown said...

This is really bad for the entire black race, just wondering what the family should be passing through at this point

Anonymous said...

Best believe he a dead man! *first to comment*

Anonymous said...

N dey say racism is dead! A few wks ago in d same florida a BLACK woman ws sentenced 2 20yrs in prison 4 firin WARNING shots @ her ex husband who came 2 her place threatening her lyf. Y didn't d stand ur ground law apply 2 her????? A fat fuck shoots a 17 year old unarmed kid dead n claims he feared 4 his lyf! Wat utter crap. No justice in dis world I swear. Dat guy shld knw he's a dead man sha. Verdict or nt!

Anonymous said...

So sad!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

This not so fair... Injustice 2 d black race yet they we are one

Anonymous said...

Linda glee star Finn Husdson is dead!

Anonymous said...

Still in shock that Zimmerman walked away completely free. America needs to change gun laws.

Anonymous said...

A yes 4 me!!!!empty 5 clip in his fat face ass!!!!

xtinexxx said...

Datz racicm for u

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

1st to comment......

Anonymous said...

No country does a better job of tearing down the self esteem of black kids more than the U.S. The poverty of positive expectations remains on empty.We should thank god that our parents as nigerians were fortunate enough to be raised in countries that, in spite of having materially less, surrounded them with more positive expectations. Nigerians outside the U.S. have no idea what it's like to fight the continuing battle of deflecting the arsenal of low expectations this country has on black children that are raised here.Just remember the cost your black kids have to pay when thinking you've liberated them when raising them in the US, UK or elsewhere. There's still a price to pay ....miss B

Nana Benz said...

A 4 yrs old Caucasian girl called my friend's 10 yrs old son the N word at school. so, black youths in the US tends to act aggressively in this racist coountry. sadly, the "it takes a village to raise a child" don't work here. we just have to thread lightly.

Anonymous said...

Hehe...Linda! Where are all your fans who like to comment? Seems to me the only things that attract them are nude and nasty photos like the one about Big Sean. Please keep doing what you need to do and let the hypocrites keep talking.

Anonymous said...

Like kanye said....'Racism is still alive, they are just concealing it'. Its typical in this case and it wld go on and on.

Dr. Xman said...

this is capital BULLSHIT!!!!! if zimmerman was black and trayvon martin was white...this case would have ended since last year!!! na death sentence we for dey talk now!!!!
how can u stalk an unarmed teenager and shoot him and still go free!!!! this is a child for Godsake!!! Thunder go fire zimmerman for road..nonsense

Anonymous said...

This is all forms of wrong!!! said...

It has officially become a crime to be walking while being black!!!! I better not see dis dude ever ever! I see him anywhere, imma clip his ass!! WTF mehnnn!

Naija una too much, coffee wey i dey drink hia comot my nose as i see dis!

Anonymous said...

Dis is rubbish ..... Dat means his free 2 kill anyone again ....... Na wa 4 dis oyinbo pple oooooo

Kunle Martins said...

I'm sure his definitely not gonna live least, not in the US.

Anonymous said...

This is just sad.

Anonymous said...

Fucking injustice so sad

Anonymous said...

Al-Mustapha was set free as well so injustice is a global phenomenon

Anonymous said...

Only God knows what was on his mind when he shot the little boy. The family of the boy should take heart.

Anonymous said...

Da Black Race.....Hmmmmmmm.....This White Folks Re Freakin Insane....Rubbish....This Murderer Has Bn Freed? God Hlp The Black Man!!!!

Unknown said...

Now that's 1 lucky man


Ooooooooooo puleeease, black ppl kill diaselvs evryday in drive bys n shoot-outs n make platinum records out of it. Bt in d case of a white man it wil b called racism. Y'al need to put an end to gangsterism n gun preachin.
Comment Signed, Sealed n Delivered by DatShapIboBoy

Sean Manuel said...

Only the people that haven't been paying attention are surprised by this verdict. So many people are just too foolish to understand anything more complicated than a hotdog in boiling water. Zimmerman was going to get away with murder under the twisted State of Florida "stand your ground law" My prayers are with the Martins Family.

Unknown said...

Pure racism from †Ñ’ξ us government

Anonymous said...

Well we are living in a world where killings is daily routine for some people .....RIP Trayvon Martin

Anonymous said...

IT Took them 44 days to arrest Zimmerman this shows that he was going to walk free.the lengthy trial was simply protocol.#sad

Anonymous said...

I saw this coming watching the court proceeding. It's totally unfair nd pure injustice

Anonymous said...

Dis unacceptable!!!! Zimmerman u will b haunted!!!!

Anonymous said...

Black woman gets 20yrs for firing a warning shot. Non cop gets away free for stalking n killing a boy. Nice job America.

Anonymous said...

Black woman gets 20yrs for firing a warning shot. Non cop gets away free for stalking n killing a boy. Nice job America.

Anonymous said...

Shoot a white kid get life. Shoot a black kid. Sorry for coming to court buddy your free to go

Vanessa said...

I'm ashamed to call central Florida home. What did we expect from an all white jury? If it was a black man that killed a white teen, the story would've been different.
Yet, Central florida is the one place you can kill a child and walk away free #Zimmerman #CaseyAnthony

Anonymous said...

Racist judgement.when a blackman paints his wall or bash a white womans car he goes to jail.

Cherykoko said...

I bet if Zimmerman were a black man, his ass would be in jail right now. Now that he's pronounced not guilty, he can walk around popping bullets into unarmed kids and he wud still go Scott free. This is INJUSTICE!

Anonymous said...

Racism in this country.... Very sad.

Anonymous said...

This is really unfair. That poor unharmed innocent boy gone like dat, stil no justice. America una fall my hand dis tym oh. Ellyice

Anonymous said...

This is so sad. How will the parents of this Lil boy make sense of this? Can't keep my tears in.

Anonymous said...

WTF.......If he was black and d Victim was white mayb,just mayb d verdict wld ve bin differnt..Wldnt b suprised if dis Zimmerman turns up dead.#runs2hide#

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

This is a world where people live above the same, not a surprise its the same everywhere even in the same said america..this is jungle justice, fuck america! and GOD help AFRICA!!!

mike said...

dis is really sad, let the black fight for their right, my prayer to the trayvon martin family

Anonymous said...

Reality Check!! America is still WHITE despite having a black man in the whitehouse!

Anonymous said...

I am very very sure theyl kill him soon...and mercilessly too.

Anonymous said...

Now in d world dat wen u kill dog u ar guilty but human being not guilty God bless America

Anonymous said...

In the voice of my dear uncle ruckus, oh hallelujah praise d lord, d white race has won again. George Zimmerman is free, oh hallelujah. Dis niggas can't hold us back.

Anonymous said...

Its not only black people that are angry, some blacks are happy too. The case is not about race but rather about what's right or wrong. The fact that people are making the case about race is just stupid.

dudette said...

I'm not in support of violence but in zimmerman's case I'll make an exception! The americans know better,shoot him and claim works all the time!

Anonymous said...

This is so unfair...

Unknown said...

My advise is that he should relocate and do a plastic surgery or get body guards if not he would receive jungle justice, also no one would employ him and he is as good as dead, but then Again, God forgives all Sins. Happy sunday

Cweamy said...

Like seriously....can't believe this shit am hearing. George is so guity of the crime and they let him go like that, now I see the Americans are really cheats and haters of blacks. Stupid assholes. Continue to rest in peace Treyvon martin

Anonymous said...

Na wa ooo. And they jailed a boy for supposedly terrorist comments on facebook. And they call it a justice system.

Anonymous said...

What were we expecting? Those f***ing rac**t would definitely not have given a verdict of guilty on a white community policeman who shot dead a black little boy.... That would have been possible if the reverse was the case....WTF

Anonymous said...

Not surprised. Amerikkka still racist.

bitchplis said...

So sad,life of an innocent lil boy snuffed away just like dat...I like d post of dat guy dat gave out Zimmerman's addy 'u know wat to do'...

Anonymous said...

This is not new...kill a whiteman n see what happen.only God knw wat d word (law)stand 4 n pple dat make it,

dat ghen ghen guy said...


Segun said...

This is just sickening! I mean this is injustice of the highest order. They call it a profession but its all glorified lies and bollocks!

RIP Trayvon Martin. Could of been anyone.

debola said...


Anonymous said...

Racism......white vs black is always like that

Daeziie said...

Absoute nonsense.
America is a doomed nation. Allowing other things (i.e. racial prejudice) influence their decision and they won't even attempt to conceal it. How else do you explain an innocent, unarmed boy being killed and someone who clearly premeditated the killing walks away freely because he claims 'self defence'? Defence against what? Another being black?? This will clearly resort in violence and Zimmerman will be killed and you can't blame whoever does it. Matter of fact that person should walk away free too.

Anonymous said...

Kill an animal and get your ass behind bars,kill a white and u r a black.u r so gone but if a white kills a black is gonna get freed.RIP trayvon martin.wut a cruel world we live in.

Anonymous said...

Its so disgusting how the american judicial system hasn't stepped up beyond racial discrimination of blacks.u kill a white guy u r guilty bt u kill a nigga u can walk #RipTrayvon

Anonymous said...


oyinda said...

Like seriously he is found not guilty? What was a jury filled with white red necks and a poverty stricken hispanic idiot going to say?? We all talk about how America is a country for all but racism would never depart from that cursed could a 17yrs old unharmed boy overpower a stupid fat smelly white trash who looks like a living burger? Racism still lives on and the moment blacks begin to accept it then would we not be disappointed by the alm of "justice"....writing this with tears flowing from my eyes because after the slavery blacks went through and loosing their lives to fight for their freedoms, the red necks still do not see them as been free and they come to Africa where they are worshipped as demi-gods cause of the color of their skin as a matter of fact a "white man" has more rights than Africans even in their own continent, how shameful can that get? I am a proud racist and I never spare any white asshole the rot of my mouth because if its left to them blacks would be extinct by now....#RIPTRAYVORMARTIN#

Unknown said...

All this I have seen, and there was an applying of my heart to every work that has been done under the sun,[during]the time that man has DOMINATED man to his INJURY...Ecclesiates 8:9

Shepherd said...

Racist America,I've been posting #justice for Trayvon on so many blogs to the point that faggotish Perez Hilton stopped posting my comments.
I knew the trial was gonna end in favor of the Zimmerman camp after his bloody waste gash attorney put up that show with the mannequin,did anyone notice how the fucking jury reacted to it?
Micheal Vick,an African American, was sentenced to 23months in prison,his crime?he knew people who organized dog fights.
Zimmerman,a white jack ass neighborhood watchman,shoots a 17year old kid in cold blood and walks Scot free...shame on the American legal system,shame on Gun laws,shame on Florida police department.

NEVAEH said...

I'm so sad abt this!I live in florida and all blacks here r angry!everybody here wearing their huddies we know that G-zimmerman killed trayvon bcs he's black.I feel so much for sabrina trayvon's mom#zimmermanis guilty

truth said...

This white people see black men as a half human because if it happened to be otherwise, trayyvon martins would have been in jail by now..RACIAL PROBLEM....but God is the best judge. Zimmerman and his secret cult useless white people will surely meet their untimely death very soon.

Anonymous said...

Well said folks, Blacks don't stand a chance, if it were a white boy killed by a black man, he will be sentenced to death by lethal injection. I feel sorry for Martins family

Chikaka said...

Beyond reasonable doubt being the operative sentence. I knew it would come to this. The same Florida that found Casey Anthony not guilty. Horribly sad.

Shepherd said...

And isn't this the most appropriate time for the elite African Americans from congressmen to the likes of Oprah and even rappers like Jay z,Diddy,50cent,Lil' "junkie" Wayne(who are perhaps the most influential),preachers,actors and athletes to speak in one voice?demanding justice for TM?
Of course,they aren't gonna make any money from it,its not like its a presidential campaign so why would they give a Chinese rats' ass? Bunch of hypocrites.
Thank goodness for Russell Simons,Ice Cube,Jamie Foxx and a very few others who have spoken out.
Sad day for America!


'Kill a black man, ‎​U̶̲̥̅̊ aint guilty!'...if zimmerman was black n martin's white...zimmer wuld v been found guilty since last year...linda pls paste my comment(lemme beg cos I v never seen my comment pasted)

Anonymous said...


Oppong said...

Equal justice....

Anonymous said...

I cnt bliv ds hapnd. Also cnt stop wonderin if zimmerman wud av stil shot dt guy in cold blood if he ws white. He cnt evn say it ws self defense cos trayvon neva attackd him. We jus lost one of our own again all tnks to racism. RIP trayvon.

Anonymous said...

I have a lot of friends who are different ethnicities who are amazing friend and amazing people. It not about Race there a lot of white people who wanted justice for Trayvon just as much as us black I just don't fink every white person should be in the category of a killer. The focus here is a child life was lost and regardless of the person who did it. My prayers are with Martin family

Anonymous said...

I have a lot of friends who are different ethnicities who are amazing friend and amazing people. It not about Race there a lot of white people who wanted justice for Trayvon just as much as us black I just don't fink every white person should be in the category of a killer. The focus here is a child life was lost and regardless of the person who did it. My prayers are with Martin family

Anonymous said...

Stop lying to yourself thank God you were raised in Nigeria? Biggest joke. Ever heard of tridalism? Alive and we'll , Black people are bottom feeders and its no bodys fault but ours . In nigeria enuff crimes unjustified please stop decieving yourself black on black crime is worse than another race on black and to justify it they say don't snitch. Do ur research b4 u talk

Anonymous said...

Y'all should calm the f down. If u read about the story and pay close attention to the evidence of the case, u would see that Zimmerman is actually not guilty.

We are all carried away because Trayvon was black. How do we know he wasn't actually attacking Zimmerman? Please.

I believe the trial was fair.

Anonymous said...

Exactly my point anonymous 1:05pm. The Zimmerman might actually be innocent, he might have shot the kid in self defense. No one was there except the two of them and God. Everyone is just acting out and being blinded by racism, by the fact that he is white and the kid was black. It's very possible Zimmerman is innocent and if convicted another innocent man would be convicted due to ignorance. Lets all be calm and ask ourselves what if Zimmerman is actually innocent.

May God help us all.

peemonny said...

Linda add my comment na wetin!!!!!

Kush Alabi's Blog said...

injustice world over :(

Anonymous said...

An unfair judgement off of Zimmerman's lies

Anonymous said...

What Happened to finn hudson of glee?I hope this is not true?please say its not true cos I'm watching one season now!Linda pls confirm dis story

Anonymous said...

Anonymous 1:05 shut Ur stinking ignorant mouth ... How was he going to attack him without any weapons? Did he even use his hands to hot him? U are a bloody idiot and I pray u suffer serious injustice so u know what it feels like..... Fool

Anonymous said...

Diddy spoke out too dear



Lucian said...

@anon 1:05pm, a lot of people followed the case and I did too. There were enough evidence against Zimmerman. It's is so clear; a huge 29 year old armed man killed a 16 year old unarmed teen.

DC said...

If Trayon killed Zimmerman he would've went to jail forever. So don't tell me Its not about race.

Anonymous said...

The lord will part the waves for the righteous.

Julian Faser Becker

DC said...

Sad part is all of our energy of rebellion and discontent is being filtered by fuckin social media.

DC said...

White people can kill black people and get away with it...So obvious rules are different for poor and black people.

DC said...

R.I.P. Trayvon Martin

Anonymous said...

All of u are mad!!!!!!! You guys are here judging case. All the people who are shot dead in our own country for no reason nko? Oh! They not to american enough to talk about? Not too very CNN too notice? How many american blogs carry our own deeds? None. Its not a racial issue. Its not our cup of tea. Deal with yourselves first and let the other stated deal with theirs. Hypocritical stupendous intetes!

Anonymous said...

its really not about race,someone was killed and it so happens that the person who killed him was set free.its as simple as that. Of course race plays a big role in it too there is no denying that. If you think this is bad google Emmett Till,1955 0r 2013 it doesn't matter because nothing has changed. Its really tragic.

Anonymous said...

Are we this vocal about the daily injustices we see in Nigeria? Tribalism is just as bad as racism.

staff said...

This is for all you Nigerian wanna-bes. STAY in NIGERIA, it is a LOT better there. You have no idea what it means to be BLACK in AMERICA

Anonymous said...

O, Piss off all ya off-the-bench judges, he walks home free...yeah!

Anonymous said...

Do u need Linda to confirm for u? How u found ur way to linda's blog, isn't that the same way u can confirm!? (internet!) gosh we r sooo lazy even in a world where information is at our fingertips!
Google is ur friend. E! News is your friend too!
The boy has said goodbye to the world.

Anonymous said...

Only one thing turns the table for me: "if Trayvon was white would Zimmerman had pulled that trigger?" I doubt it. SAD! "Port Harcourt Girl"

Anonymous said...

That verdict may hurt and haunt we black people for a while! But it's high time we stop playing d sympathetic victims. When OJ Simpson walked away, we rejoiced (we called his initial arrest racism!) yet dt guy was as guilty as SHIT! D law eventually caught up with him on sum unrelated matter. Now it's a black guy that's at d end of a gun barrel and we r still crying "racism". When will we stop playing the race card? We weren't there, we don't know what really happened that night, but the thing is, if Zimmerman is truly guilty somewhere down d line, he'll be clipped for a future crime. #thatswhatithink# (God never let's d guilty walk free 4 long)

Anonymous said...

Thank u! Thank u! Thank U!

Tola said...

If you think the few stuff you see on the Internet is enough to judge the fairness of the case then u must be daft. Couldn't he have scared the poor child with the gun rather than pulling the trigger to take his life? Why did he keep following him despite instruction not to? The policy of the neighborhood watch was for him to observe and inform the police who are authorized to go after such a person. Zimmerman Killed that kid and his blood is on Zimmerman regardless of the verdict of the jungle justice in America. I was skeptical about the sincerity of the Jury once I Knew all the jury were white except for one hispania.

Anonymous said...

I do not wish Zimmerman well; in fact he shall know much sorrow in his life for even though his fellow whites set him free, karma shall catch up with him in a big, big way. I do not wish any member of the jury well; they supported an evil act and shall reap accordingly. I do not wish all those (police, lawyers) who messed up the case for the prosecution well. I do not wish the prosecution team that did not take this case as seriously as they ought to have well. I do not wish any of the people that sent donations to Zimmerman for his trial costs well. They shall all be judged by the blood of Trayvon, and boy shall they reap the reward for their callous actions.

Anonymous said...

The jury ,Zimmerman and even the defense team will receive their judgement from God,as only God knows what transpired and vengeance is the Lord's.

Unknown said...

Mr Zimmerman is a creepy ass cracker.stupid judgement characterized by racism.

Anonymous said...

The jury ,Zimmerman and even the defense team will receive their judgement from God,as only God knows what transpired and vengeance is the Lord's.

Unknown said...

Anon 1:05 and Anon 1:46. I bet if Trayvon happen to be a member of your family you wouldn't leave such comment. Self defence or not it doesn't justify killing a 17yrs old, besides Zimmerman was in his car, why did he come out of his car? Why can't he wait for the police after he called them?
Killing the poor boy doesn't justify self defence at all, lets be realistic and fair, this boy was shot at close range! Haba if na ur child I'm sure you will wish Zimmerman death. RIP Treyvon, we love you but God loves you more xx

Anonymous said...

black dies white lies

Anonymous said...

Your fada! Talking nonsense there. Must I have a weapon before attacking someone? Like punches are not enough to kill a person.

Didn't u see the pictures with blood on Zimmermans face the night of the incident, he beat Zimmerman and Zimmerman shot him in self defence. Google it, you will find pictures.

Be talking rubbish there. Better get your facts right before opening your mouth. Ignorant idiot.

Anonymous said...

@DATSHAPIBOBOY u really need 2 keep quiet if u have nothing to say. The bottom line is d case is not abt rappers killing some1 and making platinum music out of it.

@1.05pm did u lfollow d case at all? Did u listen to d 911 call Zimmerman made? Did u hear him call Trayvon Martin names? Did u hear d dispatcher tell him 2 sit in his car and wait for d police 2 come and not try 2 be d police but he went ahead and followed Trayvon. He did all dis becos he (zimmerman) racial profiled Trayvon. What is a black guy doing in my neighborhood? He has no business being here so he must be up 2 no good. If ur son leaves ur house to walks to d store 2 buy some Skittles and a drink and d next thing u hear is that he was shot dead by a wanna be cop then u might know how it really feels to be a member of d Martin family. What makes u think Trayvon might not have feared for his own life too when he noticed some1 was following him? I leave in Miami Fl and even the Spanish people think they r better than d blacks talk more of these white folks. We all have a right to our own opinion, but we need to be more sensitive sometime about what we say or write. An innocent life was lost here for no damn reason. #justicefortrayvonmartin#riptrayvon#

Anonymous said...

Soo sad
for some different n fun entertainment,pls visit thankss

Anonymous said...

Zimmerman is a vigilante and should be punished for it.

Anonymous said...

@ staff, who ferried you to America? Face your lot and don't beef Nigerians, who come around "your country" often.

Anonymous said...

If una don tire 4 d oppression make una come back home, space still dey here mtcheew who send una go there? Wonder y sum1 will leave 9ja where u can make loads of illegal cash via 419, bunkering etc & go abroad 2 be paying 53% of ur income as tax excluding power, water bills & mortgage. HRH Igwe DapperJack 1 of Las Vegas

Anonymous said...

Tackle hate is, what u should do. Even in ur families hate has induced someone to kill his brother. Give ppl the word of GOd for it alone is the instrument for salvation and end to hate.

Anonymous said...

God dey....

Anonymous said...

Just imagine if it was a black guy that killed an 17 year old unarmed white boy! I'm sure the jury would need less than 1 hour to find him guilty! Just a shame! A real shame!

Anonymous said...

Trayvon was an innocent man just walking. Then a Hispanic profiled him because he was black and looked like the other people who had broken into houses in the area. Then Trayvon busted out his Ebonics, got all offended that he was profiled and started talking shit. He got the upper hand and then he died. If you fools would learn how not to sound like thugs by learning how to speak appropriate English then non-blacks wouldn't assume all blacks that sound like thugs are thugs. Had Martin said, "Excuse me, can I help you?" he wouldn't have been shot. But instead he said, "Wat chu followin me fo?" Then he got aggressive like a thug and Zimmerman felt threatened. Be the change you want to see instead of perpetuating stereotypes that make scared individuals like Zimmerman feel the need to profile you and see what you are up to.

Anonymous said...

Is Zimmerman trying to say trayvvon could have beaten him? Did he search him to find him in possession of a weapon? How the hell could he have pleaded self defence with that innocent little kid? But hayyy Negros need to chill out, not every 'white man wins the black case' should be categorized under racism! ....BeeA

Anonymous said...

we should all know that the justice system is not absolute,this has nothing to do with profiling of blacks,but the main problem is the justice system,if you have a good lawyer,you can get away with anything.i pray this family find it in thier heart to try and forgive and pray thier loved one is resting with the Lord in a far better place where justice,truth and love abides.lets take a lesson from micheal jacksons /OJ Simpsons and many more to understand it is not about profiling black people but a failed system.

Anonymous said...

Human Emotions/Sentiments vs Logic. Reading most of these comments, I see the same mindset that had the ALUU 4 killed. Everyone is a Judge, everyone wants what they believe is 'justice', without actually following the case,or understanding the details of the case.


Anonymous said...

Well said but Zimmerman who is a neighbourhood watch could have said hello introduce himself as a watch and asked what Trayvon was doing and how he can help him.

Unknown said...

So we all know racism is alive and well and what are the blacks doing abt it? We are still kissing the ass of the whites! Here in Naija, when the average Nigerian businessman, manages to make some money, he wld rather employ one trashy white wit a school cert than a Nigerian with a Masters degree and all becoz of complex! The same way we fall over ourselves to talk to a whiteman in this day and age!
Our leaders, politicians and civil servants in all sectors, prefer to run down the country, so that they can proudly tell the rest of us that their wards are schooling abroad or that they went for check up abroad.
What they neglect to mention is that to the average white, the black man is no better than an animal. The only moments they actually give u the time of the day is when u have money to pour in their economy. And Nigerians hungry for such 'supposed adulation'foolishly keep running to western nations that really want nothing to do with us! We are not tired of racism yet. When we are, we will start respecting ourselves! Mscheeeeeeeeeeeeew!

Anonymous said...

Are u dumb or foolish! So u think its alright for zimmerman to kill a young and unarmed black kid walkin in a neigborhood he is stayin in? And u compare it with OJ simpsons case? Are u that dumb? Gush!

Unknown said...

All of a sudden everyone here seems to be a criminal law expert. Too many people confuse " Justice " with " Revenge" He is free get over it

Anonymous said...

Anon 2:58....
We are all intrested because the people in USA didn't keep quiet. They wanted the world to know. The problem with us here (in 9ja) is we don't care. No one wants to speak up. We have this mentality that if it doesn't affect me, then it's not my business. Same thing with the ALU 4 incident. Aside from Linda who remembers them....most of us have forgotten. We don't care.....after awhile we stopped talking. That's why the world didn't notice. That's why the world didn't care enough to talk about them.
We are all responsible for justice, freedom and fairness. Celebs shouldn't be the only people to speak up. WE ALL HAVE A VOICE.

Anonymous said...

Most blacks know how to speak appropriate English. Ebonics is their second language(language spoken during the slave days). Please educate yourself on African-American history. Idiot!!

Anonymous said...

That's y whiteys r scared shocked when I sound more proper than them . black ppl here are honestly atrocious so glad my office has none of them

Anonymous said...

The Lord will bless you abundantly. You have sense and you are not being emotional about this issue. Black people are just as racists as white people. If the victim was white, and Zimmerman too was white, it won't even make the news but because he is black we automatically pull out the race card. it is disgusting. I don't know all the details of the case o, but I refused to read it so I don't get swayed or biased and join the whole a white man went free brigade. Obviously Zimmerman was attacked, people should forget story about Trayvorn not being armed. Women have shot rapists or their abusive partners and the man wasn't armed, so what are people talking about him not being armed. You can kill someone with your hands, you don't need a weapon. if this was a woman being attacked by a man and she shot him, she will go scot free because it was self defence. Remove race and people start thinking. Once race is involved all reasoning flies out of the window. Young back boy/men have issues. They walk around with a chip on their shoulder assuming the whole world has it in for them. They are aggressive, they incite people to act violent towards them, they have no respect, they don't speak politely. You accost them and they way they will look at you and talk to you, for someone who is racist, you have just given him excuse to kill you. My brother is in the US for Uni. Everyday na beg I dey beg am. Abeg o, if anyone accosts you, police o, fellow white people o, just be polite and walk away. Nobody has died from being polite, it won't remove anything from your body. Even if they spit on you, walk away, it is better than being shot. Don't engage them, don't look them in the eye anyhow, this is Yankee and crazy gun laws, he can shoot you now and claim self defence. He may or may not go to jail, but he will devastate your entire family. You are our only boy, don't kill our mother before she enjoys fruits of her labour o. Every time I talk to him, I mention this issue. Be respectful, even if a white man is downright rude to you or racist, just walk away. You may never see him in your life again beyond that day. Don't confront him, just walk away. Black mothers need to learn how to raise young black men right. Forget you live in a free country, don't be in the wrong place at the wrong time, there are crazy people in this world, you will just die for nothing. Heaven help those who help themselves. Yes, person wey go die, go die o, but you sef, don't put yourself in harms away. You go just die like fowl. I tell my brother this a lot.

Anonymous said...

You are a perpertual fool. Why should Zimmerman be following him in the first place? Would he even look twice or be suspicious if it were to be a white boy of the same age? I say Capital NO. So, at the end of the day, Trayvon was racially profiled...and why can't he speak Ebonics, don't you speak pidgin? English na your papa language, so we should be forced to speak correct English because the White man says so? Does the white man speak your language?

Femiluv said...

Anonymous, July 14, 2013 at 5:11 PM:

I suggest educating yourself on the history of ebonics before being so dismissive. In addition, pat yourself on the back on subscribing to a white supremacist view that the oppressed should reach out and appease the oppressor, hence maintaining their position and not taking responsibility for their actions.

Anonymous, fuck right off!

Femiluv said...

To Anonymous 11:07pm:

That has got to be the biggest load of crap ever! Black men have issues. Oh I'm sorry, I guess years of oppression perpetuated towards people of color (not just black) is supposed to be forgotten. Excuse to kill? For the color of one's skin and speaking "impolitely"? Nigerian minds like this is one of the reasons our country is so stagnant. Instead of looking at the history of colonization and racism that has contributed towards the mess that is Nigeria and many countries around the world, you keep making excuses for racist white folks. Wow!

"Young back boy/men have issues. They walk around with a chip on their shoulder assuming the whole world has it in for them. They are aggressive, they incite people to act violent towards them, they have no respect, they don't speak politely. You accost them and they way they will look at you and talk to you, for someone who is racist, you have just given him excuse to kill you."

Anonymous said...

Every black person is a sinner,,in case you don't know,so try to respect ur self,nd act very much good,oohh blessed memory,luther de king,nelson madela,but why do we cry out?while black are killing more than blacks?but we blacks has a destinys forwards,rest in peace Trayvon Martin

Anonymous said...

@july 14,2013,at 11.07 pm,,what ever you wish martin Trayvons death you must receive nd must see in no distance time,,his death must revenge in America soon soon,the innocents blacks souls in whom was death innocently is about to revanges soon,trust me,but if he death curse of his death,let the holy perfect wills of GOd BE DONE,,REST IN PEACE TRAYVON

Anonymous said...

Anonymous 11:07
I refuse to read past d part where u said you refused to read the details of the case cos you don't want to be biased.get informed before you get on a keyboard....
You ended up racially profiling your fellow black people.
You're really a slave to white men
You're saying people should become hermits in their own country and keep hiding and avoiding white people just because they want to live?what is then the purpose of living?what is the worth of a life without freedom and happiness.yo know nothing.i find you to be an absolute coward.look how you insulted the whole black race and stereotyped them.they have no respect,they aren't well brought up.they should avoid white people..they are aggressive.and no one ever died of politeness.indeed?you think?sometimes even when you don look for trouble,trouble comes looking for you in a society that is not free.ask the victims of book haram.the only explanation for your mindset is that perhaps you grew up in apartheid south Africa n kissed white ass.

Anonymous said...

How could such an old man kill such a little baby? he is sure jobless.Sad sad sad,the guy better should hide far away from black folks,because they ain't taking this shit.That guy is heartless.

OMG!WOMAN said...

But in the same state a woman was sentenced to 20 yrs because she had a pda on her husband, he came Into the house slapped her and she fired off a warning shot, and she got 20years just for scaring him, and in this case, this boy beats this fat face up and the most he could do to escape beating was to kill him? And no one thinks this is murder, so now when someone beats you up you kill them.

OMG!WOMAN said...

@Ano 11:07 your advice is good for your only brother, atleast he will be a good boy and a coward, even if they spit on you walk away, like seriously! You're bringing slavery back gurl.

Anonymous said...

The Americans preach of Global peace everyday, if this global peace is so strong why do the whites have to kill the blacks and go free, this races questions in the minds of there still racism?

Anonymous said...

Anon 7.28, you're a really dumb fuck you know that right? If you look back at history you'll realise that black people are always crying wolf no matter what! You were not there!!! You do not know what took place that night! You only know what was cooked up in the courtroom !!! I support Anon 3:46, if Zimmerman is truly guilty, His judgement day is coming!

Anonymous said...

Anon 3:57 u are bi fool, if you don't know what to say, shut up and don't write nonsence on this blog!where u also there to know zimmerman is innocent? Dumb fuck like you, you obviously don't know the difference between what's right and wrong! Retard like you.

Anonymous said...

Are u stupid enough not to know the story of mike vick that's loosing everything because of animal, and u are openin ur gutter mouth to say black people crying wolf! God punish you anywhere you are today for this comment! If its your brother that was killed that way, will you write this nonsence u just wrote? Dumb fool,Godforsaken idiot

Anonymous said...

What exactly is your point???

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